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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 308 KB, 1125x585, fuccboi fits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8012852 No.8012852[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

last one is approaching 300

>> No.8013056
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>> No.8013061
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guess I should get the balls rolling

>> No.8013069

you're trying to hard to get sillhouette

>> No.8013086


>> No.8013088

dont cuff so high and would give you a 7/10

>> No.8013102

you're not even him, gtfo

>> No.8013109

who's this gay russian

>> No.8013111
File: 1.26 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to replace these shoes.

>inb4 do squats
Started doing squats recently :)

>> No.8013115

question: how does one into /fa/? I mean, you can't just go /fa/ overnight, so how do you ease into it?

>> No.8013113

this thread actually has waywt in the subject

faggot op

>> No.8013139
File: 246 KB, 1383x1749, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F-first post h-here

>tfw shitty Huawei camera

>> No.8013140
File: 332 KB, 640x954, image_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw shoes wont fit mirror

>> No.8013144

no shoes no fit

>> No.8013146


>> No.8013145

Well /fa/ is subjective, certainly made apparent by the faggots that argue over preferential things.

So this is the place, as many other places are, to influence your style. Find nice basic pieces (colours, cuts, fits) of certain styles you like or think suits yourself and start accumulating from there. Take your time, you don't want to jump the gun and buy some dick sneakers and something like these faccuboi-san

>> No.8013152

as someone who has no /fa/ sense, how do I figure out what fit suits me?

>> No.8013153

can see if i can find a way to fit brb

>> No.8013157

just do two steps backward

>> No.8013160


jacket looks like it might be a little big. dam ur legs are skinny

>> No.8013164
File: 681 KB, 1281x2099, WAYWT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8013171

You don't. If you have no fashion sense then why are you even trying to fashion? Just wear basic shit that fits well and you're already going to dress better than 90% of everyone around you. Don't try to jump into whatever style is hot at the moment that always ends horribly.

>> No.8013173

>Just wear basic shit that fits well
I guess I'm asking the wrong question, but what I was trying to ask is how do I do this?

>> No.8013174

black/white t
black jeans

>> No.8013178


subjectively good

could be good shoes make or break

i like this general style but i don't think you've fully grasped the concept

>> No.8013181

Solid but those cuffs are horrible.

>> No.8013182





>> No.8013190

i like this
w2c shirt?

>> No.8013191

>i like this general style but i don't think you've fully grasped the concept

wut style/concept are you referring to?

>> No.8013197

wow someone's a little buttmad. don't be upset I dress better than you and look better than you.

sux to suck anon :'(

>> No.8013198


blue oxford.


youre fucking hopeless you retard

>> No.8013195
File: 99 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pants only cuffed once, any better?

>> No.8013199

uniqlo OCBD m8

>> No.8013204

post it

>> No.8013206

what i mean is that sort of mix between streetwear, casual looks and summery fabrics, but in that case I feel like the shirt is just a little too big?

maybe it's the way you're standing i'm not sure, but it just doesn't feel fully realized to me. maybe i'm just over-thinking it too, who knows.

anyway cheers on the good fit

>> No.8013218
File: 572 KB, 446x800, jelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its okay if u dress like a pleb compared to me

>> No.8013222

intimacy please, you're a fucking 19 year old kid that wears a fucking a plain short sleeve t most days, you're one of the most basic bitches on this board, time to realize you have an over-inflated sense of self and grow up

sux to be so identifiably shitty namefag

>> No.8013224
File: 67 KB, 602x604, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8013227

lel gettin a bit clearer but still have no clue what you mean mate
thx anyways <3

>> No.8013230

Too much happening at top. Goes from effortless to hamhanded tryhard.

>> No.8013234
File: 216 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'm wearing today. Job interview.

>> No.8013242

l-lose the vest?

>> No.8013249

Good fit, new shoes would significantly improve it.
Shirt looks too big to me. Maybe it's just a boxy fit? I don't like it either way. If that shirt fit better you'd be good though.
Basic, but still really like it.
Something is off here, but I can't really place it. Cuffs could probably be better.
Can't see too well, but it seems decent enough.

