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/fa/ - Fashion

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7877774 No.7877774 [Reply] [Original]

How do I figure out a style that looks good on me?
I sometimes wear stuff that I like but then I see it doesn't fit me (my body, face, personality etc) at all and that I just don't look good in it.

It's not about the sticky (yes, I read it). I know the basics, I know how to observe how other people dress, but even though I know about clothing and dressing I can't find something which really corresponds to ME. Does anyone feel like that?
How did you guys figure out your "style"? By style I mean anything from a broad and well known way of dressing like goobnigger/techwear/workwear just like something you'd have put together yourself.

Would it be a good idea to ask a girl to come with me at a big store and to tell her to pick which clothes she thinks would compliment my appearance best? And then work from there with my own tastes?
will she think I'm gay

>> No.7877810


You should go for autismcore.

>> No.7877812

y-you too

>> No.7877817

don't ever listen to a woman

>> No.7877821
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>> No.7877826

*tips trilby*

If anything, a girl can make sure I don't dress like a retard by picking a few clothes for me. Especially if she's attractive/the kind of girl I'd date.

I've read that like a dozen times and it helped to an extent, but not anymore that I actually know how to dress but can't figure out what looks best on me and how to elaborate a personal aesthetic

>> No.7877835


Much of the point I made in that little essay/whatever is that no one can TEACH you those things. You teach yourself those things through time, experience, and just getting wiser and smarter.

>> No.7877843

Yeah, it's not THAT difficult to dress yourself. And girls honestly aren't the best people to bring when you're trying to find your own style, since she'll obviously influence you with what she likes and not what always looks the best. Just lurk on /fa/ and find a style you like, and then go for that type of style.

>> No.7877860

Well it's been two years since I've started trying to dress better, figure out what I really want to look like... Should I really just continue searching? I've tried everything, looked into a lot of designers and brands, styles from heroin chic to shaman visvim shit, but I never really find anything that corresponds to what I like while not looking retarded

I thought bringing a girl with me would allow me to know from another person's viewpoint which colors, shapes, types of garments usually were more flattering for me, and then I'd take a style I like and elaborate on it using the clothes she'd have picked. Mixing something I like with stuff which I know are flattering so that I can create exactly the style I want. Am I being understandable at all?

>> No.7877865


It seems the major stumbling block is that you think it has to be an either/or proposition. You don't have to fit neatly into a box, you don't have to only wear a certain designer, you don't have to figure it all out all at once.

Take your time and try to enjoy it. There isn't an endpoint, there isn't a goal. Learn more about yourself and you'll do fine.

>> No.7877871

>Would it be a good idea to ask a girl to come with me at a big store and to tell her to pick...
Fuck No.

let's revisit some of the undertones /fa/ doesn't actually explain that dictate the complicated world of 'appearance'

First, there's Fashion, and then there's Appearance
fashion is art, appearance is about appeasing to the people you care about

if you don't care about people, you get to be walking art

but you do care, that's why you're asking for direction and creating an image for yourself based on what you think others won't/will like, which is based on their class/location/lifestyle

So I can assume your style must reflect how people think of you..
does higher class society appeal to you?
or lower?
does an older generation appeal to you?
or younger?
are you attractive/leader?
or less confident and finding your way?

>> No.7877878

wear dadcore shit because itsclear you're too much of a pussy to be comfortable in anything else

>> No.7877884

In addition to what's already been posted:

Try (on) as many things as possible.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you'll only learn from them.

>> No.7877912

what kind of stuff do you

>> No.7877917


>> No.7877935

i think what you should do is go out to places and try on everything you like until what you like
and what looks good on you meet
i have sort of the same problem because i haven't found a lot of stuff that fits me that i like because im thin, but fit, nd 5'7 so im saving to start making things i like that fit w/ me nd gaining weight

>> No.7877938

>you don't have to figure it all out all at once.


>> No.7877965

I understand what you mean, but I want to at least have a basis to work on instead of constantly trying out new stuff and wasting money

because I'm not only getting lost, I'm also wasting hundreds of dollars on garments that I wear once or twice, decide they don't fit what I want/am, and don't wear them again.

