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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 16 KB, 236x253, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8140974 No.8140974 [Reply] [Original]

tfw you're such a pretentious asshole that the only friends you have known forever. Just broke up with qt 3.14 gf because I told her wearing uggs is retarded. /fa/ feels thread?

>> No.8140984
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>: ^)

>> No.8140991

the ug in ugg boots is for ugly lol
they look like shit

>> No.8140997

I know, but I probably shouldn't have been so harsh. She was amazing in every way except she dressed like a fucking high schooler.

>> No.8141010

Kek I called them oversized polar bear boots, she never spoke to me since then

>> No.8141020

Well you probably shouldn't've been so callous about it then, eh mate?
>tfw no gf ;_;

>> No.8141024
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>tfw gonna miss the preme box logo drop tomorrow cause im doing a maths exam

>> No.8141069

>That bucket hat
I don't try to be a dick it just comes naturally. I have to watch my tongue and remind myself who I'm talking to every now and then. I can be a right bastard sometimes, but never really on purpose

>> No.8141076

I pity you.

>> No.8141098

Eh, iktf b
girls, esp. gfs always take things so personally though, gotta watch yourself

>> No.8141101

>tfw when no money to buy food
I'm so hungry. Is eating /fa/?

>> No.8141103

>tfw probably not going to muster the courage to ask out qt in my philosophy class before the semester is up

>> No.8141105

Last one was a painter and she showed me a picture. Being captain autismo I laughed at it ot realizing it was hers.

>> No.8141108

Do it anon. What's the worst that could happen. Just go up to her and say it with all the confidence you can muster. "Want to go get a drink after class"?

>> No.8141121

I'm actually holding off dating this chick because she wears uggs.

i'll wait until the summer to see if she dresses better.

>> No.8141137

Not that Anon

But my spaghetti is spilling everywhere and I'm about to go into cardiac arrest by just re-inacting it in my head

I-is t-there s-still hope for m-me

>> No.8141139

That's not a bad idea.

>> No.8141144


She darts out of class really fast, and I don't have time to talk before class. Every opportunity I get I psyche myself up and don't follow through with it. Can't help but to always expect the worst most of the time.

>> No.8141154

Hey, think about it this way. The worst you can fuck up is if you never try at all.

>> No.8141189

Just do it anon, I believe in you
go out there and get that qt philosophy gf!
Make time to catch her before class or before she leaves, just act confident and ask.
What's the worst than can happen, realistically? It's not any worse than missing the opportunity and always regretting it.

There is always hope for you anon
(the most socially awkward of my friends, down to barely being able to be cognisant with a girl) just got himself a gf
Don't overthink things, don't expect too much
Just believe in yourself anon

>> No.8141226

Have you ever spoke to her before? Just get to be her friend. If you want gf, just make friends because not everything will lead to romance.

>> No.8141261


I guess there are no real repercussions, but I always build these things up. I analyze every possible outcome from the immediate conversation to what could happen years from now. I had an exam today in the class with her and for some reason I blanked out and started thinking about her; handed in really shit answers for all the questions, and left around the time she did to try to talk to her. I feel unrealistically infatuated with her to the point I get anxiety attacks.. I have no idea how I'll just find a moment of courage and follow through..

No, not beyond a 'thank you' for holding the door for her.

>> No.8141300
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>> No.8141313

I like being fashionable but I think it is incredibly rude to tell other people how to dress. How would you like it if your GF was MFA-core and criticized all the shit you wear?

>> No.8141330

I probably wouldn't care. I'm used to being shit on from when I was in highschool. I lacked confidence and I didn't start standing up for myself until senior year. I've learned that words can only hurt you as much as you let them. I do feel like a dick though. I realized it was rude in hindsight.

>> No.8141332

im sorry

>> No.8141334

By calling her a filthy casual

>> No.8141339

Pro tip: make friends with her friends and flirt with them. That way you don't seem so desperate for her, maybe you can focus that way and have her come to you... Just an idea but seriously don't put so much weight in one chick especially if you want her.