>> No.8013253

lose the scarf

>> No.8013256

suck my dick, i'm older than most people on this board.

nothing wrong with plain tees you mouthbreathing loser. and yet i still manage to beat y'all out every time.

lol sorry it's early. keep it up bro,

>> No.8013259

no shit, but i asked OP w2c that exact one
or all light blue ocbds are the same to you?
not sure which one of us is the retard
thanks m8

>> No.8013269
File: 1.82 MB, 300x277, lolol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8013286

>older than most people on this 18+ board
>you mouthbreathing loser. and yet i still manage to beat y'all out ever time

oh my goodness you're right i was totally mistaken please let me gobble your cock, you're the namefriend hero that will save our lowly board, thank you based intimacy

>> No.8013301
File: 288 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20140303_165602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my new convers

>> No.8013305

i'm not 19, you stupid motherfucker; that's exactly what I mean.

and you're welcome.

>> No.8013304

I think you could keep the vest if you don't wear the scarf and one of the shirts underneath.

>> No.8013350

mirin dat calf

>> No.8013371

If you don't want people knowing you're 19 you shouldn't post things about yourself you delusional tool.

>> No.8013384

what the FUCK is wrong with your leg?

>> No.8013420


pls dont start tht again anon

>> No.8013468

might be good

>> No.8013469
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>he will never come back

>> No.8013480

Bomber ou no bomber?

>> No.8013487
File: 696 KB, 1080x1080, PhotoGrid_1396028643500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8013488

there's a good chance judging by his facial expression, this might be the last pic of him while still alive

>> No.8013489

leaving 4chan behind was the best thing he could do though

>> No.8013493
File: 71 KB, 1024x768, xasLKlk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8013501

judging by the fact that the pipe wrench is part of his EDC that pic might be the last thing you see before he kills you

>> No.8013523
File: 706 KB, 1390x1985, IMG_0065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8013533


shit footwear

>> No.8013539

Is that the colour of the "tan" Zespys? Are they the older ones? The newer ones look whiter and nicer.

>> No.8013551

I got them around October 2013, so I'm not sure if they made new ones after that. These are indeed the tan ones.

Free Runs are hecka underrated breh

>> No.8013557

I lol'd, thanks Anon.

>> No.8013561

Gettin tired of the pants, footwear isn't great but eh I know you've posted better stuff.

You have any pointers for jewellery btw?

>> No.8013572

No bomber but definitely some Fort of outerwear

>> No.8013578
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steven alan

>> No.8013592
File: 49 KB, 900x1130, 1396030572173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mate! (I'm >>8013111).

This is the way (as in: 'style') I dress usually. Any suggestions for shoes? I'm probably copping pic related or CP's. The Sandro ones are also an option.

>> No.8013593

>pointers for jewelry

i mostly look for anything silver or gold, but there is some other good stuff. thrift stores can be gold mines if you know where to look.

found objects work well too, I have a necklace with a few different "charms" on them that I wear randomly. the bracelet around my wrist came from a 20x20 scrim. It's colorful on the inside but wrapped in black, so it's fraying at the ends and looks really neat with some purples, greens and blues sticking out.

i wish i had some better advice for accessories and jewelry, but I kinda just pickup whatever catches my eye.

>> No.8013595 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 391x824, beads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys

>> No.8013603

Any of those would be a good option. Just cop whichever one you like the most. Any nice, leather sneaker (like all of those) should work well here.

>> No.8013604
File: 1.80 MB, 1783x1008, 1396030746132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend Silent by DD shoes, they'd work for your aesthetic. or just with that fit you posted, but still.

These slip ons or the Silas would be cool too

>> No.8013623
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>> No.8013629

just curious, do you own any other footwear, or just the boots?

>> No.8013633
File: 1.03 MB, 1600x1200, CIMG0824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8013637

Hello again toilet pants man.

>> No.8013644

Well the thread is ruined now.

