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/fa/ - Fashion

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8349290 No.8349290[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I love these shoes and am considering buying them. convince me not to.

>> No.8349294

You're paying maybe $400 for the quality. If you want to pay close to another grand just for the name, sure why not, but it's dumb.

>> No.8349299

>You're paying maybe $400 for the quality

even for a guesstimate, that's a pretty definitive figure. how you'd arrive at that?

>> No.8349307

I was going to say $200, but I feel that's more like CPs. Idk man, it's a lot of sneaker.

>> No.8349359

anyone who buys these shoes is a fucking /fa/ drone dressed by the internet and should fucking kill themselves

>> No.8349378

i'd also guess 400, because any brand without rick's hype putting out leather sneakers at higher prices has more interesting and visually nicer leather. balenciagas, for example. i mean i'm sure the leather is great feeling to be sure, but high tops made out of 'pretty good' feeling leather do not a 1300 dollar shoe make

since baskets are so absurdly flashy they're way more of a "look everyone i know who rick owens is and i dropped two months rent on my slavish devotion to letting everyone know it" thing than an actual fashion thing. it's like one step above a gucci belt, if only because baskets are more aesthetically pleasing

>> No.8349390


Learn to develop you *own* taste.

>> No.8349394

except i think they look cool and fit my taste

>> No.8349409

I own a pair of them in all black

I'm also wearing DBSS at the moment

stay poor :^)

>> No.8349420

>slavish devotion
they just look like a nice pair of boots, except they're not red wings

>> No.8349424

Geobaskets are the perfect example of peer pressure influence. Seriously they're like 7/10 shoes, you're paying over a grand for mildly interesting shoes. Don't do it man. I don't get how Owens fanboys can sleep at night.

>> No.8349437

Bullshit. Quality and durability on these are a 10.

They'd last forever if you kept resoling them. User had a pair of dunks from 2006.

>> No.8349444

they look better than 90% of shoes out there, what do you wear? they're pieces of art

>> No.8349471


mmm all black. do want. been thinking about getting a pair this fall.

>> No.8349481

You're an idiot. why do you think he keeps releasing them every year, they are his most iconic work and there is a reason beyond the hype that definitely surpasses trends like "goofninja" or "board culture". I bet you think neutral milk hotel is only popular because of /mu/

>> No.8349531

/fa/scist where are you I wanna hear your opinion on these meme dunks

>> No.8349552


I think they're overpriced and I think that people who buy them know they're overpriced and don't care because outside of Skovgaard's "version", there aren't any comparable shoes. Nobody said they're $1300 worth of shoe, but if you like Rick's designs and you want to put money into the pockets of the people who work with Rick, work for Rick, etc. and you don't mind paying, then who cares? Enjoy your shoes and stop overthinking it.

>> No.8350267

ur a faggot and geos are shit

>> No.8350274

Is it possible to rock these with a few different designers besides rick and not instantly be lumped into "meme shoe" "goofninja" territory or is that just all part of it

>> No.8350284


>> No.8350287

what are you doing on /fa/

>> No.8350303


They were posted as a GTFO to newfags for 3 obvious things:

1-They are expensive
2-You can only get them at ultra high end (pretentious) stores IF you live in a big ass babylonian city (NY, Tokyo, etc)
3-They are kinda out-there - in your face, and require a high end wardobe to pull off

>> No.8350306

I have two pairs and love them. comfy as heck. don't pay retail, it's easy to find these for less.

>> No.8350310

fashion victim detected

>> No.8350322

is this what plebebasket owners actually believe lmao

>> No.8350341

yeah ok and rick owens himself (one of the most successful, acclaimed designers) is just trolling everyone too right

fucking idiot

>> No.8350347

But what if I actually like them? I get that you are a fashion/music victim if you listen to shit you don't like to fit in or buy shit you don't like to fit in, but if you actually like them then how can anyone argue you are being inauthentic?

>> No.8350352
File: 215 KB, 615x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>require a high end wardrobe to pull off

Bruh tinfoil pulls them off great and buys cos/uniqlo and a lot of second hand rick what are you on about

>> No.8350364

you like them because you are brainwashed by /fa/, this place changes people

>> No.8350467
File: 71 KB, 640x480, rick white milk dunks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new are you to think fashion is all about quality? Construction and aesthetic is far more important. I'm not going to wear Geobaskets because I'm climbing a mountain. I wear them because they cool as fuck.

>> No.8350537

those look like shit m8

>> No.8350540

um nobody with a hint of taste likes geobaskets
victim of fashion identified
shut up

>> No.8350591

then what shoes do you like? if you don't respond to this your opinion has no weight

>> No.8350600

Anything but those disgusting, tacky clown shoes

>> No.8350608

cool, you have an opinion on them, so do I and they happen to be different

>> No.8350642

that's disgusting

>> No.8350651

/fa/ will go on and on and talk about tacky middle schooler hypebeast shit but praise these goofy ass autistic shoes


>> No.8350656

muh techninja

>> No.8350664


>> No.8350695

They are beautiful but the human body can't handle shoes of that proportion. I have yet to see a single good fit with them.

>> No.8351560


>> No.8352128

lol ok nerd

>> No.8353343

Pretty fucking much. You'll look like a cumsumerist tool to anyone that doesn't browse /fa/.