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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 80 KB, 594x524, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8505137 No.8505137[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's over /fa/ I saw this shared by a bunch of fucking plebs on Facebook today.
Now that the Hitler youth is played the fuck out, what's the new /fa/ haircut?

>> No.8505138

The HY was played out 2 years ago you fucking mark.

>> No.8505139

James Blake bowl

>> No.8505150

James Blake bowl cuts and buzzcuts are the best ATM. manbuns are still okay but if you don't have one by now, it's too late.

>> No.8505157

>mfw ugly indians and spics getting this haircut and trying to look tidy and put together

sorry bb you still look like you're either working in or robbing a convenience store, no matter how much pomade you use.

>> No.8505163

>started being able to bun my hair in April

Did I make it?

>> No.8505166
File: 279 KB, 1000x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this really considered a bowl cut?
I like it a lot, but I wouldn't call it a bowl cut.

>> No.8505171

I agree. They have a side part but still sag their pants & look disgusting.

>> No.8505179

I don't think HYs can really be played out. It's a generic haircut with plenty of variation that will always look good. Also given the history it's actually more authentic if anything when in large numbers.

Manbuns on the other hand all pretty much look the same yet scream "I'm so unique". Now those are played the fuck out.

>> No.8505184

>tfw black
>tfw only style that applies is buzzcut
>tfw when nf

>> No.8505190

Idk bruh.
I clicked on that link in the op and there was a black guy with a HY.
Thinking about it, I work with a black guy that kind of has one.

>> No.8505192

that shit is as a bowl as my dick, and it only works on James Blake because:
>the texture of his hiar
>because he's James Blake
8.4/10 best new haircut

>> No.8505194

manbun is the new played out effay haircut that'll get ruined in a couple years

>> No.8505205

Its already played out here in england. Ever other trendy dude has one.

>> No.8505210


>> No.8505218

in peace***

>> No.8505219

>not ripping in piece

>> No.8505224


>> No.8505229

fo real tho what fuckin haircut is the next thing? kids in my rural farmtown are fucking getting HYs and i need to step up my game.
i was legit thinking about growing out a mullet.

>> No.8505231

James blakes hair is shit

That haircut was last decade, get with the times james

>> No.8505233

manbun that'll die by next year
bowlcut but you have to have a 10/10 face (not britbong 10/10 as a 3/10 here is a 10/10 in britbongland)
I don't know
long, wavy hair

>> No.8505237

Gee, I wonder which kind of hair you have

>> No.8505241

>(not britbong 10/10 as a 3/10 here is a 10/10 in britbongland

I'm assuming you've never actually been to Britain then

>> No.8505245

i don't have an extremely prominent jawline and i have a sort of weak chin. but other than that i'm fairly handsome. definitely in the upper 70th or 80th percentile of handsomeness.
i might grow my hair out again. idk what id look like with a buzz tho. fuck hair.

>> No.8505252
File: 33 KB, 600x449, average_britbong_citizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

britbong detected, how would rate this person?
>inb4 britbong apologists give accurate rating to protect britbongs

>> No.8505255

might work, though manletness might make it look childish though
try basic HY

>> No.8505266

thats what i have. i put it up with pomade and it looks alright. but i just wanna change shit up.

>> No.8505270

>have hair like this
>starts to get too grown out, need a trim
>fucking stupid hairdresser trims the sides too high
>fuck, fuck, ok, just trim the top and fringe part to match it
>trims them both too much and i look ridiculous again
>ok, just HY me
>scramble for my HY folder on my phone, show her a few
>she clips the sides too high

i walked out, i told her she is the worst hairdresser ive ever been to. she called me a cunt and i flipped her off as i put my beanie back on and walked out. i look like a fucking mental patient with the shittiest HY ive ever seen in my entire life

thank god my hair grows pretty fast. but its beanies and hats for at least 2 weeks. fuck.

>> No.8505274
File: 66 KB, 483x504, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people shave where their hair parts it looks absolutely retarded.

>> No.8505276

whoops, my name field haha.... /sp/

who Wizards here???

>> No.8505287

What are your thoughts on Pierce joining you guys? I thought it was a pretty unexpected move. Expected him to go Clips, if anything, but I don't think he would have worked there.

>> No.8505315

>mfw everyone in this third world country has this haircut except me.
>I don't think it'll suit my wavy hair and skintone
>mfw there are people here who get this cut even with skintones, head shapes, and hair types that don't really suit this cut

>> No.8505319

Growing my hair out for a bun, feels good man

>> No.8505322

The Bieber/Zayn Malik

>> No.8505340

here in australia everyone's had a hy or some variation of it for at least 3 years. i don't see it changing in the forseeable future either.