>> No.8013646
File: 270 KB, 1600x1200, CIMG0823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup dude
>tfw wish I kept these pants
stay thirsty

>> No.8013660

my god you're worse than teddy for a case of "same clothes, different day"

>> No.8013654

Oh the gay guy's back

>> No.8013663

geile beer

>> No.8013665
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x1200, CIMG0822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thirst is strong with you
Teddy is Asian

>> No.8013669

You don't know what that means stop saying it

>> No.8013674
File: 1022 KB, 1600x1200, CIMG0820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay thirsty. I might let you lick some whip cream of my nipples m8

>> No.8013687

>predicting future

>this is all hype buildup
>you spam this shit every fucking day
>make those tight pants ingrained into our brain
>youre fucking infamous
>everybody knows you as tightpants-chan and 99% hate you
>one day pull a classic tightpants-move with a leg up
>forgot just cleaned toilet
>entire toilet is wet and slippery
>leather soled boots
>you take multiple pics as you slip and fall off your mantle
>head injury
>blood all over face and tight pants
>we see tightpants-chan crying through the blood
>still posting pics with giant gash in head
>keep updating us with pics till you get in ambulance and are rushed to hospital
>you stop posting pics once youre admitted into ER
>disappear for few hours
>next pic posted is by qt nurse of your lifeless body
>everyone is speechless
>youre dead
>but we'll always remember you and your infamy
>forever remembered as "tightpants incident"
>/fa/ wide mourning
>rip tightpants you'll be remembered for at least a couple months

>> No.8013688
File: 684 KB, 960x1280, march27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8013689

Yeah the thread's ruined.
I used to find you funny gay pirate toilet pants man, but posting this much isn't funny.

>> No.8013690

I wish you would just lose weight. Every time I see your pants pushing your fat upwards it hurts me.

>> No.8013694

6/10 could have finished story quicker.

>> No.8013697
File: 1.01 MB, 1600x1200, CIMG0821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit story m8
>lose weight

>> No.8013698

>tfw when you just want feedback on your fits but only cancerous shitposters and bitches get any attention

>> No.8013703
File: 1022 KB, 1600x1200, CIMG0819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants feedback
>is probably wearing the /fa/ uniform

>> No.8013705

shoes look weird with those jeans, probably only look nice with black ones
vests always look bad imo, and the colour is ugly, especially in comination with that purple
cap could work with some fits

sorry man, don't like it

>> No.8013712

i'll give you feedback

>> No.8013722

w2c jacket

>> No.8013729
File: 89 KB, 1500x1880, 44618065ho_14_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's getting to the point where I'm almost willing to buy you better boots so I don't have to keep seeing those.

>> No.8013733

Give feedback to everyone who deserves it not just me. If /fa/ could realise that responding to this guy just makes him post more and that if no one comments on any of his bullshit he could slowly just fade away. But for now I guess we have to live with him.

>> No.8013730

>dem sandals

noice. did you use a proxy?

>> No.8013735
File: 985 KB, 1600x1200, CIMG0816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please do
I would send you a pic of my bare cock

>> No.8013734


Don't really love the pant, but the nubby knit and sandals are a fun combo.

>> No.8013738
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>> No.8013748

please take up a trip so I can filter you

>> No.8013755

Thanks, I think the colour settings on your monitor are off though. The cap is black and the vest is heater grey.

>> No.8013753
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>> No.8013777
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>> No.8013792

Looks cool.

>> No.8013805

is u wearin lv pants lel

>> No.8013806

would Mr. Grips be disappointed with you?

>> No.8013807


i like it, how low is the crotch on those sweats tho? I can't tell they just kinda merge into 1 pretty early

>> No.8013817

Is you srs?
Those are just N&F

>> No.8013829

your fits always look great
maybe its because your physique tho.. ;//
whats ur routine?

>> No.8013830
File: 2.10 MB, 2467x1672, wiwt25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same day, same fit

>> No.8013832

Suggestions for white hi tops? Might be able to cop a pair of dunks but lookin for other opitons

>> No.8013837


what's your price range?

>> No.8013838

Let your hair down and grow it out some more, Also if you're gonna manbun you might want to dye your hair a darker color.

