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/fa/ - Fashion

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8426986 No.8426986 [Reply] [Original]

I dress fashionably as fuck (college junior). I'm into cool music and put effort into my look and try to be interesting in conversation and am respectful to people.

My brother is 25 and all he wears outside of work (asshole finance business guy) are jersey shorts and stupid tank tops (often times with obnoxious edgy shit on it, like AMERICA FUCK YEAH, which he thinks is hilarious), with a gold Timex and Birkenstocks. Sunglasses indoors type of guy. Stupid stuff like that.

He has a buzz cut and a bunch of stupid tattoos, some of which are military related. He swears all the time and calls everyone faggots and takes almost nothing seriously. Seriously, all he cares about is traveling, getting laid, and working out. I went over to his apartment the other day and witnessed him stub his toe on his fridge, punch it full on, and call it a "fucking faggot fridge," then rip a magnet in half and throw it in the garbage disposal.

Meanwhile, I have like 2 friends and no cutie3.14gf. He has a bunch of people who like him and I always see him with new cuties. Even cutie art school girls hang out with him. How can they be attracted to someone so crass?

Why does life work like this?

>> No.8426988

Prob. Because he's a likeable person and youre not

>> No.8426990

quality not quantity m7

>> No.8426994

>almost takes nothing seriously
>gets laid
>hangs with cute girls

10/10 would hangout with brother rather than you.

>> No.8426995
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maybe because he's a more likable person than you, and you're just inherently difficult to be around

>> No.8426996

you lack a personality and good looks

>> No.8427046

you are boring as fuck.
most girls care more about your personality than your looks. trust me.

>> No.8427061

because hes stupid enough to not care if he looks like an idiot so he always socializes and makes drama and girls like that. I see that shit all the time with popular people.

>> No.8427093

well we don't know you op but i feel like being generous since i can relate to not be the life of the party but you're brother is probably just more sociable and well different. you probably have your own good traits but you shouldn't worry comparing yourself to other people. you are a certain way and there's no need to change that, not like you could anyway, just own it. enjoy your life and take it for what it is. your brother's life isn't all peaches either, no one's life is, this isn't really a trite thing to say btw, because it's easier to say than to really accept and live it. just live your life. maybe go out more and try to be sociable too. you may not like it if you're anything like me, but try it anyway.

>> No.8427228

he doesnt sound like a likeable person to me. i wouldnt like him if i was a girl or guy. people are just shit op thats what it comes down to and you can tell that from these comments alone

>> No.8427250

It's not that he's more like-able, it's because he has more charisma with people.

You have no charisma.

I'll save the date for when you hang yourself.

>> No.8427263

lol your a narcissist that's why people don't like you

>> No.8427290

wow op look at these morons. its one idiot after the next. how do you feel about that

>> No.8427303

don't do it elliot

>> No.8427309

Honestly from that description, your brother sounds like a way cooler guy. He seems like he'd be fun to hang around with(plus he's in business and finance so he's probably got some money), where as you "try to be interesting in conversation and [are] respectful to people." Who the fuck describes themselves like that but boring fucks? Also you seem pretty vain saying that you dress fashionably as fuck.

>> No.8428246

Hahha lost it at the faggot fridge he seems like a hoot man. You don't have to be fashionable to have friends

>> No.8428261

u sound like a jealous passive aggressive nerd in h+m rags and listens generic /mu/core ur not special shut the fuck up

>> No.8428265



who fucking cares dude

when you stop comparing yourselves to others that's when you'll be truly happy

>that irony of me saying this on /fa/ of all places

>> No.8428271

probably got that spark

you're either born with it or you arnt

>> No.8428374

ok so first things first

>I dress fashionably as fuck
>I'm into cool music

prove it, post a fit and list some bands

Also this doesn't actually matter, most people don't give a shit and would rather be around someone who's good to talk to and charismatic with shit taste than someone with good taste who angrily posts on Japanese pornography imageboards.

>> No.8428377

> Japanese pornography imageboards

basically this

If you are on 4chan you are probably lacking something. So find your niche and try to cultivate it because tl;dr you're here; you're fucked. Do something about it. Invalidating your brother won't help you develop at all

>> No.8428378

this is some elliot rodger shit right here

>> No.8428427

You're probably ugly/average while he is handsome, pretty simple. I doubt most art students care whether a guy is crass or not if they find him attractive. Also this post is r9k tier

>> No.8428430
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underrated post

>> No.8428439



>> No.8428444

>I dress fashionably as fuck
You're not.
>I'm into cool music
No it's not.
>try to be interesting in conversation
Sorry, you're not.

Also, you're austistic and probably ugly.


>> No.8428490

Maybe your brother has a bigger penis and ball sack? IDK but it seems like that will give an advantage in life, as testosterone naturally makes a man act more masculine, and masculinity is attractive to girls. I don't want to make judgement, but maybe you act too feminine and passive to the point that people see you more as a burden than a benefit.

>> No.8430856

same here fucking lol

>> No.8431185



>> No.8431202

i think it's because you care too much OP. i made the same mistake when i was in high school. i cared too much and it actually hurt me. dress nicely for yourself, listen to music that you like, do things only for yourself and people will like you. your brother only thinks about himself when picking out shit to wear and figuring out shit to do, you don't you care about what other people would find interesting.

>> No.8431243


>> No.8431256

he sounds alpha

meanwhile you're complaining about him behind his back publicly on a chinese cartoon message board.

think about it

>> No.8431260

>Why does life work like this?

You sound like a shallow, narcissistic cunt trying really hard to impress people.

If you think the music you listen to is "cool" and call yourself "fashionable as fuck", you're radiating insecurity and vacuousness and I have no doubt it shows IRL.

>> No.8431277

you're an insecure faggot

you're brother is a cool guy who doesn't give a fuck

that's why

>> No.8431288

Easy. It's personality over looks. With personality I mean how much of an extravert you are. Interests and in-depth knowledge in something are not and can not be your defining features.

Most probably you are waiting to be approached by people and not doing it first. How will anyone talk to you about music if you aren't approachable

>> No.8431298

Remember, Anon. The masses flock to shiny gems and baubles. The top is lonely because you're the only one there.

>> No.8431335

>complains on 4chan about not getting laid
>the top

sure thing bro

>> No.8431480

I've always liked quotes like that, but someone "at the top" is in a position where he wouldn't be caught up in OPs mind frame.
Someone at the top acknowledges the attraction to the gems and diamonds, understanding and playing that to his advantage. The person "at the top" most likely won't be seen that way by his peers, but he also won't care because he is above that need for acceptance, and won't be bitter because he just wants the best for those he cares about. There are the people in life who "just have it" and have a great social life, a ton of friends, financial success, etc, but at the same time, many of those people don't realize their position. The one "at the top" is the one who is in control of his life, and free. The one at the top lives in his own world, and embraces the absurd reality.

Basically, the person at the top respects the game, and calls the plays before they occur. He isn't bitter, because he has everything he wants - including the most valuable asset: control.

>> No.8431655



>> No.8431723

hi faggot who are you :)

>> No.8431735
