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/fa/ - Fashion

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7926422 No.7926422[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most /fa/ personality type?
ISFJ reporting in

>> No.7926449

>Friendly, adaptable, action-oriented. "Doers" who are focused on immediate results. Living in the here-and-now, they're risk-takers who live fast-paced lifestyles. Impatient with long explanations. Extremely loyal to their peers, but not usually respectful of laws and rules if they get in the way of getting things done. Great people skills.

Only answer that is right

>> No.7926455

Where did you get that description?

>> No.7926461

Yes hi ENTJ

>> No.7926460

What's the best test?

>> No.7926483

All the "I" are pretty much autism tier

>> No.7926541

My friend is an ESTP and he's an annoying shit head and had no prospects in life. This stuff is pretty much horoscope tier shit anyways I don't know why anybody wastes there time with it.

>> No.7926547

can't tell if srs

>> No.7926566

all the "i"s
> Serious and quiet, hurrrr durr etc etc...
> Quiet and reserved,
> Quiet, kind, and conscientious
> Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind
>Quietly forceful, original, and sensitive.
> Quiet, reflective, and idealistic
Sounds like a big case of autism
INTJ and INTP are the only one that's okay but nothing like ENTJ

>> No.7926576

>Thinks quiet equals autistic

>> No.7926577

>I have no idea what autism is

Stop spewing buzzwords pls thx.

>> No.7926587


>taking MBTI seriously whatsoever


there are people who seriously think this

>> No.7926589

> sensitive
I will back off okay…don;t cry now

>> No.7926601

back off into a fire pit, you waste of breath.

>> No.7926599


>> No.7926606

>dat cringey post

>> No.7926615

you should've called me autistic, you dissapoint me anon.

>> No.7926638


>> No.7926664

definitely INFP

(this is coming from an INFP, but objectively INFP's are most artistic and aware of fashion, look it up)

>> No.7926671

INFP last time I took a test which was about four years ago

>> No.7926668

>INFPs do not like conflict, and go to great lengths to avoid it. If they must face it, they will always approach it from the perspective of their feelings. In conflict situations, INFPs place little importance on who is right and who is wrong. They focus on the way that the conflict makes them feel, and indeed don't really care whether or not they're right. They don't want to feel badly. This trait sometimes makes them appear irrational and illogical in conflict situations. On the other hand, INFPs make very good mediators, and are typically good at solving other people's conflicts, because they intuitively understand people's perspectives and feelings, and genuinely want to help them.
autism to the max

>> No.7926679

People with autism have no feelings.
Therefore you just contradicted yourself, sorry but you are retarded.

>> No.7926690

>dat sensitivity
Don't get so emotional now…it's just a joke

>> No.7926697

>People with autism have no feelings.
that's not true, lrn2google
They have hard time understanding other people's feelings

>> No.7926696

Don't provoke me, I repeat DO NOT. -_-

>> No.7926706

Oh ok.

Thanks for still proving my point though.

>> No.7926722

ENFP scum reporting in

>> No.7926730

Fritz why aren't you asleep

Also nice, ENFP's are cool. I is icing on the cake though, almost made it.

>> No.7926739
File: 37 KB, 396x388, 1393823272355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rarest of them all

>> No.7926747

I know that feel.

>> No.7926775
File: 96 KB, 480x372, 1394583657660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INFJ reporting
Who INFJ here

>> No.7926780

INTP mustard race reporting

>> No.7926788
File: 35 KB, 480x640, 139096637496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INFP master race

>> No.7926792
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Mein neger

>> No.7926793

>all these quiet shy faggots who can't speak their mind think their artistic and highly intuitive

>> No.7926800

enjoy you're karma

>> No.7926804

>this loud obnoxious judgmental douchebag thinks he's a valuable member of the human race

>> No.7926805
File: 55 KB, 383x383, 1394584264590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


INFJ present.

>> No.7926809

ESTJ detected

>> No.7926812

It's not easy being a young INFJ thug, but someone has to do it.
INFJ on top of Machiavellianism makes the ultimate cool leader, but it's hard to find a place. Too many ego games and politics that are impossible to combat as an INFJ.