>> No.8013836
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Forgot pic

>> No.8013840

doesnt really matter

>> No.8013841
File: 139 KB, 400x413, wiwt25c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real grey-scale

>> No.8013872

that pattern tho

never had n&fs i only wear dior

>> No.8013892


>> No.8013913

it's dropcrotch (the one from ILU)
quality is meh

>> No.8013917 [DELETED] 

Nothing special.

>> No.8013921
File: 1.57 MB, 2194x986, nonnative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nonnative trooper trainer hi

>> No.8013927 [DELETED] 

lookin good

>> No.8013926

Yeah, I think it's called boxed twill or w/e.
I dunno, I don't own N&F either I just recognized the pattern.

>> No.8013933
File: 292 KB, 1430x2338, IMG_20140328_122940_025~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing special.

>> No.8013937

Those sweats are ugly af

>> No.8013942

another reminder that ilu sweats look awful in person

>> No.8013962

dude, i'm pretty sure the sweater is the Armani

>> No.8013966

I like this, especially the top

>> No.8013977

is this b8 or retardness?

>> No.8014007
File: 1.85 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1396036861915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda iffy with this fit, but what do to rush out to hang today.
Also showing my wallet. It's a David Mitchell wallet.

>> No.8014009
File: 53 KB, 640x426, Photo on 3-28-14 at 1.00 PM #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

layering tips please. if you're gonna tell me something negative do it in a constructive way i don't need to hear bullshit thanks!!!

>> No.8014017


shorts need to be more substantial

>> No.8014019

Learn how to focus your cameras nerds

>> No.8014023

Was in a rush mang. Getting a ride to a friend's in the current moment.

>> No.8014035

>in the current moment.
lol wtf

looks better than expected. hat is out of place. are those shoes real?

>> No.8014042

You need some slightly looser pants to go with those shoes and the big coat. Some heavy denim would work well, esp with a really long inseam for staxx.
Don't dig that type of hat with a fit like this.
You really need some more interesting tees. Either something drapey or textured.
But for me, the pants are really the only glaring issue.
Not digging the colors on top. Your bottom is all black, but on top you have gray and white. Contrast like that should be spread throughout imo. And this >>8014017
They're Cinzia Araia. P cool shoes, I thought about copping them at one point but decided against it cause I wear skinnies all the time.

>> No.8014039

The shoes are Cinzia Araia. For fucks sake they are not Geos.
If meant by real, yes they are real and not fakes.

>> No.8014051

None of that's working

See what some of the more loved fits are composed? Take a cue from them. You seem to be wearing too many trends at once. Take small steps until you get a good understanding/feel for what works on you.

Drop crotch + oversized T = not working

>> No.8014054
File: 58 KB, 749x1000, 40719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of copping stuff similar to these pants.
Just less flairy. I think it would work better for these fits.
Also I agree, my tees are too simplistic for the shoes too.

>> No.8014059

gotcha, like larger/wider?

>> No.8014072

stand straight boi

>> No.8014078
File: 131 KB, 473x708, L1010202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walmart shirt $5
Silver denim $20
Adidas raintrek $77
Citizen eco-drive chrono $200

>> No.8014077

*see how

Looks like someone fashioned a camping tent into apparel. Have JNCOs had a revival that I've not been privy to?

>> No.8014082

lookin fine mayne

>> No.8014083


Loose pants are always a go for me.

>> No.8014081

thanks for the input

>> No.8014087

thanks, ill work on forming just one sort of look rather than many

>> No.8014089

are those rick owens dunks bruh :B

>> No.8014090


>> No.8014096
File: 1.78 MB, 1962x2904, highs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like it dave

i like everything, except mixed feelings about the scarf

>> No.8014094

You think for my size. I can rock em perhaps? Or is it only exclusive for tall people?

>> No.8014101

Looks like Dream Boxes to me.

>> No.8014103


why are you wearing pants that you're in the process of selling? that's low dawg

>> No.8014112

w2c parka?

>> No.8014110
File: 182 KB, 944x630, L1010205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this so looks like dreamboxes.
>hur durr black sneaker white sole white laces hurr dreambox

>> No.8014143

>why are you wearing pants that you're in the process of selling?
So many people do this with jackets, pants, fucking tees and shoes. Pisses me off, I'm sure they wear it right up to the week they sell it.

