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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 166 KB, 720x960, 2d1 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7948228 No.7948228 [Reply] [Original]

are these attractive looking dresses or are they slutty/sleazy?

>> No.7948234

Not to sound like a Muslim, but if the dress is above the top of their knees then they're probably a slut and have no idea how to dress.

>> No.7948237

Grill on the left looks like Ewan McGregor

>> No.7948245
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>> No.7948250

Boring as fuck.
The more I see women the less I think they can be fashionable, unless on actual fashion shows which doesn't really count.



>> No.7948256

You're fucking joking right?

>> No.7948255

I think the blonde is looking better than the brunette, brunettes dress is cheap and tacky.

>> No.7948254

right is cute though

>> No.7948257

She looks like a British tramp you would find on a nightclub dancefloor off her wire on vodka and coke

>> No.7948265

I wonder if you judge this much from experience or because you have never been with a woman and must hate on them from a computer screen.

>> No.7948273

not that guy, but it's kinda true tho. Sexy is not fashion.

>> No.7948271

I >>7948254
am not >>7948265

>> No.7948279

No I'm not.
Like >>7948273 said, showing your legs and trying to be hot isn't sexy or fashionable, it's just trampy.

I see girls like this all the fucking time on places like Facebook, there's always swaggots with girls like this added.
They all look exactly the same.

You're not in the UK, are you? Otherwise you'd realize that she's a tart and looks like shit.

>> No.7948283

Blond is such a cutie.

>> No.7948292

so you agree a dress is above the top of the knees she is a slut and the dress has no fashion?

>> No.7948288
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>> No.7948300
File: 140 KB, 1258x920, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me demonstrate what I mean.

Think the one in OP's pic is a qt?
She's trash, complete generic trash.

>> No.7948297

Australia for a few years originally from the US. A lot of girls wearing dresses abovethe knee are not slutty.

>> No.7948307
File: 127 KB, 1285x872, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>works at McDonald's
>works at nowhere :)

These are the people wearing those dresses.

>> No.7948308

white people

>> No.7948312


most of those girls are reasonable attractive though, at least from their dps anyway.

>> No.7948315

calm down friend :^)

>> No.7948320

They're covered in make-up and probably have very poor intelligence.

Not mad m8, just find it funny that people fall for these 'birds' as the thug wife-beaters of the UK would say.


>> No.7948317
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Examples of girls who dress like that.

>> No.7948323
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>> No.7948322

>They're covered in make-up and probably have very poor intelligence.

that's just normal people though

>> No.7948325


>> No.7948326
File: 65 KB, 960x720, 5s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really dont understand british fashion trends

>> No.7948328

>making hurtful generalizations

>> No.7948329

>probably have very poor intelligence
how do you know ?

>> No.7948330

Poor intelligence because covered in make up. You are fashionable so youre probably gay.

>> No.7948331

Lmao I fucking live with them dude.
They literally surround me, I know how thick they are.

If you want them message them mate, maybe you'll get lucky with one of these intelligent "birds". :^)

>> No.7948335

They're covered in make up AND, and have a poor intelligence.
Not because, you fucking idiot.

>> No.7948340

lel, goddamn chavs
3rd from the right could be pretty decent if dress properly

i like her, w2c?

>> No.7948339

This guy knows every single girl who wears a ton of make up and knows they are all stupid.

>> No.7948349
File: 51 KB, 533x891, 214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this, i think their choice of clothing is actually horrendous

>> No.7948348

would dick all of them except far left 2

>> No.7948347


>> No.7948342

what the fuck, mom and dad must be proud

>> No.7948355

why ia everybody on this board british m8

>> No.7948350

Anybody have some pictures of good female formal-wear? I've never seen really anything that isn't prom-tier.

>> No.7948353

Fuck off you stupid cunt.
If you think >>7948326 these people are smart then you must be insanely thick.

Just fucking message some of them, I'm not stopping you.
But hey, don't take my word for it, I've only lived in England my whole life in a sub-urban shit-hole infested with these people.

But no, my experience is wrong. They're probably very intelligent University students.
You're white knighting chavs on a anime imageboard, fuck.

>> No.7948357


>> No.7948359
File: 77 KB, 720x960, 1394979183298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She probably thinks shes shit hot but anywhere else in the world she looks like a hooker

>> No.7948361

well maybe not that spesific but ya see the line is if it's trying to show a woman's sex appeal, it's not fashionable.