>> No.8141354

I get what you mean but mfa is "male" fashion.

>> No.8141366

Also make sure she knows who you are... Can you sit near her in class and talk to her?

>> No.8141464
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>tfw met girl on tinder
>tfw vibe really well with her
>tfw we decide to be exclusive
>tfw a couple days into being "exclusive" with she tells me she wants to meet someone from tinder for coffee 'platonically'
>tfw I break up with her on the spot

will post chats if anyone wants 2 see
could use some comfort rn
: /

>> No.8141490

was she hot anon, and non of that upscalling shit be straight.

most bitches i chat to on tinder are always 5-6 out of ten crazy chicks.

>> No.8141496

post em bud

>> No.8141497

not the hottest
I usually only go for really skinny girls but she was more avg
but really smart
same music tastes, same major, same interest, incredibly passive, could deepthroat perfectly, let me do whatever i wanted with her body

>> No.8141500
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its okay /fa/ bro :(
you will make it buddy

>> No.8141518
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>> No.8141532

>those last two sentences

>> No.8141549
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>> No.8141562
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you overreacted like crazy there anon but yaknow we all fuck up/learn from it, the next one will be better and probably even qt-er too.

c'mere you handsome devil

>> No.8141572

i think you're a retard lol, especially doing this shit online and not face to face hahaha

>> No.8141583

Who cares though? She's just a hoe from tinder who thought she had rights OP was right to shut the bitch down

>> No.8141586

That's absolutely hilarious, oh my god I'm laughing.

>> No.8141589

what kind of girl would say those last things, thats crazy man.

normal people wouldn't explain it like that.

>> No.8141607 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8141615

Jesus Christ if this is real you're incredibly insecure

>> No.8141623
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>> No.8141638

All these other faggots saying you're in the wrong.
She's in the wrong. Probably best that you dumped her.
Don't date girls from Tinder. You're asking for trouble.

>> No.8141643

I fux wit you OP.

>> No.8141646
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>> No.8141653

hey dude, I used to be you. I'm still not amazing, and if there's a girl I don't talk to often who I find incredibly attractive I'm still skittish. But really, find girls you like, and just treat them like humans, not future wives. Make EVERYONE your friend, that way talking to new people won't be so weird.
There's a couple girls at work who I was enamored with when I started there (girlf broke it off right after I got hired) and it took me months to have real conversations with them. Then I realized, friends are better than >tfwgf

tl;dr, make friends, not future soulmates, or else you'll end up on 4chan all the time

>> No.8141654

Last 2 sentences = anon gets BTFO

>> No.8141681

I'd be pissed if my gf wanted to meet up with someone from tinder, it's a dating site.. You definitely over reacted though.

>> No.8141692

She seems emotionally unstable.

>> No.8141711

> he overreacted
are you kidding me?
1st mistake: meeting with someone thru tinder. its obviously a lets-fuck app, dont kid yourself
2nd mistake: "this is like the 5th time i blew him off". Someone who wants to be your friend wouldn't want to go out with you so hard even though youve ditched him 5 times before. He obviously wants to get in that girl's pants and she KNOWS IT and loves the attention

tl;dr: glad you dropped that bitch, she be playin'
Expect her to be in a relationship with the tinder guy soon

>> No.8141744


She seems to be as antisocial as me, perhaps even more so. She never really talks either.


I'm sure she knows who I am. I'm a pretty distinctive person, and everyone in my class is fuccboi or plaidcore. I've been sitting in the same seat all class, it'd seem too forced if I just all of the sudden started sitting next to her.

Yeah man, but I get anxiety out of nowhere just seeing them for the first time, let alone trying to be their friend. My brain makes the distinction immediately, it's messed up.

>> No.8141769

Make her perform depraved sex acts to win your trust back.