>> No.8014144

you say "grow it some more" like there is some trick to just grow it in seconds. that nigga is on the same akward backhair stage as me. everybody has this stage on their way to best hair

>> No.8014171
File: 1.98 MB, 3328x2176, efsfsfsef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted in the other but ok

it's windy and dreary out

>> No.8014192

Both are dope will look into. Ty homies

>> No.8014251


>> No.8014256

w2c jacket?

>> No.8014259



>> No.8014261

no, but who is henry?
is he good-looking? :^)

>> No.8014263

don't even you jewish gay ninja, you know you're beautiful.

>> No.8014264

this is not a death grips approved aesthetic
maybe if you added a bomber or parka but that light grey undershirt is making you look less niche, less noided rn

>> No.8014269


gosha rubchinskiy

>> No.8014265

Where 2 cop shirt pls give info

>> No.8014266 [DELETED] 

so you're going from cozycore to ripping off theodore?

hat is way too big for your little head

incredibly try-hard

>> No.8014272

so you're going from cozycore to ripping off theodore?

hat is way too big for your little head

incredibly try-hard

>> No.8014270

y-you too


>> No.8014277 [DELETED] 


>> No.8014279
File: 1.07 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New shoe cop, how did i do?

>> No.8014276

nah no proxy str8 off of global rak

fix pants or change em to make fit better, and thanks :)

>> No.8014280

Kind of like this, lose the hat though.

I think it's a shame you always get so much hate. I don't like all of your fits, but most are pretty good in my opinion.

>> No.8014290

maybe if you imagine two burning oil barrels behind me and some nextlvl ninjas with katanas left and right, would that be dg approved?
undershirt is DIY btw

>> No.8014291

I don't see how he's ripping of theo here, but I agree about the hat.

>> No.8014287

I'm not ripping anyone off.
I'm just finding other styles that fit me.
I think you are comparing me with theodore because we seem to be the same ethnicity and skin color.
That's a big generalization boi.
Also I know my hat is kinda big, but it isn't that bad.

>> No.8014299

undershirt is too light
the white shirt/shoes approved because they make you look like a spooky ghost but the grey is just the kind of light that makes you an easy target for fucking pigs at night
end up getting stuck with nothing but that shirt to blame

>> No.8014297

for real from the gap?

>> No.8014311

its pretty bad

>> No.8014310

I probably get a lot of hate, because I post maybe too often and people always compare me to the hatred of tightpants-chan.
Also that I used to be fat and didn't dress well.
Another factor was probably me using a trip, but that's all I can think of. I mean, I don't think my personality is dat bad.
Yeah, but I don't think they sell the same coat anymore since the one I have is thrifted.

>> No.8014325

WAYWT have turned into such circle jerks lately. Only a small percentage of people get any attention, even though some people are actually trying to improve their style. Atleast on sufu and reddit everyone knows when their fit was shitty or not.
>inb4 the other sites you named are just as much popularity contests as /fa/ is
I realize this but for over half of the fits in this thread to have less than 2 replies seems pretty ridiculous when some have so many

>> No.8014334

waywts are always like this

tho i guess it is a bit worse now b/c tight pants man/earth have been derailing them recently, but thatll pass eventually

>> No.8014331


>> No.8014337
File: 1.09 MB, 2448x2680, tmp__20140328_221714-297944804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy. Shoes are nothing interesting

>> No.8014341

Could I get a side view?

>> No.8014351

looks nothing like what theo wears wtf

>> No.8014359

Leather jackets always seem to come of as cheap and tacky in my eyes, and that's exactly whats happening here.

>> No.8014354

Whoa! How am I derailing these threads? All I'm doing is accepting criticisms and commenting back on how to improve.
I don't remember when I derailed a whole thread before.
Maybe my popularity is shitting up the place maybe, but I do know that I only post positive comments rather then shit ones like Tightpants man.

