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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 71 KB, 640x640, asdfgbhnmj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8416885 No.8416885 [Reply] [Original]

why is she so perfect bros? ):

>> No.8416893

whos that i need to stalk her

>> No.8416900

Whatever those neck things are, I love them so fucking much. Any skinny bitch wearing those will get my attention.

>> No.8416902


>> No.8416904
File: 55 KB, 500x727, image(240).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we posting beautiful people?

I would let this guy ram my ass before I let that girl touch me

>> No.8416908

kek she's from my country

>> No.8416909

u mean a choker?
Every girl who has ever owned a tumblr ever wears them.

>> No.8416914

every girl i remember in fifth grade circa 2001 also wore those same chokers

>> No.8416915

she looks like your typical "edgy" *~softgrunge~* tumblrcore chick. meh.

>> No.8416919
File: 557 KB, 616x572, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmm can't stop watching her nipple video

>> No.8416921

Yeah at first, but look closer. That breast - thigh gap distance ratio is something of note

>> No.8416926

Disgusting hair though

>> No.8416927
File: 21 KB, 450x322, Massimo-DAlema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choker. I'll remember that, thanks

I don't go on tumblr at all, so that's probably why.

>mfw I was in fifth grade in 2001

>> No.8416935

The way she sticks her ass out makes it look like she has a huge thigh gap. Even a chubby girl can fake a thigh gap standing like that.

>> No.8416939

I bet she doesn't date Asian guys.

>> No.8416943

pls show me fat girl doing this, i want to laugh

>> No.8416944

are there even asians in ireland, i thought that was a cesspool of inbreds

>> No.8416979
File: 56 KB, 500x340, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thigh gaps have nothing to do with weight. it has to do with your skeletal structure, and how wide your hips are.

it is easy to fake a thigh gap by standing knees apart or sticking your butt out.


>> No.8416987



>> No.8416994

>tfw body exactly like this
is this good thing right*

>> No.8416995

Can't wait till she gets a 'modeling' gig and does 'art' shots, i'll be jerking to them nudes

>> No.8416997

Pretty much /fa/ ideal body, a little bit of learn muscle but not so much that people think you go to the gym

>> No.8417011 [DELETED] 
File: 209 KB, 850x879, smurfs of finland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the sort of "man" you bottom for...

>> No.8417100

i dont understand why thats considered a bad thing

like say your were ottermode and worked for it via gym and swimming, why be ashamed of people thinking you worked for it?

>> No.8417115


Ain't no problem with swimming, but yeah, you should be ashamed of going to the gym.

Gym's for plebs. "Ima get that pussy i'm shredded as fuark do u even lift???". Fuck that shit.

>> No.8417125

>you should be ashamed of going to the gym
I dont even work out and im a hungy skeleton but you re retarded

>> No.8417146

> errybody that goes to the gym is thirsty
> wanting to improve your body by lifting is for 'plebs'

Lmao ur so lazy and complacent you've actually started to actively defend and rationalise your retarded thinking

>> No.8417176

It's not ashamed or whatever. It's just the ideal that if you have too much muscle then your clothes won't fit you like they were tailor made.

I think people who go to the gym are really great and it takes a lot to have that motivation everyday. But ideals in /fa/ don't care for a lot of muscle.

Plus ottermode can vary and depending on height, can make a big difference on how clothes fit.

You're a tard and that wasn't what I meant about people think you go to the gym.

>> No.8417194

Its true. Going to the gym is making an effort. Effort is never cool. I'm not saying don't do it. I do it. Its just not cool.

>> No.8417199


>> No.8417421

looks like every other girl on tumblr

>> No.8417618

>currently ottermode
>want to be athletic mode
>go to gym to put on some muscle
>"hey anon why did you miss my call?"
>"son, why were you out at such and such time?"
>Tell them I was out smoking crack or masturbating
>Tell them anything to avoid telling them I was at the gym

I want to go there but please never let me be associated with that place

>> No.8417653

you werent ottermode if you didnt go to the gym retard

>> No.8417704


>Lmao ur so lazy and complacent you've actually started to actively defend and rationalise your retarded thinking

>lazy and complacent
Yeah, that's why I actually swim and I'm planning to do exercise every single day this summer.

