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File: 68 KB, 450x675, _ARC0059.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8417967 No.8417967 [Reply] [Original]

pretty good timing for /rick/

what did you think of faun? any womenswear predictions? which pieces did you like or dislike? did it evoke any obvious imagery for you?

feel free to talk about other SS15 stuff if you like! (yohji & mmm encouraged, raf simons reluctantly tolerated)

be nice, be polite

>> No.8417986

I think it worked ok but I really, really hope that Rick stops showing his collections with adidas footwear. Is this the last time he'll do it?

I enjoyed watching the show (even though the stream was fucking awful) but I don't think there are any pieces I'm really interested in.

What did you think tin?

>> No.8417991

also in terms of imagery, it made me think of fairies/nymphs but not in a disney way. In like a weird grimm's fairly tales/fairy orgy way.

>> No.8417993


>> No.8418086
File: 72 KB, 450x675, _ARC0281.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm slowly becoming anti adidas too... i don't hate these boots or anything but i agree with mamma dod: they'd be better shown outside of the runway and i'd enjoy non-collab footwear more (i did really like the vicious running shoes though)

faun, for me, is all about savagery
some of the bodypaint and the pastel colours looked kind of gentle, but there is a tonne of sheer aggression here that i think is easy to miss out on

this look, for example: the shiny mauve fabric panel on the tank looks like guts spilling out, and in the look with the pink bomber and harness, the top underneath resembles exposed intestines

beyond that, the benoit embroideries and graphics are pretty spooky and fierce, and looked to me like cave paintings, and the bodypaint is maybe an allusion to woad-daubing

you've also got a lot of distressed denim, half-dressed guys in retiarus diapers, even the hair... i know it's pretty boring and moot by this point to say 'rick is doing angry tribe guys' but i think that perspective is really as relevant as ever

>> No.8418095
File: 73 KB, 450x675, _ARC0321.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pink bomber look: can u see how it totally looks like he's just taken a sword slash across his midriff??

>> No.8418103


Fucking loved it
Loved the pale pink pieces the most and the silk/viscose weird patches too.

>> No.8418109

>i'm slowly becoming anti adidas too

what a surprise

>> No.8418110

didnt see the point.

>> No.8418113
File: 68 KB, 450x675, _ARC0017.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why's that?

>> No.8418116

it's called a zipper. most jackets have one for easy access

>> No.8418141
File: 69 KB, 450x675, _ARC0144.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


of the collection as a whole?

>> No.8418155


>> No.8418169


The refined and contrived athleticism of ballet as a deliberately archaic reference point for sportswear styles; palettes influenced by Bakst (and in a oblique way, even a softer look at Fauvism); a continued focus on loose/relaxed silhouettes. The Nijinsky ballet had a strong influence on what we now regard as modern dance and part of my brain traces a line from that to more contemporary traditions like Butoh, but the body painting has primitive connotations that tie in pretty closely to the embroideries, too.

>> No.8418176
File: 1.16 MB, 320x180, dff-daniel-faraday-face-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I looking at
What board am I on.

>> No.8418181

Wow which planet did this alien come from?

>> No.8418182


You're looking at a very stylized, exaggerated runway show of a Paris-based ready-to-wear designer.

>> No.8418188

How come!
Been dressing in this palette for over 2 years now (Pale gray, soft green, light denim, chrome, blood, a bit of dark blue and black, yellow pink).
So I am more than ready to get a lot of this.
Bravissimo Rick I needed designer pieces in this palette, thanks.

>> No.8418192

But why
Why would anyone want to dress like this?
Why not just dress normally?

>> No.8418203


There's a lot of "normal" in there, but it's pretty well disguised. Besides, there are plenty of people doing "normal". It's good to have options.


He actually always has a lot of colors available (especially in womenswear, but Lilies in particular). It's just that retailers don't always pick those colorways.

