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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 37 KB, 800x140, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7873038 No.7873038[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


other thread is almost 300

>> No.7873053
File: 206 KB, 774x1005, 1333737568376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7873087

sik fit Michelangelo

>> No.7873110
File: 151 KB, 1196x720, 1393720476512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waterproof mode. waiting for the bus

>> No.7873112

this looks like one of those polyvore posts on tumblr

>> No.7873134


>> No.7873143

w2c cargos mate

>> No.7873145
File: 289 KB, 2000x1602, 1-fit-3-1-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to hem the shirt a bit.

>> No.7873154

i luv those pants * o*

>> No.7873164

I'm really insecure about my lack of water proof footwear OK m8.
to their credit the mesh does dry fast.

>> No.7873161
File: 401 KB, 850x640, koiuj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm so dadcore it's not even funny. I don't have the build to rock anything that's actually /fa though.

I've been running and lifting though, so maybe in a year I'll have the confidence to do more. Never gonna have dat jaw though.

>> No.7873162
File: 355 KB, 1192x1652, 03012014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7873181

Levi commuters that are tailored.
I'll sell you mine, I want to size down.

size 32 fits like 31

>> No.7873178
File: 2.01 MB, 3264x2448, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going home fit

>> No.7873183
File: 477 KB, 721x1280, 2014-03-01-16-27-20_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty boring
Ys for men
Qlo x2
Dior homo

>> No.7873188


that's not dadcore, more like modern day urban male core

dont be so down on yourself, the fit is inoffensive but not bad, just right. good job

>> No.7873189

this is a qt fit

>> No.7873199
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>> No.7873228
File: 616 KB, 640x960, 02-28-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats up nerds

>> No.7873238 [DELETED] 
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sorry for quality

>> No.7873241
File: 355 KB, 966x3000, DSC_0002 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been diggin these docs

>> No.7873252

this is fresh. u rock em well

>> No.7873260

Clown shoes

Maybe it's just the angle?

>> No.7873254


best in thread

>> No.7873265

sick af
whats the coat?

>> No.7873270

1461s are generally a big shoe but they dont look like clown shoes at all here

>> No.7873274


you look even shorter than strawtengu ahahaha

>> No.7873276
File: 224 KB, 640x1432, 1393708884996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks good, would ditch the white shirt underlayer and try something more interesting layerwise


>dior homo

looks great though

>> No.7873278
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>> No.7873289
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>> No.7873298


those sneakers aren't working man, tbh they look comically bad, like you're wearing a prop or something

>> No.7873306

strawtengu pls cut ur hair

>> No.7873307

That jacket look amazing man, w2c?

>> No.7873321


danks, just a standard membersonly, oversized




i dont mind looking ridiculous, i dig em and i'll keep wearing them

>> No.7873318

are those margielas?

>> No.7873322


Those are doc martens (I think)

Look at the stitching

>> No.7873358

fuck i quoted the wrong post

meant to quote >>7873278

>> No.7873376

i like the colours on the tee

>> No.7873385

id on shoes babs?

>> No.7873387


ss08 julius


:) such a good tee

>> No.7873396


this is terrible

>> No.7873403

probs woulda worked better with just a plain scoop neck instead of all those buttons and shit, but otherwise p good.

>> No.7873430

ya i don't think i have the definition in my chest/arms to pull off henleys i dont think.

>> No.7873458

post fit

>> No.7873456

Ty m8 i hope yours are breaking in nicely

>> No.7873462
File: 72 KB, 720x960, TBGEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7873490

that is rory williams core

>> No.7873493

Thanks :) i really need some new tshirts. Probably gonna look into buying vtb/silent/ro or something.
These shoes bro<3

>> No.7873528
File: 580 KB, 1836x3264, IMG_20140301_181553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting because this is the first fit I'm really proud of.

>> No.7873534


nice mc ride jacket you fucking faggot sleeves are way too big for you

>> No.7873542


thx bb

>> No.7873551

w2c sweatpants

>> No.7873546

sleeves way too big, good otherwise

>> No.7873564

w2c that jacket m9

>> No.7873572
File: 1.43 MB, 2552x2944, wiwt30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still trynna make this purple shit work.

>> No.7873570
File: 10 KB, 245x206, 22223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool m8

>> No.7873576

Zanerobe sureshot.

>> No.7873600

>unfitting jacket
>hypebeast shoes
>all black, easy to pull
Just because you didn't screw it completely, you shouldn't be exactly proud of.

