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/fa/ - Fashion

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8487089 No.8487089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /fa/, /fit/izen and /roid/er here.

Please help me to understand your fascination with clothing.

You guys invest a lot of time and money into improving your appearance through clothing, when if you had the same zeal for lifting and getting aesthetic, you could all be approaching Zyzzmode.

>pls enlighten me

>> No.8487100

Hello /fit/, /fa/ggot here.

Please help me to understand your fascination with lifting.

You guys invest a lot of time and money into improving your appearance through exercising, when if you had the same zeal for clothing and getting aesthetic, you could all be approaching Rickmode.

>pls enlighten me

>> No.8487102
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>> No.8487107


>> No.8487110

>not even natty
off yourself

>> No.8487114

Who is Rick?

And I'm being serious. I'm not trying to be offensive or troll, I am legitimately curious.

From my perspective, clothes are incredibly temporary, whereas your body is (for as long as you are alive) permanent.

To me, what's the point in looking incredibly superficially attractive if, after the clothes come off, she is greeted with a mediocre and unappealing body?

>> No.8487117

The joke went over your head. Zyzz is /fit/'s Rick equivalent as far as these memes go. It doesn't matter what kind of clothes Rick makes, Raf Simons Rick Owens will forever be what I'm dressed in

>> No.8487125

until fa moves on to other shit when they realize how behind they are with fashion

>> No.8487129

Dude you're fucking up, but I'll bite.

Rick Owens is a fuccboi clothes designer, it's not relevant, forget about him (he does lift though).

Clothes are temporary, muscle gains can be as well if you don't maintain them. Everything is temporary, what sort of an argument is that anyway?

Also, about the "when the clothes come off", you're implying that all women are attracted to the exact same body type.
Most women care about a sense of humour above most things.

Also, why the fuck are you lifting weights for women anyway? You should be doing it for yourself not other people, the same thing with clothing, I dress nicely because I want to, not because I want to impress other.

The fact you actually took roids to impress women is fucking pathetic dude, we don't have to take jack shit from you.
Also, not every /fa/ggot isn't /fit/.

>> No.8487132

>doing it for girls

>> No.8487139

The same thing applies to yout shrunken dick because of the roids

>> No.8487145

nigga is u high, clothes are permanent (they don't magically disappear out of your closet) and gains are temporary (if you don't maintain them)

>> No.8487147
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>he took roids
>he done it for girls
>he thinks he can talk shit
>not realizing we've answered these questions 100x over

>> No.8487148


I'm not trying to give anyone shit, it's just something that has always made me curious.

I do it for the girls because I was overweight and unattractive growing up, and it really fucked with me mentally.

I started lifting, lost weight and gained a little bit of muscle, and people started to notice me.

I hopped on gear, and I have women left and right telling me how hot I am and how they want to fuck me.

It's all superficial, and I know they don't care for anything but my body, but man is it a good feeling to hear some shit like that.

But anyways, that's what /fit/ does. It turns you into a roiding faggot with horrible body dysmorphia.

Troll pls go

>> No.8487156

If you don't see the appeal then you wont understand where we're coming from.
>You see lifting is about getting healthy , getting stronger and feeling better about yourself
>tfw you reach a new PR
Oh wait you don't know that feel because you don't lift.
Once you actually get that little spark in your mind when you stand in front of the mirror realising your jeans are actually a little too long or you really like a jumper for no reason but you'd like to buy something similar , then you can come back and we'll help nurture that interest. But as of now you're not interested so don't bother.

>> No.8487160

Alright, that's fair enough I'm not going to judge your life too much.

I've been complimented on the clothes I wear before by girls and it does happen to people on /fa/ quite often, that too is a nice feeling.
But once again none of us (I really hope) don't dress for women, but it's always welcome.

If you enjoy being muscular then that's fine, I enjoy exercising too and do cardio, but I also enjoy wearing nice clothing and looking good.

>> No.8487161

Clothes are permanent but fa stuff will look dated and pleb in less than a year so you know

>> No.8487163


I have no interest in fashion, I'm just asking you to help me understand why so many of you DO.

>> No.8487168

That's like going to
and asking them why they enjoy their hobby.

It's a hobby dude, people enjoy clothing and dressing nicely.
Not every single /fa/ggot is a skeleton, some people just simply don't care, others do.

Asking people to justify their hobby seems extremely redundant to me.

>> No.8487170

You wont understand because you don't have any interest at all , it's that simple.
You can't write down things like that because they lack the impact that the feeling has.
I personally see fashion as a work of art , an expression of myself , a technical science , ways to keep myself fully functional and something that makes me feel better about myself.
And that will mean nothing to you until you actually look into the subject yourself.

>> No.8487173

>I personally see fashion as a work of art , an expression of myself , a technical science , ways to keep myself fully functional and something that makes me feel better about myself.

Thank you, that is essentially what I was looking for.

The thought that you guys spend so much time on this makes a lot more sense in light of the fact that some of you view it as art and a statement about yourself.