>> No.8418208
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>> No.8418212


Why would anyone would want to become a doctor, an inventor, a gay dancer, an alpha male construction worker cosplayer, a CEO, an albino ghetto rapper, an astronaut etc if they can work a nice 9 to 5 office job and drink starbucks everyday?.

>> No.8418213

seriously, no h8, but how the hell did you get into the show two times?

>> No.8418217


It's the seats, not the standing room invites, that are hard to come by.

>> No.8418219
File: 69 KB, 450x675, _ARC0102.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just asked

it's common for fans that live in paris that don't even have invitations to just assemble outside the entrance and hope there's some standing room

>> No.8418228

I work for a local (not even national) newspaper as a freelancer in Germany and I sent some e-mails with the newspaper's header to some brands and got into pretty much every show last year. I just was in Paris with some friends, didn't even write an article. lel
Saint Laurent was the only brand that denied.

>> No.8418229
File: 746 KB, 1194x916, Screen Shot 2014-06-27 at 21.38.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do we jump the trend?

>> No.8418241
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>> No.8418248

Yes. The first Rick Adidas were good. But these new ones are trash. The Adidas colabs are holding him back.

I really liked the clothes tho.

>> No.8418266

no. stupid looking gimmick imo. If you wanna get on the whole hype beast bullshit then they might work.

A lot of the prints look like "naive" portraits of Rick which i'm not a fan of at all. Putting a picture on your clothes of yourself is just awful.

>> No.8418269
File: 13 KB, 320x480, VuK2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate to break it to you...

>> No.8418277

>why are people innovating and not stewing in the designs of the past.

Please listen to yourself

>> No.8418279

If it isn't broken
Don't fix it.

>> No.8418283


That's an understandable argument, but kind of moot when you take into account that the "classic" designs you favor were, at one point, considered innovations and breaks with even older traditions.

>> No.8418286
File: 36 KB, 458x727, raf ss15 back shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8418288

'Understanding Evolution'


>> No.8418289

>people thinking that there is a "default" style of clothing
>people taking the term "classic" literally


>> No.8418293

>pinrolls chinos

>> No.8418631
File: 2.56 MB, 640x360, Yohji1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really enjoyed watching rick this time but there wasn't really anything that stood out that I wanted to buy.

also I'm bored so I might make some SS15 webms if anyone is interested

>> No.8418637


Well, are those yours or from some videos? Post source. Inb4 I should check their official sites.

>> No.8418648
File: 2.29 MB, 640x360, Yohji2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't take the video if that's what you mean

>> No.8418655
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, Yohji3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8418681
File: 2.65 MB, 980x551, Lauterbach1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8418687

This one is poorly encoded, cannot open with chrome.

>> No.8418689
File: 2.42 MB, 960x540, Lauterbach2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I screwed up the resolution.
Hopefully this one works?

>> No.8418695

works with my chrome

>> No.8418698
File: 2.21 MB, 960x540, Lauterbach3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8418726 [DELETED] 
File: 2.71 MB, 960x540, Dirk Diggler... I mean err Bikkembergs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8418769
File: 2.28 MB, 960x540, Rick1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a link to a video of Juun.j? none on youtube

>> No.8418786
File: 1.10 MB, 960x540, Dries.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dries and Rick both had strap things

>> No.8418834
File: 146 KB, 290x455, Screen Shot 2014-06-27 at 12.25.57 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such a contrived statement. Can you show me another Rick menswear collection that features yellow, pale pink, etc. There were some elements in the show that were typical Rick but for the most part that show was a significant deviation from what Rick has been doing almost his whole career.

The shoes were terrible, and having seen the stock photos of the rest of the adidas collaboration that seems to be the general theme (that fucking shell toe on the Ramones looks like an /fa/ photoshop job. I am mortified). I hope this marks the end of the collaboration because with the way it is going in both the Rick and the Raf collections seems to me like the designers are being given far less creative license, essentially being used to generate hype for existing adidas products. The first ROxAdidas sneakers were brilliant, subversive and worked perfectly in Viscious, but I don't think we'll ever see anything like that again emerging from this commercial arrangement.