>> No.7873617
File: 69 KB, 274x640, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh its rainy out

>> No.7873631

For me it's a big improvement, and I know how bad the jacket fits but I'm a manlet so that's the life I live

>> No.7873661

ur pants proportions look weird af whered u get this

>> No.7873669

ye i have skinny legs, zespys, hopefully they shrink or summat

>> No.7873677

don't get wet bro, mite ruin ur hair

>> No.7873726

stop showin your belt like that imo, also i think chunkier derbies would work better but otherwise i like this a lot, you pull off the leather jacket really well

>> No.7873729

mannn everytime i see those shoes i just hnnnnnggggg

>> No.7873734


I got it from Jcrew in the fall, not sure if they still have it.

>> No.7873753

lemons, I dig your style so hard

>> No.7873754


is that an old man on your bed

>> No.7873777

Sneakers aren't working great with that fit. Also your hair isn't styled as fabulously as usual.
I got my coat in the mail today :)
Fits real well and it's super warm. Comfy too.

>> No.7873778
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>> No.7873782
File: 228 KB, 936x828, 1387871202036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand that, but roshes? I've never been a fan of them and now that they're massively overplayed, it's even worse. Even chucks could be better.

>> No.7873789

holy shit is that the viridi?

>> No.7873798

in ikea,

but yes thats a random old man. He was hiding from his wife who was picking out some really tacky chairs.

>> No.7873805

thank you kind folks :) parka is carhartt clash!

>> No.7873816


fair points! and your fit >>7873778 is fantastic, holy shit



>> No.7873820

those arent roshes wtf

>> No.7873823

Damn straight it is
Thanks! I love the jacket. Almost makes me wish winter wasn't almost over. Almost.

>> No.7873839

w2c tee?

>> No.7873881

fuck off you dont even know what youre talking about, but the free runs do look gay as fuck

>> No.7873920
File: 36 KB, 540x960, fitmar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what if i dress boring

>> No.7873937

White shirt would prob work better

>> No.7873938
File: 56 KB, 540x960, fitmar12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7873944
File: 1.75 MB, 1389x3872, DSC_0477 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP winter

>> No.7873945

Yeah, I like that more than with the black shirt.

>> No.7873948

They're trainerendors sillies

>> No.7873955

how much are you looking for?

>> No.7873961

shit shoes mate. rest is great love that you have red working for you its kinda difficult

>> No.7873967


>> No.7873966

i love his shoes

>> No.7873980

Dope. W2c that jacket?

>> No.7873984

then you're basic entry level 2013 /fa/

>> No.7873985

w2c jacket

>> No.7874023
File: 125 KB, 275x538, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have buttoned the cuffs

>> No.7874026


>> No.7874036

It looks nice as it is, but the socks are a little high

>> No.7874034


>> No.7874044

no black

>> No.7874048


>> No.7874060
File: 180 KB, 266x548, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been thinking about giving these pants to a thift store, should i?

>> No.7874064

i likey with the correct palette

>> No.7874069

what should i wear with them?

>> No.7874066
File: 2.44 MB, 2848x4272, da front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7874074

those pants are cool, but brah, the shirt

>> No.7874073

not a god damn frog tshirt. give that thing to the thrift store and buy some decent shirts.

>> No.7874086

fucking Dope

>> No.7874095


great great stuff, really clean. no complaints

>> No.7874098



>> No.7874189
File: 81 KB, 500x667, dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7874195

ncie coco

>> No.7874211

cheers m8, i agree.

>> No.7874216

Can jackets with elasticized cuffs be /fa/?

>> No.7874299
File: 510 KB, 1216x3393, IMG_20140301_101514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7874317

you guys know your shit so ill ask here

w2c good OCBD for slim frame on the cheap in straya?

>> No.7874343

max or ace?

>> No.7874345

what is wrong with your pants? why not just size down instead of making retard cuffs?

you're too short for that shit to be trendy. it just looks like you're wearing walmart jeans and have to roll them not to step on them

>> No.7874346
File: 2.66 MB, 2848x4272, da back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ace cash size 27 but im probably a size 29 waist TTS.
thanks heres da back

>> No.7874362

>dem hips

should trap/10

>> No.7874356
File: 114 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost but wore again today

>> No.7874359

>tfw manlet
>tfw raws only come with inseam of about fucking 40

>> No.7874368

get them hemmed, costs $7

>> No.7874413

lel, the sleeves. hopefully you just wore that to the doctor and back for your autism treatment.