I just do believe that the sane way of getting in shape is not eating shit and playing some sport, swimming, running or whatever. You know, like it has always been. You just run, or you just swim. Without overtrying. The gym instead is all about "ima eat 80% carbs 20% fat", "today is leg day tomorrow is biceps day", "im gonna drink that surplus", "cutting/bulking"... Seriously dude, what the fuck are you doing? Don't you see how much of a faggot you are?

I can understand some professional athlete needing to get the proper amount of muscle here and there, but some fucking loser working at walmart trying to get the perfectly aesthetic abs? You're top shit bro.

And yeah, pretty much every guy I met that goes to the gym (there are some few exceptions) was any combination of pleb, fat, uggo and manlet who needed to overcompensate and was fucking thirsty.

>> No.8417707

he could be
my high school friend was a scout for a long time and he got some serious muscles just from doing whatever scouts do and he never went to the gym

>> No.8417718

shitposting pls go

>> No.8417762

I had lean muscle from getting around on my bike and doing light physical stuff at work (I did scouts a while back too >>8417707)

I know heaps of people who are ottermode and don't go to the gym. They just get light muscle from day to day life and not living a shit lifestyle

>> No.8417799

>tfw man thigh gap
I don't have great bone structure. Moderate bow legs(which leads to thigh gap), minor scoliosis(only like 15 degrees or something like that), and pigeon chest(which I actually think looks kind of nice). Maybe I should have drank more milk when I was growing up.

>> No.8417860

that's not ottermode then, its just low bodyfat

>> No.8417888

theyre tattoo chokers

>> No.8418062

i always thought every man has a thigh gap

>> No.8418127

its that neck thing

i love the neck thing

>> No.8418137


>> No.8418310

jesus dude, don't be so ignorant

>> No.8418491

>Any skinny bitch wearing those will get my attention.
send them my sympathies

>> No.8418511


There's a shit load of them at my university.

>> No.8418512

>it is easy to fake a thigh gap by standing knees apart or sticking your butt out.
That's not "faking" it. That's how it looks when every model, celebrity, and other hot girl with a "real" one does it. T
his girl is like any successful attention whore from tumblr. Fuck the thigh gap. Fuck her tits. Don't care about that.

What is "of note" is the fact that she's out of your league along with everyone else in this thread. You and all the other ugly/avg dudes on the net only think she's "typical" because youre used to looking at pictures of girls who are 100 x better looking than you will ever be.

>> No.8418517

> not doing olympic weightlifting

100% functional strength, "brah"

>> No.8418530

Oly lifting makes you better at Oly lifting. It certainly isn't for people who want to look good or have functional strength in the upper body. You need to supplement it or just do an entirely different routine/sport altogether if you want to look good and develop well rounded functional strength.

>> No.8418552

what vid?

>> No.8418554
File: 63 KB, 500x500, tumblr_muvwbzdJAb1s3vnemo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except everything you said is wrong.

> just started playing beach volleyball just to have an excuse to not wear a shirt
> tfw glorious ottermode
> tfw never played volleyball before and I'm one of the best because of glorious OLY dynamics which actually help with sports despite what faggots who don't have the patience to learn technique will tell you

I'm sorry you suck at power cleaning.

>> No.8418618

gibe linc

>> No.8418625

Having a good looking body is like wearing good looking clothes. It's good looking

>> No.8418651

Lu does accessory lifts that he doesn't need and is roided. Most aesthetic guys who are professional Oly lifters are roided and/or do unnecessary accessory lifts. I'm not hating on Oly lifting. It's a genuine sport and requires a ton of strength. But by nature of the movements, much of the upper body is left weaker than would be optimal for truly functional strength. And just so we're straight, functional strength and power aren't the same thing. A strongman has functional strength because he can lift a lot of weight using his large muscles, unlike bodybuilders who train for hypertrophy rather than numbers. Power is just the ability to generate more force in less time.

>> No.8419199
File: 82 KB, 579x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's hot, but not perfect. Here are some flaws pointed out by my autism:

1. Her nose is weird looking
2. She looks really short in her videos, unless her boyfriends a giant
3. You can see from some of her videos she has crooked teeth
4. She's Irish
5. Her fashion sense isn't bad, but it's pretty much what most girls on tumblr wear.

