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File: 84 KB, 930x1174, cara wc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8355317 No.8355317[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why aren't you watching the world cup /fa/

>> No.8355319

because australia sucks

>> No.8355326


>> No.8355331
File: 278 KB, 500x500, ozil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's irrelevant, just bandwagon another country like i am when we get knocked out

>tfw timmy cahill will never play in another world cup

>> No.8355334

I am
because I'm an eurofag living in Brazil and there's some shit going down outside the stadiums so I just stay home and get drunk all day

I'm afraid of brazilians
h-hold me, /fa/

>> No.8355335

only wannabe buttfucked eurpoors and south ameriplebs give a shit about faggot soccer. besides Funny Farm is on GO!

>> No.8355338
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>tfw Spain

>> No.8355340


>> No.8355347

those bulbous eyes

>> No.8355349

I'm not gay, OP. That's why.

>> No.8355351

because exams
people who don't at least follow the WC are human scum

>> No.8355352
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he's a rick doppelganger

>> No.8355357

the fuck happened to spain yesterday? missed the match cause i was having sex but i was legit shocked when i saw the results

>> No.8355358

not even that into football
but supported spain last world cup (or was it last one when they won?) since like quarter finals or maybe 1/8th and they won
walk past tv
see spain lose 1:4 to nederlanders
get sad
learn that they lost 1:5 today
torres pls what are you doing to me

>> No.8355359

because the only sport i pay attention to is football

>> No.8355363
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>> No.8355365

you've got that backwards m8. people who don't follow anything except the WC are human scum.

>> No.8355369

shit tier wog trash detected

>> No.8355370

their back four is complete shit and Casillas is past it. also, no forwards, aging midfield, and Del Bosque is senile.

>> No.8355374


spain plays boring ass football though

>score 1 goal
>hold onto it for remaining 70 mins

I'll be glad to see them knocked out tbh

>> No.8355379

total faggots

>> No.8355381

that's bullshit though
every team did that shit at some point or the other
and they are nowhere chelsea-tier scum play

>> No.8355383
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is being a full kit wanker /fa/?

>> No.8355385

no it's as unfa as it gets

>> No.8355395

Grosso did nothing wrong
2006 best day of my life

>> No.8355411

i fucking hope this is b8

>> No.8355412

ahhh soccer
the sport of manlets who were too beta to make it in football or basketball
smdh, can't stop laughing

>> No.8355415

are you literally retarded? soccer and football are the same thing.
>mfw this whoreson retard probably talks about MURRICAN FOOTBALL which isnt even played with feet and is basically a sport for stupid people

>> No.8355419


it was pretty much their entire 2010 tournament though

spanishit detected

>> No.8355428

lol your country will never make in into 1/8th even
buddy blease
and no, not spaniard

>> No.8355431
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>tfw no cara to rp football with in bed

>> No.8355432


mfw italy won't progress past group stage yet again

mfw glorious deutschland would take their greasy ass scalps one by one even if they did

>> No.8355434

you might not be american but it always makes me laugh how insecure they are about their sports in comparison to 'soccer'

like in the uk we never talk about or even make fun of basketball/ american football etc

but insecure americans can never stop trying to discredit soccer

don't think they can handle it's objectively the best sport

>> No.8355438
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>tfw Spain

>> No.8355440

lel australia is a tiny country with very little talent that has afl, cricket and rugby as its main team sports

it's an achievement just to qualify

>> No.8355450
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Germany will get their 5th 2nd place while Italy gets their 5th victory

>> No.8355465


Actually every europoor I've ever met gets a lot more butthurt over us calling it soccer. We don't discredit it as a sport because we literally never talk about it unless one of you europoors is around and bring it up. It's just simply not relevant here.

In my case this is the truth at least.

>> No.8355484

belgium will win the cup
or the netherlands

>> No.8355489

Holland will walk it in
the time is now brothers
the long night is close to ending

>> No.8355493

you can screen it here guys
finals: uruguay vs belgium
englando and brazil will lose in semifinals

>> No.8355497

I hope Spain drops fast
I want to watch football not bunch of faggots crying fake tears and acting

>> No.8355565

Holy fuck I kek'd.. thanks anon

>> No.8355569

Im going for either Belgium or Netherlands I think

I would support Russia, and they might go to the bracket, but they will probably be the first to win

Idk shit about soccer

>> No.8355571

why do people not like this comment?

>> No.8355579


i would but where the fuck can i stream it at?

>> No.8355582

butthurt Anglo bandwagoners

>> No.8355586

W2c some good jerseys

I like the germany one that leisuresuitlamy got

all the ones on the official merch page are shit

>> No.8355590


kek Belgium

You from BE or NL?

>> No.8355593
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France easily has the best
Italy's is ugly as sin but I bought one anyway

>> No.8355600

>2nd place:
>3rd place:
>4th place:
>5th place:

>> No.8355607


Switch Spain with Netherlands and Uruguay with Belgium

>> No.8355611

total fucking dick sucking queers
of course /fa/ would be full of 'em

>> No.8355613

That Van Persie goal was dope. What are you guys using to stream?

>Based SBS

>> No.8355615


>> No.8355618
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but it is the most /fa/ sport

pic related

>> No.8355625
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take note manlets, this is a sport real men follow

>> No.8355626

yeah but france is boring

i like >>8355569

what is wrong with BE?

>> No.8355628


reported for obvious trolling

>> No.8355631

>american handegg
If anything, rugby without all the fucking protection gear gets my vote

>> No.8355632
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excuse me?

