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/fa/ - Fashion

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7869266 No.7869266[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]




>> No.7869269
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>> No.7869270
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>> No.7869273

Heh. Without us throwing something together, no one else would've followed. Glad yours came together.

>> No.7869291

lol, I'm mostly teasin, yours looked p fun too

we also had some guys bail, but it actually turned out to be p fun

>> No.7869314
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>> No.7869341


>> No.7869368

probably the least autistic meet up i've seen yet.

>> No.7869374

Austin looks disgustingly dirty

>> No.7869377

what shoes is the guy on the right wearing?

>> No.7869381


They're black leather chucks

>> No.7869383

true, only one guy has a full black outfit
that's gotta be some sort of record

>> No.7869384

p sure he's wearing a navy shirt

>> No.7869396


Growing pains bb

>> No.7869400

that lad on the right has lovely cheekbones. care 2 share tips?? apart from genetics lel. diet? cardio?

>> No.7869404

slap your face 2000 times every morning

>> No.7869410
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that you banana?

>> No.7869423

Fuck off with this meet up bullshit. Go to /soc/ you fucktards.

>> No.7869427

you want some peanut butter with that jelly?


>> No.7869429

fuck off geek this is a board for fashion

>> No.7869443


b-but we talked about fashion

we debated whether it was "faah" or "effay"

we felt feels

all of it

>> No.7869452

w2c shirt on right?

>> No.7869455

u 2 look p fash tho
dudes got that emaciated model post fashion gothboi bone structure
best so for

>> No.7869463
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>> No.7869466


w2c jacket/size

how tall r u fagets

>> No.7869474

thx mane

the jacket is something I thrifted a while back

I'm 6'1", he's 6'2"

we're both mediums I think

>> No.7869477


AA pocket tee, size medium

Be sure to hang dry

>> No.7869471

ill slap ur face 2000 times every morning if u run ur bitch ass mouth again. cuntfuck


>> No.7869663

not bad

>> No.7869952

you guys look gr8
btw is austin texas a cool place for a music producer/student? thinking of studying there next year. want to be in a cool place

>> No.7869956

If u like southern style instrumental hip hop

>> No.7869959

>instrumental hip hop

>> No.7869964

>but just the instrumentation

well fuck that was pretty self-explanatory

>> No.7869971

Isn't hip hop defined entirely by its lyrical content though?

>> No.7869980

great bods

>> No.7869978

"Instrumental hop hop" despite the name is what is now an extrême stylisation of béats made to rap over, but with intended absence of rapper it beckoned more of the instrumental and now refers to something specific in and of itself

>> No.7869982

Interesting, thank-you
Could you rec me some by any chance? This sounds intriguing.

>> No.7869986

not really. hip-hop began as an instrumental (kind of) art form funnily enough. the vocals came along later. i guess a loose definition would be breakbeat orientated tracks between 80-110bpm generally utilizing sampling/electronic production over other instruments but that is a very loose definition.

>read a fukkin book u dum cunt lmfao

>> No.7869988

Moon shoes by Samiyam
Parisian Goldfish by Flying Lotus
Planetary Picnic by Comfort Fit
Bus Stop by Flying Lotus
The Lish by Dabrye
Caves by Nosajthing
Doin it my way by tokimonsta

Keep n it entry level so branch out

>> No.7869992

Have been making beats for 9 years done tell me shit

>> No.7869996

>done tell me shit


>> No.7870008

Illuminating, thank-you
>I google-searched 'instrumental hip-hop' and listened to the first video, it's not too bad

Cheers for the suggestions!
>branch out
b-but how?

>> No.7870020

Punch in producer name on online radio stations, look into similar artists on last.fm, look into producers other producers have played shows with, look into producers on the same record label, ask friends, look up soundtracks you like

>> No.7870034

but in general is their cool places to be and people and shit.

>> No.7870071

Austin is def. à hipster mécha like portland and nyc - just do some research on the venues there see if musicians you like come through look up pictures from shows n try n guess if its people u want 2 b around wish could b more help than that

>> No.7872754

Greetings from Boston! i think the fash is totally different here: we wear tiny blues shirts and jorts and sandals

>> No.7872761


>> No.7872814
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Kinda off topic but are there any other /fa/ggots going to UT-Austin this fall?

>> No.7873447


The drag and e.6th are pretty cool

6th street is mostly full of fuccbois and frat-douchers

Soco is full of strollers and corny mom shops--it's becoming Austin's Park Slope

>> No.7873454

def would be interested in a SXSW meetup. will be in atx then

>> No.7873460


I forgot to add--there is a huuuuuge difference between 6th and e.6th

>> No.7873468


Let's hang out

>> No.7873473
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im from houston and im the only effay person here. shits depressing but on the bright side, at least your the sole inspiration for everyone else.

>> No.7873488
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>im the only effay person here
>dat Mac Donalds bag

>> No.7873500

so? im effay not a hipster thats into soy and vegan products. Anyways i can eat whatever the fuck i want without gaining weight.

>> No.7873514


Come to Austin for SXSW

We /soc/ now

>> No.7873517

dat members only

>> No.7873521
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>im the only effay person here

>> No.7873549

post fit

>> No.7873711


Let's see your fit m7

>> No.7874042

houston anon here
sorry to burst your bubble, but the niggers here dress better than you

>> No.7874499

I go to school at St. Edward's and lemme tell y'all, it's nothing but arab oil baby fuccbois and californian dadcore trustfunders

>> No.7874508

I can't believe this guy is real lol

>> No.7874539
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brisbane still had a better meetup imo, and that place sucks.