>> No.7874415

should i be as flattered as i am?

>> No.7874418

I like the shirt but the sleeves are too long and look silly when left alone, should I just accept that it's too big?

>> No.7874433

>tfw got $200 jeans hemmed and the bitch used bright purple stitching on dark blue raws

>> No.7874472


>> No.7874551

use a marker

>> No.7874561


>> No.7874567
File: 160 KB, 450x750, asdfghjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7874565
File: 1.04 MB, 1440x2560, poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time, slowly getting better at this whole clothes thing

need new shoes and shirt tho

>> No.7874575

Ruined a nice fit with a shitty button down

>> No.7874582

ye as i said I need a new one, this is my only button down and all my other shirts are kmart tier

>> No.7874583



>> No.7874586

Pants are a nice fit, shirt's not bad although sits weirdly on your neck/shoulders.
Not a fan of the shoes.

Lurk more till you understand what colours work well together.
Also white pants are pretty bad.

5ft even or what?

nice, basic monochrome but that's sort of how I dress so yeah I like.

disgusting shoelaces, shoes in general really.
not a fan of camo or any of that trend either.

>> No.7874589

thanks for the advice. these white chinos were 3.50 at an opshop though so i couldn't pass on them being fairly poor and all.

>> No.7874608

sell it

>> No.7874611

purple never works, I'm sorry to say, unless it's on shoes and you are a nigger.

>> No.7874614

nah u should give the shirt away though

>> No.7874656

good fucking fit

>> No.7874664

best so far
start spicin it up now :^D

>> No.7874673

purple only works on ethnic people
you're white, give up

>> No.7874685
File: 153 KB, 667x1000, cocoscoolfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't see shit so i cleaned it up for you mate. it's ok.

>> No.7874693

love that acne, wish I could afford at the moment

>> No.7874691


>> No.7874696


completely innocuous, zzzzz

you know it's a sub par thread when this gets compliments out the ass

>> No.7874694

I really like this, I think it looks good all together. I saved it for inspo. I have all te same stuff to basically put this it together as far as exact if the style and color. (White high tops, olive drab military jacket, an did course I have the shoes and pants)

>> No.7874700

let's see yours then

>> No.7874702
File: 407 KB, 720x1184, deer_blood_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like 120.
If you're serious then email is in field, I can provide more photos and actual measurements.

>> No.7874703

I really like this, I think it looks good all together. I saved it for inspo. I have all the same stuff to basically put this fit together as far as the style and color. (White high tops, olive drab military jacket, an did course I have the shoes and pants)

>re wrote this to make it actually easy to read

haha sorry

>> No.7874705


nice color tone / fit but damn nigga you small. I mean really, i'd invest in a gym membership before you buy more rick / raf whatevers next.

>> No.7874708

This looks like UVic

>> No.7874714

Never mind I give up
But you get the point I really like your fit and I am going to try to copy it thank you

>> No.7874719

Yea I know, roshes etc. I usually wear trainrendors with this stuff, not that that's a whole lot better, but I find the roshes fare better in the rain. Currently filled with qasa lust but I don't think that's ever going to happen due to Kayne induced, sneakhead hype. Might get rick x adidas instead.

>> No.7874722


lmao, the CDBs in this picture are just really sad. you should feel bad for letting the internet dress you for so long. try to take up some actual outfit inspiration rather than absorbing what people post on /fa/.

>> No.7874729

Thanks! see >>7873181 if you're interested in copping them

That would be because it is UVic

thanks but >>7873984 is right, kek.
I do really like the roshe's profile, but it's just *not* good shoe.

>> No.7874768

omgg is that you fos

fos i missed you

>> No.7874772
File: 2.39 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I look at this picture, it really bothers me that I didn't line up the hardwoods.

>> No.7874781

Also, apologies for the rotation. Makes me look distorted and fat (cause I am)

>> No.7874785

if you don't mind, can you just share how you got them tailored? like any particular points or measurements to tell the tailor? i've been interested in tapering a lot of my pants and yours look great

>> No.7874791

What are you wearing exactly? I kinda like it but I wish you'd taken a proper front pic.

>> No.7874798

Just took them to a professional tailor and told them I wanted them to take them from a straight-leg to a skinny.

>> No.7874805

Mostly just a comfy-fit. I have on some sweats and just a basic cotton long sleeve under a technical shell.