>> No.8141782

nah dude, she has no idea who you are.
just be honest, tell her she seems like a cool person and you want to be friends. if she says no, then she most definitely would not have dated you, if she says yes, you now have a possible friend.
you're in college, who gives a single solitary shit. I'm jealous of your sitch, I'd kill to get into thousands of dollars of debt and simultaneously not have to worry about literally anything and fuck people left and right.

I know how we work, and you will NEVER talk to her if you keep on thinking of her as a romantic interest. treat her as a friend and you won't come off weird/tryhard either, double win

when the time comes, be flirty, and only continue if she reciprocates, no point in fucking up a good friendship when there's more fish in the sea.

>> No.8141784

I told her I'll reconsider because she just took the morning after pill a couple days ago as long as she blocks the person she was going to get coffee with and nothing like this ever happens again.

>> No.8141792
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>> No.8141842
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holy shit anon i've seen some insecure sadcunts on this board but you take the fucking cake.

>> No.8141874

Do you know what tinder is? It's literally one of the few apps made specifically for hooking up with people. It's not like Adam is some guy friend she has, I don't give a fuck if she has guy friends. Adam is someone that she met on an application designed for hooking up with people.

>> No.8141924

No I get that but I still don't understand why you flipped out like that. I mean everyone overreacts but you just fucking cacooned instantly. Honestly you didn't fuck up too badly cause tinder bitches are a dime a dozen but get that shit under control

>> No.8141992

Alpha as fuck, use her as you will at this point.
Maybe have 'closure' with her and end up getting her pants

>> No.8142015

Do this Anon, I didn't and now I regret it

>> No.8142208
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>tfw gf told tried to get me to fat accept
>she was p. good too...

>> No.8142214

Can someone translate?

>> No.8142225


>> No.8142227

His gf tried to change his view on aesthetics so that he couldn't complain when she got fat like she wanted to, and now
>that feel when no gf

>> No.8142240

She was 6' and 135lbs

Don't date tumblr girls

>> No.8142244

Thanks, guy.

>> No.8142253

Truth, good for bangin' though

>> No.8142278

What would that look like. It doesn't sound so bad. I'm 6 3' so I'd be taller than her? Is 6 feet 135 fat?

>> No.8142289

lel you autist

>> No.8142296

it's fresh-out-of-auschwitz...

>> No.8142297
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Looked like this.

>> No.8142298

>gf hates fat people
>gf dresses well
>gf verbally abuses badly dressed people on the street
feels good man.

>> No.8142320

Hey, it's better than dating a hambeast

>> No.8142323

She sounds like an insecure bitch. If she was classy, and confident she wouldn't do that shit.

>> No.8142340

I like lankey skeleton girls dude, they look good next to you. And they wear clothes well.

>> No.8142353

what has happened to /fa/... this is like ideal bmi

6' 1" 135 lbs reporting in. get fucked, fatties

>> No.8142359

>verbally abuses badly dressed people on the street
you're dating a massive, gaping cunt
I'd get out of that shit now

>> No.8142362

I'm partial to a fat ass, but I'd still date a skeleton girl.

>> No.8142368

this, you should be seeing these things as red flags

>> No.8142397
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>Start expanding tastes
>film, food, music, clothes etc etc.
>talking to friends
>"you've changed anon, member how you didn't give a fuck"
>Tell them there's more to life than dollar menu and led zeppelin
>they get butthurt
>they stop talking to me

>Tfw outgrowing friends
>Tfw indifferent

>> No.8142412

>tfw made my friends grow with me

My friend that was a ponytailed weeb neckbeard in hs now lifts, listens to nudisco and hip hop rather than anime theme songs, and dresses a solid basicbitch rather than anime shirts and cargo shorts. Also he has a good haircut and keeps trimmed stubble.

>> No.8142435

It hurts. I lose friends because I'm casually cold now.

>love this girl for about a year.
>Can't pull the trigger
>in hindsight it was pathetic.
>I'm now cynical and aloof.
>I make some remark/joke she doesn't like
>Tells me to stop. it's rude
>If jokes are illegal now you have a lot of policing to do
>go on now
>tfw when I basically told her to fuck off
>tfw when she hates me now
>I miss her

>> No.8142436

can't reverse image search on my phone, what anime is this?