She has a great body, hair and okayish face. Judging by the no-bar pictures she has a great set of 30B tits that support themselves. 8.5/10.

>> No.8419266

>all this implying and projecting in one post

i'm the one who wrote about faking a thigh gap. i'm a fucking woman, you dumb cow.

some people *do* have thigh gap naturally, without standing stupid. she just doesn't, and so do a shit ton of other women. but there are ones that do have it. same with other features, like large breasts, full lips, etc. some have it, some fake it.

anyways, i don't give a shit about that. what is "of note" is she really is typical. she might look better if she stopped letting fucking tumblr dress her. what's also "of note" is you're retarded.

>> No.8419386

FUCK...so mad

>> No.8419411
File: 123 KB, 612x612, 80cc9b4c-fbc2-4d71-8d2d-e5a795cf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone just got blown the fuck out

>> No.8419429

yeah man I put on some serious lean muscle from being fondled by my troop leader as well

>> No.8419432
File: 18 KB, 316x301, 69c80663-c251-44da-a948-34b005bc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bow legs

and I thought my genes were bad

>> No.8419458

so my current excercise basically is

>swimming freestyle 1km every other day
>pushups + sit ups every other day
>running and skating 3 or 4 times a week

can I get >>8416904 from this?
also should I do pushups and shit every day or leave a gap in between

>> No.8419552


putting things up and down for hours on end is an activity for actual retards. sports are fine, because they're fun and help you on other important aspects like reflexes, team work, etc...but it's simply not possible to willingly go move weights from one place to another and not be mentally incapacitated

>> No.8419571

and I forgot the cherry on top: PAYING to go to a place full of other sweaty retards doing the same thing as you

>> No.8419698
File: 88 KB, 338x600, le thigh gap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb cow

Hey uncle ruckus, how's that internalized misogyny working out for you?

the pic in this thread proves that if you're fit and keep legs a little far apart, you'll have a thigh gap. Wider hips while in conjunction with a very slim physique will give you you a wider thigh gap. Why is this so hard to understand? Your body converting your own MUSCLe to energy sounds fucking terrifying. I've never been more skeeved by this misguided mentality concerning aesthetics that's so pervasive among you young 'uns.

>> No.8419716


lmao you are so dumb

>> No.8419736

There has not been a single correct use of 'lean muscle' in this thread.

>> No.8419743

too old

>> No.8419758

can't say I expected a better reply from a weight lifter
try again

>> No.8419782

1 km is nothing. If you swim 5 km every other day, you will quickly ascend to otter mode without the need for added running.

>> No.8421629
File: 183 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her latest picture tho

>> No.8421675

her hair makes me so angry

>> No.8421709

>4. She's Irish
She's Polish. She probably just lives in Ireland.

>> No.8421737

>her hair makes me so angry

ikr, reminds me of the smelly girl in highschool who reads the shit out of retarded books like lord of the rings and other fantasy bullshit. would still bang tho

>> No.8421740

She sounds pretty fucking Irish to me bro in her videos.

>> No.8421745

Hnggggg why isn't she an AA model yet.

>> No.8421747

Grow up

>> No.8421813
File: 368 KB, 555x707, tumblr_mwzrmoEEln1qcw6vwo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's hot but her face is okayish

>> No.8421816
File: 151 KB, 640x800, flat,800x800,070,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do i live in italy where all the girls look like shit with no style and horrible skin complexion? I just want a girl like her

>> No.8421890
File: 61 KB, 597x447, black closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be trollin, skin complexion? i generally hate italian style tho

>> No.8422046

how would i get this if my body was already like it except not as much muscle definition

>> No.8422084
File: 30 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ali is cuter and has a pretty entertaining Instagram

>> No.8422093

Cardio and or mild diet deficit. But please remember that this guy is dyel tier.

>> No.8422563

what is her instagram?

>> No.8422579

got damn

she sounds pretty retarded though

>> No.8422588

what is wrong with being Irish? seriously im curious as to why that is a bad thing

>> No.8422605

>FAS face
Ew no.