>> No.8505347
File: 374 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with civilians and getting military haircuts lately?

>> No.8505350

the haircut on the right is a classic cut thats beeen around for at least a century

the one on the left has been in and out of fashion since the fucking 20s

get a grip you clueless tard

>> No.8505387 [DELETED] 

Fuck off niggers

>> No.8505391

shut the fuck up

>> No.8505396
File: 18 KB, 333x461, 20b9e8f5ffa84ccb8b9fe1ad39fb3c41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bowl cut m8!

>> No.8505502

You sound pretty frustrated after seeing something on an internet forum

>> No.8505521

so do you

>> No.8505525


>> No.8505555

Do I really anon. Do I.

>> No.8505561

Sports suck

>> No.8505567

Sports like basketball are probably in the top 5 most effay hobbies. Or at least I like to pretend cos they're so fucking fun.

>> No.8505571

hes old as fuck who cares.
should never have left boston to begin with, atleast there he;d be relevent and seen as a hero

>> No.8505578

>get a load of this guy

>> No.8505584

Same age as Kobe, and he proved last season (despite being raped by the Heat in the playoffs) that he can still show up like mad. I'd say he can still perform. I do think he should have stayed in Boston though, same with KG. Would have been nice for them to ride out the Rondo-Pierce-Garnett trio until retirement hits. Celtics have gone to shit now too. It's an unfortunate blemish on a great career.

>> No.8505586

buzz or blakebowl basically

>> No.8505602

Ayy Wiz kid whaddup.

>> No.8505603
File: 1.09 MB, 260x173, tiple.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8505615


thats an american date you nonce

>> No.8505881
File: 112 KB, 399x399, 1401603635072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting anime hair

>> No.8505958


>> No.8506040

>not growing your hair out

>> No.8506056

>not getting the patty bateman

>> No.8506059

curtain undercut?

>> No.8506135


>what's the new /fa/ haircut?

I don't care.

I hate the trendhopping culture in society as much as I hate yours. It doesn't matter if you think you're patricians because you find the next new thing 2 years before than the plebs. You're just well informed plebs.

HYs are fucking stupid because, one, no matter what some guys here say they don't suit everybody and, two, they must be the hardest haircut to both mantain and style that ever existed.

These mad men's 40s undercuts are just as stupid but 10x more gay and fedora.

Bowlcuts now are just like HYs. I guess they're harder to pull off but easier to mantain.

Buzzcuts are pretty easy to mantain because any retard can do it. They need no style. But you need to have a godly punk face to pull them off in a non pleb way.

>> No.8506155

What you want is a haircut that looks good on you, not one thats popular

>> No.8506173

>These mad men's 40s undercuts are just as stupid but 10x more gay and fedora.

>using fedora as a legitimate criticism

>> No.8506199

that's just rude

>> No.8506202

i don't even think it works on him i dont think his jaw is defined enough

>> No.8506208
File: 14 KB, 225x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this considered a HY?

>> No.8506211

this is /fa/ faggot

>> No.8506216
File: 121 KB, 876x555, 1203650048724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my idgaf hair.

It's so liberating not having to style it with any product.

Being able to just run your hands through it.


>> No.8506218
File: 41 KB, 630x410, Death Grips_jpg_630x428_q85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre right with buzzcuts (although you have to have the right face). but pretty much anything zach hill does with his hair i agree with

>> No.8506227

I'm actually growing my hair for a mullet right now I'm serious don't give a fuck

>> No.8506330

HY is the best haircut any (decent looking) guy can get because it allows light to hit your face properly and it makes you look good from all angles. I don't agree with shaving your hair too closely on the sides because it only suits certain head shapes but I think the general idea of having it short on the sides and quiffing what's on top is timeless and (except for the buzzcut) is the best style for men.

>> No.8506377
File: 51 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8506384

are fades still good?

>> No.8506385

undercuts look like a bike seat on your head, you need to have proper texture to even style it well, and they need sharp featured face to work well aka not good for like 80% of the people, you are fucking stupid

>> No.8506458
File: 255 KB, 478x594, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batemancut is too long. A bit shorter and it'd be perfect imo

pic related

>> No.8506472

batman cut or bateman cut for length?

>> No.8506482

The Levi is fashionable as fuck, style on the plebs with this and force them to #catchup.

>> No.8506488

pls respond, I have a hair cut appointment tomorrow

>> No.8506496

i really feel like i actually have the face and hair for this. time to start growing out.

