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8395756 No.8395756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that attractive couples are more likely to have ugly children?

>> No.8395763


>> No.8395796

Perspective: if two people are 10/10, their kid has to be a 10/10 or higher, otherwise they are uglier.

>> No.8395800


>> No.8395803
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my parents are both 8-9/10, my older brother is 7/10 and I'm 4/10

>> No.8395811
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>> No.8395814

got the bad genes nigga.
recessive genes they skip a generation.

>> No.8395823

i see ugly ugly ugly

>> No.8395825

Depends. Bone structure is genetic but there is no applicable "attractive" gene, so two attractive people could have an ugly child because the child inherited the wrong parents genes

I think it's more likely for an ugly and a attracted person to have an attractive child

>> No.8395845

>mom 5'4
>dad 5'10
>brother 6'3
>me 5'8
This is some real nigga shit do

>> No.8395848

She looks a lot like her mom

>> No.8395857

goddamn your brother got away with highway robbery there

>> No.8395862

Mom: 5'2"

>> No.8395869

>tfw adopted and never met parents

Anyone know this feel? I really hope they weren't balding or something

>> No.8395876

So sorry anon...

>> No.8395878

>tfw you realize you're biological parents both died of a disease that kills you at age 20
>tfw you're 18

>> No.8395891

My 18 what

>> No.8395896

damn u got robbed, my condolences anon

>> No.8395897

it's the correct usage of the word "you're" sorry you needed help.

>> No.8395903

I'm sorry for what?

>> No.8395907

Nah I think they're still alive but my country has that anonymous adoption shit that keeps their identity confidential. When I was sick a few years ago the doctors got my biological parents medical history to look at, but they wouldn't show me anything

>> No.8395924
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>mother: 5'8 7/10
>father: 6'4 8/10
>sister: 5'7 9/10
>me: 5'1 2/10

>> No.8395930

Mom: 5'3
Dad: 5'9
Brother: 5'8
Me: 6'2
> kek

>> No.8395934

holy shit. You better be a grill

>> No.8395936
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>> No.8395948

>rating ur sis a 9/10
anon, I...

>> No.8395954
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>> No.8395956

u guys the younger brother or older?

>> No.8395961


>> No.8395965

5'1. That's awful ... I'm sorry anon.

>> No.8395968

twins as well

>> No.8395970


>> No.8395985

younger is usually taller

>> No.8395996

That's fucked up. You must be lying op.

>> No.8395999

I'm one of the guys you actually responded to. I'm younger by a yeat

>> No.8396004

babby gets more space to grow in the womb because the older brother expanded mommy's stomach

>> No.8396010

>mom 4'11
>dad 5'4
>me 5'10

>> No.8396012

Op here, just wondering because I heard it somewhere and while I can't say that attractive parents have ugly children, I've seen more unattractive parents end up with 10/10 kids. Maybe it's just people in my area.

Might as well ask this also: isn't the third child always the best looking? Everyone I know can attest to this and I see it too. Child #3, boy or girl, lucks out.

>> No.8396013

well, you tried

>> No.8396025

Holy shit 4'11 is your mom Snooki or something

>> No.8396032

u lucked the fuck out

>> No.8396055


>> No.8396057

I saw a photo of my grandfather in his younger days, holy fucking shit did he look amazing: Chiseled jaw, the most prominent cheekbones I've ever seen, sky blue eyes and incredibly interesting/memorable face in general. Hands down would have been a top top male muddle, not even kidding. He also killed a bunch of Russians during a war.

My father unfortunately did not receive any of those genes.

>> No.8396061
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Here's what I think: My parents were pretty attractive and I came out similar (think 8ish). I think that it's when you get to the extremes when things come out weird. I think there's a blur between really attractive and ugly, extreme features do that. I like to use Richard Ashcroft as an example because he's hard to pinpoint on the attractive scale. It really comes down to how your features interact.

>> No.8396065
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Do you know how genetics work, OP?

>> No.8396071

Speaking of genetics. I'm 6'3" and I have this thing for a 5' asian cutie who has the perfect face. Am I dooming my offspring if I decide to seal the deal with her?

>> No.8396072

I love hearing stories of russians dying

>> No.8396077

Your superior white genes will take over, don't worry.