The benoit prints are awesome, I really like them, but they might represent a step in the wrong direction for Rick in my opinion. Hopefully this foray into graphics doesn't last longer than this season. I would love seeing it on the flags/bandanas but I just don't want it to get to the point where interesting graphics supplant interesting cuts/design in the clothing.

Right now this is a very preliminary take on the show and a pretty typical reaction to change. Maybe in time I'll see more clearly how it fits in with Rick's aesthetic and philosophy but at the moment I'm pretty disappointed by the show, and yet it might be one of his most original/inventive shows in some regards and showcased more versatility than people would attribute to Rick.

>> No.8419051

completely different. The drkshdw rick emblem thing is not seen when you wear the garments.

>> No.8419058
File: 69 KB, 570x407, adidas-rick-owens-spring-blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda neat

heres some more stuff


>> No.8419134

Fuccboi question but what does SS15 stand for?

>> No.8419137

it was shit

its how many pieces and their size, 15 pieces will be for sale, in sizes small and extra small ONLY

>> No.8419142



>> No.8419156

What if you just get bored of the non-broken thing and want to try something new?

>> No.8419159

Spring Summer 2015

>> No.8419163

He's such an adorable little man

>> No.8419193

Really like Margiela as a brand and the concepts / image it represents but as far as actual buying and wearing goes I feel like it's really hard to actually make the pieces look *Margiela* without committing to the full look if that makes sense

I guess what I want to say is that the looks as a whole are great but would love to see more individually unique pieces from them because outside of the context of the full outfits shown on the runway, alot of the individual pieces just look very plain as if they could be from any other brand

This is all speaking from very limited knowledge of the house as a whole btw so take it with a grain of salt

>> No.8419209


> but for the most part that show was a significant deviation from what Rick has been doing almost his whole career.

you already said this in the livestream thread and pretty much everyone disagreed with you. reactions on other forums like sz are pretty normal too, nothing unexpected or too out there. this just feels like rick doing rick, and i will tell you again that i think you're just being distracted by a few flashy details into thinking that it's some type of radically different movement in another direction.

>> No.8419215


Oh that makes sense. Thank you

>> No.8419256

Don't really follow Rick but really liked the show, I don't think I've ever found any of his collections boring - but as far as things I would wear goes there isn't much.

I am quite skinny and narrow shouldered, so anything slim tailored or fitted looks absolutely horrendous on me. I also like Rick's more "traditional" types of clothing like when he does suiting, coats etc. over his tunics and bomber jackets and shorts etc. and would like to see that more.

I like to dress in an oversized silhouette and would love to incorporate some Rick in with that, this coat >>8418219 looks awesome and is the only thing I can think of that would go with my wardrobe right now

>> No.8419264

this is the best look on the whole show and one of the handful of ones I actually like

>> No.8419361
File: 167 KB, 296x447, Screen Shot 2014-06-27 at 12.26.50 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typical sz poster
>curiouscharles: doing as my momma taught me is going to be hard on this one. On that note, i'll wait to hear showroom impressions before deciding anything about this show.

There has been barely any actual discussion on the show because a lot of people are taken aback and are now waiting to be told what to think. There was definitely no consensus in the thread that the collection wasn't significantly different from his other work and you don't actually count for 'pretty much everyone'. I was also being grouped with the poster complaining that it wasn't gothninja when that had nothing to do with what I said. There were undoubtedly elements of Rick which appear again and again in his shows but there was also a disproportionate number of things we haven't seen from Rick before, I don't know how you can deny that. Show me one show since Crust that has had as many idiosyncrasies as we just saw in Faun(?)

>> No.8419556

Is this post a joke lol
scorpio, citroen, even plinth drkshdw had baby pink, baby blue, lime green, buttercup yellow...
fucking idiots in this thread have seen one pair of geobaskest and a single black rick tee and are like "THIS CAME OUT OF NOWHERE!!!"