>> No.8142440


>> No.8142451

that's what I thought, but wasn't sure actually

I haven't watched it recently but I remember it hard to get into for some reason

>> No.8142457

I'm don't watch animu, I just reverse searched it for you. I know nothing about it.

>> No.8142460

>be 6'0 tall 55kg
>somehow start putting on weight
>at 60kg now
>cheekbones slowly disappearing
>start looking healthy
>people telling me I look handsome
>actually feel okay about myself

b-but muh ch-cheekbones

>> No.8142468

That sounds like you were unhealthily skinny.

>> No.8142470

>inoculated with sperm

what does that mean

>> No.8142476

>tfw become apathetic and introverted as fuck
>tfw friends start losing interest in me
>tfw they hang out almosy every day without me
>tfw they send me snapchats of all the fun they have with each other
>tfw i havent hung out with anyone in months, ask them to please hit me up so we can hang out like the old days
>tfw they never do
>tfw want to talk to this qt girl i dont even know but too nervous/idk what to talk about

I havent been doing too well lately.

>> No.8142531

Fuck her and ask "who's pussy is this?" Best makeup sex ever.

>> No.8142551

cosign wtf is she talking about

>> No.8142559

I guess she means he fucked her raw and splooged in her aka means more than a casual fuck. Weird way to describe it though.

>> No.8142567

we all make it eventually anon
it gets better

>> No.8142570

>past tense: inoculated; past participle: inoculated
>treat (a person or animal) with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease.
>"he inoculated his tenants against smallpox"
>introduce (an infective agent) into an organism.
>"it can be inoculated into laboratory animals"
>introduce (cells or organisms) into a culture medium.

the definition just makes this so much funnier

>> No.8142613
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>he sprogged into a syringe and injected her with it to make her body immune to his splooge so he could blast it all up in there any time without her getting preggo

this is a birth control breakthrough

>> No.8143053

>year 2014
>nobel prize awarded to anon for birth control breakthrough
>year 2020
>sperm inoculation widespread
>accidental pregnancy almost non existent
>over population problem solved
>human race dies out

>> No.8143058

>tfw qts be mirin
>tfw they think i'm an asshole when i start talking to them

is this attitude at least /fa/?

>> No.8143073

good thing bro, ugg boots bitches are nto worthy

>> No.8143075


>> No.8143082

>If jokes are illegal now you have a lot of policing to do
fuckin lel

>> No.8143212

>had a messy breakup last summer and deleted facebook/ignored messages from entire social group to avoid fallout
>can't move city due to ongoing study
>literally no friends
>met effay qt in class but found out they have a partner of 3 years

that's how it goes huh

>> No.8143222

Where do you live bruh

If it makes you feel any better a) there's other qts out there for you b) 2-3 years is a pretty common time span for couples to break up

>> No.8143227
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>if you're so very good looking
>why are you on your own tonight

>> No.8143253

aus, buddy
yeah i try to remind myself of that
the hard thing is trying to make new friends without having friends to go out with though?
at least i have lots of time to work rn

>> No.8143258

/aus/ here

where you at nigga

>> No.8143269

>tfw all you feel anymore is like an uglier version of Michael Fassbender in Shame

a-asok, is that you mate?
>if not, pls be in Melbourne, I will b friends w/ you

I know completely what you mean, dude, I struggle with that too
But there's so much shit to do, especially if you're at uni; pursue your interests, join a club, just go to nights out and shit
It can work, you'll run into somebody who you get along with eventually
>go to a /fa/ meetup lel

>> No.8143276

>tfw all you feel anymore is like an uglier version of Michael Fassbender in Shame

omg this feel

>tfw i am disgusting inside and out
>life is not a movie and no qt will come and save me