>> No.8396078

There is a Russian family near me and the dad is ugly as fuck but the son is 10/10 and yet looks just like his father.

>> No.8396080

yes u race traitor

>> No.8396082

Yeah but the height and dicksize thing...I'm not super well hung (6.5-7 inches) so I'm afraid that my boys will be 5'6" with tiny dicks

>> No.8396089

no shes mexican

yeah i know even though im average im glad im not that short

>> No.8396095

>attracted to asians

You're already doomed, mate.

>> No.8396097

>mfw 5' 6" and moderate sized dick

>> No.8396100

Okay, that's perfect. How do you feel about your quality of life?

>> No.8396109

I have a 8/10 face so it's not bad. but my dad is 5' 2".

so I feel ok. I would have a lot of resentment if my dad was 6' 3" though...

But again, if it weren't for my looks then I'd feel pretty bad. I wouldn't risk it if you have shitty face op.

>> No.8396119

I wasn't OP, I have a good face. I posted >>8396061 fuck...this chick is fucking bombing tho. I just want my kids to have the same amount of options as I did when it comes to attracting the opposite sex...

>> No.8396124

I'm currently dating an 1/2 Korean girl... whenever we talk about what our kids would look like I always think about how i would be fine with having an asian looking daughter but how I would never want to curse my son with those genes... do you guys think 1/4th asian would be drastically apparent in someone's appearance

>> No.8396127
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Hello guys. What's going on in this thread?

>> No.8396128

Nah, 1/4th would be fine. He'd look attractive most likely if both of you are decent looking.

>> No.8396129
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the supreme gentleman has returned

>> No.8396130

what does she look like?

aren't those children from that Jon and Kate show only 1/8th Asian?

>> No.8396131


>> No.8396134

Look, if you really like her then it's not like he'll inherit all the short genes. Mixed race kids are honestly, the future of the most beautiful people in the world.

Just make sure he gets the most out of his height. Enroll him in swimming as soon as he can, swimming elongates your limbs and has less gravity acting on your spine. Milk and cheese after every meal. A lot of meat in the diet.

He'll probably be at least 5' 10" and that's enough to pull a lot of tail

>> No.8396135

Yeah I know all that. It's nice to hear though. Fuck, why couldn't this bitch be at least 5'6" or something, though her proportions are perfect for being so short.

>> No.8396138

I'm 5'11, she's 5'5. she looks like every other hot asian

>> No.8396140

He should be hot face-wise but might be fucked for height. It's your call.

>> No.8396154

I love how people still make fun of this fucker after he's dead. He probably expected everyone to feel bad for calling him an autist and a manlet but he just ended up digging the hole deeper.

>> No.8396174

op my dad is asian and my mum is white

dad is 5' 8 and mum is 5' 4

i turned out to be 5' 11 cause my parents did most of the things the other guy suggested. i love my life, being mixed race is a literal gift

>> No.8396179

So what would you guess my kid would come out as?

>> No.8396196

not him but seriously stop obsessing over this and just continue on with your life. no one knows how your children will turn out

>> No.8396198

I NEED TO KNOW! Plus I'm bored as fuck on /fa/ and this is one of the last interesting threads that is active.

>> No.8396218

You will never know and that's life.

>> No.8396222

i'd say between minimum 5'10 - 6' 0.5"

he'll never be over 6' 1.

honestly if youre 6' 3" he has a really good chance, plus the mix of asian and white will make him look god tier (usually)

>> No.8396226

cool. Hopefully his dick comes out ok.

>> No.8396236

>Boy, I hope my son has a huge dick!

>> No.8396241

I mean, we all think that don't we. Would you hope your kid had an asian 2 incher?

>> No.8396242


>> No.8396244

my dick is 6 inch on the dot but it's pretty tanned lel. no complaints tho :D

>> No.8396246

Fuck....I forgot about dark dick. He better not have dark dick.

>> No.8396255


>> No.8396261

Almost same here.
>Mom 5'6
>Dad 6'2
>Brother (1.5yr younger) 6'4
>Me 5'8

Its bullshit.