Or maybe it's because I'm one of the more consistently posting people on this board.
It makes me think that I'm posting wayyyyyyy too much of myself.
I don't want to act like an asshole, but it's usually not my fault if I derail something. Usually it's just people commenting/replying to my fits.

>> No.8014375

In really stuck. I don't know what kind of pants to cop that aren't black pants/jeans

>> No.8014376

You can tell this guy was the high key gay guy who cant control his personality at shool

Every school has one

>> No.8014374

If you could see how many posts you have in this thread vs others I think it would be good for you. You dont need to reply to every single thing someone says to you, and keep asking questions. This is why you constantly get people saying you are copying others and "dressed by the internet" because you at least make it seem like you cant make a single thought for your own. Find your own style, but don't then immediately ask for gratification and advice right after

>> No.8014377

Maybe blue jeans?

>> No.8014382


>> No.8014387

who are you? your not using a trip.

>> No.8014391

fuck off cunt face

>> No.8014389

I guess, I'm just on 4chan too much then...

>> No.8014390

I dunno. There are just too many and can't pick decent ones

>> No.8014393

your distinct lack of self-awareness and posts like these are exactly why and if you dont realize why thats the case youre going to keep doing it over and over again

>> No.8014418
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everyone knows that i am fucked up

>> No.8014426


Actually 25% off right now.


>> No.8014448

Lose cardi looks awful, and shoes arent really working either I think a black boot would look much better here
Shoes could really swing my opinion on this fit, right now its a meh tech fit.

>> No.8014445

does every1 on /mu/ pair their filth shirt with a black cardigan b/c theyre 2 poor for any dece outerwear or what

>> No.8014449

you need to flex ur muscles bruh
also don't like the three different shades/ fabrics of black, seems kinda off.

>> No.8014459

W2c cool face graphic shirt

>> No.8014484

>cool face graphic shirt
God what a fucking plen

>> No.8014496

no it was on sale for 15 dollars and it's comfy

would my mono 1461s look better you think? or maybe my gray sand boots?

no muscles to flex cause my metabolism is 2fast4me

>> No.8014504

Docs would nice here, and if you have a bomber you can be a /fa/ incarnate.

>> No.8014518

Pls more replies :(

>> No.8014529
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here u go bb

>> No.8014534

Shit is bad m8, jacket is ugly af, turtleneck is gross, and if you want the cropped trouser look actually get them hemmed right now it looks like your mom bought you huge pants that didn't fit so you had to cuff them.

>> No.8014531
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Any advice would be appreciated
>tfw lost 40 pounds but still to round to have great fits. Whatever tho. I'll just keep working.

>> No.8014538

Much much better. I guess the only thing I could say is black jeans would make it look a little better.

>> No.8014544

waiting for my cheap mondays in the mail :(

>> No.8014545


>> No.8014552

How exactly does he look like Earth?

>> No.8014546

Tell me about your jeans man. What are they, what fit is it, how tight are they, what's the hem measurement (approx). I'm tired of skinnies but I'm afraid to buy anything else.

>> No.8014573

yeah, i think thats his new trip

>> No.8014582

Lemons just changed his trip, and isnt in the room he usually takes pictures in. Smh new friends smh

>> No.8014587

Fuck these nerds Earth. Haters b motivators.

Fit is better than your past stuff. Some criticism:
-the transition from your skinnies to the chunky af shoes is awkward. It's like shoving a toothpick into a marshmallow.
-I think this would look nice with possibly a longer tee and a black bomber, as opposed to your coat.
-The hat seems too informal for your choice in outerwear.

Other than that, keep it up buddy!

>> No.8014596

What are you talking about "haters" most people have been saying they like the fit. People only got mad at him because of his inability to realize how much attention he draws to himself

>> No.8014608

I like those clothes a lot.

And I do know how you feel.
I went from 96kg to 77kg and now all my old clothes fit way too large and actually make it look like I didn't loose much weight at all.

However I can't buy good clothes straight away beceuse I need to get to something like 70kg to be able pull good fits off, so until then, I'm wearing either really cheap basics that fit meh or my better clothes that fit horribly.

>> No.8014609

Wow, your calf was so defined I thought it was a fucked up knee. I couldn't figure out what was going on so I thought you had the shoes on backwards for a moment.

