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/fa/ - Fashion

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8054235 No.8054235 [Reply] [Original]

fa feels general. what are you fuccbois doing on this friday night?

>got home from class at 12
>went to local outlet mall for a hour till 1
>smoked in car
>got new vap in the mail and smoked some more in my room finally (live with parents)
>chilled and went to 7/11 to pick up dinner

relaxing ass night

>> No.8054238

Got a text from James Franco asking to hang out cause he's in sydney

Didn't even reply

>> No.8054237

>7/11 to pick up dinner

>> No.8054249


That is fucking hilarious

>> No.8054891
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>just watched pulp fiction for first time couple hours ago
>browse plebbit/4chin
>think about girl I like
>I'll never be with her
>listen to Let's Together by Al Green on repeat

>> No.8054907

playing video games

>> No.8054915

>sit in all night trying to beat 2048.

>> No.8054912
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ordered this hoodie


it arrived today

fucking facemask is too big

It's a size M and I have a massive head and the facemask is too big

currently turboshrinking it in the wash and praying to the fashion gods

also hoping to berry my willy in some sloots tomorrow night

>> No.8054918

what is that like really really high?

>> No.8054925

>actually buying a hoodie with a built-in facemask

>> No.8054935
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it's more of a face protector then a mask, I live in Alaska btw so I'm always cold and my face gets frostbite

>> No.8054946
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>> No.8054960


You should cop a nice merino gaiter from Buff or Ibex. A proper soft shell will do you better than a hoodie too. Especially if you're dealing with Alaskan elements.

>> No.8054964

i just broke up with my gf

i dont know what to feel

>> No.8054967


looking at my cousin's clothing line

>> No.8054970

>worked all night
>got home at 11pm
>passed out immediately because tired
>woke up at 4:30am
>sitting in bed now drinking old milwaukee ice, smoking cigarettes, and shitposting on 4chan
>back to work at 11am


>> No.8054972

*get handed card by baka gaijin* What is this?!?!?! *do front flip while unsheathing my twin no-dachi katanas Demonbane and Death Reaper* You want offensive?! I'll give you offensive!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bring down Demonbane on gaijin's head and begin slicing* TAKE THIIIIIIIIS!!!! *do a cartwheel and stab the baka with Death Reaper* AND THIIIIIIIIIIS!!!! *do a backflip while slicing all over. body falls apart* heh, thanks, I needed to test this sharpness for a while now. nothing personel, kid. :^)

>> No.8054977

it's true I am a Baka, but at least my state is closer to Japan then yours so checkmate

>> No.8054981



>> No.8054983

I live in Aus, and I'm assuming you're American, so I'm closer.

>> No.8054984

>Nothing to do last night
>Give up, cook
>Drink beers
>Watch Before Sunset

Was depressing m8s.

>> No.8054985

Go dance with sweaty boys at an after hours club.
No homo, unless you want it to be ;)

>> No.8054999
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no because you use an outdated map baka

>> No.8055005

Did you break up with her or did she break up with you?
Just know that you can now become more /fa/ then you have ever been

iktfb, the ride never ends

where do you live m9

>> No.8055009

10 hours, 38 minutes from melbourne (pretty much as far away from japan as you can get in aus.)

If you live in Alaska, you win, but it's probably like the same length from Brisbane to jap. Have you ever been there? Thinking of doing a semester abroad because jap girls love tall blonde master race men.

>> No.8055020

Girl i was with for 5 years, broke up with me bro, it's pretty rough but i'm a social recluse with no friends and I've already fucked 2 girls better looking than her in 6 months~ which is a big achievement for me since I literally don't talk to any girls. (these girls came up to me at clubs)
You'll probably find a new girl soon bruh, and hopefully she is /fa/.

south-east melb.

>> No.8055024
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>went to new skate park opening
>got shrooms from a dreads hippie bro
>had a good ass time
>friends are making jokes about me being permanently fried

>> No.8055031

I gave shrooms to a girl at a party and she was telling me how she's going to be a marine biologist and discover mermaids

>> No.8055064

guys, please help me. i've been desperately trying to find this picture of a qt japanese grill that i've seen posted on here a couple of times. it was a gravure idol taking a selfie while wearing a red bikini (iirc) and she had really nice tits. i'm freaking the fuck out. PLEASE help me. i remember someone started a thread using that image

>> No.8055071
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>tfw havent been out since last Sunday
>tfw uni is over and approaching neethood

>> No.8055096

please guys
it's 3AM and i cant sleep till i find it
im dying

>> No.8055107

I also know these feels (3 years here), just know that you're gonna find plenty of better girls
And you can become even more /fa/

So many Melb/fa/m lately
Y-you're probably cooler than me though
>tfw don't go clubbing

>> No.8055376
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>run into old friend I haven't seen in a year
>"Is that.. are you.. anon, is that you? I can barely even recognize you, you've lost all your baby fat on your face"

>> No.8055391

> Added people on Snapchat
> Played basketball
> Ordered pizza
> Watched wave racer

pree good.

>> No.8055443

>went out for a few pints and food with people from work
>came back to my flat and drank wine with my flat m8s and some friends
>went to a club we were on the guestlist on for a couple of hours
>tried to queue for a different club with some friends we bumped into there
>realised the queue was too long
>went back to one of our friend's houses and did coke and chatted till 6 in the morning
>went home and fell asleep

>> No.8055475
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>Dropped out of uni near completion because sick of it
>Enjoying comfy neet lyfe
>Draw porn and play vidya all day

>> No.8055480

>>Dropped out of uni near completion because sick of it

I'm thinking of dropping out as well, but I don't know what else I would want to do

>> No.8055494

In my philosophy, the best job you can have is one you get paid for, which you would still do even if it didn't pay. Can you make it happen if you drop out?

If not I'd probably finish uni

>> No.8055504

>go to school without that shitty disgusting cardigan uniform
>this teacher gets mad and doesnt let me in
>bitch please everyone is coming in fucking regular clothes
>have to go back home to get that shitty cardigan
>be late to my first two hour class
>go get a coffee
>get told that coffee is bad for my health
>get to chat and play with this hot slut
>get back home after a smoke and a salad
>fucking tired as fuck
>make a couple of fits
>get told that i have to assist to the faggot scouts tomorrow
>fuck that shit
>play banished a little bit while listening to Vitalic
>fall asleep
>wake up 10:00 pm play banished and fap
>still listening to Vitalic
>6:00 am, i realize i have a date with the nutriologist

and here i am browsing /fa/ still listening to Vitalics because im a sad fuck

>> No.8055514

>tfw mother supports you through college
>tfw sent more money today
>literally enough to not even think about working, just enjoy life and study
>feel terrible because of that
>actually want to go 1000000000000000000 km away to my gf which dumped me cause we were in different cities and I also behaved like a prick, and make her mine again
>or want to startup an educational centre, p good niche where I am from
>or at least travel, starting from south east asia
>tfw cant come back because 1 year mandatory military service when you become 18, I become 18 this summer
>tfw military service is for ppl between 18-27 years

wat do gaiz
i feel like life is passing by
i feel like i am waiting and waiting again
like all my fucking life
just waiting for sth and then it comes and you're not even that happy most of the time
what do i do
also college is p much a disappointment, it's easy, but fuck that, I wont work 9 to 5 5-6 days a week anyways, I just wont work any work with schedule like that, and for someone, you know? Seems like only opportunity for me is to either startup my own business, or become an artist or sth.