>> No.7874566

those are some big fuckin legs

>> No.7874612

is it some strange coincidence that each two on either side match each other?

two on the left, indigo/grey
two on the right, drapey top/half luster thick bottom, each fully black

the two on the right must be some weird incest fashion duo and the dudes on the left I suspect are the same except gayer

>> No.7874647

Cmon LA, were better than them...

>> No.7874654

tbh i like his hair

>> No.7874661


>> No.7874985


we're all equals on /fa/

except for trunks, that guy is really cool

>> No.7874989

wow your a dipshit u forgot to take your trip off trunks

>> No.7874993

lmao clown shoes

>> No.7874995

didn't get accepted, threw me some CAP bullshit that doesn't even guarantee me my major

yes i'm mad

>> No.7875012


I would highly recommend going to ACC Rio Grande campus for like two semesters

It's really close to UT

like not even ten blocks away

>> No.7875021

I'm thinking of settling on a New Orleans private school I was accepted to
New Orleans is effay right?

>> No.7875030


man nawlins is a great place to visit, honestly

I mean, the french quarter has nice architecture, but, imo the city is kinda seedy

that's not to say that you won't have a gr9 time at your school, but you should definitely check out both Austin and New Orleans and see which one you like best

Austin has a LOT more people, and a lot more of a scene going on

and this is coming from someone who doesn't really enjoy Austin

>> No.7875056

in essence new orleans is extremely fa but most ppl dress like trash there

>> No.7875074


>> No.7875079

Are those Julius cargos on the lefty?

>> No.7875239

your opinion is shit

>> No.7875243

don't lie to yourself

>> No.7875265
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no, i hope you are joking; sftm x a.mcdonald

yes, from the goth_ik collection

>> No.7875271

london gonna kill it

>> No.7875341

He's onto us

>> No.7875357

they're really really uncomfortable

>> No.7875358


i had a pair of dropcrotch cargos from goth_ik that were cool as shit and way cooler than urs but it didnt match me so i sold it to some anon wonder what hes doing with it

>> No.7875364

post pics

>> No.7875374


1 sec

>> No.7875387
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shitty pic of surface taken when i was selling them, pics really don't do it justice, wish i saved the stock images from the rakuten store i bought it from - it was a steal too, got it for 200 and sold it for the same price, 2 side pockets 2 back pockets with like 3 panels running down the middle

>> No.7875392

Yeah I know this one.

>> No.7875393
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shitty fitpic

>> No.7875429

looks good enough, couldve kept it

>> No.7875456

i like this and i liked ur Y's suit
would be mates with irl

>> No.7875494

You look like pure autism.

>> No.7875513


w2c ur lovely jacket m8 :)(right/blue)

>> No.7877449


Well yeah, it's a private liberal arts college in the heart of the most liberal city in the south

What were you expecting?

>> No.7877858

>wow your a dipshit u forgot to take your trip off trunks
trunks got you good.

>> No.7879645


sry :/

>> No.7879666

Not that guy, but what showcases you gonna hit up? I might go to Burgermania III March 15th.

>> No.7879768
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>tfw live in ATX
>tfw not many friends
>tfw not /fa/ enuff to hang with you guys

Maybe one day I can chill with ya'll.

>> No.7879926

You can always be that one ugly friend people have to make themselves look better.

>> No.7880085


Aw come on mate, everyone knows the attitude on here is hyperbolized

>> No.7880184

i know that feel starting to get /fit/ so ill never be /fa/

>> No.7880643


I browse /fit/, /fa/, & /k/.

I'm 6'5, 194, 10% BF. I'm well rounded when it comes to my clothing as well.

But never have I attended a single meetup. And there's been 7 planned across all three boards in Austin.

You people are great. But you're from 4chan. We're broken goods here because of anonymity.

Keep it that way.

>> No.7880653


P.S -- I live here in Austin.

>> No.7880665

>browsing /k/

speak for yourself, man

>> No.7880680


>We're broken goods.

>> No.7880696


>> No.7880720

also, you probably dress like shit. don't blame your NEEtdom on 4chan, not all of us are like you

>> No.7880744

I went to high school in Austin!

ATL meetup when? we can act black and get mugged on the MARTA, it'll be great!

>> No.7880750

you sound like you're from /b/ and I don't like you

>> No.7880775


you probably look just like Van Alden and browse /fa/ with a completely straight face and only twitch an eyebrow once every few hours when you see something funny

seriously though it's because I used two exclamation marks in one post, that kind of implied enthusiasm is something standard-level fuccbois can't handle

>> No.7880792

>standard-level fuccbois

I like to laugh bud, I just hated your joke, kinda Reddit-tier

anyway, what hs did you go to?

>> No.7880883
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fuck you bud, I copped three pairs of air force 1s in one week and I masturbate to 3d porn every day, I don't gotta take none of your internet club inferiority projection because I'm the alpha nerd here

>> No.7881104


>buying three pairs of af1s
>three pairs of af1s
>three pairs

who's the real fuccboi here?

also, what hs did u go 2, ya mark ass bitch

>> No.7881246


Formerly Johnston High School, mother fucker

You couldn't walk around in my neighborhood w yr CPs