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/fa/ - Fashion

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8412444 No.8412444[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's your morning routine /fa/? Also, skin care products recommendations & tips are welcome

>> No.8412507

>Wake up
>Go downstairs in pyjamas
>Sit on reclined chair in pyjamas all day with laptop on my lap

>> No.8412541

brush teeth, wash face, eat breakfast

>> No.8412546
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brush before breakfast?

>> No.8412552

This >>8412546
what the fuck is wrong with you?

Try drinking orange after brushing your teeth lemme know how it feels.

>> No.8412554

>being male
>using skin care

pick 1

>being male
>using skin care
>being a faggot

pick 3

>> No.8412572

Hey /fit/, how's your first day here?

>> No.8412578


its ok thanks

just having a laugh at that picture of the /fa/ meet up

>> No.8412609

That's how it's supposed to be done, if you eat/drink and then brush your teeth it is more likely to harm the enamel

>> No.8412620

this is true. i only brush at night. i use gum after every meal

>> No.8412631

I brush my teeth again after that when taking a shower

>> No.8412664

enjoy your shitskin

>> No.8412673
File: 302 KB, 918x482, selfridgesgroomingbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty well priced starter package if anyone is interested in getting into using hair/skin products

>> No.8412687

>facial fuel
Is the modern man so insecure that he needs manly names for his skincare products?
>Mens Dryness Mutilator for men, it's the AK-47 of moisturisers

>> No.8412713

who the fuck cares lol

>> No.8412724

>wake up
>shower: wash face, body, condition hair. Shampoo 2-3x a week.
>put on deodorant, shave, moisturize
>american crew fiber
>blow dry hair
>get dressed
>kill self

>> No.8412802

2 kinds of interdental brush
1 inter spaced brush (back of wisdom teeth)
Deoderant stick
Get dressed.

>> No.8412807

>tfw you forget to brush your teeth
feels bad man. My teeth are clean tho so who cares

>> No.8412808

Acids in food weaken tooth enamel. Brushing or flossing scrapes away soft enamel.

Use mouthwash afterwards if you must.

But I think, like a lot of these things, it's just down to genetics. My girlfriend has perfect teeth and has never looked after them. I have a 10 minute routine every day just for them, and they've always been shit.

>> No.8412840

>it's the AK-47 of moisturisers
Maybe they mean it's been knocked off so many times you're a fucking idiot for not getting something identical and cheaper.

>> No.8412873

>Cleanse with Almond oil
>Cleanse with Etude House Foam
>Benton Toner
>Benton Essence
>Benton Cream

>Wipe over face using cotton pads+Bioderma Sensibio
>Hada Labo toner
>Clinique Moisturiser

Thank you based Korean Skincare for curing my acne

>> No.8413050

>wake up
>get up
>brush teeth
>dry off
>apply deodorant and cologne
>sit in bed on laptop for 20 minutes
>get dressed
>style hair
>go to work

>> No.8413058


When do you shit

>> No.8413065

i dont do anything and i have good skin. i rarely even wash my face unless im about to go somewhere. youre just buying bullshit. a lotion with sunscreen is all you need.

>> No.8413077

after work at ur mums house

>> No.8413093

I guess you're surprised when I tell you that you do not share the same genetics with the rest of the board. What works for you, might not work for everyone.

>> No.8413109

ok, make believe that all these products you buy actually do anything

>> No.8413118

Of course they do. For example someone with dry skin might benefit from a moisturizer, stop being ignorant.

>> No.8413121

you're right, that billion dollar industry does nothing, after countless years you are the chosen one who's seen through it


>> No.8413124

i said lotion and sunscreen is all you need. all the balms and toners and shit do nothing.

>> No.8413128

you say its a billion dollar industry like that means anything

>> No.8413132

weigh in
take accutane
wash face
pore strip

>>b4 bed
wash face
take accutane
Nutrogena Face scrub
Deep Wash (every other day)

>> No.8413145


I think you need to chill out with the snowflake syndrome if beauty products did nothing they wouldn't be making so much money, really though you should report this to the fbi you've clearly uncovered some government conspiricy

>> No.8413148

I agree, I find that less does more benefit
I use cetaphil cleanser and lotion now though which seems to do very well

>> No.8413162

you're a complete idiot lol

>> No.8413164

well it didn't take you long to run out of argument points, another retard rekt

>> No.8413184

your entire argument is that they make money so it must do something, which is fucking stupid. the rest is you pretending that I think it's some kind of conspiracy. you're obviously an idiot so we'll just leave it be. enjoy your 2oz bottles of over priced anti-aging balms and toners and green tea extract mild exfoliating cleansers or w/e else you are getting butt blasted over.