>> No.8055521

whats going on?

>> No.8055522

>Got my first pair of white trainers ever
>I am 6' 5" and size 12 UK shoes
>I will now have to endure weeks of "Nice bowling shoes"

>> No.8055524

Well its not like you're the only kid who's parents support them through college. Pretty much everyone I know does. Except me because poor family and I wont accept money from them.

>> No.8055530

At your height do you do that awkward tall guy hunch thing or do you keep a good posture?

>> No.8055528

what is /fa/?
fuccboi dont hurt me
dont hurt me
no more

>> No.8055531

My wisdom tooth is fucking killing me and giving me a shitty headache and I have to wait until Monday to call the dentist. I'm meant to be studying for exams but I can't concentrate on shit like this. My flatmate is a pig and I'm sick of it. I am in a crap mood.

>> No.8055533

thats so british

>> No.8055538

What's coke like?

>> No.8055539
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>with mates behind campus canteen
>smoking cigs and drinking coffee near a tree
>girls from class come around
>as usually they bitch about each other making up stories related to sleeping with guys
>they whine even if the stories are true
>someone points out a bee hive
>we get a little paranoid
>decide to climb the roof for the first time while girls are going for lunch
>20 meters of rusty tunnel ladder
>end up getting wasted and falling asleep there
>leave & crash into bed at around 4 AM
>wake up today
>back hurts like fuck and I think I have a cold

Was alright.

>> No.8055543
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>woke up at 10 am
>listened to some Actress & Legowelt
>I don't want to live in this century anymore
>back to sleep
>2 am wake up
>still sunny
>4 am ok time to wake up
>make an english breakfast
>john leyton & tame impala on repeat
>checking the instagram of a girl I'll never be with
>deciding between going to buy some tobacco and smoke outside being /fa ot just stay at home and work out before watching Nimphomaniac
>Well some day I guess
>I'll find myself another little girl
>To take the place of my true love
>But as long as I live I know
>I'll hear her singing in the sighing of the wind
>Blowin' in the tree tops way above me
>Johnyy, remeeember mee

>> No.8055545

I don't really know what you're referring to exactly. I do have awkward posture, but hopefully that will go away once I start lifting.

>> No.8055551

>gravure idol

>> No.8055552

isnt the military service optional? well, at least in mexico it is,, in fact, its a matter of luck because they choose you randomly

>> No.8055561

not getting any hours at work
girl i dig is drifting, not that i could get her anyway
spent all my savings for a holiday or house w friends getting surgery
nm to look forward career wise
stuck in my moms house for another long while

just feeling sorry myself b

>> No.8055567

Fingered my virgin gf for the first time yesterday. Haven't touched a pussy for 6 months.Hoping to smash her soon. So looking forward to that shit. She is so quiet and shy but cute. I'll make her into a nympho fo sho

>> No.8055570

My gf is super shy and we haven't fooled around yet
What do I say to her to get her in the mood/open up?

>> No.8055577

hard to explain. u definitely feel "up" like if you've had loads and loads of caffeine and you're very chatty and confident and a bit euphoric. you feel like the you'/re coolest person in the room. being talkative is the main thing tho i find

i am, yeah. what's british about it tho? how do u know?

>> No.8055583

haha, true m8, true

>> No.8055580

Not the guy you quoted, but a Fellow Brit.


>> No.8055581

>I'm thinking of dropping
if you are on a degree that will lead you to good future like engineering or something related to tech, you are going to do the worst mistake son.

>> No.8055603

I worked towards a finance degree for 5 years thinking I was working towards "a good future" but now that I got a job it seems like I've been breaking through a one-way path leading to hell.

>> No.8055609

>if you are on a degree that will lead you to good future like engineering or something related to tech

nope, I'm just studying stuff I find interesting, but it feels it's leading me nowhere, it's interesting, but not fulfilling at all.

>> No.8055620

i dont know man, its just gives me that modern chav british vibe, you know, like Skins, you´d be Tony before the accident

>> No.8055623

I always arch up for an argument in political economy class but no one ever steps to me

>> No.8055625

hm, yeah. maybe. more "art school hipsters" than chavs and dalston (east london) instead of bristol though

>> No.8055639

>tfw the most "fashionable person youve ever met irl is a slutty 17 yo grill that dresses in soft cardigans and skinny jeans"

fuck, idk if its her body or the fits but that bitch really turns me on, her fits are basic as fuck and sometimes shit, but dat body doe, too bad shes a tad bit short and with a very ... uncomfortable face, not ugly but not nice either

>> No.8055645

I've never watched skins
Is it good? I've avoided it because teens and sex bores me

>> No.8055650

No. I mean, it's alright, but it's completely inaccurate and full of unlikeable characters.

>> No.8055659

first two seasons are ok

>> No.8055657

first couple of seasons were okay. after that it became one of the worst shows on tv

>> No.8055667

Just be little rape-y

>> No.8055677

>wake up
>do 200 words of dissertation
>brew cafetiere
>read some more
>eat eggs + bacon
>listen to john talabot

And now i'm posting this. Nothing to do today, could go into LDN and see an exhibition/cop some clothes..probably won't.

>> No.8055695

>sex bores me
lol wut?

nah m8, they´re pretty good, they´r entertaining and sometimes funny and its easy to follow up

>> No.8055703

nah, he has start the foreplay, start with a kiss in the neck or forehead and then go down and down slowly, or start rubbing her back or legs then go to the desired area

are you 12 or what?

>> No.8055710

>tfw feel more confident in a shitty fit than one I put effort into

Does anyone get this feeling too?

>> No.8055723

makes sense

>> No.8055729

How'd you lose it?

>> No.8055732

more apprehensive about peoples reaction to something you care about.

>> No.8055739

Exclusive weight loss secret!!!: He burned more calories than he ingested.

>> No.8055749


>> No.8055758

Well I'm skinny as fuck but I still have baby fat on my face

>> No.8055764

tfw its saturday morning and still awake

>> No.8055765

Genetics, for people like you, its surgery or bust.

There's no such thing as targeted weight loss.

>> No.8055766

This makes a lot of sense

>> No.8055771

Anyone use provigil/modafinil for studying? Thoughts?

>> No.8055780
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>some of my friends had a party on friday night
>don't go because I know no one would miss me if I didn't

My "friends" are indifferent to my presence. No one makes strenuous effort to see me.