>> No.8420760

Good thread. Bump.

>> No.8420906

margiela as it is right now, doesn't have a lot to do with original margiela. the jeans/dress pants hybrid from the current show is maybe something he would've done, but as a whole the brand completely lost it's personality after he left.

>> No.8421647
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>> No.8421714

i agree anon

>> No.8421990
File: 63 KB, 450x675, OWE_0247.450x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like that look too. rick's recent 'traditional' coats are so fantastic, pic related

also, has anyone seen henrik vibskov yet?

>> No.8422051

I love Rick, didn't really love the designs in this show.

Really enjoyed the color choices, the darker olive/grey and darker, almost pale pink was incredible. However I didn't exactly like the silky cloth falling from the shirts.

The shorts look awesome, I think these are a masterpiece.

Adidas collab is definitely holding rick back, but in a way it is forcing him to deviate from different iterations from geos, Ramones, dunks, and plinth sole boots. It would be cool for him to work on more boots rather than focusing on sneakers.

I also am not liking the moon bounce soles, they look goofy and IMO don't make sense with what he was going for in this show.

Sure, if you assume aliens then yes I suppose it works, but I believe he was going for more of a dark fantasy mythological approach, since he was talking about fauns and faries and what not. Maybe if he had been able to stay away from Adidas he would've incorporated a more hoof like sole on his shoes to fall in line with the faun concept. Could have even looked good with roman/Greek esque sandals with a Rick spin on it. That would've look great with these designs, made sense with his use of the Faun theme, and a rick sandal for men would be awesome IMO. Not fuckin wierd moon boots. Doesn't make sense to me, and again I believe we see Adidas holding him back. Whereas IMO Raf has taken the collab to a next level, I believe Rick isn't going in that direction.

I dunno, I'm not super knowledgable about this years Paris week, but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.

>> No.8422066
File: 252 KB, 683x1024, 00050fullscreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of the first looks in Mountain. I think they called the color "Ice" or something.

>> No.8422090

Kind of off topic but in a similar vein, I thought Damir Doma was fantastic. Especially listening to Damir's explanation of his collection.

>> No.8422092

I really, really, really loved Henrik's show. I only saw pics, so I'm not sure what the deal was with the dancers in the fountain, but god damn Henrik has some amazing designs. Not many people know this but the Danish Royal Guards have similar hats to the British guards, (the tall black hats). I got that vibe from the hats the models were wearing in Henrik's show. You can see such a cool combination of classic Scandinavian style, taken to the next level with a high street wear mixed in. (Whereas Scandinavians tend to have modern designs, but stay very minimal and almost safe with colors, he has kept the modern and clean look but smashed the concept with wacky, and wonderful textures and patterns).

I didn't really pay much attention to Vibskov's work while I was living in Copenhagen, mainly because the Vibskov boutique was always sold out of his designs so I only saw the leftovers, but now that I've watched a few documentaries and actually kept an eye on his shows, I'm fuckin loving it. He's like a cleaner, smarter, less youth like (& IMO better) version of Bernhard Willhelm.

>> No.8422248


Glad to see someone else who really likes Henrik's stuff. Will report back from the showroom next month.

>> No.8422534

idk, the general theme appears to be inspired by old roman stuff, with the boypaint making the models look like statues
this makes me think of an armor of sort
and this of a toga. but with the sharp angles and steel/concrete colours like its a modern version of the roman empire

>> No.8422576
File: 1.91 MB, 1700x2334, Bakst_Nizhinsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the general theme appears to be inspired by old roman stuff

Well, you don't have to suppose, because it's been stated explicitly that it's based on the ballet "Afternoon of a Faun". I guess the painting is a bit more ambiguous than the trailing silk panels, but I think there's a pretty direct line from the supernatural setting of the ballet to the otherworldly/inhuman appearance of the bodypaint.

>> No.8422879

>I don't think we'll ever see anything like that again emerging from this commercial arrangement

I really doubt adidas would be holding back rick at all when it comes to his designs.