>> No.8355641

europeans watch rugby if we want to watch a rough physical battle
we watch soccer for the grace, skill and fluidity

don't be upset that practically no one else watches/ partakes in any of your sports

>> No.8355646
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>> No.8355658
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troleing aside burgerball is the world's worst sport

>5 min chunks of nothing
>15 mins of commercials
>le tactical face

mfw americans

>> No.8355662
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>> No.8355675


you aint no real italian if u support the brits instead of argentinian cousins

only Lavezzi (played and was loved in Napoli) and the GK are in the real team btw

>> No.8355682

obv. I support Argentina over England
probably go for them after Italy gets knocked out just for BR butthurt tbh

>> No.8355715

as opposed to soccer which is passing a little gay ass ball around and ending in a score of 0 - 0 90% of the time. so boring

>> No.8355745

>actually thinking the score ends 0-0 90% of the time

are you even trying

i mean have you seen any of the world cup games so far

>> No.8355746
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>average American football player

>> No.8355772


so uh....

you gon post a stream or wut?

>> No.8355815

no because soccer is for faggots. if u wanna suck ur wog bro's dick while he screams ole ole ole at the tv set then go for it. ill be fucking some choice pussy, drinking a miller and getting ready for sunday night football (the real kind)

>> No.8355846
File: 75 KB, 270x137, besteset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


who gives a ffffffuck about football

I just hope eastern european countries win so that latin american kids and spain kids can get fucked

>> No.8355869

I caught the Mexico v Cameroon game. Awful refs. Mexico should have at least gotten 3 points, but I was honestly impressed by Cameroon's footwork


Not sure if I'm going to watch any game today bc I just bought a ps4 but I gotta root England and I kind of want to see Japan v Black Ppl

>> No.8355882
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>mfw they disgraced our glorious kingdom
>mfw no face only tears

>> No.8355942
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>mfw dutch

>> No.8355952
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>mfw english waiting for tonight

>> No.8355994

Anyone watching the Greece vs Colombia game rn? Colombia being p weak rn despite having a goal ahead

>> No.8356000


>mfw our politicians trusted in la roja to hide under a smokescreen
>mfw they're not even going to make it pass quarters
>mfw no face only indifference

>> No.8356002

It is football.

>> No.8356036

Funny how in the US soccer is for hipsters, young girls and some immigrant people, while in Europe it's watched by every fucker and if you say in class you don't like soccer, or worse, you don't have a team, you get funny looks.

>> No.8356045

>implying tennis isn't the most effay sport

>> No.8356046


Not just Europe, football is huge in all of Latin America. Pretty much everywhere outside US.

>> No.8356205

Wrong. I don't like soccer either. I don't get weird looks at all. I live in Holland by the way. Although I gotta say it's enjoyable to watch this country play though I am not a native.

>> No.8356225


I live in Portugal and that's definitely the case, anyone who doesn't watch football is "that guy", although with girls is much more acceptable. Most tend to not care for the sport, but then again they don't seem to care for anything other than posting pictures of food.

Also it was just mind blowing to me to understand the impression americans have of the sport, as being more "soft" and for pussies, when it in class all the footballers were bullies and tough guys, every old, respected fucker is a football fan, etc. Just some observations.

>> No.8356290

don't blame torres. they put him in the game way too late.

>> No.8356295

you're literally retarded. football = rugby, but for americans. so with armor and stuff.

>> No.8356327
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>mfw spain lose

>> No.8356337


I live in Spain and every single kid had to play soccer during playtime at school. If they didn't they were weirdos. Not like anyone was going to blame them for not playing but the average kid wouldn't consider them as one of their kind.

I never gave a fuck about it so I used to play as a defender. My role was to charge against any guy that came by my side with the ball. Then if I succeeded I'd pass the ball as fast as possible and keep not giving a fuck about the game. Then they'd call me from time to time to shoot a fault or a penalty so that I could say that I scored a goal or sth.

I never played again since I entered high school.

>> No.8356348

The reason it is considered for pussies is because of faking injury aspect.

>> No.8356351


>> No.8356357 [DELETED] 

>tfw no Susie gf

>> No.8356360
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>> No.8356366

the reason it is considered for pussies is due to american ignorance

>> No.8356403

No, I just told you the reason. Tons of kids play it when they are young, I did. But most start playing other sports when they get older.

>> No.8356646


stay bitter with your unplayed sports m8

>> No.8356791

lol, underrated

>> No.8356799
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they will

>> No.8356867
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the rick one made me laugh a little

>> No.8356890

Without the Zippers it would have been nice. The print is just too much, so the zippers just make it too full. THe Fishtail detail is nice

>> No.8356936
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>I'm from Brussels
>I'll see the matches and see Belgium lose in 1/8th while I really should be studying for my exams
>I'll have to endure so much butthurt for them losing
>mfw I'm from Portuguese origin and Portugal will win the WC

>> No.8357336
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>> No.8357382
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Belgium cannot lose.
It is our only shot at worldwide recognition.
>mfw i'll spill my fries over our glories victory, before heading out to the grand place to get drunk

>> No.8357518
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2 - 1


>> No.8357524

Man I love Pirlo

>tfw Dutch
>tfw not sure who I should cheer for in a Italy-Netherlands final

>> No.8357544


ebay 2006 jerseys, the adidas ones are goat

It's true that only a select few of the current strips look halfway decent

>> No.8357711

you got your ass royally fucked