Only one person texted me to ask if i would be there, but I could see it was just a feeble attempt in order to alleviate some pitiful feeling of obligation that they had rather than them genuinely wanting me there.

>> No.8055789

Are you me?

>> No.8055790

Should have just gone and got trashed/had a good time (ecstasy would be good).

Nobody likes a mope, if you keep avoiding making an effort it's only going to get worse.

>> No.8055791

take the invite. don't be a dick about it. I used to get like that when my friends didn't text me until I realized that he said, yeah man, you know our schedule so we just assume you're working, come down whenever.

if you want to have friends you have to put effort into being a friend, not sitting around waiting for one of them to notice you aren't around.

>> No.8055803
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>tfw my body looks like a skeleton, but I can't get rid of this chubby face

>> No.8055818

It's just recently I tried to make plans with a few of them and one said she couldn't make it and the other just ignored my calls and texts on the day. I feel like i'm always the one trying to make the effort and now it's too heartbreaking to see them and asking myself if they even want me there.

>> No.8055856

What else would you call a queue?

>> No.8055866


>> No.8055863

This is retarded, no wonder it's so cheap

>> No.8055867

maybe yanks call it a "line" (?)

>> No.8055871

You sound like teenage me. I went out for a birthday dinner with my 'friends' once, we all shared a taxi to get home. They suggested dropping me off first on the list, whatever that's fine. Turns out they were all going to one of their's to have a sleepover/party and they just didn't want me to come. Man, I was such a pushover back then.

>> No.8055876

Oh, I guess so. Just blanked and couldn't think of an alternative there.

>> No.8055892

That's nothing, a bunch of my "friends" arranged to go on holiday and didn't tell me until few days before.

>> No.8055900

I once had a bunch arrange their holiday accidentally in front of me. I was all 'oh that sounds cool!' so they just all looked awkward and started coming up with a myriad of excuses as to why it was too late for me to join them.

Where did we go wrong, anon?

>> No.8055902


/vp/ pls

>> No.8055938

wine and good music did the trick for me. Go to the store, buy a couple bottles of white wine( I bought some cheap sparkling shit actually tasted good). Then I put on some toro y moi - causers of this. Started kissing her and touching her beatiful innie vagina. Rubbing and fingering got me hard but she said we need a special place for her to fuck and I can wait. Besides I think she's in love with me and doesn't know I banged her cousin.

>> No.8055939
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Man that's brutal. They would rather come off as elitist pricks than actually have you join their holiday.

Do those holiday photos haunt you like they do me?

>> No.8055962

They did for a long time, but I realised it would've been a miserable experience for me anyway since they wouldn't have wanted me there. I've moved 500 miles away since then. I have a partner I met online but no friends and tbh I prefer it this way. I'll always do my best to do right by other people but I guess social relationships just aren't for me.

>> No.8055983

>at a friends house, in the sauna
>this dude that was always skinny as fuck (still is, now slightly more toned) and now acts all alpha because he has a girlfriend (she came onto him) comments on how fat I am
>6'2, 174 pounds
>even if he just said it as a lighthearted comment that pisses me off, you don't just point people's flaws out
>later on
>watching Nymphomaniac vol I
>oh lord was that a terrible movie
>at least got to comment on it the whole time and get some laughs
>later on
>friend whose house we're in starts showing these videos of people reading creepypastas
>me and a friend that both have to walk home in the dark loudly protest, still hear a couple
>finally, we part ways at 3AM
>walking home, come to an intersection where my friend goes in a direction other than mine
>I walk alone, music playing
>tfw wish nothing more than a qt gf who I could comfort and tell that there are no killers in the shadows and so forth
>tfw really need to stop jacking it

>> No.8055984

>be manlet
>go to grocery store
>see my cutest female friend with a 6'4" guy
>tfw you can never be trurly fabulous like a tall person
>mfw actually baldchan.jpg

>> No.8056004
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>realise I actually have a problem
>go on internet to find help for excessive masturbation
>"most problems of excessive masturbation are caused by a lack of/desire for intimacy"
>cry and masturbate more


my housemates tried to get me to go to a bar with them and i didn't want to go
they're probably talking to qts now

>> No.8056022

The other guys were right, but I was also referring to the fact that we have a pretty solid "queueing culture" that scares some people.

>> No.8056028
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>bought this http://www.verycoolshirtz.com/product/the-sadness-tee
>got high

>> No.8056031

This is what I don't get... i'm always trying to get some of my more withdrawn friends to come out to a bar or club or something.. just something that they wouldn't normally do to spice things up, usually to no avail. Why would you say no and then regret not going? Why not just go and have fun?

>> No.8056046

mostly because I have an exam in a couple of days

but basically I have very poor social skills and I find it very difficult to hold a conversation with most people.

Does that sound like your widthdrawn friends?

>> No.8056055

>have a really nice group, some qts and smart people
>they are all friendly to each other
>can't start a conversation because don't know any common themes
>that gets multiplied by bad diction
>tfw i am the guy who changes their face expressions from friendly to whoisthisweirdguy-like when trying to make some contact

>> No.8056066

w2c good social circle

>tfw local /fa/ meetup isn't for a few months
>probably wont end up being friends anyway

>> No.8056099

>tfw girl at work likes you

if the bermuda triangle were a love triangle, that's where i'd be

it's a long tale of social politics and plots

>> No.8056108

It's much more painfull to be outsider in circle of nice, interesting people than among spiteful egoists contact with whom better be avoided.

>> No.8056111

Some guy on Grailed recognized where i live from photos and wants to try my stuff on wtf

>> No.8056125

>at least got to comment on it the whole time and get some laughs

god I hope you get shot for no reason (and survive and maybe learn the movie theater is not a place to talk, you fucker)

>> No.8056146
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>ordered a jacket, Rick tee, and pants.
>jacket was too small, Rick tees neckline was fucked, pants were shiny when I thought they wouldn't be.
>sent jacket back for free replacement in correct size
>Rick tee with some stretching looks gr8 now
>I've come to embrace the shiny (although I ordered some Julius pants as a replacement, may send the shinies back but I kinda like them now)
>girl I've been talking to asked me to stay at her spot when I'm gonna be in NYC (not really visiting her I have other business there)

>> No.8056161

you retard this was at my friend's house
Also who the fuck goes to the sauna and then visits the movie theater

>> No.8056167

>met qt girls last night at friends house
>they're going to some edgy weed festival
>didn't go because hanging out with new people isn't worth $20 in gas
>also have a bunch of homework to do this weekend

>> No.8056171

>want to go out and hang around in town, look at book shops and chill
>boyfriend never seems to want to go anywhere anymore
>keep holding off going out in case he might want to join me tomorrow
>no friends to go out with
I am so fucking bored.

>> No.8056184

>tfw intimidated by how wealthy a girl that likes me is.

>> No.8056196

Don't be.
If she likes you, she won't care. Rich people are just like poor people, except they have money.