>> No.7926813

INTP, who visits /fa/ to observe the bottomless pit of vain insecurity, reporting in.

>> No.7926814

I dunno what made people think that introversion/extroversion is a black and white kinda deal

the dude whose works MBTI was based off of said himself that no one could be entirely one way or the other

kids who took babby's first psych class need to stop applying everything to their high school / college freshman settings

of course MBTI is pop psychology and should never be taken seriously but christ this thread is retarded

>> No.7926816


>implying questionnaires are all-encompassing


>> No.7926821

Really though, you can easily change the E to I and vice versa to get a better understanding of your trait. I believe introverts can become extroverted under the right settings, or lifestyle change.

>> No.7926828

yeah, my scores are all kinds of fucked
everything but Intuition is like only 10%

>> No.7926838

Black watch skinny trousers? That is fucking horrible.

>> No.7926843


the issue is that MBTI is shallow as fuck and is only popular since it's so "easy and fun" and any smuck that finds it in a magazine or whatever will think it's legit just cause it's based off of Jung's work

there's also a shitload of self serving bias, since the suckers who wholeheartedly buy into western society's ideal image will tend to call themselves extroverts since that's the more "acceptable" one

it works the other way too, innate "extroverts" have thought of themselves as introverts due to social anxiety and rejection

>> No.7926850
File: 106 KB, 665x326, 1393802781597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hate >>7926793
fkn faggit

>> No.7926846

>all these Fs

I've found home

>> No.7926854


>> No.7926856


Why are you even taking him seriously?


>> No.7926857


>> No.7926859
File: 6 KB, 225x225, feels guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7926862

ISTJ reporting in

On a side note, what type of pants are those in the pic?

>> No.7926869


also another shit with tests like these is that people tend to put themselves into a niche or role or whatever the fuck you wanna call it after finding out what classification they fall under

in other words someone mistypes as type X, they start consciously acting as type X since they feel that's their "true self"

>> No.7926871

>it works the other way too, innate "extroverts" have thought of themselves as introverts due to social anxiety and rejection
Yea, it can shift.

You shouldn't get pissed off because so many people think it's "fun and easy." Like anything, there is a surface, and then there are deeper layers. You can accept the results and be like "cool lol im INFJ like Nelson Mandela, dudes my hero" or you can reflect and learn about what it actually means, how it affects you, and the pros and cons etc.

I would love to learn more about INFJ, but i'm not sure where to look. Most of it is "surface" information.

>> No.7926878

try reading more books in your case because you sound very unfunny and empty headed when you post

>> No.7926890


I'm not mad over it, I personally enjoy taking these kinda tests too, I just don't think it should be taken to heart

if you want another personality classification that goes more into depth and requires some actual introspection, check out the enneagram

again it's not the be all and end all, but IMO it's a lot more interesting

>> No.7926912

>I'm not mad over it, I personally enjoy taking these kinda tests too, I just don't think it should be taken to heart
I do, stop projecting. I found out I was INFP and doing research about it I finally don't feel so alone anymore.

It's a great way to discover your strengths and weaknesses so you can make better life decisions and live a more effective life.

MBTI shouldn't be shat over by folk like you simply because it's popular.

>> No.7926914

>all these people taking MBTI seriously
>all these people taking a non-science seriously
Psychology is truly useless.

>> No.7926926

>try reading more books in your case because you sound very unfunny and empty headed when you post
Whys that? I'd like to see a single example of a post of mine that wasn't funny but was intended to be.

>> No.7926921


Argumentatitive, blunt, clever and problem solving.
Basically means you're good at improvising, which means you have a good sense for saying the right thing at the same time. Accurate at sizing up situations. Idea people

It's sort of /fa/, but more of a nerd personality.