>> No.8506512

my hair is long enough now to tie back, so I'm just going to grow it into a proper manbun instead of a stupid little ponytail nubby thing

gunna let my sides grow out more, though, time for a change i think. undercuts a shit

definitely going to maintain a fade at the back if anything though, because my head looks bulbous as fuck if i have my hair anything other than incredibly short at the back

>> No.8506528

hnnnng are there any more pics of this style? or even just other angles of bale's hair (not counting his hair in american psycho)

>> No.8506841

>James Blake bowl

lel thats not bales, thats one of the kardashian sisters boyfriends scott dissick or something

>> No.8506845

there's that word again...

>> No.8506875

That's a burberry fringe

>> No.8506923
File: 77 KB, 1020x574, Mad-Catz-Hajime-TOKIDO-Taniguchi-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw tokido behind me in cafe lineup at evo
>tfw i can't get my sleeve on my coffee
>can i cut ahead?
>y-yes tokido-sama. sorry.
>tfw he flips his hair and marches right past me

shaka, when the walls fell

>> No.8506950

Yet again, OP is a dumbarse who doesn't know what a HY is.

>> No.8506975

>rock HY
>beardless at 25

when will the pain end

>> No.8506987

based tokido, came really close in kof

>> No.8507004

That's not bale lmao

>> No.8507449

>dad has been a barber for 40 yrs and when i wanted to hop in the HY train he insisted to keep it like this
>tfw i've had this since then

>> No.8507588

>shaving in your part

>> No.8507602

seriously it looks so ridiculous


>> No.8508319


>muh heroes

>> No.8509724

skafish pageboy
or get a bullet but get a pageboy in the front and keep the back long and square

>> No.8509732

r u sure it was the 3rd of august

>> No.8509754

do u guys rly think bowlcut only works if ur 10/10?
i think it looks better on weird looking guys than on handsome guys
its just such a harsh contrast between a face that looks handsome and a haircut that looks so fucking dumb
but such a dumb haircut can work on a werider looking person bc it would be weird to get such a dumb haircut as a stylistic choice

>> No.8509781
File: 128 KB, 357x989, nxtlvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw black
>tfw 10 years without a proper haircut
>tfw in the meantime my hair turned into dreadlocks almost by accident
>tfw shaved the sides and back, and do my own version of a manbun

original idea pls don't copy

>> No.8509798

I used to know a guy who had something similar. Black, 6'5, lean, and had like a dread lock undercut style.

Looked gross, but the dude was a model and had style.. so he he must have known what he was doing.

>> No.8509802

post pics, sounds cool

>implying i could copy this when i'm white as fuck and could never deal with dreads

>> No.8509836
File: 135 KB, 590x885, taxpaying_citizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry I have a weird aversion to photos of myself. But basically this dude's hair is almost exactly like mine, except that I shave the sides, and I don't dress like him

>Looked gross

The thing with dreadlocks is that if the rest of you isn't impeccable, you will look dirty and gross. The hairstyle itself isn't gross at all if done correctly.

However, a lot of white people, in their quest for dreadlocks, do things like not washing them for months and/or using wax or whatever to keep their ratty hair (I refuse to call them dreadlocks in 99% of the cases) together

>> No.8509845


meant to quote this too >>8509798

I dress a mix of mod/early skinhead with some militaria thrown in it

>> No.8509981

pretty cool man, thanks for the pic. seems badass.

>lel filename

>> No.8510014
File: 628 KB, 521x696, Screen Shot 2014-03-28 at 1.36.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats this?

>> No.8510045

that's sick I want hair like that

>> No.8510054

the fuccboi cut

>> No.8510063

>he fuccboi cut
ur a fakkit

>> No.8510095
File: 206 KB, 577x565, IMG_2169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler Youth played out
Man bun played out
Geralt of Rivia is what it's gotta be

>> No.8510100

something.. just doesnt look right about that. itsl ike grandma hair with mullet. it looks cool though lol

>> No.8510123

2myface irl chum

>> No.8510145
File: 54 KB, 720x540, photo_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i need a new haircut or is this okay
i'm new to /fa/

>> No.8510152

I second this, clips fan sending love

>> No.8510157
File: 82 KB, 550x365, undercut_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't see shit. Post another angle either from the side or front. It looks okay, but it isn't effay. You most might just need a new way to wear your hair not an actual cut, ya feel?

>> No.8510170


>> No.8510176

nice meme sir

>> No.8510244

looks quite awful in this image
try again

>> No.8510255

im jelly man.

i wish i could let my gf just run her fingers through my hair but whenever she does that she fucks up how i look. then im that faggot that gets mad at somebody for messing up my hair.

>> No.8510261

this makes my stomach turn

>> No.8510269

I have hair that gets wavy as it starts to grow out, so I've been using the HY cut for a while now. Now that everyone and their dads have it, are there any hairs that'll work with wavy hair? It starts waving out when it gets past my eyes.