>> No.8056197

>tfw qt3.14, fashionable and bilionaire hijab-wearing girl from the Emirates hit on me
>afraid of her family and her religion/traditions

>> No.8056200

pls b in london

>> No.8056208

Don't go for it m8

muslim women are fucked up

>> No.8056211

I don't think I could date a religious person, does that make me euphoric?

>> No.8056213
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TOOK A BUNCH OF GABAPENTIN and smoked weed with the m8s, really boring. hopefully i can find some drugs that are actually good today

>> No.8056218

What can I take at house nights that isn't MD?

not K or Coke.

>> No.8056222


I wouldn't do it. She probably wasn't hitting on you, you were likely just being over imaginative.


>> No.8056220

At least if I was in London there'd probably be something to do.

>> No.8056223

a first plateau dxm dose might b fun (but not with more than 2 drinks)

>> No.8056226

Actually, that's a lie, because I'd be even more broke than I already am.

>> No.8056233

>At a party
>Grill starts talking to me
>Never met her but whatever that's why I'm here
>She seems interested in unusual things
>She then compliments my clothes (nothing special really, but I have my Persol 714 on me and she knew they were expensive as fuck)
>I spoke to my friend about it and it turns out he told her how much money I earn
>Previous experience tells me she isn't interested in me but my money

What the fuck do I do? Pursue it or continue to post in feel threads about no gf?

I also yelled at my friend for being a cunt. It's made worse by the fact that he exaggerated how much I earn.

>> No.8056240


>> No.8056241

Go for it.

It's not like you're going to get genuine and sincere feelings from a woman anyway.

>> No.8056243

>make her buy you things

also what sort of job do you have

>> No.8056250

where can I find a rich girl? I always wanted a rich as fuck fwb/gf

>> No.8056254

I'd prefer to be single and do my own thing than run around indulging in her every whim if she's a gold digger.

"Lab technician". It only pays £25,000, but with overtime I can make almost £30k.

>> No.8056274

How old are you that that's considered a gold digger worthy wage? :\ I mean, it's not bad, but still...

>> No.8056282

Just turned 25. I forgot to add that my friend told her it's nearly 40k. It's still not "gold digger" but more than average, and much better than most of my friends who have student loans to pay back.

>> No.8056278

elite university/school

>> No.8056285

well, fuck :I

>> No.8056296

22 and earn £28k in the north, live with housemates. That much money feels like a stupid amount when outgoings are <£500 a month, plus having money is attractive for other reasons than 'he can buy me nice things XD' I've experienced it both ways, but most of the time it just demonstrates you have some drive/motivation etc.

>> No.8056303

Yeah, I guess. I really don't spend it on much other than the gym, clothes and the ocassional holiday.

>> No.8056311

>thinks Persol is expensive as fuck
>thinks £30k with overtime is a lot
>a girl actually thinks this is worth gold digging
>implying this girl can be any more than 5/10

Stay poor, faggot.

>> No.8056307

Forgot to ask, what do you do?

I live on my own but still live comfortably.

>> No.8056322

It's pretty much the only place in society where both sides are open to interaction. I live in britbong land where the social class structure is pretty rigid, I'm from a poor northern family, but I went to a selective uni and mixed with people from famous wealthy families. Children of newspaper owners, rich arabs kids, Judges kids. Some of them stick in their private school cliques, but I dated a couple of grills who I have no doubt could not have taken me to meet the family without some degree of embarrassment on their family's side and mine.

>> No.8056326

Yeah, but I live in a relatively rural part of the country. I could make more doing that job if I worked in London, but I don't have anywhere near the outgoings that I would have in London or bigger cities.

>> No.8056328

worked a night shift, only 1 death in 12 hours, came home at 7 AM slept until 4 PM, gonna go get some drinks and embarrass myself in front of some ladies tonight B)

>> No.8056330

>started work at 4am
>finished at around 4:30pm
>came home
>drank and watched films

>> No.8056341

>went to a bar last night being generally /fa/
>got home and interupted house mate having sex to tell her im home
>slept like a boss
>wake up
>drinking some coffee while posting on /fa/
>going out again tonight

feels good

>> No.8056344

>It's pretty much the only place in society where both sides are open to interaction. I live in britbong land where the social class structure is pretty rigid, I'm from a poor northern family, but I went to a selective uni and mixed with people from famous wealthy families. Children of newspaper owners, rich arabs kids, Judges kids. Some of them stick in their private school cliques, but I dated a couple of grills who I have no doubt could not have taken me to meet the family without some degree of embarrassment on their family's side and mine.

Sounds awesome. I may need to start hanging around costy places in town, I really want to be a thorne in the eyes of a rich father.

>> No.8056351

What did your housemate think of that? Do you like her or something?

>> No.8056358


she didnt care. nah i dont like her

he fucked her and left lel

>> No.8056377

Dear Diary,
>went to a houseparty, was the only moderately well-dressed person there
>played a few rounds of beer-pong and drank a few beers, got somewhat drunk
>insulted a good friend of mine and his roommate because both of them managed to be forced in a dumbass fraternity
>if I remember correctly said roommate wanted to punch me at some point in time, but they eventually left
>stole some food and stumbled home in zombiemode talking to a guy I barely know, weird conversation
>fell asleep, woke up with a headache and called my parents and browsed the internet
>probably not going out tonight because I still have to write a paper
>not sure I like where my life is heading

>> No.8056408

brother, how often do you visit Dr. Jerkov?
I'm >>8055983
and I milk the snake about 4 times a week, usually requires a certain type of mood. If my roommate is away, I might jack it twice a day, which I find entirely excessive
>btw I'm 19

>> No.8056422

Ghb or smoke/snort some fentanyl if you really wanna get faded.

>> No.8056426

fuck off james

>> No.8056431

>realizes normcore>golf ninja

>> No.8056445

Could we maybe get some happier feels in here?
I'll try
>at friend's house, drinking
>at like 1am somebody gets the smart idea to go on Omegle
>I sit right in front of the camera because no room on the couch
>some girls from Texas ask me if I'm a boy or a girl, laugh sincerely
>in comes some American 15-yearold dude
>puts mic on just to call me a fag in various ways
>to be fair I was making the cunnilingus gesture in his general direction
>not even mad, if you have no haters you're doing something wrong
>cue some Arabian dudes
>say I look cute or something
>make a hand heart at them, I'm laughing my ass off at this point
>tfw friends still make fun of me for that but fuck it I had fun
>it's 2am now and I had been drinking a lot more heavily than I mostly do
>go and pass out in one of the beds
>wake up, raining outside
>go and tell little brother (sleeping in another bed with his gf) that I'm going home
>grab my phone and everything else, don't wake the friend whose house it was and move out
>cold as shit, light a cig

You know those introspective-ass moments when you walk after heavy drinking? Well:
>hung over, but not in the headache kind of way
>I mean the "I'm tired, fuck man" type of hung over
>walking to the next house seemed to take forever
>cigarette feels good, but hands are cold
>realize something
>if those Arab dudes were gay and liked me, then bitches must dig as well
>gay guys go after attractive guys
>heterosexual women go after attractive guys
>tfw I'm doing something right

Or at least that's what I told myself, I might have just camwhored it last night

>> No.8056449

>>gay guys go after attractive guys
>>heterosexual women go after attractive guys

>people who are attracted to males go after attractive ones

damn son, I never saw it like that

>> No.8056451
File: 37 KB, 662x684, 1338632352679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>go grocery shopping
>go back home
>lay in bed wearing $2000 worth of clothes
>repeat for 6 days per week

>> No.8056464

ha what are you wearing?