>> No.8143291

>tfw watching porn and listening to the smiths

im about ready to die

>> No.8143299

I'm glad you can share my feel anon

>tfw you do the same old things but nothing brings you pleasure or fulfilment anymore, it's all pointless but there's no point doing anything different either
>there is no happy ending
>life is not a movie and no qt will come and save me

>tfw bored watching porn and listening to Nick Cave
I don't really care about dying or not anymore, I don't care enough to bother trying to end it, either, though

>> No.8143303

>tfw gybo
>tfw bloat if I eat anything

i was designed not to be shirtless :^(

>> No.8143304

aus/fa/m here for you bae

>> No.8143358

alpha as fuck bro

>> No.8143399

>mfw when i told my gf to stop being a pleb and buying at valley girl

i-i made the correct choice, r-right?

back to the hand, chaps

>> No.8143419
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>everyone talking about gfs
>tfw no gf

>> No.8143442

>order some CM jeans
>fit like leggings and i'm alright auschwitz mode so that's not a good look
>have to go post office to return them
>have to leave the house
>have to talk to people

never again

>> No.8143445

Headphones, dark ambient, head down, hands in pockets.
Have package ready, paperwork filled out.
You can do it bruh

>> No.8143458

I'm not even dressed yet I just got out the shower

forever trying to psych myself up for it

>> No.8143477

You can do it anon, I believe in you
just remember that you're better than everyone else!

>> No.8143480

Listen to some Kanye

>> No.8143484


b-but I'm non anon


ayite fam that's a shout

>> No.8143486
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>have to go outside for doritos
>forced to make human interaction
>speak to storeman to ask where doritos are
>checkout girl asks how my day was

- awkward dialogue
- poor acting
- very little character development
- no well known hollywood actors
+ doritos were tasty however

I'm giving this 2 out of 5 stars margaret

>> No.8143488

my gf loved valleygirl til i took her to the valley and had her try on some rick. she bought a illia white leather jacket today and tried on some paper geos. i think she's a keeper

>> No.8143494

Yeah you are bruh, you're effay, you're chill
You're better than those plebs
put yo leather black jeans on
flick yo cigarette ash at bitch niggas

you can do it

>Margaret and David
top chuckle, fucking perf

>> No.8143529

>Forced me into an early period
I'm confused

>> No.8143569

>dressing up but not going out

>> No.8143580

>not just dressing up to sit around in your house all day

>> No.8143594

Don't be sweatin' it bro.

You just gotta find somebody who's an overall better human being than she was. Perfect and well dressed. And a bonus? All of the little things that pissed you off about her (you know there were a few) will now be gone.

Get on it.

>> No.8143598

>male fashion advice

I'd dump her because I'm not dating a fucking cross dresser

>> No.8143613

Good job

Next time, be more terse about it. "Ok have fun" then stop talking to her.

That way when (it's not an if, it's a when) she comes back later then you can say "Oh are you ready to apologize?" and fuck her one last time if you feel like it.

The whole drawn out thing where you say "this is an early warning sign" was painful to read so I stopped there. I advise against telling explicitly and exactly how you feel.

>> No.8143656


this guy is right, you overreacted emotionally but your actions were correct. I don't understand why anyone would let their girlfriend hang out with any fucking loser on tinder, there is only one reason why he wants to hang out as "friends". The rest of you who would let that happen are probably all cuckolded betas.

>> No.8143682

from having read those last two sentences and the post about how she let you do whatever you want i can tell you that i've dated a girl very similar to this once in the past and you dodged a fucking bullet anon

if you stay with that kind of person for too long they get their hooks in you and in my case i was guilted into dating this girl for years because she threatened to kill herself if i left her. no one who is that desperate to see you and hold your attention is good to be around

like yeah the way you put it in these conversations was sort of autistic but trust me you made the right decision

>> No.8143695


I don't buy into the whole alpha/beta thing but he'll learn with practice. Nine times out of ten the reason guys like him rupture and then let the words flow out is because they really really really want to lash out.