>> No.8510291


>> No.8510298

I have hair that I just comb back and it doesn't look bad, but should I go for a shaggier look, or should I trim it all tight?

>> No.8510334

>going to a stylist to get a haircut

I made the same mistake. Last week I went to a real barber and that nigger knew exactly what I wanted. Never letting a woman cut my hair again.

>> No.8510372
File: 158 KB, 1600x1065, Interview-Matthew-Goode-Talks-About-His-Role-in-Stoker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8510380

hey, that's the hairstyle I've been having

>> No.8510382

the texture is awful
looks fake
like he has a shitty yarn hat

>> No.8510412

I have wavy hair that is just past my nips aTM. I normally wear it up in a bun and every time I wear it down I get multiple compliments.
>tfw grills say your hair is pretty
It feels like a backhand compliment but I might be autistic

>> No.8511017

is your other dad a barber too?

>> No.8511056

in 2005 (yes I am old) when I shaved my sides I got beat the fuck up on the street by a bunch of turks and now turks are the predominant sporters of said hairstyle.

so if my hairstyle right now is an indicator - it's something like late 60's surf , which can be styled into some dapper early 80's wave, or 90's comb back

>> No.8511063

Hy has been kill since it became the default /fa/ haircut is this thread serious

>> No.8511081
File: 53 KB, 275x300, slowfascist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's over /fa/

>> No.8511083

It's almost like, *gasp*, trends come and go, and *jaw drop*, something considered ugly by the masses can suddenly become fashionable to them

See: monochrome's recent shift into mallcore pleb tier territory

>> No.8511092

Lmao this nigga got Frankie Valley hair

>> No.8511095

i have hitler youth but i just dont style it fucking generically

>> No.8511140

a) it's Valli not valley
b) More like Warren Beatty in Bonnie & Clyde

>> No.8511146
File: 44 KB, 600x757, beatty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8511211
File: 291 KB, 1024x819, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not getting a Based Fraser cut

>> No.8511236
File: 318 KB, 391x571, xxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the new thing
hy and undercuts are so 2010
update you faggots

>> No.8511256


also keeanu reeves in dracula had it like that. it's the hollywood version of a victorian haircut i guess.

>> No.8511727
File: 87 KB, 390x513, Juliuscaesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8511800

caesar got damn effay aesthetics

>> No.8511803

>implying i give a single flying fuck what plebs from facebook think

shit looks like shit and asian as fuck or something a mexican would do

i´ve seen three hollisterfags with this shit since f/w 14

the HY is going to stay until long hair comes back and that will be the cycle until someone comes with anything better

>> No.8512552

you think it'd work for wavy hair?
going to the barber's in 2 hours and need advice.

>> No.8512888

that movie is great.

>> No.8512999

god i have this exact same shitty type of hair
worst texture ever

>> No.8513005

monochrome isn't a trend and it was never considered ugly

>> No.8513459
File: 22 KB, 383x512, homz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why but i like this shit

>> No.8513477

because youre a huge faggot

>> No.8513501

So I'm probably going to get my hair cut in a couple days and I've yet to decide on what style. Can I trust /fa/ to recommend a decent cut? and if so. what would you guys need? I assume at least a front and side shot, but would I need to pull my hair back to see the hair line?

>> No.8513766

you're that /soc/ guy who looks the same in every picture
post one from the side or something
and without the headphones

>> No.8513782



>> No.8515322

>you will never be able to rock the Asian mushroom cut
Why bother living

>> No.8515343

>tfw want to wear jap streetwear for the rest of my life
>tfw white

M-master race right guys?

>> No.8515668

youre fucking retarded, fuck off. what you said had absolutely no substance. if ur tryin to sound smart then actually be constructive. like how i am giving you advice on shutting the fuck up.

>> No.8515674

but it looks like shit? more power to you tho if you have confidence to rock a 12 yr old kid haircut

>> No.8515675

Did you have a stroke or something

>> No.8515685

You should get any haircut which James Bond had.

>> No.8515691

Best new meme 2k14

>> No.8515710
File: 74 KB, 570x768, sean-connery-as-james-bond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think this is a game?

>> No.8515721

the hairpieces sean connery used were so nice

>> No.8515724

>asian as fuck or something a mexican
are u even reading what u type u retarded pleb

>> No.8515743

The trend will go back to long, messy hair again. It'll be a 3/4 parting with at least 4 inch length on one side and 2 inch length on the other. too fucking lazy to post an image

>> No.8515752

So young leo

>> No.8516381

manbun/HY hybrid

>> No.8516597
File: 78 KB, 619x930, david-gan-young-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being samurai tier