>> No.7874808

ok cool beans

>> No.7874886

/fa/ hates cdb's and I was inspired by a pic in my inspiration folder that's why I have it. If you want to criticize me for that fine.

>> No.7874892

Not him.
/fa/ was all about cdbs for a bit a while back. I actually bought a pair cause I had no idea what I was doing back then and everyone was recommending them. Then I realized they didn't suit me and gave them away.

>> No.7874904

Hahaha I remember when I first started browsing and at some point I was led into wanting a pair of CDBs in beeswax (like evvvveryone else) and I had them on my amazon wish list for so long I got so close to just ordering them so man times but I guess I got over it. Instead I ended up with docs. Much happier with those then I know I would be with desert boots

>> No.7874907

I got them as a gift and really like them so I wear them. Also if it's a matter of hopping the bandwagon I've had them for a while.

>> No.7874923

Ditch posture and leather jacket, you look handsome tho

>> No.7874932

Yeah man, I'm just letting you know that /fa/ didn't always hate em is all. And I think they only do now cause they're so played out. Like it matters. Wear whatever you like as long as you can rock it.
Oh man everybody was about the beeswax ones. I ended up with suede ones myself. Gotta say they were pretty comfy. Good for if I was just going to get the mail on a lazy day or something. I just never wore the things though. Didn't suit me at all.

>> No.7874943

They automatically look dad core with pretty much an basic fit. Now I do remember a guy on ere post a full goof fit in all black and wearing brown desert boots and as much as it had to have been a joke I thought it looked interesting in a good way

>> No.7874948

Eh I've seen em worn alright. Only with menswear fits though. A lot of fits posted with them are pretty bad though. Kinda curious about that gothninja one. Never saw it

>> No.7874971
File: 226 KB, 352x526, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7874994

Any summer wear in here?

>> No.7875004

Yeah where is stralia? Aren't you all awake right now.

>> No.7875020

kek are u like 5'5" 110 brah?

>> No.7875049
File: 60 KB, 453x604, 1330553409419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry if you didn't get my post initially, I wasn't targeting you for owning CDBS - I just think it's fitting to see them in your picture.

I don't know what to tell you, or how to tell you - maybe look up what 'dunning kruger' is, and maybe you'll know. Being proud of your fit is analogous to being proud of baking brownies from the box. Replicating a fit from you inspo folder, which is more than likely just saved from /fa/, isn't worth posting back to /fa/. You aren't trying. I'm not targeting you as a person or anything, but /fa/ as a whole - which your picture comically sums up I think.

/fa/ was once a hub for information / education on style, shapes that complimented your form, colors to your complexion. Your b/w, bulky fit hides all of your features and serves no purpose but to display your 'sick cops'. /fa/ has transitioned from stylish / good looking to high end fashion, avant-garde designers.

idk man i could go on but it doesnt matter because you wont care. ur fit is shit and ur a dum kid yafeelme

>> No.7875101

dude he's not trying to say his fit is the best in the world or most original or w/e
he just likes it
it's dumb to say he shouldn't be proud of it

>> No.7875119

effay incarnate

good job i like it

>> No.7875131
File: 2.07 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to take a better pic from directly in the front but until I get it here is an above shot. I know I am wearing converse. I have better shoes. I like converse.

>> No.7875135
File: 2.91 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140302_100520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7875138

>/fa/ has transitioned from stylish / good looking to high end fashion, avant-garde designers.

lol so not true
look at the waywt
it's all mall trash styled in the same backpack, nike or white/black sneaker, jogging pant, or black super skinnies from the mall and sheer shirt from korean offbrand fits over and over

/fa/ wore more designers in the early days

>> No.7875173
File: 82 KB, 336x706, waywt5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7875194
File: 499 KB, 1535x2153, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acne sweat / jeans
All Saints boots

I never normally wear all black, but I was feeling emo.

>> No.7875209

sick m9

>> No.7875212

isn't that a change room

>> No.7875216

Yes, but it's what I'm wearing today. The clothes behind are the ones I'm trying on.

>> No.7875245

you look like that eird white kid who hands out with south east asian hype beasts becuase nobody invites your jew-fro having ass to white people parties

>> No.7875248


>> No.7875250

i dig it

>> No.7875257

are you stealing clothes in your jacket or just chubb

>> No.7875278

I'm 160lb and 6'4 not sure what constitutes for fat around here?

>> No.7875281
File: 508 KB, 1535x2153, chubb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7875286

w2c great wave poster?