You gotta keep a level head. Think of it as a game; if you get mad, you lose.

It's a million times more badass to just say "haha alright bye" then leg it.

>> No.8143711

buy AF1s or Geology Hampers and you'll stop being pathetic

>> No.8143714

>never been single for more than a month since i was 14
>in a relationship now
>gf always telling me i spend too much money on clothes
>feels bad
>frequently wish i was single even though i usually enjoy my relationship

do you guys know what this means? i have transcended. i have become the alpha and the omega. i know that feel when gf

>> No.8143739

>slightly chubby
>decide to lose a little weight to become inevitably more effay
>face thins drastically
>round "disney" nose suddenly looks (more) ridiculous
>have to gain weight again so nose doesn't look disproportionate to rest of face
truly suffering

>> No.8143787


Had to walk half an hour to the post office

They couldn't even take my parcel, despite being postage pre-paid because it's through Royal Mail and it's international and there wasn't a barcode for them to scan or some shit so they couldn't take it

Now have to get in touch with CM and hope they respond so I can get it delivered before the 14 days return period is up

Also saw a m8 and his gf in the park and got hit with >tfw no gf

At least the cherry trees were blossoming, looked nice

Overall 3/10, shouldn't have bothered to leave the house

>> No.8143813

>Think of it as a game; if you get mad, you lose.
>It's a million times more badass to just say "haha alright bye" then leg it.
love no game love special. pua make me mad and unfair to women. "indifference" more like "in-dick-less" because you no dick and balls.
tell girl you love her and you sorry and its her right to see guy she wants. make her dinner when she come home and ask if she had good time.

>> No.8143845
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>ITT : Virgins who complain on feels threads about nogf telling >>8141518 he's an autist

That's cute

>> No.8143864

>>Tfw outgrowing friends
Shit man. Iktf.

Got 3-4 friends tho, an adorable best friend (gurl) and a massive cutie is my gf.
I don't give a hoot about the rest.

>> No.8143911

Good work anon, I don't blame you in the slightest. She shouldn't even have been on tinder after you two became a thing.

>> No.8143949

It means I came inside of her
I didn't know the next time I'd be able to come inside of an azn schoolgirl so I took the chance

>> No.8143971

>azn schoolgirl

I need pics

>> No.8144041


>> No.8144280

>tfw doing acid for the first time tonight

oh shit son we already in this

>> No.8144417

My nigga

>> No.8144573
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>> No.8144596

What2say to chick on tinder to get a convo going?

I'm good at opening up conversation in real life, but I'm lost when it comes to tinder and the text game.

>> No.8144604


shit new meme
not even relevant

1/10 took time to respond

>> No.8144902

I got her to literally submit to my every wish by making fun of what she says and did. I mentioned that we like the same stuff and she responded saying that there are tens of thousand like us. I told her she ruined the serendipity and that she must be fun at parties. She told me she goes to NYU (lie) and I told her that's over disgustingly too expensive school filled with tryhards in an overrated city. I wish making fun of girls didn't make them want your dick but it tends to be one of the only things that work for me.

>> No.8144980

I don't I stand what you wrote

>> No.8144992


>> No.8144999

Do you guys actually have debilitating social anxiety or is it just a meme. I mean it is funny to read, but actually sad if true.

>> No.8145012

peeps like u shouldnt b on /fa/, ur 2 impressionable nd religiously take in all the shit u read on a chinese cartoon website

>> No.8145042

I have a little bit of anxiety, but the main problem is simply raw social skills. You always see the pictures where one guy is standing in the corner and everyone else is fragmented into little groups talking with each other. For me, I have no idea what they talk about or how they manage to talk uninterruptedly for hours. How do you just come up with shit like that? If you could transfer some of your social powers to me I wouldn't have to suck helium when I'm 30.