>> No.8487185

I'd suggest you look at a few look books from random designers just to get a feel of the scope of the fashion universe.
I like to think that this little foray into our world is a little hint of your burgeoning interest in fashion.

>> No.8487194

I got /fit/ before I got /fa/. Girls care waaaay more aobut fashion that fitness. If you want to be aesthetic, you'd be better off just focusing on that.

>> No.8487199

I-Is this true?

>> No.8487206

I'm not from /fit/ so it could just be wishful thinking, but you're probably right.
I think Scooby himself actually said that in the top 10 most important things, women don't care about physique.
My peers dress like absolute shit and I'd like to think I don't, me dressing well puts me a step above them I'd assume.
Do you want some slob wearing a graphic t-shirt and some beaten down Nikes, or somebody who actually puts effort in?


>> No.8487238


When I got /fit/ and dressed like shit, straight guys would compliment and me a lot and mention how I looked buffer. A few girls noticed, but not many. One girl told me I had a nice ass.

When I got /fa/ straight guys started thinking I was "cool" and the popular guys(I was in high school when I first go into fashion) started talking to me and inviting me to parties. Girls fawn over me and always talk about how I look so cool and classy and have great style. My friend tells me that girls I know will talk to him about how good I look, and it seems like people just find me generally more interesting. Workers in stores and malls treat me more respectfully. The tight clothes accentuate my physique and now I regularly get compliments on my physique from girls, especially about my ass.

Being /fa/ is waaaay better

>> No.8487244

>bunch of made up shit

>> No.8487257

I'd say it's the exact opposite. Who's a girl gonna pick? Channing Tatum wearing a binbag, or a manlet asian wearing Rick Owens?

I'd say fashion is number one on the list of things irrelevant to attracting the opposite sex. You might IMPRESS them. I think it's good for standing out in a crowd and looking rich.

Those are things which actually DO make a difference. That's why I got the Raf sweater, 'cause I know a guy in bright pink will stick out like a sore thumb in any nightlife environment.

>> No.8487263


it sounds made up, but I swear it isn't. The whole experience has made me kind of sad, because I've come to realize how shallow everyone in. I guess people just assume that well dressed people are rich or important or something. To be fair, I dressed exceptionally bad before, way way below average, so maybe it's the transformation that's impressed everybody.

>> No.8487271

>manlet asian
You know what fa will say they all want ottermode ladyboy physiques

>> No.8487276

This is absolutely true.

Clothing send a far greater image than physique, and can be tailored to an individual group type/cross-section of person.

Fitness is casting a wide net and raking it what's caught, the fish with the floating islands of garbage.

Furthermore, many people associate /fit/ness with meathead "bro" culture and file your entirety under "ignore". A well dressed person (appropriate for age/culture/situation) will always attract attention from everyone, and any detractors do so because they "jelly" or are crybaby bet's from /fa/.

Take into account also the seasons/local climate. Summer may be prime time for /fit/ness, but in the winter (again depending on local climate) a /fa/shonista will outgame any /fit/ness because clothing.

tl,dr /fa/ will get more chicks than /fit/. No matter what /fit/ tells you

>> No.8487294



any autistic manlet who's dad made them play football in high school can be buff. Only a few men can be truly /fa/.

>> No.8487306

you're speaking in terms of extremes

>> No.8487308

>tl,dr /fa/ will get more chicks than /fit/.
I actually agreed with many of the things you said, but I don't agree with your conclusion. Clothing is more expressive than your naked body (unless you have tons of tattoos I guess). Being muscular is going to attract more women than wearing some certain genre of clothing will. I.E. scene chicks, vintage hipster chicks, corny "normal" chicks, and even /fa/'s idea of "fashionable" girls (corny internet chicks) will all be attracted to fitness. Whereas wearing scene clothes will mainly attract just scene girls, wearing shitty indie band shirts will mainly attract the hipster girls etc.

But being "/'fa/" isn't ever going to get you more chicks than being fit will. Doesn't even matter what your idea of /fa/ is, be it head to toe Rick Owens, boring but wearable "dadcore", or the blandest SLP shit. Girls simply don't give that much of a shit about what you're wearing.

You even contradicted yourself lol.
>Fitness is casting a wide net and raking it what's caught, the fish with the floating islands of garbage.
>tl,dr /fa/ will get more chicks than /fit/

First you want to say fitness gets more women but the women are lower quality overall. Then you want to say fashion just gets more. But why is it you assume the "lower quality" women wouldn't also be attracted to fashionable men...? You even go on to say
>A well dressed person (appropriate for age/culture/situation) will always attract attention from everyone, and any detractors do so because they "jelly" or are crybaby bet's from /fa/.

So what is it? Make up your mind.

>a /fa/shonista will outgame any /fit/ness because clothing.
In reality whether or not some dude outgames you has little IF ANYTHING to do with how fit or fashionable either of you are. It has more to do with whether or not you're a cool person to be around and how good looking you are (I don't mean how muscular, but I mean your facial structure and body frame).

