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/fa/ - Fashion

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7941125 No.7941125 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like shit all the time
Browsing /fa/ seems to just enhance that feeling

Any tips to not feel like shit? I browse the internet to keep my mind off of it but i'm running out of websites

>> No.7941139

become an hero

>> No.7941237

Work out, play sports and eat healthy

>> No.7941316
File: 98 KB, 701x1125, 055 - fSmq8Q2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf OP

Going out and doing things helps, I find.

>> No.7941342


Or perhaps you could go out and find something you enjoy doing with your time.

>> No.7941419

I work out as much as my shit body allows me to, I have exhaust-enduced asthma and idiomatic hives so I pretty much die whenever I do anything cardio related. I do like the feeling after exhausting myself though, apart from the problems breathing or whatever. I'm not fat, the op pic is me right before posting, I just can't enjoy working out at all. I never eat shit food and usually cook for myself and I actually feel proud over some dishes i make even though I can't eat all of it because I do keto to keep in shape.

>> No.7941426

Just realized how stupid that sounded with the picture just showing my shoes but whatever.

>> No.7941430

Go swim. It's good for asthmatics and you wont break out in hives because of sweat and heat.

>> No.7941538

I would swim all the time if I had a pool, but I don't and the closest one is in a gym, where I'd rather stay clothed because I was a fat kid and my bones are kind od built after that. I really should stop finding errors, thank you for the tip, I'll seriously consider it

>> No.7941554

eat pineapple
turn off the computer, go outside
talk to people
get a hobby
ride a bike
listen to upbeat music
eat some shitty food once in a while
go see some bands play
go to a club
do something you don't normally do
quoth Drake, "You only live once". Get off 4chan and start getting your mental state right. Do you want to look back in four years and regret wasting your time? That being said time spent doing something you love is not time wasted, so go have fun, but realize that you don't have to be at 100% all the time