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8087473 No.8087473 [Reply] [Original]

how many of you have an eating disorder? ive caught myself now eating less and less to the point where its effecting my mental health and just making me weak/ sick all the time. sometimes if i eat something if feel is unhealthy or just over eat ill just purge but now is becoming more frequent. im not even interested in losing weight anymore i just want to eat normally but my metabolism is so fucked up i feel ill never live a normal life

>> No.8087481

how many calories a day do you eat anon?

>> No.8087484


I eat 2000-4000 calories a day. I feel like I'm getting fatter, but then I don't care 5 seconds later. I weigh 140 Ibs and prob spend $700+ each month on food. Eat too much disorder.

>> No.8087485

I guess I do because I don't like eating very much, it just seems to be a chore for me.

Been trying really hard this past month to eat more though. Gone from 1000-1500 cals to around 2500 a day.

>> No.8087502
File: 724 KB, 751x1001, LADYGUNN-LIL-DEBBIE-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably about 2300 calories a day, with about 1800-1900 of those being food and the rest being beer.

Also, seing lil debbie on 4/20, hyped.

>> No.8087505

i average 700 a day but anything over 1000 makes me feel disgusted an ashamed

>> No.8087509

Who is that girl & why do I want to have sex with her so bad?

>> No.8087516
File: 573 KB, 1130x1535, Lil_Debbie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be on effay
>not knowing who lil debbie is

>> No.8087517


Yeah that aint healthy dude. I eat ~1300 but most of it is fruits, vegetables, and then some protein. But im on a cut right now.

gotta be healthy dude

>> No.8087521


eat better food?

>> No.8087530

I take it all back. she's not that great & her music sucks.

>> No.8087531

yeah its gotten to the point where i get light headed just standing up and how do i raise my cal intake properly

>> No.8087544


theres lots of hi-cal stuff you can eat. Peanut butter is an easy one. Spread about 3 tbsp on a piece of whole wheat toast, have a banana and add a greek yogurt. Bam, breakfast.

boom thats ~600 calories

You can do only 2 tbsps of peanut butter to bring it down a bit if you feel like, or maybe not do the yogurt. All up to you

>> No.8087545

Nigger get some whey or some shit, It's easy as fuck to weigh out so you can easily track your calories. Heaven forbid you get some brotean too.

You niggers are fucking retarded

>> No.8087551

If I eat more than like, half a PBJ sandwich at once, I start feeling like I have to vomit. I've had to vomit while away from home many times now. I basically have a panic attack and my heartrate goes up and I get really hot/sweaty and everything till I puke. It's uncontrollable.

>> No.8087555

It's not that, I just don't care much for food.
Except for ice cream, I fucking love that shit, but I don't eat it bcuz fat.

>> No.8087714

I want Lil' Debbie to spit in my mouth.
I think I have to go stroke it now.

>> No.8087718


Oh shit I thought you just meant you were gonna pig out on 420 with some nutterbars and zebra cakes

>> No.8087755

lil debbie isn't "effay" in the slightest, unless being an unoriginal, degenerate nigger is considered fashionable

>> No.8087780

holy fuck
please tell me you eat out everyday or something

>> No.8087799
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>> No.8087812
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>> No.8087848

have you tried eating something thats not a pbj sandwich?

>> No.8087854

get help lel, obviously association-level

>> No.8087858
File: 15 KB, 393x393, 1397000258953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have an eating disorder where i cant stop eating 24/7 non-stop because my stomach doesn't send the signal to my brain that i'm full or some shit and i'm always hungry

good thing my metabolism is god speed i'm still skinny buff

>> No.8087994
File: 314 KB, 980x652, 1397296248829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil' Debbie is the tumor on modern day hip hop.

>> No.8088167

well some of us have gastrointestinal issues. i'm 6'5" with a 29 inch waist.

