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/fa/ - Fashion

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8209593 No.8209593 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a male equivalent to the "female beauty" youtube channels that are all very popular?

>> No.8209597

this you op?

>> No.8209633


She's from my country. That's where the similarities end

>> No.8209645

I only know of a few, but there aren't too many (to my knowledge) that aren't complete shit.

>Slikhaar TV (pretty interesting hair videos)
>alpha m. (pretty basic, videos on site are better)
>gossmakeupartist (male make-up artist covering basics and some male oriented videos)
>GQ Magazine (eyecandy and entertainment. celebrity oriented. nothing to serious)

not too much clothing wise...
and if there was a mens skin care channel I'm sure it would be full of bullshit.

>> No.8209647

lol srs? you thirsty af

>> No.8209654

why are nordics so /fa/, even their names?

>> No.8209657

No she's a shitskin, like everyone from her irrelevant country that relies on something that just happened to be in their waters for everything in their country to work since they're such lazy uncreative twats.
Kind greetings from eastern neighbour.

>> No.8209658


She pronounces the "d", but over here we don't. It sort of sounds better in English honestly. She's really cute because of her SEA genes.

>> No.8209662


Although her voice is very high. It becomes annoying to listen too after a while. Her boyfriend must be aurally challenged

>> No.8209689

>SEA genes
Wow really? Jag visste inte att det var så här illa i Norge.

>> No.8209691


>> No.8209692


Her father emmigrated to US I think and fucked a flip woman.

>> No.8209694

Flips are absolutely disgusting, I actually like chinks to some degree but those there things are a race of their own and it ain't pretty.

>> No.8209695

that one guy who says he's straight but is obviously gay as fuck.

is it aaron something?

>> No.8209697


Flips are probably hybrid of spanish colonists and whoever lived there before

>> No.8209911

Flips are literally the niggers of asia

>> No.8210023

>not being mixed master race in 2014

>> No.8210027

being mixed makes one of the races worse. l2 logic.

>> No.8210040

uh no. it's a lottery. could get the best of both or the worst of both. lrn 2 real life.

>> No.8210079

Flips are the most shit-tier Asians out there. I wouldn't even call them Asians, really, they are animals. I think hatred against black people is unjustified, because black people are human. I think the atrocities committed against Native Americans was wrong, because they did nothing wrong. But if there are hate crimes done against Flips, I won't care because they are dirty, brown savages. I'm against race mixing, but I won't condemn anybody for it, but if some stupid faggot asshole racemixed with a Flip, I would kill that fucker. Flips aren't /fa/. I haven't graduated from high school yet.

>> No.8210095

>strawmanning this hard
But yeah they're really not /fa/

>> No.8210101


>> No.8210128


i know her, she goes to my school

>> No.8210183

Filipinos are literally the most powerful race in the universe
Wtf is /fa/ on about lol

>> No.8210188

Flips are literal shit
they actually live in toilets

>> No.8210191

Based /fa/

>> No.8210200

Racism gets an exception when they are Flips involved. It just feels right.

>> No.8210224

As a half-flip who's pretty much completely disconnected from flipdom, I can agree that flips are disgusting.

>> No.8210226

You should still kill yourself. Of all the races you could have been, you are in the worst. There is no hope for you. I don't care if you are 1/2, 1/4, or 1/8 you are garbage.

>> No.8210230
File: 88 KB, 854x859, 1381879181484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw live in Sweden, surrounded by people with cool names
>tfw my name is "carl"

>> No.8210237

>not even spelt with a K
shit nigger what are you doing

>> No.8210254
File: 194 KB, 500x334, 1389687585113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8210274

I think that's the wrong use of apostrophe s.

>> No.8210345


>> No.8210553

i haven't looked but right away i'm thinking the youtube populace is far too heteronormative, homophobic, and generally neckbeard to allow such a channel to flourish. (because no-one sticks around when they have more harassers than subscribers)

>> No.8210572

why does /fa/ hate filipinos so much?

>> No.8210577

there it is again, the one picture on the internet that legitimately enrages me

>> No.8210592

>most powerful race

>> No.8210769

the one on the right is okay I guess, besides the huge ear lobes.
But that guy on the left... just like I can't even explain the feeling of annoyance and because just from seeing his face I know exactly what he's like. He was in a dance squad after being kinda weird in elementary school, hangs out with girls a lot but not in a way to get with them, got his earlobes stretched in high school and says "doe" and "nigga" but never around black people. His snapback collection matches his obey tees and RSQ jeans from zumiez. FACK

I hope flips hop on all black drapey clothes though, that'd be really funny.

>> No.8210772

every flip i have ever met is an annoying trend jumping idiot

>> No.8210804

Just about ever streetwear brand has been ruined by filipinos. I cant even take Supreme seriously without picturing a line of those retards waiting for the next drop.

>> No.8210806

except white people have no flaws.. so you're wrong.

>> No.8210813

you shouldnt have taken supreme seriously in the first place. streetwear is for posers.

>> No.8210817

Yeah, I know about Alpha M., but lately he just seems to be pushing products and advertising in his videos rather giving tips and advice

>> No.8210831

Every time I see this picture I think the same exact thing. Thanks 4 the laff