>> No.8056463

Fukin idiot

>> No.8056466

why are you going shopping every day? Shop smarter

>> No.8056467

dropped M for the first time yesterday with a bunch of buddies and went fuckin bonkers

>> No.8056473

I spread it out over different shops different days, otherwise I'd have nothing to do

>> No.8056476

last night
>got off work at 10
>went home made food changed clothes
>got text from lesbian friend
>went over to drink
>somehow ended up hooking up
>just got back, getting ready for work
>date with a metal qt tonight

I love living on my own.

>> No.8056501

are you a gril?

>> No.8056516
File: 22 KB, 460x345, Efrim+Manuel+Menuck+efrim06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Efrim Menuck's stunt double.

>> No.8056608

Acid is too intense. 2CB or valium. Why rule out ket tho? The trick is to do little bits of K at a time until you get to a stage you want. DO NOT bomb a big line in one go

>> No.8056650
File: 65 KB, 1200x900, 1360789659358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw acne finally started clearing up only like 2 small pimples
>tfw i wake up with one on my left cheek
>tfw one day later it has babies and turns into 4
>tfw red clan of acne on my left cheek
>it hurts to look at myself
>can't be /fa with acne

>> No.8056690

>take yearly physical exam
>doctor compliments me on how i've lost weight, clearer skin, etc.
>generally healthy, no problems, etc.
>doc casually mentions offhand that i've reached the peak of my growth and probably won't get much taller
>i'm 5'6
well... 'aight.

>> No.8056738

tfw this song

>> No.8056743

this is one of the few feels i really know :"(((

>> No.8056752
File: 98 KB, 701x1125, 1361372782958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

share this feel with me anon

>> No.8056772

music related feels, go
>go to Baltic Session in Estonia, a hip-hop dance festival type thing
>krump judge showcase
>this black dude from Canada
>he's given the mic
>very calmly says that he'll be krumping, but it will be to something a little more different
>says the performance is dedicated to one of his students that passed away last week
>music is some sort of smoother trap remix of Ellie Goulding's Starry Eyer (this is the actual performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QTxkpg4Za0 )
>tfw been sitting here, thinking if the music was provided by the deceased person
>tfw can't find remix so just listen to the original
>feeling mad gay but fuck it
>tfw XXYYXX - About You legitimately creeps me out so I can't listen to it even though it's okay


>tfw all the dubstep remixes of the song above are just Skrillex-y wibbling pieces of shit
>fuck Skrillex
>that Summit song was brety gud doe

>> No.8056781

I'm almost 18 and 5'4, I know how you feel, but it helps me to keep focus on how good I need to dress and care about my look in order to get people mirin'. Cheer up, there's always someone shorter than you.

>> No.8056797

lmao and i thought i was short at 5'9

>> No.8056801


>> No.8056809

>Cheer up, there's always someone shorter than you.

You mean girls?

>> No.8056819

19 and 6'2 here, I have a question for you.
Do you like it when girls are taller than you?
Because I personally was weirdly pleased when I hung out with a girl my height (though back then I was around 6')

>> No.8056848

22, 5'8" here

It depends. If I'm dating them/fucking them, shorter is preferable. If just friends, I don't really care. I danced with some fucking amazonian girl at a club the other week and it was cool but a lot of people laughed.

Felt bad man.

>> No.8056897

hmm, well fuck the haters.
have a friend that's like 170cm (idk what that is in inches) and he can dance, so bitches dig it.
I for one don't really give two shits about height, long as they're not too much shorter than I am, for sex logistics and whatnot

>> No.8056907

i don't mind if they are taller really (most of the girls in my country are about my height), but I like girls that are as short as me, like the exact same size. I used to have a friend that was 1,60ish with an amazon fetish tho.

>> No.8056906

>tfw want a girl to just live through life with, feeling the feels and whatever
>tfw just look at girls I see on Instagram and Vine and imagine what it would be like to be in a relationship with them
>tfw have no idea how to even meet women because fuck clubs

>> No.8056983

I'm 18, 5'6'' and mexican. Don't have a job so my wardrobe is pretty basic. Is there still hope for me? When did you guys get into fashion and shit? Is going clubbing/to bars alone acceptable?

>> No.8057027
File: 262 KB, 500x376, life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's sorta time for me to get a gf
>can talk with any girl I want, effortlessly
>I just can't approach girls

It feels like there's these restraints pulling me down every time I make eye-contact with a girl somewhere, like I can't physically stand up and walk to her.

>> No.8057037

>went to711 to pick up dinner......


>> No.8057049

Mexicans aren't /fa/ the fashion industry just pretends Rick is white since he's so tall unlike the rest of you spicbacks

>> No.8057088

rick also isn't a filthy mestizo.

>> No.8057097

>can talk with any girl I want, effortlessly
>I just can't approach girls
fuck, I know this
and the whole "just approach them and introduce yourself with a hi, my name is ___" always seemed like bullshit to me, do people rly do that?

>> No.8057099

>girl i dig is drifting, not that I could get her anyway
hit 2 close 2 home anon, fuck this feel

>> No.8057106

Brown is brown stop acting like there is a difference between arbitrary lines drawn in between dirt farms

And your disgusting bastardized Italian

>> No.8057124

Yes. Try it, fail, then try again

>> No.8057131

How'd you deal with all the fucking fairies? I swear Southerners aren't right - too much money, too little respect

>> No.8057528

What do you mean by 'fairies'? I'm planning on staying in Brighton in a few months.

>> No.8057540 [DELETED] 

i was busy making friends with old people last night when i could have gone to isla vista


>> No.8057542

don't bother its a horrible place i hope Putin nukes it

>> No.8057582
File: 13 KB, 227x173, 1356895531955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want comme de garcons high-tops
>they biggest they make is US 11, I'm 12

>> No.8057590

>spend 80 buckeroos on drop for my ears
>can only think that I could have copped a shirt instead
>life is good but I'm having a harder time appreciatinh
>qt gf, fun videogames, dreamjob fell into my lap
>fits on point, socially apt
>summin just feels off

Hoping that spring in this new city will be good. Plenty of hiking trails and mountains near by.