>> No.8088366

i know that feel
>"hey anon want some cupcakes?"
>"y-yes please" (really don't want them, but have them anyway to not seem rude)
>eat cupackes...
>"hey host can i use your bathroom?"
>put my finger in mouth to throw up the cakes
>take about 10 minutes until i think i've got all that junk out
>get out of the toilet
>"hey anon did you like my cupcakes?"
>"s-sure did they were d-d-delicious"
why do plebs always have to fucking offer me junk food??? is that the only food they know??? my asshole friends even try to offer to buy me mcdonalds crap, i always say no thank you, but plebs are always like "come on bro have 1" and try to force feed me fucking posion and make me feel guilty if i turn it down, gah! i hate people sooo much, now i know why /fir/ always goes cocoon mode, i wanna do that but then ill have to quit my job im working to save up for some geobaskets

>> No.8088378

maybe because you look like an african child

>> No.8088400

>be 130lb
>still got a fat belly

I eat about 1500 calories a day and do a bit of cardio every few days to try to burn off this last bit of fat.

>> No.8088405

ya i don't like eating

>> No.8088416

>be skinny
>still a fat face
you dont know the real pain bro

>> No.8088423

>tfw only way to get skinny face is to get dangerously skinny.

>> No.8088444

That's the fucking worst
I dunno, maybe some grills like dimples

>> No.8088449

They don't offer you cupcakes everyday, do they? I mean, once in a while, it's sharing a luxury.

>> No.8088464
File: 33 KB, 480x504, JGL dimples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do

>> No.8088471

get cheek fat removal

>> No.8088526

this exists?

>> No.8088541


>> No.8088562
File: 69 KB, 940x626, b3548eb077ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

125-130 is usually where I end up. I just skip meals and do cardio and when I wake up my belly's flat again. Any meal though and I get that bulged African child stomach, but that can't be helped. pic related

>> No.8088577


>> No.8088592

I used to be a chubby cunt, but I had surgery and couldn't eat for a month. (Was through a tube etc.). After I had that at ~14 I legit never get hungry. I only eat for fuel. Sometimes I find myself getting light headed or w/e then I'm like shit it's 5PM and I didn't eat since yesterday

>> No.8088666
File: 32 KB, 225x205, 191874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure I've got my body to adapt to bulimia by now. All of spring break I only ate heavily once every two days, had some skim milk and acai juice the days I didn't eat. Did sets of 35 reps every now and then some squats too after shower. It's been a month I still try eating heavily once every two days and just drinking fluids whenever the haze builds up from trying to improve of my skinnyfat frame. Still take multivitamins and omega supplements so I'm not actually harming myself as badly.

>> No.8089233

>take about 10 minutes
entry level purger alert

>> No.8089272

i consider you my brother in ED but i feel i also have to tell you you're really annoying.
if you're gonna do this you can't be so flappy and fretful. this is about control, and you clearly don't have it.
>why do plebs have to offer me food
don't be like that. you know why, you clearly look ill. be calm, eat the damn cake and then do what you have to do.
>i hate people so much
they're looking after you. be grateful.

>> No.8090445

Depends on your definition of an eating disorder
>I don't eat chips or drink soda because I can feel them making me fat as I eat them. I still have the capacity to enjoy them, though.
>I hate eating McDonald's in front of people. I'd much rather go through the drive thru then eat it in my car.

>> No.8090468 [DELETED] 

When I actually try to lose weight I usually start taking caffeine and ephedrine pills and feel wired but very weak and burnt out at the same time. I try to keep it around 1200 cals a day when I do.

Most of the time though I just eat what I want, within reason. If you tell people you take pills or whatever they usually think it's a problem but I don't see it that way. It's no worse than eating junk food all the time instead or being overweight so whatever. I'm at a healthy weight for my height anyways so idrgaf

The average idiot thinks that turning down a pint of ice cream means you have a disorder so there's no point in worrying about it.

>> No.8090738


>> No.8090745

Who the fuck are you? I am filtering you.

>> No.8090941

went from 200lbs 10% bodyfat to about 173lbs since the end of november unintentionally, i've just been too lazy to eat my proper amount and i stopped going to the gym

>> No.8090976

That's what I thought they were talking about too. Stoners and their snack cakes y'know...