>> No.8396263

Fuckin' that nurture vs nature though
>uncle 5'8
>aunt 5'10
>their son (my cousin) 6'4
mfw that motherfucker is 14

>> No.8396278

>mfw i wish i could marry a woman 2 inches taller than

boys inherit their mother's height genes more

>> No.8396281

damn dude im sorry. hopefully u got a big dick at least

>> No.8396285
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>> No.8396287

yep, younger siblings always inherit the better genes. look at brad pitt

>> No.8396297

You want fuck your sister, don't you?

My dick is so hard right now.

>> No.8396312

Also James and Dave Franco compared to their brother

>> No.8396322

The Franco's aren't really attractive anyway, media just tells you that they're out of this world.

>> No.8396338
File: 321 KB, 759x500, c33578f7-4b29-4b36-a561-21560c1e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw taller, handsomer, and bigger dick than dad

I'm not sure if he's proud or mad. I try to avoid talking about sexual conquests with him because I think he feels like a cuckold

>> No.8396347

Seriously? I actually think they look pretty different in an appealing way.

>> No.8396348
File: 22 KB, 720x540, 1402802028711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bigger dick than dad

>> No.8396351

I said they weren't "really attractive" it's not like they're ugly.

>> No.8396355

I'd be happy as fuck if that's how my son turned out. Why the fuck would I want him to limited to how I turned out?

>> No.8396357

Ya I know genetics and all

He's not circumcised though

>> No.8396363

exactly. just sounds like he is a self entitled asshole to his dad.

>> No.8396396
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>> No.8396403

of waht? he looks like shit in every pic. at least he looks like someone worth talking to in the pic with the computer.

>> No.8396413
File: 49 KB, 460x680, bef3b51d-b91c-4f7b-bc18-87ed0ab9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk left his QT wife to marry someone 22 years younger than him lol

>> No.8396489

looks like a dick

>> No.8396498

confirmed for beta faggot

>> No.8396543

Is that the wife he left?

>> No.8396893

why do you know how big your dads dick is

>> No.8397080

dat hair implant, or he started finasteride

>> No.8397089

thank you supreme gentleman

>> No.8397093
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>knowing details about your parents genitals

that is the least effay thing I've heard all day

>> No.8397099

mom: 5'3"
dad: 5'8"
me: 5'4"
brother: 5'10"
welp at least i got the good looks, smarter over my brother

>> No.8397146

>mom: 5'5
>dad: 6'2
>older brother: 6'2
>me: 6'0

I get from people a lot more that I look better but he gets hit on more because he's taller :(

>> No.8397318

My brother looks like a goddamn athlete but atleast I'm smart af

>> No.8397330

>at least I'm smart


>> No.8397351

>implying girls care about intelligence

>> No.8397356

why does that fucking matter?

also you're wrong

>> No.8397365

sure youa re

>> No.8397367
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no but your children will be fuckin retarded like u

>> No.8397405


>dad 5'10
>mum 5'5
>brother 5'9
>me 6'1

>> No.8397408
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>> No.8397411
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>>sister: 5'7 9/10

>> No.8397429

doesn't matter much tho
brother is now a leech and pretty much a loser who does nothing but browse chinese internet forums, used to look up to him (I still do[hehe a little manlet joke])
I roll the nickels now. The game is mine, I deal the cards

>> No.8397467

My dad is white and my mom is Asian.

dad is 5'9 and mom is 5'5

I'm 6'3. My sister is 5'7 and my brother is at 5'9.
it must have been the mailman.

being mixed is nice but really only works out if it's with Japanese/Korean/Chinese.
Unfortunately, I'm half Filipino. The Mexicans of Asia.

>> No.8397471

5'11 1/2
>Sister 1
>Sister 2

My great-great-great grandfather was 6'4. He was in his twenties during the Civil War.

>> No.8397474

pol raid plz stop

>> No.8397479

? americlap never seen mom/dad naked?
you live in the same house wth is this

>> No.8397480

And if I was going to give out attractiveness ratings for my family it would be:
8/10 at her best
>Sister 1
>Sister 2

>> No.8397483

>life is about girls

>> No.8397485


>implying that he doesn't let you think that so you don't kill yourself over your inadequacy

>> No.8397487

what is the probability of u fuckin ur mom over your sisters?

>> No.8397493

Absolutely fucking none, because she is about a 2/10 now due to alcoholism and drug abuse. Me and my father are the only ones that didn't end up becoming alcoholics or drug addicts.

