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/fa/ - Fashion

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7886353 No.7886353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /fa/, how many times a week do you hit the gym?

Me: 4-5 times a week.

>> No.7886359


and i get cardio done by rollerblading

>> No.7886356

i feel a little unhealthy right now tbh

>> No.7886368

6, 1hr sessions. And then cycling for another ~30min/day
Not very fit right now though, I just started recently

>> No.7886394

how'd your parents take it?

>> No.7886398


ur funny

>> No.7886402




whatta faggot!

>> No.7886413

U got the hardest part out of the way at least

>> No.7886421

6, mainly just cardio as I'm on a cut right now.

>> No.7886424

4-5 wow you must b huge dude
pic pls

>> No.7886429

About 3-4 times. Nothing too crazy, though.

>> No.7886432

3 right now, i'm doing a c25k routine for starters.

tryna get out of skinnyfat for the first time in my life. i've literally been skinnyfat for as long as i can remember.

i want to lift some too but i need to keep skelly legs so i'm not really sure what routine to use / what lifts to do

>> No.7886438

Used to be 3, then I got injured. 0 time a week for almost a year soon ;_;

>> No.7886452

0 nigga

lost 30ish (190 to 160) pounds in half a year, im glad

>> No.7886454
File: 1.25 MB, 2592x1936, photo (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got the gym 0 times a week.
i only do light jogging/running 2-3 times a week

you dont need to lift waits or eat healthy to have the perfect lean body.

>> No.7886457

maybe if you're hyperthyroid af

>> No.7886461

is this a troll picture

>> No.7886462

As shown in pic - yr jus skinnyfat with tiny calves from running

>> No.7886471

sorta, i stuffed socks in my leggings beforehand.

>> No.7886473

nigga you skinny as fuck. bitches like muscles. I'm gonna bench your gf.

>> No.7886476

actually i think i might have that lol, my hands and feet are always sweating.

nah im not skinnyfat , i used to have a gut but its gone from running and i know that for a fact because i had to size down to a 32 to a 30

>> No.7886479

this thread is obnoxious


god you're a bitch

>> No.7886488

hamplanet detected

>> No.7886491

I'm natrually skinny and it sucks. I'm not skinny fat, you can see my ribs. I eat like $700 of food a month cus I'm a pig. Go to gym 3-4 times wk. Started 5 months ago. I feel stronger, but still look skinny as fuck.

>> No.7886496


>asking how many times someone gyms

dat projection

>> No.7886499

i was once self conscious about being skinny my entire life as well, i even tried lifting during high school but after i came to /fa/ i realized that people would kill to be skinny like me.
Youve gotta embrace it man, for real, even my mom told me that when i was younger and i didnt belive it until now.
Plus you get to call everyone else fat fucks, even the disgusting ones that lift.

>> No.7886501


I got that ottermode tho :3

>> No.7886504

0 times
i have the weirdest body
tall, long arms, huge hands
sorta skinny fat, but you can see my rips and i only have a little belly, wide hips and big calves and thigs

the one time i posted in a waywt-thread people wanted to have my legs, so i have no idea whats wrong with you guys

>> No.7886510

no they wouldn't
only 15yo emo kids envy your skeleton tits

>> No.7886519

> :3

kill yourself

>> No.7886527


you have a woman's body only taller without boobs.

>> No.7886541

what kinda blades?

>> No.7886549

Bruh, no need to be mean :<
We're all friends

>> No.7886550

lol @ all the kids from /fit/ getting angry at this

>> No.7886551

yeah i might actually, but my hips arent huge. this girl on tumblr said she wanted my legs though. Do you think i should tag her in this pic?

>> No.7886553

u should tag her w/ ur dick

>> No.7886557


>not laughing

>> No.7886565

no u definitely sound angry lol

r u insecure about ur own body maybe? did u not get as many gfs as expected w/ ur big muscles? :(

>> No.7886572

never, i go running around the streets 3 times a week tho

>> No.7886584

yes... but u wouldn't actually do that would you? unless u have a physical labour or athletic job no one in the world needs to have strength

>> No.7886586

dont kid urself nobody on /fit/ actually has a nice body

tinytrip did but wasnt he a 5 foot chimp

shouldnt u be going back to ur gyno victim closet homolust support board now???

>> No.7886588

u r actually physically laughing at thsi picture?

>> No.7886587
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>tripfag getting mad

>> No.7886592
File: 461 KB, 1535x2105, 1390058487423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless u have a physical labour or athletic job no one in the world needs to have strength

>> No.7886596

Not as much as I should really, been slacking on my PT.

>> No.7886597

yeah zyzz is the only person from /fit/ ive seen that looked good

the rest are pretty obviously lifting because they are 5'2 or really ugly (scooby)

most of them just look fat tbh

>> No.7886609

please tell me a situation where u might need to be strong? and remember, people in civilized society don't get into fights...

