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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 689 KB, 628x473, iceland3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8528534 No.8528534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

which country do you think has the most /fa/ people per capita?

>> No.8528537


>> No.8528539


>> No.8528540

One of the nordic countries, for sure. Probably Sweden, Norway or Iceland possibly.

>> No.8528544
File: 27 KB, 400x300, icelanders[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? lets compare .. .

>> No.8528550
File: 658 KB, 2048x1152, average americans2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8528551
File: 300 KB, 580x387, murica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much what we wear.

>> No.8528557
File: 205 KB, 742x960, american kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8528559
File: 102 KB, 442x571, usa-flag-dress-america-fashion-july-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8528563


>> No.8528567 [DELETED] 


>no niggers left

what a surprise!

>> No.8528570

why is everyone so butthurt on here (and I mean on here, because everyone irl wants to be american) about america?

>> No.8528584

Even if that's a b8, no, I have no desire to live in America. Pretty much everything except maybe the taxes and the weather are better in Finland.

>> No.8528586

>Pretty much everything
>better in Finland
Can you even say that with a straight face?

>> No.8528610
File: 511 KB, 640x960, tumblr_n4hjyrh7zH1qzaqcso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

south korea probably

native south koreans are some of the shallowest people ive ever met but they are the most successful at what they do as a race i'll give em that

>> No.8528611

>they are the most successful at what they do as a race
and that is?

>> No.8528641

dominating the entirety asia as in entertainment, fashion, advertising and pretty much anything to do with visual arts.

it would be lying to say they dont influence the western world because they do straight up to how we do our eyebrows.

anywhere asians start to pervade start with koreans. i hate saying this as an asian but they do. they're every fucking where.

>> No.8528642

fashion wise japan is miles ahead.
i think ur giving them a little too much credit here
but they're defo up there

>> No.8528643

not to mention i can barely think of an asian actor in hollywood that's not korean. they are like 90% korean and maybe 2 that i think of atm that are not korean.

>> No.8528651

most are chinese

any examples?

>> No.8528692

>pretty much anything to do with visual arts
I'd say Japan is ahead in fine arts + Japan has Anime and Manga
what makes you say that?

>> No.8528708


go to any east asian country and see how much they influence the entertainment and beauty standards

everything they do, asia follows

with probably the exception of japan. japan is always doing their thing regardless of anything going on.

>> No.8528711

ehh, who cares? why do you guys still fight about countries and races? it's kinda backward no?

>> No.8528714

why do people think this? have you actually been there? I've met a lot of Swedes and not one of them was fashionable. I would say France or South Korea.

>> No.8528715

I'd say Sweden or Japan, obviously the metropolitan areas

>> No.8528719

>dominating the entirety asia as in entertainment, fashion, advertising and pretty much anything to do with visual arts.

holy fuck lol dying

have u ever met a real life korean?

>> No.8528720

>nordic countries
Literally no one talks about these places IRL. They're just some forgotten old world countries that apparently found a wifi connection.

>> No.8528733


Even the poorest smut will leave his house in a effay as fuck fit. Doesn't matter if you live in a slum everyone dresses like they are loaded because first impression/public appearance is everything there.

Source: Travel/family

>> No.8528739

> i went to korea with my parents and things were similar to other parts of asia ive been to. i think korea must have done everything first though

>> No.8528740

Idk why American Italians are so shit. Is it because they are mostly from the south of Italy?

>> No.8528742

Great post. I seriously kekked hard. Thanks m8.

>> No.8528747

France ftw

>> No.8528750
File: 420 KB, 1280x1707, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my school like 40% korean, and im talking about them as a group not about individual koreans because most of them look like said pic

>> No.8528757


it's because they're the descendants of italian peasants

>> No.8528819

There are heaps of Italian families in Australia. The old ones dress ok in the old country style, but the children and grandchildren of them generally dress like absolute trashy street rats. (Some exceptions of course)

>> No.8528853

I'm talking about Italians walking about Italian cities, not Italian immigrants/2nd gen Italian Australians.

>> No.8528877


>> No.8529054

have you ever been to finland? place is great

>> No.8529096
File: 1.95 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have no idea what you're talking about. Try with Denmark instead.

>> No.8529122


>> No.8529147

be chinky and good at school

>> No.8529336

>being this deluded

I'm falling for the bait here but America is a third world country compared to Western European countries. You re fed bullshit about how great it is from a young age when really its a complete shit hole to live in lmao

>> No.8529346

every time I go back home literally everyone is dressed nicely there.

>> No.8529353

You people are really fucking stupid. I think I'll stick to inspo threads from now on. The cancer here is unreal

>> No.8529826


>> No.8530084

American who has spent time in Western Europe here. Everything in your countries is small, litter is prevalent, and crowds of people smell like waste treatment plants.

I'm not saying the States don't have their fair share of downsides, but it's pretty much impossible to argue that the US is ostensibly more 'third world' than Western Europe.

Also the phrase "third world country" refers to a non-aligned nation during the cold war. The US and Western Europe are first world by definition.

>> No.8530090

>all the minorities dropped out

>> No.8530091

america is the greatest country in the world dude

did you make the internet?
did you land an SUV on mars?
did you get niggas on the moon?

didn't think so crumpetboy

>> No.8530097

that's extremely rude maybe some of them couldn't make it to the pic or are in jail

>> No.8530136


Everyone is v.rich and it's a small country

>> No.8530165

white people are ugly

>> No.8530177

How rude

>> No.8530180

bean pls

>> No.8530194

probably america, discounting all the shitty states in the middle/bottom regions. If you walk around NY or LA, almost everyone between the ages of 16-25 will be at least moderately /fa/ (especially women). Kinda unfair to compare US as a whole to other european countries, especially considering some states themselves are almost as big as some countries in the EU

>> No.8530200

Hong Kong

Maybe Japan but I haven't been there yet

>> No.8530207

that's why we're comparing per capita

>> No.8530208

>Year of our jesus Two Thousand and Fifteen
>Equating monaco-style wealth to effaymanship

it's full of arab sheikhs. no /fa/ there

>> No.8530335

great argument

>> No.8530343

it still wins by a long shot

>> No.8530470 [DELETED] 
File: 538 KB, 526x798, me eye rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. White people on average have the best facial asthetics, the only reason why black people are able to look attractive is because of their dark skin covering their facial asthetics up. Ever seen a black albino? Fucking horrid. Also thats why many white men can look better with a tan, to cover up an ugly nose for example, make his eyes pop more, etc.

dont even get me started on this subject

>> No.8530501
File: 203 KB, 1600x1200, 1386921212662520063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8530743

rajzer malusi milusi

>> No.8530779

>spend all money on geobaskets
>no cash for a suit
>have to borrow one from Janusz

>> No.8531167

You should get started on this subject

>> No.8531229

Hmm, I wonder where those beauty standards originate from. Right, from imperialism and the heavy penetration of Western media.
Get your head out of your ass and learn about the effect of dominating cultures. Everything is about perspective, and yours is clearly that of a child's.

>> No.8532354

those legs are whaco

>> No.8532848

america is only shit in the suburbs and rural.

most of the cities(new york, seattle, denver, boston,austin,etc) are very nice and many fashionable people and very little fat people. however some cities(detroit, los angeles, new orleans, washington, chicago, etc) are shit; just like europe.