>> No.7948362

I'm more interested in what they look like
Without clothes

>> No.7948363

Looks like average aussie girls on a saturday night.

>> No.7948365

Perfectly acceptable clothes to club in. Not exactly amazing or anything, but acceptable if that's what you're doing.

>> No.7948370

all those ugly brits have fat-faces what is the deal with that?

>> No.7948373
File: 77 KB, 720x960, IMG_29231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inbreeding, you can spot a brit girl a mile away

>> No.7948384

does anyone else find this really really hot
like u kinda just wanna wreck this bitch in the least romantic way possible?

>> No.7948387
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>> No.7948395


i feel u

>> No.7948396
File: 145 KB, 720x960, 1394979699320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has a pretty decent figure but her face is a flat out no go

>> No.7948402

naw i dont know that feel

>> No.7948416

I feel ya brother

>> No.7948421

the trick with brit girls is to avoid ones who are poor. interaction with poor british people can ruin your whole day.

>> No.7948423

only with yo dick or a hammer

>> No.7948424

what's the trick to getting with them if u are australian

>> No.7948444

Fuck, I'm not. All of them are fucking ugly.

>> No.7948458

buy them plain tickets and prepare a good story of your criminal ancestors
but don't you have these over there?
chav threads gets posted on /b/ frequently and sometimes i have pretty hard time to decide if it's an actual chav or an australian girl

>> No.7948591

>Calling girls sluts
>Considering girls sluts
For what purpose? Yeah I wouldn't have a srs relationship with a girl who parties at all but fuck yeah I keep that poonanie wet

>> No.7948593

>capitalizing at the beginning of greentext


>> No.7948603

>Calling girls sluts
>Considering girls sluts
For what purpose? Yeah I wouldn't have a srs relationship with a girl who parties at all but fuck yeah I keep that poonanie wet

>Being this much of a spiteful nerd

>> No.7948616

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

>> No.7948635


idk man, her eyes/eyebrows scream "slag" but her teeth are way too nice

also the blonde girl doesn't look british at all

>> No.7948643


ahahaha and yuropoors make fun of american women
what massive faggots

>> No.7948666

UK is hardly even Europe

>> No.7948702


'american' women are basically british, spanish and german women mixed you twat. britbongs are hardly considered europeans anyway, just like russians.

>> No.7948713

American women are all white trash deep down inside

that's how they differ from European women

>> No.7948723
File: 78 KB, 960x720, 223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this and tell me they dont look attractive

fucking virgins, when will you ever grow up

>> No.7948730


the goliath on the right certainly aint got it

>> No.7948731

Other two are 8/10s though, they just make the tall one look shit.

>> No.7948736

this is a brits idea of "attractive"
god england is filled with uglies

>> No.7948738
File: 186 KB, 500x660, hititcrowbar_2_zps279911ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7948742

Are you fucking serious.

They;re attractive anywhere you dense bastard.

>> No.7948743

dude, you just went full gay, you should never go full gay

>> No.7948744

Are you telling me you think the two on the left are ugly?

they are pretty attractive

>> No.7948746

Holy fuckin shit you have some fuckin low standards my friend

>> No.7948754

ya m8
average tier on TOP GEAR
>shit clothes that tries to push "sexy" to the max
>shit tier makeup
>average face

>> No.7948757
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>> No.7948760
File: 154 KB, 480x640, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called standards, anon

>> No.7948770


wouldn't give me the time of day IRL so they do nothing for me

fat girls with some sort of drug addiction and daddy issues turn me on more since I actually have a chance of getting dick wet there

>> No.7948768
File: 47 KB, 783x960, 51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brit girl is 10 times more attractive than the average american girl

>> No.7948772
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>> No.7948781
File: 395 KB, 800x1067, 1346638593111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit
I dont even

>> No.7948783
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>> No.7948800
File: 80 KB, 522x960, 1394987337590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these girls are gems

>> No.7948794
File: 123 KB, 250x371, 1394625181999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amount of virgins posting in this thread is ridiculous, as if most of u have even kissed a girl with her consent

>> No.7948802

look, we're sorry for making fun of your country but there's no need to get hostile

>> No.7948803

pls post legitimately attractive dresses itt

>> No.7948811

too much butthurt and shitposters

>> No.7948814

So you're telling me that you wouldn't fuck the two on the left.

>> No.7948820


>> No.7948823

Amazing right? How I won't fuck everything that has boobs and holes?
I am so weird!!!! ;P

>> No.7948832

Jesus, what do they do to upset you so much?