>> No.8487314

I urge both of you to post fits because I'm sure neither of you fit your own standards for what makes a man fashionable, and if you do, then I'm sure your standards are pretty shitty and somewhere in line with the most basic shit from false flags such as acne or apc.

>> No.8487346
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I'll post a fit. I don't claim to be the best dressed or anything, but it barely even matters because the bar is set so low. As long as you're sort of /fa/, plebs will think youre some sort of style god.

>> No.8487353

/fit/ is 2 levels. Healthy and bodybuilder. I want to be otter mode with a swimmers body, not a try hard that is absorbed with himself. Also i don't wan to be absored with /fa/shion to the point I'm some random lame metrosexual rich kid with no real knowledge. Use /fa/ to your advantage to look appropriate, good and then you can feel good about yourself. Same goes for /fit/.

No desire to live my life in the gym.

>> No.8487354

You're totally right. Sorry, I think what I meant to say was that /fa/ will get you more fulfilling women easier than will /fit/.

I apologise. I'm on my phone at work trying to ignore my mouthbreathing coworker eat. Got lost in the rant.

And that's not to say that /fit/ness is bad. In fact, the two should be the yin/yang to one another, but if your angle is women, /fa/ is better.

Unless you're just looking for meaningless sex. Then it's anybodys game.

>> No.8487355

It's not the worst for sure.
What you said is correct though, I live in the middle of fucking nowhere in England and probably 2% of the population cares about their appearance.

The bar really is set low, so it's not hard to stand out.

>> No.8487358

w2c shoes

>> No.8487364

Solid fit. Not the best ever but, there really isn't anything wrong with it.

>> No.8487365


Topman Hi Boots

>> No.8487372

thxx :)

>> No.8487378

>2 denim washes

>> No.8487386

As expected, I'd consider this more "MFA" than "/fa/", but you did say
>As long as you're sort of /fa/, plebs will think youre some sort of style god.
and you're right about that. Go forth and be fruitful.

>> No.8487390


contrasting denim washes is the generally accepted way to wear double denim

>> No.8487417
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Some people like stoner metal, some people like IDM.
Some people like the HUEG guy aesthetic, some people like the /fa/ggot aesthetic.

Currently I started lifting but mostly to get strong as I want to get back into MMA, don't plan on roiding not because of any phobia, but mostly I don't want hueg dude aesthetic.
Muscles are certainly fine, and I do recommend people chill with the super skinny auschwitz mode, just people have different tastes.

>> No.8487429

Clothing is more of an art and a form of self expression than a means of self improvement in my view. Fitness is simply self improvement so it's rewarding in a different way.

>> No.8487432

Nah 1 is the best. Can look like a jumpsuit or something. Jumpsuits are fucking cool.

>> No.8487462

Fitness, lifting, etc. is more of a means to an end. You are into lifting and bodybuilding because you want to look good, whether for own personal reasons, to get chicks, whatever the fuck you want.

While a lot of people also view clothing in that way, people who are into fashion are into it for the fashion. People don't necessarily dress in high fashion (or whatever aesthetic they dig) to impress people so much as to enjoy a hobby.

>> No.8487609

>Rick owen
>Based smelly more like
>Needing assistance for a chin up

>> No.8487628

I just like looking trill. I'm pretty toned but its difficult to dress in the nicest clothes if youre built af.

>> No.8487631


>> No.8487750

a lot of people work out/lift as a hobby and for health as well as the reasons you listed

>> No.8487769

For me it's just that clothes look better than muscles. As long as you aren't fat or disgustingly skinny, you're fine basically. OP is gross to me, ottermode is like the highest I'd want to go if we're talking purely aesthetically. That's pretty much it.

>> No.8487776

This is true, but OP said lifting AND getting aesthetic. Aesthetic implies that the person is lifting to change their appearance in a manner that they believe is more attractive to him/her.

>> No.8487802

It's not really a fascination, it's more of a hobby tbh. Lifting can't really be considered a hobby because it's more about achieving a certain goal that one is aiming for, whether it be in terms of health, bench marks, or aesthetics.

With fashion it's not so much a goal, but rather a personal style that one develops and grows. These style can change, because a person changes their personality. I view fashion as a means to present yourself to the world. You want people to be able to determine what vibe you give off at first glance.

>> No.8487819

I'm not 5'6'' like you so I feel confident enough to not have to resort to body altering drugs to feel good about myself.

Also, I like looking good, and lift anyway.

>> No.8487828

>Not just doing body weight exercises.

>> No.8487867
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Hey m8, Im /fit/ as well but Im gunna summarize most of the things ITT
>/fa/ > /fit/ for getting girls
>becoming either for girls is pathetic
>both are for personal satisfaction &/or self-expression
>you can become both effay and fit, given you dont have ridiculous proportions
>being aesthetic will not suddenly make you 10/10 specimen because you probably still wear graphic tees, sweatpants & converses
>Not everyone has the same goals as you

Not everyone needs to become roided huge, Ive been lifting for over 2.5 years natty & have no need to roid because that sort of mass will interfer with my Muay Thai training for example.
Everyone has their reasons, dont be so narrow-minded.