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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 159 KB, 560x993, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8134427 No.8134427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We've already seen how "ugly" clothes are coming back in style, e.g. normcore.

It's only a matter of time that being skinny will also be unattractive. Just as the appeal of clothing goes in waves, so will the appeal of body fat. Being fat used to be more attractive than being thin.

So why aren't you fat yet, /fa/? If you actually think that being skinny is going to be attractive in the near future, you're delusional. So why not start putting on the pounds now so you'll be ahead of the curve soon?

>> No.8134436

>ahead of the curve

>> No.8134440

Being thin will never be out of style at this point. America's obesity epidemic would have to disappear

Being thin would have to somehow magically become an unbelievably easy standard to accomplish and maintain before it could even begin to potentially become unfashionable

>> No.8134449

being obese was never fashionable. they only liked some extra chub.

>> No.8134457

Tara Lynn: 'We get go eat ice cream and still get to work'

whatever that even means...

>> No.8134458

>Being fat used to be more attractive than being thin
this is a lie lol

>> No.8134464

being fit is modern couture. being a skeleton is for those unwilling to make themselves strong.

>> No.8134466

God I love cute chubby boys. I hope being thin goes out of style so I can find a nice jewish boy with a shaved, pink hole and go to town on it.

I'll probably stay thin for health reasons, though.

>> No.8134470
File: 343 KB, 1600x1066, patty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuhhhh is this the same jacket u wore in ur fit w/ the emerald wool trou

if so what r ur thoughts on it and would u recommend

god bless

>> No.8134479

i think he's playing off the idea that
>muh fat = muh wealth. cause i can afford to eat gluttonously with complete disregard to personal nutrition...

similar to how feudal chinese aristocracy valued fair skin because it just basically meant one was rich enough they never had to go out/work under the sun?

not that it matters, op is trool or blundering tumblrfag. either way: sage

>> No.8134517

no but that's a cool jacket
I'd cop

>> No.8134523

Because I don't like cellulite and thighs rubbing together, and I wasn't even proper fat then, my bmi was 19.5.

>> No.8134530


what jacket was it btw

>> No.8134539

>not being a clotheshanger

Do you even like clothes, are you even into fashion?


>> No.8134542
File: 388 KB, 1872x2808, patrikervellshirtjacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8134630


losing weight won't make cellulite go away. nothing will. it's genetic, the fat cells distribute themselves a certain way and there's nothing you can do about it.

source: know tons of skinnyfat girls with cellulite.

>> No.8134662

Correction: You know tons of skinnyfat girls who never fucking exercise.

When's the last time you saw a fit girl with cellulite?

>> No.8134664
File: 388 KB, 683x1024, 00160fullscreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's his "aviator" jacket, he's done it a couple times if I remember correctly, it's a great piece, I'd grab it

>> No.8134693


a few days ago at the gym.

>> No.8134699

I watched some documentary about vintage clothing yesterday and it was saying how Marilyn Monroe was a size '16' and curvy etc. However back then dress sizes were a lot bigger and a size 16 is actually equivalent to a size 10 today lol.

So next time you see a fat girl idolising her curvy figure you can tell her she was size 10.

>> No.8134704

have there ever been 'fat' male models?

>> No.8134719

see: walter van beirendonck

>> No.8134727


>> No.8134730

>Being fat used to be more attractive than being thin.
yeah, maybe when food was in short supply.. this thread is retarded

>> No.8134733


>> No.8134748

wrong. I know a girl who swims internationally who has cellulite. the ass is still good tho

>> No.8134773

yeah no, I see what you're saying (even though it's retarded), but the normcore thing has its roots in 90s imagery, which was when the whole "heroin chic" thing was popularized

even after the 90s craze is over, no decade in the 20th century (i.e. where most of our fashion is recycled from) has romanticized obesity. it's never been cool in itself.

>> No.8134781

this, curvyness may be more or less fashionable but not outright obesity (and neither is anorexia)

>> No.8134792

can u pls post fit forgot to save 4 inspo

>> No.8134798

>(and neither is anorexia)


you're new aren't you

>> No.8134799

I can only get skinny fat. skinny fat is not /fa/

>> No.8134801
File: 115 KB, 640x480, 131017-180019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have yet to wear these pants out lol

>> No.8134805

y wouldn't u

>> No.8134809
File: 120 KB, 640x480, 131017-180123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as well as another pair of patty pants and some OL pants too

>> No.8134812

idk y i see qt potential in u
that u hav a super hot face

>> No.8134815

>not knowing what uuuuhhhh looks like
get out newfag

>> No.8134816

so many fucking newfags on this board smdh

>> No.8134817
File: 215 KB, 1200x1600, pejacquard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't tailored them yet

>> No.8134830


>implying this board isn't new

>> No.8134841

I've been here since at least 2012 m8, say what you want about kate moss, she never looked unhealthy.

a pleb fashion designer here in aus recently got torn a new one for having a ridiculously skinny girl as one of his models (although I think the girl was treated unfairly imo)

>> No.8134858

damn, how old are you?

fair enough m8

>(although I think the girl was treated unfairly imo)

how so? there a lot of skinny shamers in aus too (merifag here)?