>> No.8397504

>seen his grower dad naked in the cold once or twice.

Holy fuck, my dick is so big.

>> No.8397505

im sure her mom looked better back in the day

>> No.8397506


>> No.8397509

:[ im a grower oh god coldness plz no
>but I grow p/ sizable I think

>> No.8397511
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>tfw I'm the best looking person in my family

>> No.8397527

That's what I'm saying, that idiot is talking about "I know genetics" but doesn't know anything about how dick size can vary under different conditions. His dad's probably twice the size of him and he's completely oblivious.

>> No.8397534


>> No.8397544

Oh, okay, but if she wasn't an alcoholic it would have been fine?

>> No.8397551

Two decades of alcohol and drug abuse destroyed her teeth and ruined her skin. And no, I wouldn't have fucked my own mother.

>> No.8397558

No, because of genetics.
If both parents are attractive, 'beautiful', the kid will inherit their genes, thus being born attractive.
He may inherit something from an ugly ancestor, but the chances are smaller each generation that passes.

>> No.8397561

or at least read the thread before posting the first piece of shit your brain produces.

>> No.8397566

Sorry to hear man
Keep it together

>> No.8397626
File: 162 KB, 700x700, demi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demi Moore and Bruce Willis made...these

>> No.8397631

lol i can see the willis in all of them...gross

>> No.8397633

I believe my parents have pretty good genes. Hair loss shouldn't be a problem at least, and I'm definitely above average attractive. I have a half brother who isn't good looking at all though so i probably have a lot to thank my mom for.

Being 5'11 seems perfectly logical too.

>> No.8397638


>> No.8397650

If it wasn't for the willis chin genes they'd all look pretty good.

>> No.8397655

Have you seen Demi Moore? Her jawline is pretty fucking prominent too, I'd say it was a 50/50 contribution.

>> No.8397657

Dad: 175 cm, face 8/10 in his youth
Mom 156cm, face 9/10 in her youth

Sister 156cm, face 9/10
Me 183cm, face 8/10-ish i guess, although i inherited my mothers terrible hair.

>> No.8397664

damn lucky

>> No.8397675

DG reference :)

>> No.8397685


>terrible hair
>9/10 face

nigger pick one

>> No.8397687


>> No.8397738

>mother: (white) 5'1 blonde w curly hair
>dad: (black) 6'2 afro hair
>brother: 5'9, white skin w good curly hair
>me: 5'6, black w/ light skin and afro hair


>> No.8397751

how does your dad feel having a failure for a son

>> No.8397755

Yup, my grandfather was attractive as a motherfucker. My mother was a qt when she was younger, and I don't look too bad either... but damn, I'll be forever jelly of my grandfather

>> No.8397764

you'll create an Elliot Rodger, don't do it

>> No.8397765

my dad is dead

im not jokin, he got killed when my mother was pregnant of me

at least im alright with girls

>> No.8397770

why not just ask yours

>> No.8397775


>> No.8397815

so you're gay for the son huh.

>> No.8397837

Dad 6ft
Mom 5'5
Brother 6'1
Me 5'6

>> No.8397847

lol kill yourself. i know it sounds mean but i can't possibly imagine being a short man and happy. height is literally the most important thing with women, work and sociability.

>> No.8397853

Post of the year

>> No.8397856

im currently dating someone though so i guess it doesn't really matter

>> No.8397861

>father 180 cm
>mother 174 cm
>both sisters 176
>me only189 cm

Being a manlet is suffereing

>> No.8397872

bet money she'll leave you for a taller man.

>> No.8397876

kek kill urself manlets when will they learn

>> No.8397884

uh okay

>> No.8397885


Just feed him an all American diet filled with protein and calcium.

>> No.8397887

Give this man a medal. Anyone retarded enough to kill themselves because of their height deserves to die for being so retarded for thinking that.

>> No.8397893

I'll play.

>Mum: 165cm
>Dad: 168cm
>Older sister: 162cm
>Younger brother: 180cm
>Me: 183cm

I take after my mum and her dad and both her brothers are tall.

>> No.8397928

Mum: 5'0
Dad: 5'1
Me: 5'7

I feel like I got the best out of that situation

>> No.8397930

What you need is a father with a good bone structure.