I just want a solid foundation to figure out things from, I'm not saying I want to figure it out all at once. Just to get a point to actually start from.

I care about appearance as the aforementioned basis. Starting from something that appeals to the people I know, I'll then look into fashion.
So yes, I do care about perception.
I don't care about higher/lower class.
I prefer a younger generation.
As for attractiveness, I'm average. I'm confident, yes. Why though? Does it change anything?

it's clear you can't into reading comprehension, kid

already did that
went to both low, mid and high end stores in my area, tried a bunch of stuff on, it helped me figure out what I like but not what looks good on me which are different things

A lot of things.

>> No.7877979

>A lot of things
thanks. here's all of my advice

>> No.7877999

post a picture of urself cus it could b how u look that affects what looks good on u

>> No.7878002

Sorry, I mean I have broad tastes.

ATM I like heroin chic/Hedi's SLP a lot, although I'm not anorexic enough for the legwear. I'm also pulled to BBS and CCP but I don't like overdone goof stuff like huge dropcrotches and three meter long tees, I prefer it when it's subtle.
I was also into Visvim and the Real McCoy (and related brands) workwear for a while but I gave up because it didn't look good on me at all.

those are the main ones

>> No.7878015

Just buy whatever you think looks cool instead of being a bitch. It's just clothes. It's clear you're not looking for help and just want people to say you're beautiful since you provided essentially nothing to work with.

>> No.7878014


Then why aren't you wearing elements of each. It's clear that you only like certain things, so combine the things you like and find ways to make them gel.

>> No.7878029

No offense but if all you can take from "goof" is that the trees are 3 meters long you might be missing out on something. I know you were exagerating but still.

Looking for a middle ground between the 3 meter long stuff and the regular tees could provide elements that you'll think correspond to you more.

>> No.7878053

>you're beautiful
I didn't even post a pic of me, what are you saying
>nothing to work with
Tell me what you need and I'll provide you with the necessary information, I am actually looking for advice.

I do that a lot, I buy pieces from several designers I like and put them together. I just change my mind all the time and end up not wearing most of what I buy.
Also I try to not commit to buying anything from the brands I mentioned unless I'm absolutely sure I'm going to wear it

I was just saying that goof was usually "agressive" and that I still cared about social perception, so oversized garments and the kind of layering you see in full Rick/Boris/etc fits aren't for me. What I like about them is the aesthetic in general when it's toned down, I don't really know how to express it

>> No.7878049


>trees are 3 meters long

>> No.7878052

why do you put other people's preferences before your own? Avoiding stuff you like because people you know might not like it, is one of the reasons you have such low confidence
>nothing looks good on me
do you think this, or is it your asshole friends and strangers that are making you think this?

>> No.7878063

None of my friends ever said anything bad about the way I dressed. It's not about confidence, it's about looking acceptable to people. I don't want to make the mistake of going full avant garde (I don't like it anyway) and getting the social perception that goes with it.
I don't put people's preferences before my own (luckily my own preferences are not offensive enough that I'd need to considerably tone them down), I just try to keep everything acceptable enough to most people because I care about that too

>> No.7878093

still sounds like low confidence to me.

>> No.7878097

youre a baby

>> No.7878111

im not the only 1 that thinks OP sounds like an insecure teenage girl right?

>> No.7878120

whatever you do, don't bring a girl. 99% of girls will just pick out clothes that they saw hot guys wearing and have no clue how to dress an individual. They just don't get the nuances of the styling, they only know if someone's hot or not and have no real idea why they're hot or not

>> No.7878124


okay good, that's what I was trying to convey : what's great about the goof stuff is that it's a completely different silouette than the slim jeans slim bomber and shirt that a lot of people are wearing, so when used properly (toned down as you put it) it can be exploited to your advantage.

I'm not going to pretend like I can tell you exactly what steps to follow to find your own style (cause that's the hardest part), and I haven't found mine yet. But how invested are you in looking for inspiration outside of your purchases ? do you save inspo pics ? do you look at people's lookbooks, do you go to fashion forums where you can be exposed to different concepts about clothes ?