>> No.8057593

>tfw fashion dictates what you should look like/what your measurements should be just because some cunt figured his clothes/shoes wouldn't look good past some size

>> No.8057608
File: 2 KB, 113x126, 1293236843874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to be skinny
>pretty confident in looks
>Get put on prednisone steroids for 3 months
>getting fat in my face and stomach exclusively
>ugly stretch marks on body
>none of my fits look good on me anymore
>going to be on medication for another 5 months
>scared about how fat im going to get
>worried if i will ever be skinny again
>tfw can see cheeks in peripheral vision when looking straight ahead
>tfw want to die
>tfw summer is coming and cant hide stomach fat with jackets anymore
>tfw face is getting fatter and rounder by the day

>> No.8057613

>squat-honey3.14 and me at a party
>we have given each other compliments while texting
>ive gotten big af the last 3 months
>she mirin
>every girl mirin
>i start dressing nicely
>she drooling
>every girl drooling
>text her subtly that we should go home to her place
>she leaves the party because she thought i was mocking her and joking about it
>tfw i've gotten too hot to fuck the hot girls i want to

>> No.8057619

that isnt fat though, it's water that's storing in your body because you're eating too salty. If you're on cortisone, stop your salt intake completely.

>> No.8057621


ugh that sucks man

hormones are insanely powerful ugh

>> No.8057632

yeah, hormones make your face like that, from what I've heard from my father (who is a doctor)
Some sad story that I just remembered
>he had a friend, who lived next door to him
>at a pretty young age (like 18 or so), the friend gets diagnosed with leukemia
>he undergoes treatment and shit, mind you this is like 70s or 80s
>dad hears that the dude is back, goes to their door to see the guy
>someone from his family answers the door, says that he's gone fishing
>my father goes to look for him
>finds him
>his face is a lot fatter from treatment

Unfortunately, that's all I can remember
Fuck, I'm drunk as I write this and I'm on the verge of tears
What if I get lung cancer
I should not be smoking every day
My grandma died of cervical cancer so there's legitimate history of cancer in my family
My parents both smoke like half a pack a day idk if they will get cancer
Oh my god the feels are hitting me hard right now ;_;

>> No.8057706

I've cut out pretty much all the sodium and saturated fats from my diet, pretty much living on rice, chicken, and fruits and vegetables, and its still getting worse. 90MG prednisone is strong af.

>> No.8057725

>tfw your parents are going to die one day
I want to go first

>> No.8057739

I could accept if they went of old age, knowing that I loved them. But sudden death I would not tolerate. Would probably become a functioning alcoholic like my father was at one point

>> No.8058026
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>no amount of curls and crunches will give me the ottermode body I want
>can't change genetics, have a hard time gaining weight
>I don't want to date any of the girls that are into me, rather just stay good friends because I don't want to ruin some of the only relationships I have left
>dating girls that have the same interests as me gets boring
>don't have anything in common with girls that don't share any hobbies with me
>don't share any interests with any of my old friends
>new friends don't know me, don't care to
>girl I want to date lives 700 miles away
>mom just called to tell me my dad is in the hospital, he probably had a heart attack
>want to kill myself but, don't want to leave my mom alone

>> No.8058155

>friends female friend stays at our house for a few weeks
>one night drunk and high, kiss her
>not really into her, tell her so
>still friendly with each other
>supposedly she's still into me

There's an exhibition I want to see that finishes tomorrow, don't want to go alone; should I ask her to go with me?

>> No.8058173

>want comme de garcons high-tops

ya dun goofed.

>> No.8058214

>got drunk with housemates
>ducked out (lightweight)
>they're now playing nickleback and other such shite downstairs
>I live with these people

Kill me now.

>> No.8058244

yeah why not? It's nice to hang out with girls every now and then, even if you don't want to fuck them

>> No.8058258

bullshit, i went to the nutriologist today and she said i was skinny but i have more fat than muscle, you just have to do more excercise or eat way less fat

>> No.8058270

>tfw i am the guy who changes their face expressions from friendly to whoisthisweirdguy-like when trying to make some contact
100% assburger

>> No.8058275

isnt that used to treat strong infections?

>> No.8058289

If you're at 15% body fat and have a chubby face, if you lose weight (say, to 10% body fat or lower), your face will still be "chubby" relative to your body.

If you're generally skinny with a chubby face there isn't much you can do about besides surgery (unless you go 5% or something which I wouldn't advise).

>> No.8058297

well, she said i was like 20% or something around there, i have hope that i can get a very defined face

>> No.8058315

>got up
>watched some kill la kill then napped til 4
>cleaned up living space
>was feeling crummy earlier but better now, think i'll go watch uw arizona game with some friends in a bit

lazy ass saturday. was pretty nice

>> No.8058317

Melb! Apartment on Swanston, trust-fund babby reporting

>> No.8058349


>> No.8058380
File: 2.50 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up at 11, hungover from previous night (regular bar followed by shisha bar followed by weed downtown with m8s)
>Test drive pic related around 11:30
>arrange vehicle inspection, nap for two hours after turning my phone off mid-conversation with friends, can't be fucked to do anything
>wake up, watch new episode of From Dusk Till Dawn
>Be now, bored as fuck on /fa/ and wondering about redoing entire wardrobe of shitty high school clothes

>> No.8058381
File: 71 KB, 359x395, 1351688870884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got a call last night to DJ a last minute set
>Play shitty house all night
>lot of people on the dancefloor
>Finnaly get home
>Wake up
>Play another gig tonight
>Early set with Deep house and techno
>Crowd doesnt give a shit
>Next DJ starts playing generic big room
>People starts to dance
>Hang out with qt I've been interested in
>Too beta/not drunk enough to make a move

>> No.8058434
File: 39 KB, 550x453, 1384809095105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ugly
>tfw poor
>tfw friendless kissless virgin
>tfw if shit keeps like this I'll die alone

>> No.8058435

Do not buy that car. Christ.

What city?

>> No.8058453

>tfw feel ugly but people says i´m cute
>tfw family gifts me money
>tfw lost my friends and i only get empty sluts
>tfw i know i´ll die miserable and alone

sometimes its better to be like you mu so you dont feel like a waste fo time

>> No.8058471

oh wow, is that the Turboplebmobile 2.0 l with working class hero engine and second hand seats? is it the diesel version or the LP version?

>> No.8058473

Umeå, northen sweden

>> No.8058533

>ask girl I'm madly crushing over if she's dating anyone
>"no i'm not, i've wanted to be by myself for a while because im still kinda upset about my last relationship"
Believe me, I know exactly what that's like. I was just wondering because I think you're a catch.
>"Aww that's so sweet, thank you, but to be honest I'm not interested in anyone im focusin on myself and my studies"
yeah I understand

fuck my life.