>> No.8413185

Brushing teeth reduces ur appetite FYI ;^)

>> No.8413189

how is it possible to type so much and say nothing

>> No.8413193

I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.8413197

>*tips fedora*

>> No.8413205

i dont get it

>> No.8413346

hes just spewing memes to feel important

>> No.8413357


>> No.8413372

lol ok

>> No.8413382

Same shit with women's products
Nars orgasm blush
Better than sex mascara

Etc etc

its not about insecurity its to appeal to the market. You wouldn't buy a woman's product if there was a similar one at men. Too bad some of that stuff is ineffective or has irritating ingredients b/c the cosmetic companies over rely on hype and smoke and mirrors to sell their junk.

>> No.8413435

Thank you based Pat Bateman

>> No.8413800

>Get up
>get in shower
>wash body in luke warm water
>if hair is greasy then do Baking Soda+ACV method.
>if Wednesday or Saturday exfoliate face with baking soda
>Rinse hair in cold water
>get out of shower
>splash cold water on face in sink
>Spray ACV toner on face and any places with acne or acne scars
>put on daily moisturizer with SPF 15

>> No.8413806

>Baking Soda+ACV method.
does this actually work or is it a memepoo

>> No.8413818


Might as well ask here. I'm using a tretinoin (like Retin A 0.05%) right now for acne and acne red marks.

Can I also use a AHA/BHA like product or is it too much?

Are those sunscreen for acne prone skin better than normal ones? In the sense, do they do anything for acne?

>> No.8413834

It works for me, in the summer you can go a long time without having to do it much, if it's winter it's better to use shampoo.

>> No.8413836

facial fuel is a good name for a band, calling dibs

>> No.8413842

Night before:

>no shampoo
>shave if necessary
>style hair with blowdryer

>brush teeth
>wash face with cool water
>restyle hair with hands, maybe water and dryer

And that's it. My skin hates moisturizers and creams and becomes extremely greasy if I use them. Same with shampoo and my hair.

>> No.8413897

>I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine.
>In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches.
>I can do a thousand now.
>After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion.
>In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub.
>Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine.
>I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older.
>Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.8414045
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>no international delivery

>> No.8414053
File: 76 KB, 960x720, 1402331013036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get up
>check phone for emails to see if i have any money today
>go to the bathroom
>put on comfy lurking clothes

>> No.8414056

>living outside of london
>browsing a fashion board

>> No.8414058

>wake up
>brush teeth
>moisturizer for face
>american crew fiber for hair

>> No.8414065

nice m33m

>> No.8414201

Avoid using AHA if you have acne. Use BHA at most once a day, or you risk overexfoliation which can really dry out your skin (retinoids are strong exfoliants).

I am pretty sure the sunscreen for acne prone skin thing is a marketing gimmick. If you have acne, if you use benzoyl peroxide to control acne, or use any kind of retinoid, you are more photosensitive and need to use sunscreen EVERYDAY (even if it's cloudy out). With acne, I find that it's best to use a chemical sunscreen instead of a physical one. Try eltamd; their products are pretty good.

>> No.8414236

As far as face stuff goes, I just wash face with soap in the shower and then maybe use some aloe gel to moisturize. If I break out, the night before I'll just mix a dab of toothpaste with some baking soda and rub it on the area, usually dries it all out by morning.

Hair is just a rinse and scrub with cold water in the shower. Any conditioners or shampoos (yes, even the sulfate-free ones) I've used typically dry my hair out and make the curls coil up even more, so I'm sticking to no poo for the time being. In emergencies, I'll use an apple cider vinegar solution to cleanse my hair. Hair is practically used to it now, it isn't too oily or anything, trying to look for some oils to use in it though to control the frizz.

>> No.8414282

you paint bro?

>> No.8414430


maybe if i make enough money i'll start

>> No.8414537

What do you do then?

>> No.8415446

>style hair with blowdryer

doesn't blowdrying fuck up your hair?

>> No.8415452



>> No.8415464

>wake up
>brush teeth
>go to work

No breakfast here

>> No.8415509

>wake up
>phone time
>poop time
>brush teeth
>face moisturizer
coffee ~ apple
>dress up
>style hair
>brush teeth again

There's an idea of a Anon; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there.

>> No.8416166

double espresso and 1 cigarette

>> No.8416213

I shower at night, when I wake up I wash my hair in the sink (no shampoo etc) then brush my teeth and wash my face. I sit on the toilet and play with my phone for a bit then get to and blow-dry my hair and add some paste

>> No.8416498

>Wake up
>Rush to mirror so I know if this will be a good day
>Style hair
>Eat breakfast
>Dress myself

Always wearing a shirt so I style my hair first to see how it looks before I go out the day...if it's went flat I style it differently.

>> No.8416520

>Wake up
>play around with phone
>brush teeth
>take a piss/dump
>shower, no shampoo, just soap for my ass, armpits, testicles etc
>shape hair
>breakfast (fruits, no coffee)
>ready 2 go

>> No.8416526

wake up
skip breakfast
blow wave hair
long black and a quick fag

>> No.8416550

better have a book under that laptop o.o don't wanna get ball cancer

>> No.8416693

is this b8 im not sure