>> No.8145133

It is a learned skill, you need practice. Make friends with someone social and it may rub off on you

>> No.8145191 [DELETED] 

girls not liking you? lmao

>> No.8145213
File: 133 KB, 500x378, 1383163406856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8145218
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>>decide to lose a little weight to become inevitably more effay
>>face thins drastically
Do want.
I`ve lost about 25 kilos, still my cheekbones and chin looks fat.

>> No.8145251


This is a recipe for emotional disaster. If you want to tell people how you feel, fucking do so.

You will never have a meaningful relationship with anyone worth having it with if you aren't able to formulate simple emotions in a way that doesn't sound like you're insane.

Also, being this bottled up and oh so cool only makes you attractive to certain people, and those people are usually retarded themselves. You're confusing silence with insight and self-reliance, and it is neither.

>> No.8146672

lmao meaningful relationship? I stopped reading there.

If you go on Tinder and expect to find a meaningful relationship with an emotionally stable girl, then you probably suffer from severe brain damage.

>> No.8146850

haha both you and your weirdo tinder bitch are autists please post pics of both of you so i can confirm

>> No.8146872

young girls are very insecure and curious. they fuck around a lot more than many of you are probably aware. i'd never even try to make a serious long term commitment with a girl under 28. just enjoy casual relationships and play around until you're 30 and then find a girl who has a career already and is ready to settle down. being momogamous in your teens and 20's is stupid and if u try to force it you will just get hurt.

>> No.8147197

Hahahaha your posts always make me laugh, this one's no exception.

If he's just trying to fuck a hag on tinder and get his dick wet, then it IS a game you stupid fuck. He's straight giving himself a challenge, there's no other way to word it.

Why emotionally invest yourself in someone who's part of your challenge? When you think about it, all he's doing is stopping to chew the fat along the way. She overturned him. He let some bitch on tinder distract him from his goal. Mission failed. He didn't want a long term relationship AT ALL. The fact that he states "I shouldn't even need to explain why you can't meet someone you know from tinder" is solid proof.

Call me cold, call me an asshole, call me a game player, call me a jerk, call me a fuck, but we both know I'm right. Now eat your humble pie and stop talking.

Bottom line? >>8141518 you fucked this up. It was not she, it was YOU. The sooner you acknowledge that, the better off you'll be.
>Adam's gonna hang out on Sunday is that ok
She was baiting you
>who is adam
You took the bait.

AND she was able to make you mad with a few words. She's now more socially dominant than you are, and she beat you down and got you to a vulnerable spot just by dropping a name. Is that okay with you?

Next time come correct. I would have
>said "yeah that's fine" play it cool even if it eats you alive
>go through all the drama bullshit on your own and DECIDE how you feel. If you want to tell her after, tell her. Keep it concise, though. You used too many words and you effectively walked her through the inner machinations of your mind, showing her how chaotic it was and that you weren't in control. If you don't want to tell her, that's fine. This is the thinking that I can't do for you.

One more tip. Don't burn your bridges next time, sillyhead. Remain polite, civil and amicable. If you simply can't do it without blowing your top, then I advise learning to crawl before you try to run this marathon.

>> No.8147205

Ive spent 7 months in fashion so far and know my ideal basic wardrobe is about a year and $2000 away.

>> No.8147243


>don't burn bridges
You know how she immediately bounced back at the end? That was [probably] your last chance to fuck her with minimal work. If you want to fuck her, you still can. This is how.

>I just felt bad because it seems like he really wants to be friends blah blah blah
You could have talked her into blowing him off or you could have said "You'd better make it VERY clear to him that he's just a friend and nothing else. Spell it out." or something like that. Give her a glimmer of hope. THEN when it gets brought up again (by you or her, doesn't matter) you can say "I could check my schedule. I'm a busy guy, but if you're ready to apologize then maybe I'll consider it." and make it her fault. Is it a horrible thing to do? Maybe. Does it work? You're goddamn right it does. Here's why, she was so jarred by the fact that you broke it off that she was willing to backpedal what SHE said earlier. You know what happens now? The feelings of lust, wild attraction, irritation and disgust boiling in her head are so mixed and mingled about that she can't tell one from the other. That's what makes this so easy.

