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8482340 No.8482340 [Reply] [Original]

am I allowed to wear anime sweatshirts if I'm Asian?
I don't watch too many animes, but I do like the vapor-wave/anime sweatshirts I've been seeing.

>> No.8482347

You have my blessing only if you are not Korean.

>> No.8482360


why not

>> No.8482364

Fucking watch anime and decide if you like it before wearing a subculture as a fashion accessory. Nerds like you are the same people who wear black metal tees, but who only know who Burzum is and don't even know that his music sucks and that he's a violent white supremacist. You probably wear glasses with non-scrip lenses. I bet you have a kind-of-but-not-really-cute girlfriend who's not into fashion but thinks she is because she shops at urban and forever 21. You probably bounced around from scene kid to swag fag to menswear to 'vapor' ass sad ass goth ninja lite, all bcause the internet told u it was cool. Sit down and watch some fucking chinese cartoons b4 u rek urself

People like you ruin things by devaluing the medium and you ruin yourself by being a fuccboi

Also unless you live in NY or somewhere actually fashionable anyone who sees you in a weeb shirt will just assume you jerk off to cartoon child porn because you look like weeb.

>> No.8482368


>> No.8482381

you sound mad. talk shit post fit.

1) watched some anime. fav. so far is psycho pass

2) i hate metal

3)no gf :^[

4)still swag fag.

5)chinese anime sucks dick shit. worse than korean webtoons

6)also live in nyc. so suck a dick tricky rick

>> No.8482398

You're allowed to wear what ever you want. If you can make it work then good on you.

>> No.8482572


because koreans have to uphold their high standard of /fa/. japs on the other hand can be otakucore with no problems.

>> No.8482616

i left that boat a long time ago

>> No.8482639

>thinking chinese cartoons refers to actual chinese cartoons

How is summer vacation doing? Did you do your homework?

>> No.8482651

Go drink some Arizona sadboy.

>> No.8482733

>implying chinese cartoons can even be compared to japanese cartoons
>implying chinese make quality shit

>> No.8482735

not gonna lie ginseng arizona is p tasty

>> No.8482738

Chinese cartoons is just an euphemism of anime. Now go back to the pool your mom is waiting for you.

>> No.8482757


why are there constantly threads about this autistic shit

think about you little fuck

you're wearing a sweater with a down syndrome little anime girl plastered on the front

do you think ANYONE will take you seriously with that? do you think that looks 'dope' or 'cool' or whatever?? girls will think you are the biggest loser on the planet and guys will think you're just another nerd dork asian

i hate 4chan sometimes

>> No.8483111

can i wear anime sweatshirts if im half asian?

>> No.8483128


>> No.8483131

well this is embarrassing

>> No.8483253

I mean to say, if u go round town in one a dem u will look like a pure gome. swear down on the holy bible

>> No.8483273

>anime sweatshirts if I'm Asian
No, because then people won't think you're doing it ironically.
They'll think you genuinely like children's cartoons.

>> No.8483277

someone is really mad

do you think your interest in things somehow makes you more legitimate because other people wear things just because they like the design and aren't "authentic" like you?

because it doesn't

>> No.8483279

yeah, this hits the nail on the head right here

as an asian dude i would never even think of doing this (and relatedly i would never buy one of those hentai shirts even if they didn't look like complete shit)

>> No.8483311

jaysus calm the head there lad hahaha. pure freakin the bean

>> No.8483315

so it's okay for blacks, but not okay for whites/asians?

god damn. i just wanted to ironically wear an anime i enjoy

>> No.8483320


>> No.8483324

i don't know if its really ironic at that point

>> No.8483330
File: 367 KB, 800x800, sadbois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can i perform harikari if i'm not japanese?

>> No.8483344

>god damn. i just wanted to ironically wear an anime i enjoy
Its not ironic then dumbass.

Also if you bringing up irony in the first place just stop right there and throw out the idea. We've grown numb to ironic statements of identity. Take the effort to elevate your style to the point where you don't feel you need 'irony' to express yourself

>> No.8483357


>implying i'd be ironically wearing it when i like the anime


>> No.8483388
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>> No.8483404

ah here, dats not ironic den u dopey boi hahaha

>> No.8483465

Is this your first time on 4chains?

>> No.8483796


no but i know 2chainz


>> No.8483878

jesus this projecting.

>> No.8483899

>ruin the medium
lol anime is garbage you fuckin nerd

>> No.8483914


pretty angry, but yeah


>> No.8485028

fuckin kill yourself fuccboi

>> No.8486672


>> No.8486692

Anime is the worst medium for entertainment already.

>> No.8486708

wow autism much
bet u like monochrome fits

>> No.8486713

>only wears all black streetwear

>> No.8486756

what's wrong with being a white supremacist?

>> No.8486848

no need to go full autism m8 but you're right, chinktoons are for insecure kids

OP, go suck a dick, you faggot that shit looks hideous even if the movie was nice, go get some actual clothes like Ann D, Thom Browne and some Hedi Slimane tier clothes or go full DIY and make your own shit

step it up nigga

>> No.8486927



they were photoshopped, but it looks like the person who made might sell them someday.


"Are these sweaters real?
- Unfortunately, no, but I am currently working on how I can create them and researching licenses and printing."

>> No.8487457
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>> No.8487465
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>> No.8487487

>and that he's a violent white supremacist
buttmad untermensch detected
though I somewhat agree, showing off something that implies you enjoy something that you don't actually enjoy is silly and hypocritical, you just don't have to be so assblasted over it

>> No.8487734

>fav. so far is psycho pass
top plen

>> No.8487741

Help me out faggots, I saw this baller as fuck EVA sweatshirt not too long ago on here. Was black white white numbers and Ikari or Unit 01 on the back?
I gotta cop bros pls

>> No.8487757

Anyone have the name of the sight that makes subtle Japanese shirts?

>> No.8487781

lots of stupid projecting here but he's kindda right with anime clothes - if you have to ask you probably won't look good

>> No.8487782

>Site's shop is down.

Kill me.

>> No.8487904

Worst thread all day kek

>> No.8487987

Fuck I don't think this is even a guy anymore, they asked for opinions and they argued with the ones that were against them fucking pleb go back to tumblr

>> No.8488209

well the thread was made yesterday

>> No.8488220


psycho pass is a giant, messy, steaming pile of garbage and i just want to let you know. no hard feelings

>> No.8488241

i thought it was pretty good until the end.
but i don't watch many animes and i liked it better than the other ones i've seen

>> No.8488268
File: 58 KB, 600x800, BlFdhWDCUAAxO1v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how 99% of people in anime clothes look

>> No.8488275

Cute as fuck.

>> No.8488295

get that asukafag shit the fuck outta my kitchen

>> No.8488652