That's all there is to ti.

cf. handsome people with ugly fathers.
>Simon Nesman
>Sean O'pry
>John John
>Patrick schwarzenegger

>> No.8397943

Don't worry about that insecure guy op. Anyone who needs to put down someone else on the internet is pretty sad and angry at the world lol. As long your gf is shorter than you then you're fine. Im a 5' 11 guy who dates girls around my height so they're always taller in heels. Listening to beta guys put you down isn't worth your time.

>> No.8397955
File: 1.23 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'1 god tier Egyptian/French hybrid
>5'7 god tier Iranian/Russian hybrid

>6' pleb tier random shitter goslabi of races

feels bad man

>> No.8397962

Yeah that's why I didn't really respond
I know my own situation better than he does, and I feel like he doesn't have any relationship experience outside of high school and what he's seen on /fit/ and /fa/

she's actually slightly taller than me but it works because we actually you know like love each other
it's not always about physical qualities

>> No.8397963

That's your father?

>> No.8397971

>god tier


>> No.8397973

Sheeeiiittt :((((
Hope you got that bbc man.

>> No.8397982

Mom: 5'7
Dad: 5'11
Brother: 5'11
Me: 6'2

>> No.8397991

fuk u :_;

>> No.8397996

/fa/ delusions

>> No.8398000

Yeah, when he was 19 or 20. He later went on to do competitive weight lifting but I don't have any pics on this comp

>> No.8398003

nice try, sure he's getting older but in his prime that man was the peak of masculine beauty.

>> No.8398018

>5'6 manlet farmers tan fuccboi
>5'8 p good looking redhead

>6'2 pale green eyes blonde hair aryan god level offspring of the century

>> No.8398025
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He was ugly. Stop analyzing faces as if they have some special featurres. He had a potato face, but was big jawed.

It's the exact same phenomenon as Michael Vartan who had an ugly, big jawed (father Eddie Vartan).

Beauty isn't random, at all. There is a reason you go after good looking people, because they have good genes and give healthier, better looking offsprings.

If beauty truly was random, it wouldn't matter.

>> No.8398033

I know a ton of guys my height (5 11, to not cause confusion) and taller who would never date a girl taller than them because they're insecure about it. Albeit girls that tall aren't that common but it's still the same concept. So kudos even more to you for that. Either way, it's an anon board so people talk a lot of shit.
that guy just screamed insecure to me so as a taller guy I felt like I needed to chime in, we aren't all dickheads. You sound like a level headed anon, good luck with everything.

>> No.8398055
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>he thinks masculinity is ugly
mfw 100000 years from now men and women are indistinguishable.

>> No.8398057

Not op. Egyptian might not be god tier but Iranian is.

>> No.8398064

hell yeah

>> No.8398108
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>dad: straight
>mom: straight
>me: gay

>> No.8398111

>surely the media doesn't skew our perception of things, it's just genes!

>> No.8398118

if that were true wouldn't mixed people be considered the most attractive, white people are genetically inbred.

white media has more of pull on us than you're accepting

>> No.8398144

Thanks bro
I just try to stay calm especially when it comes to something like /fa/

>> No.8398151

/fa/ delusions

>> No.8398158

Aww yeah.

>> No.8398196

>not sure if b8
is charles manson official DG member?
is Mc Ride secretly his son

>> No.8398260

lmao wtf

>> No.8398343
File: 16 KB, 250x345, Arnold-Schwarzenegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't call Arnold ugly. Sure he had a goofy smile and fucked up teeth, but he's not ugly.

>> No.8398347

>Mum: 5'3
>Dad: 5'10
>Sister: 5'8
>Me: 5'5

why did this happen

>> No.8398352

She has blonde fine baby hair, which is fine on a cute 20 yo girl, but it doesn't really fit me.

>> No.8398371

I have the same unfortunate smile as Arnold does. I look pretty decent when I'm not smiling, though.

>> No.8398380

My parents were both model tier, especially my mom, i got pretty much a good combination of their good features but they're all quite extreme.