What I just said above? That's a bit of a project. Don't worry about not being ready for it of that caliber. She's a practice girl. You might find it an easier route to hit "Next" on tinder and find a new girl, start from scratch.

Oh and uh, I don't ever want to hear you using the words "alpha," "beta," or any derivative.

Good luck. Great things wait for you.

>> No.8147457

I never said anything about Tinder. They weren't talking about "how to act on Tinder" specifically

>> No.8147464

>your posts
Yeah, sure, you know who I am, OK.

>if he's trying to fucka hag on tinder, then it is a game
Stopped reading here. They aren't just talking about Tinder anymore.

>> No.8147474

Generally the Break Phase comes at or about the time of a young woman’s senior year (or shortly after) of high school when she’s forced into a conflict between continuing a monogamous relationship she began in her teenage years, and severing it as college or a simple want for ‘freedom’ looms closer as she approaches young adulthood, graduation and possibly moving away from her home for an indefinite period.

This is a major frustration for Beta minded young men given to a feminized conditioning that convinces them they’ll be rewarded for loyalty, support and building relational equity with a girl. I’m highlighting this phase because often enough it’s at this beginning point young men are prepared to compromise their life’s ambitions to play a role that their feminine conditioning predisposes them for. The danger being long term life decisions made in order to maintain a relationship he believes his sacrifices will be rewarded for in favor of personal goals or developing passions and personal potential.

Here is the warning for any late teen / early adult man: This is generally the point at which you’ll have to make some real personal assessments of yourself if you have a girlfriend. This will be the first test of the red pill versus your feminized conditioning. Most blue pill guys entertain the ‘invisible friend’ of an LDR (long distance relationship) for the first time at this juncture, or they alter their educational priorities to accommodate maintaining their relationship.

Statistically the girlfriend you expected to build a Disney-story life with will break up with you as her options expand while yours constrict (due to prioritizing her goals above your own). The decisions you make at this stage are up to you, but understand (barring personal convictions) this stage will come as a woman’s SMV begins it’s rapid ascent and along with it opportunities she’s been scarcely aware of until now.

>> No.8147490

>tfw you put together an outfit you feel super confident in
>no compliments received, nor any noticeable recognition from those around you
>confidence is so shaken that you go back to your old clothes

>> No.8147507

Haha not even kidding this is the truth

You are a good man, women are chaotic

>> No.8147698

>Haha not even kidding this is the truth
the only people who dont know that are gay guys or guys who dont have experience with girls.

also guys who are "in love" with their "special" girl LOL

The five year span between 20 and 25 are what I euphemistically call a woman’s ‘Party Years’. It’s at this stage women generally experience their peak SMV (22-23 y.o.), and as I stated in Navigating the SMP, at no other point in a woman’s life will so many socio-sexual options be available to her. A lot of manosphere moralists believe that women ought to marry and get pregnant during the party years since this is the point of peak fertility as well as physical beauty, and in the not so distant, pre-sexual revolution past this certainly made sense. However, under the social conditions of the last 50+ years, women’s priorities have changed.

The available opportunities – social, sexual, educational and career-wise – that a woman experiences during these years are afforded to her in relation to her SMV. At no point will you find a woman more cocky and self-assured of her predominance in society according to the option she enjoys relative to her attractiveness. Her personal image will be one based on merit, and while it’s certainly possible she is talented and/or intelligent, her opportunities are predicated on her attractiveness and the leverage it has on other’s (men and women) decision making.

The physical arousal priorities she had in high school remain a top attraction priority, however, as she matures into the new experiences her SMV peak affords her, status, and later affluence (wealth or potential provisioning) start getting added to the attraction mix. As women learn the utility of their relative SMV, and begin to understand a future need for long term provisioning (on some level of consciousness) they come to understand the transactional nature of their sexual agency.

>> No.8148873

wow you are a faggot