>> No.7886610

tbh zyzz had a p ridicolous body past 19? idk but one of his progress collages i saw once he looked peak at about 19-20 or w/e he overdid it and that faggot 16 yr old skuxx hair negated it

its funny how those fuken nerds literally worship him tho

>> No.7886611

lol its true dude thats how the human body is designed

if u need to lift heavy things on a regular basis u will develop big muscles to lift heavy things

if u dont need to lift heavy things very often u will not develop big muscles

in todays society not a lot of ppl need to lift shit so thats why most ppl arent super buff

going to the gym to lift weights is a hobby, nothing more, if u "needed" those muscles ud develop them naturally doing whatever task u need them for. not that theres anything wrong with that, i just dont see how its something worth acting elitist on the internet over

>> No.7886612

everyone on /fit/ looks fat, especially when they try to wear jeans. it looks ridiculous

>> No.7886616

yeah he had a good face and body but his tattoos, hair, and clothes were all garbage. he still looked p good tho

>> No.7886626

what you mirin zyzz now?
how gay exactly are you?

>> No.7886633

u probably have pics of at least 100 male models saved on ur desktop right now so idk if u should be going in2 this

"inspo folder" ok bud

>> No.7886635

he had a "good" body cause he binged on steroids and he died at like 21 cause of it?
I guess it was worth it cause hes e famous now and he kinda accomplished everything he wanted but still, dying that young cause of cheating and using roids is really pathetic.

>> No.7886637

If someone were to use this same reasoning for being fat or thin, he or she'd get laughed off /fa and go back to cry in >>>/adv/ where 90% of OP pic relateds are that feel guy or maybe the frog.

>> No.7886641


putting aside of course people who have to train in preporation for using their muscles i'm assuming.

>> No.7886646
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>> No.7886647

>he had a "good" body cause he binged on steroids and he died at like 21 cause of it?

yeah im aware he was still pretty good looking tho
being fat and being thin are both choices of what u do with ur body, just like being super ripped? i dont get the point ur trying to make

>> No.7886649
File: 271 KB, 1000x1367, 1366154241354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why guys from /fit/ are so delusional thinking that large muscles are what every girl wants. Have you even been in contact with a decent female? If anything, girls like slim guys. ie male models. The only girls that would prefer a greasy roid ape are college trash who want to be fucked into the ground by a huge, sweaty, bald black guy who can curl his own bodyweight.
The only reason to actually build muscle is for yourself, for practical strength. Not for girls.

>> No.7886657

so professional athletes you mean? yeah of course

>> No.7886662

yeah as long as ur body fat% is low it rlly doesnt matter imo

>> No.7886682
File: 44 KB, 645x949, 1390879706093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no one is gonna see a chick like pic related out with a huge dude, cos that shit is ugly in clothes. no muscly dude ever had articulation or sophistication.

>> No.7886687


strong = healthy. live longer. easier to get a mate because you're more physically attractive. moving things around etc. etc. the list could go on. Just stop making excuses and go work out.

>> No.7886684

ur as bad as them at this point tbh

>> No.7886693

>no muscly dude ever had articulation or sophistication.

How old are you and why do you have the mentality of a high school kid?

>> No.7886704

>strong = healthy.

the amount of food a lot of ppl from /fit/ eat is actually very unhealthy and will lower ur life expectancy by quite a bit, if u want to be healthy dont eat 5k calories a day

>easier to get a mate

haha and hows that working out for you bud? if i remember ">tfw no gf" threads originated on /fit/ no?

>moving things around

yeah i manage fairly well without going to the gym 5 times a week thanks

>> No.7886714


i still have yet to have seen this girl on campus :(

>> No.7886734

Where do you live?

I see a few in Sydney every now and then.

>> No.7886739


La Jolla for college

i'm pretty sure she goes here. she's an upperclassmen

>> No.7886744



>> No.7886756

Oh you mean the actual girl. I thought you meant just ones like that.

Just stalk her out bro

>> No.7886771

I never understood that either.

Like, why dedicate so much time into getting buff when you're still stuck with the same 50/50 chance of girls being into that body type?

It's a waste of time really.

>> No.7886773

I go every second day, only been going for a little bit but noticing improvements already. When paired with light eating I've slimmed fat and gained a bit of muscle.

>> No.7886775

3-4 times a week.
I haven't made any progress in like 2 months though cause I'm afraid to eat more than I currently do. It's really stupid and counterproductive but I just can't help myself. Don't want to become fat again.

>> No.7886786


Because you can/to challenge and improve yourself as much as you can. What's the point of doing anything?

>> No.7886795

Lifting is actually enjoyable when you get used to it. Wouldn't expect 50kg lanklets who never lifted anything heavier than their iphones to understand, but that is the truth.
inb4 gtfo fatty and other usual /fa/ defence mechanisms

>> No.7886799

>nô defense mechanisms
>uses 4

>> No.7886802

depends on the girls i think. i go to art school so most the girls here are into tall, skinny dudes (which i am)

>> No.7886825

how original xD