>> No.8058537
File: 200 KB, 680x637, 1379866569435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>in love with older woman
>at least 25 i'm 18
>she is married
>mfw I don't know what to feel, but all I know is that I feel something

>> No.8058540

thats called being horny

>> No.8058544



>> No.8058554

>girl at work is literally jelly of my legs
>i am male

>> No.8058557

she just didn't want u bro

>> No.8058559

>tfw when alive

god i hate this feel so much

>> No.8058568

2048 is a simple game online where you combine blocks of numbers to create bigger numbers until you run out of space on your tiles.

>> No.8058564

i know this feel

>be at work
>backroom/employee "locker room"
>lean over to grab my shoes off the floor (currently wearing "non slip" work shoes)
>girl that's standing next to me tells me how nice my ass looks
>one of our managers agrees with her

>> No.8058588

This. I had a 9/10 gf, so good, need nothing else when with her, we broke up, sometimes I think it would be better if I never met her, ofc no kisses, sex, all those feelings and memories, but no pain either.

toppest of keks, 'focusing on me and my studies' like that makes her less human. go after her, chances are she's just being a stupid female, or maybe she doesnt want u, whatever, still go for her, dont take no for an answer anon :~)

>> No.8058605

yeah I figured it's bullshit. I'm happy I told her anyway, even though it's depressing. At least now I can't get my hopes up and get hung up over her. Hopefully.

>toppest of keks, 'focusing on me and my studies' like that makes her less human. go after her, chances are she's just being a stupid female, or maybe she doesnt want u, whatever, still go for her, dont take no for an answer anon :~)

This sounds a little rapey haha. Honestly the 'rejection' came as a surprise. I never actually thought she'd say no, as narcissistic as that makes me sound.
Either way I'll see her around. It's a small program. We'll see what happens.

>> No.8058609

the fuck is up with u lately lol
come chill in the plug dj

>> No.8058619

>tfw stay up late hoping there's no afterlife
>tfw hopeful for the day when the eternal nothingness to take over your life
>tfw nothing makes you more calm than knowing that we will all die someday

>> No.8058621

after that you realise youll never find someone as unique as her and you will have to accept the faith of having to deal and fuck sluts and thats how your heart dries and probably some love will rot in it

>> No.8058627
File: 871 KB, 500x284, tumblr_mxnfwie7Q01sji7a0o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 8/10 korean gf

feels good

>> No.8058633


>> No.8058636

agreed, as a white white male i would never date an asian girl, im not racist or anything , i just know i can do better.

>> No.8058635


>> No.8058647

as an asian male I feel the same except this filipino girl that goes to my uni. Oh my fuck she is fine

>> No.8058650

post pic so i can fap

>> No.8058655

lel, i'm asian. Feels good considering that she's my first gf and im gonna fly over to korea with her in a month's time.

>> No.8058667
File: 37 KB, 640x360, 2401_jawbone3_sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 catfished , killed and sell ur organs and jaw bones

>> No.8058682

that sounds like a typical calgaryian night except no donair

>> No.8058684

Not too much.
>last day of studying in mexico
>Had to say bye to international qt3.14s.
>then walked around with my dad whose here for a couple days.
Mexico was pretty cool, but my lack of social skills kept the enjoying and friends to a minimum.

>> No.8058696

The russian and japanese chicks were wonderful. They looked 18 but were all 25. Should have gotten numbers but im a faggot

>> No.8059461

>woke up at 12 after staying in last night smoking weed
>got new cop in the mail. decent
>drove to mcdonalds i can literally see from my house
>chilled till mom left the house to smoke my vap in my room. uni student 3rd yr
>gf came over at 11:30
>finds out her mom still hates me smh
>chilled, smoke vap some more and fucked
>just dropped her off

depressed yet comfy. i should stay in more weekends. being able to smoke in my room instead of having to go out to my car everytime is killer

>> No.8059497

go to the fucking gym so you dont just put that crap on as fat.

>> No.8059592


>> No.8059597
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1357980550958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you and your cousin get a little too close

>> No.8059600

>>805500 what's ur snapchat bb

>> No.8059624
File: 648 KB, 997x719, 1396768737981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a bar/club and love to have fun with customers

>dude cames up with an 8/10 (he's definitely punching above his weight)
>"Schooner of Coopers and a Raspberry Mishka"
>sure mate
>put the beer in front of her and the pink drink in front of him.
>"That'll be $16.10, enjoy your Mishka m8"

"Thanks! You too."

They walk away, she's in tears laughing at him
Holy shit, I felt so bad, I accidentally made him look like the biggest spaz.

Sorry dude

>> No.8059642

Hahaha I love it when people do this shit to me
Usually I drink it too (unless she hates it)

keep it up bb

>> No.8059788

Please understand that you need to make your own goals. From your post it sounds like you're just waiting to get a mission or something.

>> No.8059803

Shitty roommates are the worst thing ever.
Mine isn't even shitty, he just brings me down because he's so apathetic.

>> No.8059867
File: 103 KB, 952x536, betamale-still.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when new job
>youngest one there, also doing the shittiest job there
>5 PM - 3 AM
>think about quitting all day every day
>think about all the favors people have done for me in my life to help keep me pulling through... teachers, parents, friends, co-workers,etc.
>don't know if if I have it in me to make it

>> No.8059887

What do you do m9

S-sorry friend

>> No.8059931
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>tfw braces are off, teeth mad straight, some teeth got remodeled so now my smile is fucking beautiful compared to back in the day
>tfw face isn't as defined anymore, starting to show some fat
>tfw can't tell if I have dimples or if my fat rolls are starting to show

>> No.8059944

I'm currently a dishwasher. I hate it with every fiber of my being

>> No.8059946

suck some dick m8

>> No.8060122


are you est

>> No.8060129

Whatever you want it
to be

Mad jelly friend, working-class fuccboi repping
Lets go clubbing sometime

>> No.8060146


I used to work at a busy as fuck sushi restaurant as a dishwasher, worked 11 hour shifts 1pm-12am with no breaks or overtime pay

Quit after 2 months, Fuck. That. Shit.

Honestly the only good thing you can get out of a job like that is reflecting on how difficult life is and building character, but I see no reason for you to stay. You can always do better, dishwashing is like the lowest of low part time jobs.

>> No.8060172

lol, that's kinda the trick with every drug though.

you'll never get a good plat if you do that.

>> No.8060204


Is this real life? You're recommending valium for a night out?

Acid is not more intense than 2CB. It all depends on dosage. Both drugs can become intense.

>> No.8060943

my bad I was under the impression that he was asking what drugs to do by himself at home.

>> No.8061545

He probably is, ja mina olen ka.
>tfw fuck actual Defense Forces training
>I want to just work on minimum wage for the year
>tfw probably won't be allowed to seeing as I have almost nothing holding me back from physical service

>> No.8061562


It's all good bro, prudegirl of two years stoped talking to me over the summer. Came back after fucking every guy should and asked for me back. Could be worse.