>> No.8422623

Buy my Dior silver selvage raw and you too can get fa pussy


>> No.8422654

Her accent is belfast

>> No.8422655

Depends which part of Ireland.

>> No.8422663

2/10, step up nigga

>> No.8422679

elaborate pls

>> No.8422692

you grow up and stop moving iron things repetitively like a mongoloid

>> No.8422706

Southern Ireland. Northern Ireland's cool because it's a part of the UK.

>religious freaks

>> No.8422726

yeah cant argue with that

so you think the terrorists are in the south and not the north? lel

>religious freaks
nah, some people go to church but thats just because its been tradition for ages. whereas in america if someone is religious they are generally a fucking nutjob. most people are pretty indifferent towards religion here. unless you are a protestant

>> No.8422731

>part of the UK

>> No.8422962
File: 22 KB, 467x699, scriptical-wordpress-best-of-the-season-ali-michael-by-terry-richardson-for-purple-magazine-autumn-2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah pretty much voids the need to lust over other women

>> No.8423056

Is that a penis?


>> No.8423994

>I have never seen a vagina

>> No.8424041
File: 501 KB, 951x639, 1277510724771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seriously. every mound gets called a penis.

also mounds are more pronounced on thin girls

>> No.8424207

ive been a regular gym goer since grade 10
never have i wanted to tell anyone i go to the gym
I always found it sort of embarrassing
idk why

>> No.8424208

neither of those are genetic
mostly posture

>> No.8424214

do white people actually think this is hot
yall so fucking weird

>> No.8424220

>i have never heard an unfunny joke

>> No.8424227
File: 135 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mnsuveJ1PN1qbwhaio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck those mound things are hot
especially when they're a tiny bit chubby and their undies are tight.

hnnn muh duck

>> No.8424291

fuck man
whenever i see her face i feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like everythings ok
prolly cause she reminds me of my ex gf

>> No.8424330

ugly as fuck

>> No.8424342
File: 101 KB, 532x836, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems a little disproportionate to me here. Tits seem to small for her frame, she doesn't feel as slender and thin as other models.

I guess she's an American fat fuck though.

>> No.8424381

Pointy elbows/10

>> No.8424467


>> No.8424677

It's ali_michael you dumb fuck

>> No.8424687

too perfect :<

>> No.8424692

>swimming 5 km in one sitting

absolutely retarded.

>> No.8424708

As a psychologist i can say that she is pretty nymphomaniac. She can be a nice porn star.

>> No.8424980

How big do you think her rack is? 32B, C maybe?

>> No.8424996

lol and you know they probably went straight to fucking as soon as that camera went off.
>relationship goals

>> No.8425087

>tfw she hits 30 and her tits will sag

>> No.8425403

This only happens to fat bitches and pregnant women

>> No.8425422

>tfw you hit 30 and get accepted to Hogwarts to become a wizard

>> No.8425434

There are so many hot skinnies on Instagram. They exacerbate my suicidal ideation.

>> No.8425593

Small tits don't sag you virgin.

>> No.8425675

she looks nowhere near as good in that video and her boyfriend is a 6/10 max

>> No.8425679

>met on instagram
is this a thing

>> No.8425696

Slav girls are so fucking cute ;_;

>> No.8425706

Oh god, I'm so lonely.

>> No.8425731

Kuchta doesn't sound very Irish.

>> No.8425755


>> No.8425769

holy fuck

>> No.8425803


>> No.8425813

i once finger fucked a girl i met on habbo hotel


>> No.8425819

This sounds like a Sun Kil Moon song if Mark Kozelek was 20

>> No.8425821
File: 69 KB, 640x629, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8425835


i actually first met my girlfriend on myspace
like 7 years ago?

>> No.8425837


I fucked so many wimin in the haboo hotel golden era.
It was rainin pussy if youknowaddamean.

Most of them grils move on new social sites and were top of the line tumblrgirls a couple years ago.

>> No.8426141

her boyfriend is the average /fa/mu/ browser

>> No.8426511
File: 28 KB, 320x213, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw she probably hates herself has depression, anxiety, ADHD and is a general self loathing depressed messed and a horrible girlfriend.