>> No.8134861
File: 65 KB, 650x734, Karlie-Kloss-Vogue-Italia-December-Issue-2011-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ew kate moss
u rlly r new

>> No.8134866

>a pleb fashion designer here in aus recently got torn a new one for having a ridiculously skinny girl as one of his models (although I think the girl was treated unfairly imo)
that was total bullshit
I don't hate fat people or body acceptance but fuck why do they have to make it at the expense of skinny people or lying about health

>> No.8134874

>there a lot of skinny shamers in aus too (merifag here)?
well I've seen nothing that proves that she has an eating disorder, and in order to cover his arse alex perry said shit like "I recoiled in horror when I saw the picture of her" and I think he would've never gotten away with such a comment if he made it about overweight or curvaceous women (such comments I also find reprehensible).

>> No.8134883

okay sorry for not using more obscure examples

sorry that I don't really follow haute couture as much as you edgemaster supreme

>> No.8134891
File: 87 KB, 700x933, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just Googled it

that's fucked up. kind of an unfortunate situation, but let's be honest... there's no way this bitch doesn't have an eating disorder of some kind.

I mean I like em skinny but c'mon

>> No.8134899

well she managed to birth a kid so she can't be all that bad

>> No.8134903

there's s/t really unappealing about the girl in OP but I can't figure out what it is

>> No.8134906

genetics, my ligaments look slimmer then i actually am

>> No.8134912

um, maybe coz she's fat

>> No.8134918

nah I can appreciate most bodies from thin - p. chubby but something is really putting me off about her

>> No.8134921

I'm not saying she's ridiculously unhealthy, but from what I've managed to dig up in 3 min, she used to be thicker



wonder what it could be? o.O

>> No.8134965
File: 63 KB, 279x91, tumblr_m7j781xLVN1qdemqzo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.8134970

k but... you didn't answer my question


>> No.8134982
File: 192 KB, 387x398, tumblr_n444icfuQb1snslrwo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8134984

>MUH FAT ACCEPTANCE on the other

The fuck is wrong with this country.

>> No.8134991

nvm, I was asking someone else this but I guess I'll ask you as well

how old r u

>> No.8134998
File: 69 KB, 500x153, ayeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missed u brah

>> No.8135025
File: 249 KB, 317x572, tumblr_mgfh0bqO2Y1s2kqjjo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


where's kiwi tho

>> No.8135086

There are more fat people than starving people in the world now, so I think we're already at that point.

>> No.8135109

following trends is to not think for yourself. the very least you could do is not let a fucking trend effect your body. not saying being fat is okay. idc if you are, but don't say it's good because it's unhealthy.

>> No.8135395

What is normcore? I've lived in Japan for the past couple years so I'm out of touch with Western fashion.

>> No.8135406

Finally. I'm tired of skeletons with no ass or tits

>> No.8135477

Marilyn had a 22" waist. No fat girls have a 22" waist

>> No.8135484

They still prefer fair skin over tanned in china

>> No.8135510

>you should also moan the grass

>> No.8135519

because ugly designer clothing is still exclusive while being fat is the easiest thing ever to achieve

>> No.8135522

thanks pigfuck I'll moan it asap

>> No.8135724

She might have larger upper thighs hidden under that skirt. When I wear baggy mid-length skirts or shorts I look much thinner than I am.

>> No.8135746

what did you niggas do with banana and tomato
pls tell me you didn't eat them

>> No.8135750

rofl you guys

>> No.8135769
File: 48 KB, 424x639, Bath1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the biggest 22" waist I've ever seen. You're telling me she had a smaller waist than Audrey Hepburn, Vivien Leigh, or any of those skinny eastern euro models? I don't think so. Hint: Her waist was 22" with the help of a corset.

>> No.8135822


Waists were measured differently back then.

I hate when fat chicks go around saying that when they have no fucking idea what they're talking about.

>> No.8135937

Dat flabby little gut. 10/10 would cuddle with.

>> No.8135981

>Being fat used to be more attractive than being thin.
Nah. It's like how models will marry rich, ugly, unfashionable guys. Fat used to be a status symbol; now muscle is. That probably won't change unless there's a huge first-world famine.