>> No.8014612

Lmao m8 if you're going to wear clothes that tight lose some body fat or start lifting. You are quintessential skinny fat.

>> No.8014632

sorry we dont study each trips room and shit nerd. Plus they look exactly the same and hes covering his face. The only reason you could tell the difference is by knowing what his damn house looks like, smh

>> No.8014633
File: 2.35 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-03-28-15-46-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my denim tee

>> No.8014643

They have completely different style and skin color w/e dude project on me all you want.

>> No.8014649

Jeans and shoes dont work with the tee, try some raws and white shoes instead.

>> No.8014655

this is great

>> No.8014661

Was a general, ironically stated cliche. I was referencing the haters in the past threads.

>> No.8014678
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I unfortunately don't own any raws



Does anyone prefer this look?

>> No.8014679

but the pants are my favourite part, so comfy, and the loose fit everywhere into a tapered elastic band in the hem is the only break in the flow of the silhouette

i like it a lot, but maybe it sucks i dunno

>> No.8014687
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Thank you tightpants-chan, you showed me that #tightisbeautiful

>> No.8014691

I like this alot better, I was originally going to ask for jeans like that but assumed you wouldn't have any. I think it work with the tee much better(color and aesthetic)

>> No.8014694
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>> No.8014702
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>> No.8014708

try again, that's not even close

buy pants that are 2 sizes too small with spandex in them

then you'll rival gay piratechan

>> No.8014709
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>> No.8014711


alright, thanks

>> No.8014712

it looks weird. If you're going to do denim on denim keep the color different. I think what you did with the black jeans was great.

>> No.8014716

Your jeans aren't nearly as tight as tightpantstoiletdude. Yours actually look like they fit pretty well. Just a little long.

>> No.8014745

id on jeans?

>> No.8014755

Damn. A friend of mine told me they are skintight and my legs looks curved and fat in them, just like tightpants. Do you think "skinny" raws like jb0716 would go with these shoes or do they only look good on bigger dudes?

>> No.8014759

Asos :x

>> No.8014764
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My phone's camera is a piece of shit

>> No.8014773

I like the sweater, but I don't like the saturated blue of your pants.
Try something less saturated, and would look p good.

>> No.8014875

Could I get some feedback please?

>> No.8014978

shirt looks like a crappy fit, swap it out for a lighter coloured tee that fits better
I dont like this at all
nice, would probably look better with different pants, maybe black jeans
could look good with some NICE SHOES and a cap
better of the two
dont really like the top, shoes and jeans are good but don't really work well together here
bottom half is atrocious, sweater could work

>> No.8016182

stay thirsty

>> No.8017330

he seriously needs to hit the gym anyway

>> No.8017364

nah, he's perfect

>> No.8017365
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intimacy posts some mad fits

>> No.8017366

get rid of scarf

>> No.8017369

it's a look
and being more muscular might not fit it

>> No.8017370

he's not 19 lmao

>> No.8017372

>clarks desert boots

>> No.8017378
File: 65 KB, 334x800, 1-DSC_0113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to slim down my thighs smh, both fat and muscle. Going through 3rd pair of black jeans - still can't get an ideal fit. Any advice?

>> No.8017374

Seriously. Dude seems crazy. Have you seen his tumblr? His music taste fits the bill too.

>> No.8017381

he's the nicest person to ever browse /fa/ though

>> No.8017382
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They are but either way, 2.0s are better. Pic related, mine on the far left (excuse the shitty shoe collection)

>> No.8017388

weird stance tho

>> No.8017398

I like this fit dude and i like your tight pants don't let haters keep you down
looks good from what we can see
Tight dude
this is not as good. the denim on denim doesn't look too good with the colours that similar
woah w2c
wear a crewneck tee rather than v-neck and get your jeans hemmed a bit (or just roll them) and u look good

>> No.8017404


>> No.8017402

i never encountered him on /fa/ so i wouldn't know

>> No.8017406

>i never encountered him on /fa/

sad times

>> No.8017409
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posted in another thread but yeah

>> No.8017415

nobody noticed i was peeing yet

>> No.8017413

What's your height? 5'3-5'6?