>> No.7875296

Stop trolling without your trip Seig you fat fuck. This guy has legs that could walk for Hedi.

>> No.7875291

im 190 youre not chub cool ur jets

>> No.7875302
File: 97 KB, 629x548, 15969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>£300 for a jacket

I mean it's nice but not £300 nice.

>> No.7875306

solid, clean, nice use of colour

>> No.7875344

u plens its superdry ahah

>> No.7875348

Superdry yo
They actually have some cool shit

>> No.7875405

Thanks m9 :^)

>> No.7875475


>> No.7875493


get those pants tapered a bit imo, so they have a more flattering fit, and try and wear a different t-shirt buddy. green on green aint doing it.

are your cops limited? i've seen your fits and you're in need of basics! just get some basic crew necks and t-shirts before anything else pal, and maybe some nice jeans.


>> No.7875537

Ya who are u tho

>> No.7875548
File: 47 KB, 450x750, 312014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not, heres my shitty pic

>> No.7875633 [DELETED] 
File: 608 KB, 1200x2132, guccidothedishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late as fuck but whatev.

>> No.7875634

i like it

>> No.7875635


*lame as fuck

stop posting herb

>> No.7875636
File: 608 KB, 1200x2132, guccidothedishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late as fuck but whatev.

>> No.7875640

what color is that carhartt parka, asphalt?

>> No.7875638


*lame as fuck

don't pretend you're not that Ω fuccboi

>> No.7875646


lol i wont deny it dude. that was me rei (og rei) and if you can remember the trip evrt. we hung out at my place in nyc and made that trip up for fun while we were really drunk. if you saw those posts here or on sufu they were just for fun

>> No.7875656


Anyone know where to cop mono 1461's or when they'll restock?

>> No.7875662


you checked on ebay or sufu? ive seen them on sale for cheap pretty often

>> No.7875664

oh look its another thread of /fa/ wearing the same thing over and over again

>> No.7875668

Post à fit

>> No.7875672


thats what happens when people only know the words:


>> No.7875677

whats the point
all the fit pics i have are from last year which look the same as half the pics here

>> No.7875683


not dude you replied to, but its cool to post fits. Maybe not here on /fa/ but it at least gives dudes and chicks ideas?

I dunno i post fits for that reason. gotta improve dat culture

>> No.7875684
File: 213 KB, 1000x1333, 1390074468707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would win?

>> No.7875701

>has dslr
>has no idea how to use it

cool jacket and fix ur iso.

>> No.7875710

that shirt looks great. very nice fit.

>> No.7875739
File: 283 KB, 335x569, 1393768709279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday but the picture doesn't really show the sheer panelling of the dress.

t by alexander wang dress, helmut cardigan, ann demeulemeester boots. (diffusion lines general)

>> No.7875753


looks sick.

>> No.7875764

your boobs throw off the silhouette but the dress looks super noice either way. specially the bottom half.

>> No.7875772

i love this so much

>> No.7875804


>> No.7875805
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another casual night out at a friends

Allen Edmonds

>> No.7875811

her boobs look really nice though.
but i think i see where you're coming from.

>> No.7875821
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>> No.7875817


enjoy your blown crotch

>> No.7875836

hahahaha, you look like such a nerdy faggot. get the fuck outta here with that sweater vest.

>> No.7875832

yeah I know how that goes
blown two pairs of black ones out, and this pair is already fading considerably, last pair I buy.

>> No.7875846

fuck you
Also it's just a normal sweater, rolled up some.
Also sweater vests are cool, fagot.

>> No.7875842

Jesus Christ son, you look like a fucking walking autist.

>> No.7875847

I wore tights, because it was cold. Unfortunately, the contrast sucks so you can't see how the panelling really looks

>> No.7875860

Oh those are black too? I thought they were raws.

But yeah, i dont think I've met anyone that has got more than 2 years on a pair of nudies.

>> No.7875878

don't try and defend your shitty fit you ugly lame.