>> No.8426543


>yfw that is just speculative nonsense that reveals more about you than her

stay classy /fa/

>> No.8426618

All tumblr girls who post pictures of themselves are crying out for attention and almost all have some mental health issues. I've got a MSc in human psychology bro. I can tell from her body language in videos.

>> No.8426626

They don't have mental issues, they're just dumb and looking for attention.

>> No.8426675

Attention whoring is a mental issue. It stems from childhood insecurities, self loathing and paranoia

>> No.8427011

that patchy babbys first beard is so fucking gross

>> No.8427025

i personally know a person who posts pictures of herself on tumblr and she is legit crazy. she has borderline personality disorder. i'm not making fun of her though, she had a shit childhood and i worry about her sometimes.

>> No.8427118

a lot of people post pictures on tumblr, are hers nudes or something?

>> No.8427134

yeah i think it's silly to generalize but there is a significant number of troubled women and girls posting on tumblr. and no she doesn't post nudes, just portraits and depressing/aggressive/funny blogs.

>> No.8427155

imagine how much easier self loathing/being desperate for attention would be if you were attractive shit man

>> No.8427258

tbh..if u dont know them u shouldnt assume things like that cause its kind of rude n people go through phases sometimes so u never really know

>> No.8427269

whats her blog

>> No.8427277

i guess you're right, it's better not to assume anything, but it's hard not to when you see such bad vibes emanating from those kinds of people.

>> No.8427279

sorry but i'm not sharing that.

>> No.8427302

Is work a viable excuse for going to the gym?
I'm required to keep my weight down and stay in shape for both work and health, not any meathead by far, but still enjoy pushing myself.
ITT: Haul giant pieces of metal and equipment, boxes, crates, and furniture for a living.

>> No.8427418

1km a day is fine, try to do 100m sprints or 50m sprints divide them in sets
10x50m sprints with 30 secs rest in between sprint then rest 3 minutes then 10x50m sprints with 30 secs rest in between sprint

go as fast as possible every sprint, finish with some slow relaxed swimming, like 200-300m

do this 3 days, day on day off, the days off just swim distance 1km, probs 2x500m or 1x1km

not really, if he knows how to break the 5km he probably could

Also I swim around 5km average 6 times a week

>> No.8427423
File: 67 KB, 794x796, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her bfs lock screen though.

>> No.8427462

where do u get that from ppl just posting selfies on tumblr? millions of people do that

>> No.8427527

L I T E R A L L Y W H O ?

>> No.8427556

That's cute, who is that?

>> No.8427571

>Be attractive girl.
>Post risqué photos on the internet.

Guys, please: let's stop this. It's all our fault.

>> No.8427637 [DELETED] 


>> No.8428332
File: 99 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh I prefer girls who are mentally unstable. If they hate themselves they usually lower their standards to somebody like me as long as I give her plenty of compliments and Valium.

>> No.8428390

Yea she's only 5'3, she admitted on twitter btw

>> No.8429497

She's only 5'3?! Disgusting. She went from a respectable 8.5/10 to an average 6.

>> No.8429832

I fucking hate that high waisted jeans are making a comeback

>> No.8429861

>She looks really short in her videos, unless her boyfriends a giant
>unless her boyfriends a giant
>her boyfriend
Dropped, 0/10 what a useless whore

>> No.8429866

They are superior. The don't break up the silhouette of hips.

>> No.8429940

They make your ass look really fucking long.

>> No.8430222
File: 9 KB, 855x429, exitplease.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfag pls

>> No.8430670

Wow she actually has a fan page http://instagram.com/holykuchta

>> No.8430789

She also has a fan blog. People are fucking weird, she's not even remotely famous.


>> No.8430855


She is perfect indeed, dayum!

>> No.8431043

it's probably just her, she obviously craves a massive amount of attention

>> No.8431065

you know fucking nothing

how are you so closed minded yet you post on a fashion board

i guess it goes both ways doesn't it

>> No.8431365

cringeworthy, i hate people who laugh about nothing. If nothing funny happened then why are you laughing?

>inb4 autistic

>> No.8431373

got damn nigga