>> No.7926922

>INFP and doing research about it I finally don't feel so alone anymore
Ya it's okay to be a insecure shy faggot who can't talk to people

>> No.7926928


why don't you look deeper into personality psychology before thinking it's 100% accurate

if a personality test is the only way to discover yourself then I'd say you haven't done any introspection at all


>thinking people hate shit just cause it's popular


>> No.7926931

Look at this ESFJ thinking he's some kind of expert on anything

Just shut up

>> No.7926945

that time you posted the ban text because an anon didn't use ">" when saying implying
I wanted to fuckin kill you
You are so unfunny

>> No.7926947

There are too many thick skulled ST's in this thread and I can't stand it. Time to depart, this thread is doomed now bye.

Kind regards,
-INFP, truly the most /fa/ type

>> No.7926950

>INFPs do not like conflict, and go to great lengths to avoid it.
being a beta faggot isn't /fa/ at all

>> No.7926957

ENFP here go suck a dick

>> No.7926968


I'm gonna pretend this post is 100% serious for a moment

>actually wearing a personality type as some kind of badge to be proud of

>thinking one type is inherently better than the other

>actually thinking that cause you tested a type that you have all the positive qualities of said type, the spirituality of INFP in this case

>actually taking "being effay" seriously

>implying you won't come back and read this anyways just to see how people responded

stop making INFPs look bad

>> No.7926982

It's just too emotionally taxing. We have more productive activities to attend to, such as lifting the human spirit through directing movies, beautiful meaningful music, the most original and capitvating works of art

(John Lennon & Johnny Depp are INFPs)

Shut up, I'm not listening bye.

>actually wearing a personality type as some kind of badge to be proud of

I'm not. I'm just happy to know myself more, so I can do what I do best in this life and which gives the most fulfilment. Avoiding the society trap to become someone I'm not as well (for example my parents advised me to become a sales manager or lawyer in early teens because it pays well)

>> No.7926987

That post in particular was a highlight of my "Comedic Cool Post Series."
It was actually a repeat of a post I had made before, in a thread that had reached bump limit without my knowledge. Nobody got to see the post, so I decided to repost it again.

In the future, I intend to make that post into a meme that will resonate throughout the 4chan community for years and years.

I'm sure the humor goes over your head, most likely because you aren't familiar with post-meme humor, but you will learn in a few years when it starts being popular. That is the curse of the innovative cool man - I am much farther ahead conceptually, but by the time my ideas become popular I will seem out of the loop. That is because I am already onto creating the next future trend.

>> No.7926992

>John Lennon & Johnny Depp
Those your heroes? The two people you look up to?
You are like a 15 year old teenage girl

>> No.7926994

stop judging me jerk

>> No.7926995

like this
I know you are trying to be funny but it never works
Just kill yourself luke

>> No.7927010


still gonna pretend this post is 100% serious

I agree 100% with someone doing what they're good at and enjoying instead of how well it pays

but seems to me that you're just trying to roleplay as the ideal model of INFP since you took the test, got a result that mostly fits, and convinced yourself that every facet of your life was because you're INFP

reminds me of myself in high school

also it's pretty ironic that you'd try to match the definition so hard when INFPs are "supposed" to be idiosyncratic and live for themselves

>inb4 opinions
no shit

>> No.7927006

That post wasn't comedic in the slightest. I have a feeling you just are bad at reading. You should read more.

>> No.7927017

Wow luke you sure sound very young
>u r dumb
bravo luke

>> No.7927016

I can smell you from a mile away, nigger. The day of the rope is coming for you.

>> No.7927040

Probably the most annoying type. I say this as an INFP.

>> No.7927045

ya being that one quiet guy is living the life and not being annoying b/c no one notices him

>> No.7927050

extroverts can be shy too

>> No.7927066

> INFPs are good listeners
> Quiet, reflective, and idealistic

>> No.7927135

Where is the fellow INTJ fam at?

>> No.7927144

no idea I just thought the pic was interesting

>> No.7927208

Myers Briggs is outdated and not very useful. Most psychologists use the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

>> No.7927266

ENTP master race reporting in

>> No.7927276

All of you are a big paín in ze arse, you think ur better than every one when you're shit

>> No.7927286

I'm INTJ. Hello!