>> No.8017419

you're irrelevant

>> No.8017416

why post this dog shit for? u think this is fashionable? hahaha

>> No.8017417

sorry for being 5'3 ;__;

>> No.8017421

female towelface toujou!

>> No.8017427

You look kind of cute, but would wear other shoes

>> No.8017424


Oh no

>> No.8017430

was hoping for constructive criticism j-j-jeeze

>> No.8017435
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>> No.8017431

how do you have an internet connection if ur homeless

>> No.8017438

nobody cares about him, nobody ever will

>> No.8017437

>not the current fau archetype OG

you kids need a learnin

>> No.8017441

color play is good but your hips look huge in those pants, if you're two-piecing avoid horizontal lines around your problem zone

I don't want to be some kind of body-shaming fag, but that's just how dressing yourself works.
Some things just look unflattering and that outfit just does bruh

>> No.8017444

That's pretty great, try some white shoes with more *form* to them though, those soles look squished af and doesn't match the rest of your fit

>> No.8017448



>> No.8017447

piss of shit fit got more comments than it deserved already. fucc off

>> No.8017452

yeah, i'm working on losing weight and it doesn't help that my hips are unnaturally really large!!

the only thing that has been helping me with my silhouette has been boxy-fit tees (which i'm sure is a no-no) but then i kind of want more advice with that haha;;

>> No.8017453

Buy Vogue Sewing, it's a great book for young women who want to learn about how clothes work, what silhouettes work and in general how to dress yourself.

Book is already p old so you might find it in a library, it's still on point though

>> No.8017463

babe? azn girls with big hips are rare and hot. show them off with some leggings and a tight top

>> No.8017479


>> No.8017481

dodgy haircut m8

>> No.8017490

these are good

>> No.8017491

wtf happened to him????????

>> No.8017489

i tried but it doesn't look fitting! maybe i'll try again tomorrow

just ordered it off amazon, thanks for the advice! i owe you one!

>> No.8017494

>giving opinions about knochs hair

m8 don't embarrass yourself

>> No.8017496

great. looking forward to it. you're going to be such a cutie when you figure it all out

>> No.8017499

aye but only if small waist though

>> No.8017504

she said she's working on losing weight, it's going to great, just you see

>> No.8017507

just wanted to say that you can't see her waist in that top so it looks huge

>> No.8017518

shirt is just disgusting man, honestly cant see it looking good with anything, just looks weird and feminine with the frayed edges. bottom half is well nice though.

>> No.8017653

fuck you and you stupid ass glasses!
you're ugly enough even without the glasses

>> No.8017703

kinda big legs
prolly shouldn't emphasize that as a grill

>> No.8018268

w2c shoes and pants?

>> No.8018854

Love the right fit, could be nicer with brighter shoes imo

>> No.8018873


>> No.8018892

w2c shoes

>> No.8018899

jacket too big fagit

>> No.8018913

not bad, shoes are dope. It's basic as fuck so don't expect many r8s m8

>> No.8019126
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>those pre washed
you're not getting the job i promise
take them back please
right fits a good start but somethings off >>8013493
lurk more donate that hoodie and stop trying so hard
your meme shoes tattoos and hi quality camera aren't fooling me. your shirt fits nice
cool shoes but everything is just thrown on
u pissn m8
gay jacket
ugliest jacket ive ever seen
undo your top button you fucking jagaloon
looks very cheap
jeans dont fit
that cuff looks stupid but good fit. the top is a bit matchy matchy
congratulations, cool sweater, im sure it could look sick in other fits but this one isnt very special.
i much prefer this, it would be perfect without that shirt it just doesn't work here. lub u bby
that v neck is shit i bet its h&m
the shirt doesnt fit at all
so is your fit fuccboi start over
not even very good not fooling me with the tats and white background
goodfit on the jeans, good fit. fuck off with the thighs you're perfect bby
harie pooter
>edgy stance
good peices but shit fit

good fit but the jackets collar kinds spoils it
good fit
good fit