>> No.7875892
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>> No.7875894

Are you enjoying your sunday Tripsk? :^)
Is it cold in toronto?
It's fuckin cold as fuck in waterloo >:(

>> No.7875907

It's okay so far, no one is up yet. I grew up in Waterloo and I remember it being very cold, but also got like 10x more snow than Toronto does. I haven't gone outside yet but it seems cold

>> No.7875925

Snowed like 20 cm or something over night
Feels like I broken my leg after walking to school..so much snow
Also I don't like waterloo, I like toronto way better
no offense :)

>> No.7875929

nothing fits

>> No.7875944

no no these are indigo raws
the black ones are good but yeah blow out quick
these have held slightly better but again for the price you would expect a lot better quality

>> No.7876025

i like this yo
looks like you're lookin good without even trying

which is true ur not trying

>> No.7876043

first two lines made me think you were being genuine
last line made me think you were instead setting me up to offend me

and as I said it was a casual night at a friends so I wasn't really trying, that's about as casual as I go when socialising at all.

>> No.7876046

So you're saying one should never wear any piece of clothing unless they would know how to wear it in a completely original way. That's not how the world works, and it definitely never has.

>> No.7876076

no offense here, man. 100% genuine, i love the look. what i meant was it looks like you're not even trying in a good way, and it's good because it looks like looking good comes easy to you

>> No.7876086

oh thanks
I think you mean that really lame "sprezzatura" thing
I think that's what anyone who intends on being /fa/ needs, to look good whilst not looking like you obviously put in heaps of effort.
I'm only wearing jeans and a tee but yeah aha thanks

>> No.7876094
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>> No.7876100

throw those shoes in the garbage

>> No.7876102

I like everything but the shoes

>> No.7876106

also are those cps back there
also clean ur room

>> No.7876114

yeah derby shines and a pair of grenson sids in front
room's a bit messy, moving country soon so getting things sorted

>> No.7876116

>blue denim shirt with blue jeans
why not just wear a denim onesie?

>> No.7876126

Because raw and light washed denim look so much alike right

>> No.7876127

so fucking jealous ~.~ your shoe line up is godly

>> No.7876131

What shoes would you reccommend?

>> No.7876137

it's alright, only 3 good pairs that I bought over the last year or two
only downer being whenever I go out I'm in nice shoes and am a little cautious to wreck them
better than wearing roshe's errywhere though

>> No.7876148

It's more necessarily to do with the colour of the shoes rather than the shoes themselves, I just think they contrast a bit with the rest of your outfit

>> No.7876163


great outfit

>> No.7876182

Wot jeans?

>> No.7876279
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Not sure about pants.

>> No.7876290

Then bring something new to the table you piece of shit trip.

>> No.7876304

nice jumper shoes suck pants suck

>> No.7876309

actually pants are fine maybe a little baggy i dunno

>> No.7876311

the pants are fine, the shoes are just bad.

>> No.7876313

pants r a little bit 2 long
>piece of shit
wow rude

>> No.7876328

Thanks, always nice to have feedback.

>> No.7876338

i got it for $100 with only like 1 wear on it.
thanks guys, ill get to another fit in 2 weeks or so but hopefully that one will be out of my bedroom.

>> No.7876345

>ill get to another fit in 2 weeks or so

r u just going to wear nothing until then or something?

>> No.7876363

if i posted a fit every day it would be very repetitive and boring or ive probably already posted the fit of what i wore.

>> No.7876390
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>> No.7876396


>> No.7876528

git game with your shoes
and the flannel is just really unflattering with that combo

>> No.7876544

ew... get tighter jeans and change your shoes. also burn your fannel

>> No.7876590

there was a tryhard gay kid at my school who wore one of those backpacks lmao

>> No.7876599

cool room, v minimal yet cozy
also I like that jacket

>> No.7876600


>> No.7876607


>> No.7876650
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Sue me fags

>> No.7876653
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>> No.7876671


>those skinny legs


>> No.7876678

Not bad. I kinda like it

>> No.7876701

Looks good mate. I need long hair as well.

>> No.7876709

I've seen a couple of the bowser ones

>> No.7876722

bottom half good
top half, sweater kinda lame, not sure bout jacket

>> No.7876728

thanks, just had it cut the other day believe it or not, first time in 2 years so yeah it was longer.. arduous process but worth it in the end I'd say.
only suited to certain faces though IMO, as I have a rather large face it seems to frame it well, thin faces might go better with short hair.

>> No.7876738

Naked and Famous weird guy left hand twill

>> No.7876974

I like it dude, and fuck people who bag on converse, only because of the popularity and availability.

You rock them well in the fit and that's all that matters really.

>> No.7876977


>> No.7876989

would you be saying that if roshes weren't popular?

>> No.7876996

where can I get that shirt?

>> No.7877010

w2c bucket

>> No.7877005
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>> No.7877156
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ukrainian riotcore