>> No.8136127
File: 142 KB, 395x306, tumblr_mixavzO7B81s37xcoo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did u kno they both r the same person

>> No.8136163
File: 69 KB, 600x400, gucci-mane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get money gut
we really out here eatin
big belly still take my shirt off like nelly

>> No.8136174
File: 40 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n3u69eQqI21ty8golo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look man I'm on that raw vegan showing bananas ur ass diet


>> No.8136179

god damn it

>> No.8136180

ITT: Delusional Thinboys

The cognitive dissonance is overwhelming. It's understandable though. You've put so much effort through the course of your lives to stay thin, and now you're finally realizing that all your hard work is just going to make you look out of style.

Being round and proud is sexy. Being bony and weak is not. Now get off my thread if you genuinely disagree with this, thanks :-)

>> No.8136581

i'm still here bae


>> No.8136594

>fatty trying to validate himself by saying fat will be attractive when he doesn't realize he'll die of a heart attack long before

>> No.8136819

Lower your body fat enough and it disappears. I never had terrible cellulite, it was just bad enough to be noticeable when I was skinnyfat/chubs.

Not to mention my doctor took one look at my growth chart and ripped me a new one when he saw I gained a lot of weight.

>> No.8137018

you have poor reading skills, my friend

>> No.8137034

you can be fat and only have subcutaneous fat
just keep healthy and excersize

>> No.8137178
File: 38 KB, 228x229, 1391541897831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't there any "plus" sized male models?

>> No.8137221

Because men for the most part aren't whiny cunts who cry when they don't fit the the idealized model of beauty.

>> No.8137882

Nice man.
How much did you pay for those CPs? Just trying to gauge what's a fair price in AUS.

>> No.8137900

There are. They're called "big and tall".

>> No.8137912

>When's the last time you saw a fit girl with cellulite?
A black chick. To be fair her ass was big and fatty. Very muscular and actually lean you could tell looking at her upper body but dat ass WAS 2 FAT

>> No.8137935

Guwop is the only one who can pull it off though. Waka is like half as fat as him and still looks like shit.

>> No.8138031

My gf has a bit of cellulite.
Turns me on. Fucking love biting/smacking that shit.

>> No.8138115

>best girl karlie kloss
sign out friend

>> No.8138123

>biting cellulite

what the fuck

>> No.8138205

Who was the designer? Link to article?

>> No.8138349

Yeah man I bite her ass all the time.

>> No.8138369

Its important to not force fat as the new skinny; I know many girls (most black:African American/Jamaican/Nigerian/Dominican/etc...) who basically force themselves to eat and work out loads to get that "fat ass, thick (but firm) body"

Its even worse in Sahelian West Africa where anyone who can afford it takes there daughters to fattening camps to eat wheat flour friend in butter, camel milk and camel milk cream then restrict there movement.

They are actually having health campaigns and Dove like campaigns championing "Skinny is good".

>> No.8138406
File: 308 KB, 1100x971, 1397728185584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP is right and the fatpocalypse actually happens

>> No.8138422

>that fucking shop
I'm in tears

>> No.8138432
File: 611 KB, 1399x1360, anorexidkid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being fat

>> No.8138439

>5 foot 5

is this kid trolling?

>> No.8138456
File: 90 KB, 567x467, BreeDenim2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's your fatfu effay? Mine's Bree Warren.

>> No.8138474

I have no idea who this is, but I would fucking wreck her.

>> No.8138475

tru but not 4 the same reason

>> No.8138488

>Following trends
Doesn't affect me if other people want to be fatasses. I like the being skinny because I like how a slender body looks.
All that will happen is it will decrease my chances of finding a qt thin gf/bf

>> No.8138492

she's not fat. at all.

>> No.8138515
File: 574 KB, 2074x1382, bree-warren-6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is m8.

Asos curve model.

>> No.8138546
File: 819 KB, 1000x651, body-fat-percentage-men-women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is chubby. OP is fat.

>> No.8139789

>Being fat used to be more attractive than being thin.
no you piece of shit

>> No.8139908
File: 86 KB, 669x960, bodyimage2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think fat is coming back as much as it is just becoming more accepted.
You would have to be stupid to think that being skinny used to be unattractive

>> No.8139931

The girl on the right isn't fat, she's just slightly fuller than the girl on the left.
Being fat was never attractive, and don't bring up that cottage cheese ass painter.

>> No.8140041

Being fat = /fa/?
Dear god, i hope not!

However i would love it if the current trend where muscle-less toothpicks are acceptable substitutes for arms or legs ends. That stuff looks like shit, is unhealthy and makes you terrible at everything that involves physical work, just the same as with fatties.

>> No.8140042

this thread is full off faggots

>> No.8140994


I love chubby guys but I'd hate to get chubby myself

>> No.8141012

>makes you terrible at everything that involves physical work
6'2" 70kg skeleton labourer here. just dropping in to say that /fit/ is mostly ornamental and actually not good for physical work

>> No.8141051

She's not fat