>> No.8061946

no insultes pls

>> No.8062059

>no amount of curls and crunches will give me the ottermode body I want

that's because you don't do curls and crunches to get ottermode idiot
do deadlifts, bench, OHP and squats
go on a 4 day split with accessory lifts after compounds and if ur fat then eat less
if ur skinny then bulk

>> No.8062081


>> No.8062092

u'll get over it eventually man
you realize that nobody is rly that special in the first place and all the magic is just hormones produced by your brain in a systematic attempt to make you reproduce with that person for as long as possible because that's how evolution is...

>> No.8062186
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>> No.8062211
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>get crossfaded at a frat party
>puke in the garden
>meet cute russian girl, ask her how posh she is and she gets embarrassed
>get nicotine buzz
>enter full absurdist mode
>contemplating what a strange life i lead
>so many people are turning their heads to look and stare at me
>sit down in the corner
>four girls, pointing and laughing at me
>ask what's so hilarious
>they don't respond
>they take a few pics of me when i put my head down

>> No.8062395

>not sure if dress well
>not sure if ugly or attractive, been told I am handsome
>no idea what to do in life
>drifting away from most friends
>wakefulness schedule inverting, going full nocturnal
>feeling the best I have in years, but still like things should be better

I just want to be a captain on a shitty boat on a stormy sea

fat gruff and cozy

>> No.8062422

horrible, horrible feel

>> No.8062431

>life-defining exams in 4 weeks
>working 8hrs a day to prepare
>feeling it all come together at the right moment

going to fucking smash the ib i can feel it

>> No.8062461

> volunteer at a hospital
> 4 hour shift every Sunday morning from 9-1
> smells like cleaning products, cafeteria food, and feces
> carry stool and mrsa samples from patient rooms to the lab
> finally finish my 100 hour comittment(actually got up to 108 hours somehow)
> today was my first free sunday morning in seven months
> wake up at 10, take a shower, have some eggs and bacon, and wash the car

pretty good day so far

>> No.8062470

>me and qt on skype are talking about friends
>she wants to see my friends
>resist, but finally show her
>gushing about attractive best friend
>tfw the ugly friend

>> No.8062522

>Go to charety dinner
>Get cute girls number, but she has to leave soon after
>Bump into old crush
>She starts complaining about how skinny and "hipsterish" Ive gotten, how she misses the chubby nerdy old me
>Asks me why I'm smoking and drinking coffee, that its bad for my health, ect.
>Wants me to "open up", I'm always so cold to everyone, ect.
>Spend a while talking about our childhoods to eachother, first time I've ever actually said anything like that to anyone
>She seems content about it, I'm happy to have found someone to talk to
>Need to leave

>Later go to bar with friend
>Play pool and drink
>Go to chicha bar
>Chat and watch tv
>Get home 4am and crash

>Next morning cute pornstar looking girl texts me
>I'm in love with her friend, but her friend is pissed off at me
>Feel sort of depressed
>Pornstar girl seems DTF tho, I've seen her naked before and she's pretty decent
>Maybe going to go out with her later this week

>Later I meet up with some friends, smoke and snort poppers and chat

Now my throat hurts and I'm wondering if I should stop smoking. I feel tired and worn out.

Ask for a lighter, or a pen, or the time, or literally anything. Or if you're in the situation where small talk between strangers wouldn't be weird (standing in line, on a bus, at a party, those breaks at movie theatres and operas, ect.) just say something funny or comment on the weather. It's not that hard. Expecially if you can make eye contact first to gauge her reaction.

>> No.8062557

>just got a job at this menswear startup called trumaker where they send people to your home/office to measure you for what's pretty much made to measure shirts

has anyone ever heard of or used trumaker? sounds like a good business model, shirts are around jcrew pricing too

>> No.8062599

>tfw not sure if you should hook up with a 60 year old single lady just so you can say you hooked up with a 60 year old single lady

She's made some pretty sexual advances on me, I'm 18. Not super attractive though.

>> No.8062673

>Ask for a lighter, or a pen, or the time, or literally anything. Or if you're in the situation where small talk between strangers wouldn't be weird (standing in line, on a bus, at a party, those breaks at movie theatres and operas, ect.) just say something funny or comment on the weather. It's not that hard. Expecially if you can make eye contact first to gauge her reaction.

I have a friend who's perfect at this, I have no idea how he can just start a conversation out of nowhere

>> No.8062695

LOL, you'd have to be fucking high to buy that shirt

>> No.8063304

where at in ak? i used to live in fuckbanks

>> No.8063315

god. i can't tell which is worse, the hoodie or the website advertising it. wnc just cause such a shitty webdesign

>> No.8063326


I like how they have a plus sized model because they know only fat neckbeards will buy it.

>> No.8063344

Sounds like me.
But I have a girlfriend too

>> No.8063365

lol who dances to deep house?

>> No.8063383
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>tfw you have a power complex and can do nothing to change your shitty personality

>> No.8063552

>Is that.. are you.. anon, is that you?

nobody from my highschool/past recognizes me because never rly kept in contact & more confident, taller, leaner, more filled out, more /fa/... all around better than how they probably remember me
>when'd you get hot?
>whow! anon? you're so handsome...!
>y-you too ;_;

feels good now, but still havn't made it... u can always be better

>> No.8063577

this sounds like me and my mates b4 we all moved2 diff cities ;_;

>> No.8063600

>10am...2am... still sunny...4am...
niqqa what time zone u LIVE in!?

>> No.8063640

>Besides I think she's in love with me and doesn't know I banged her cousin.
lol. man, i always avoid the clingy types cause they're always soo innocent and it's just gonna turn shit when they find out i'm kind of a carefree asshole and i don't wanna deal w/future-problems...

>> No.8063661

i like the turn around. good perspective m8.

>> No.8063896

>tfw couldn't get to sleep so decide to cut your losses and stay up all night instead
>now nearly 4am, listening to kpop while browsing 4chan and reading up on quantum chromodynamics
>tfw you will never be clever enough to actually understand quantum physics
>tfw have to be up in 2 hours

>> No.8064006

sometimes I feel like it would be kinda bad if i was incredibly handsome because then ugly people would feel bad looking at me and i just want people to be happy

but if i could become incredibly handsome i def would, because girls

>> No.8064491

>studying in mexico
im guessing in the UAEM or the UNAM because no one who visits mexico for studies can say he enjoyed being in this cespool

>> No.8064512

fuck that face is too fucking round

i say you too when the person takes too much time to say it, it also happens with thanks, its so akward then i start laughing like a maniac because i realised i made myself look like an assburger

>> No.8064513

>he just brings me down because he's so apathetic.
i thought that was a joke, people say i´m too apathethic to be around

>> No.8064527

>make eye
for some reason i cant make eye contact without feeling uncomfortable, not even with my close friends or family

>> No.8064769
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Oh jeezz I actually had an existential feedback loop in the middle of a party.
It was awful, really one of my worst memories.

>> No.8065650


god dammit mum u gotta let them dry naturally