>> No.8398385

post ugly mug faggot

>> No.8398408

someone gets it

>> No.8398428


>> No.8398555
File: 978 KB, 200x113, 1402957939980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom 5'9
>dad 6'3
>me 5'9

at least I have a huge dick, but no girl will ever see it because I'm a manlet

>> No.8398558

post a picture, I want to see it :3

>> No.8398559

I bet you enjoy the films of Godard

>> No.8398576

5'9's not even that bad. Shut up. At least you've got a huge dick.

I'm 6'3 and I'm average at best. Really, people expect me to be huge since I'm so tall and have relatively large feet (size 13).

>> No.8398595
File: 1.94 MB, 200x150, 1387365725590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average+ gun
>no rec. hairline with almost 23
life's good

>> No.8398598
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>mfw a huge dick to 5'9" guys is 6-7 inches

>> No.8398601
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>> No.8398606

no, italian & alpine ancestors

>> No.8398616

>been called handsome by women other than my mother

>girls have called me the tall blonde guy
>or prettyboy

too bad I'm quote boring and picky, girls get mad when they make an advance on me and I reject them. Then they bitch to their friends what kind of a douchebag I am.

>> No.8398626

im so sorry

>> No.8398633

iktf bro, im also picky and usually get turned off by girls flirting with me so they get mad.

also a good way of knowing you're hot is when guys get mad at you for no apparent reason, or give you a look when you pass them on the street, or call you a faggot. They jelly.

>> No.8398637

why? he is tall for an italian+ girls like the darker men. at least here in the north

>> No.8398647
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dis nigga hits the spot

>> No.8398650

obvious samefag

>> No.8398655

almost every time I have gone to a club someone has tried to start shit with me. Might just be me being an asshole.

>> No.8398666


>> No.8398669
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>Might just be me being an asshole.

>> No.8398676

nope, just witnessed so many finnish girls lusting for those dark haired, brown eyed men. Everyone wants something that is hard to get.

>> No.8398688

dad 6'2
mom 5'10
older brother 6'3
younger brother 6'5
older sister 5'7
me 6'2

>> No.8398714

>Mom: 5'3
Me: 6 fucking 2
My dads brother is about 6'5 and all my moms cousins are about 6'1 or 6'2, its odd having a buff manlet for a dad and being my height

>> No.8398718
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which of these women find them attractive?

>> No.8398749

Why Russian average face has the lightest shade?
Regards, pale Russian.

>> No.8398751

finnish and swedish, norwegians to some extent

>> No.8398761

Oh god, why do the Germans have such awful horizontal faces?

>> No.8398792

>white women are ugly and have ugly tastes

>> No.8398795

You что, м8?

>> No.8398930
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they look more like demi tbh

>> No.8398978

Egyptian and Iranian gtfo

>> No.8399535

>/thread-ing yourself

>> No.8399546

>replying 232 posts later.
how'd you get so alpha?

>> No.8399571

Oats for breakfast lunch and dinner

>> No.8399705

greek israeli and french

>> No.8399718


>> No.8401159


>> No.8401176

Finn's and swedes are almost exactly the same

>> No.8401194

i have asian mom white dad
5'10, just short of 7 1/2 inches
went to a korean bathhouse once w both sides and was surprised to see my moms fam was better hung
white ppl lame af

>> No.8401203
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>> No.8401344

>almost exactly
Cop some glasses in the meantime, please.

>> No.8401354

Are you saying they're not? Obviously not 100%, hence the 'almost'

>> No.8401527

Once again /fa/ proves it's the most insecure board on all of 4chan.

>> No.8401536

>What is a grower, what is a shower.

You can't tell the size of a person before it is fully erec

>> No.8401612

dad 167cm 10/10
mom 164cm 10/10
sister 165cm 10/10
me 175cm 10/10

we're all gorgeous manlets

>> No.8401622

10/10 x4

Being that delusional

>> No.8401624

>mom: 5'10", blonde hair, blue eyes
>dad: 6'1", brown hair brown eyes
>older brother: 6"6', light brown hair, blue eyes
>older sister: 5'11", light brown hair, blue eyes
>me (youngest) 6'2" brown hair, brown eyes

weak jaw, wide hips, bad gyno so that cancels out the whole height thing ;_;

>> No.8401636

You know why? Other boards focus on other outlets to avoid the truth that they're ugly.

we just admit it instead