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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 58 KB, 580x580, 1393357408355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7849501 No.7849501 [Reply] [Original]

Are Roshes really worth £70? I felt a pair today, they feel weak as shit. Are they even warm?

>> No.7849508

They're so played out, avoid.

>> No.7849522

Thanks /fa/shionista, what's a good alternative?

>> No.7849523


u fag know nothing

>> No.7849530

The Free's hype is getting old as well. How do you dress?

>> No.7849532

A developed sense of style

>> No.7849538

really depends on where you live

>> No.7849549
File: 5 KB, 225x225, pooma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britfag here. Jeans and a plain T daily.

Currently alternating Desert boots and Pumas

>> No.7849546
File: 14 KB, 580x515, 1393358044762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adidas is the future

>> No.7849576

what are those shoes

>> No.7849594

Adidas elements refine js

>> No.7849616

slav detected

>> No.7849629


>> No.7849642

i wouldn't cop roshes
they're not meant to be warm though, that's pretty obvious. My friends who own them say they're comfortable though.

>> No.7849685

Sure. But I still haven't found where to cop one. If you ever do, care to share ?

>> No.7849742
File: 205 KB, 1024x683, 1392690521676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not getting this

>> No.7849776

lol I like how people like you go around saying this yet everyone on this board flocks around a certain hivemind



>> No.7849785
File: 180 KB, 1024x683, Shoe 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this

>> No.7849842

yeah sure dude

>> No.7849900

yeah they are if you like comfy shoes and don't give a shit about them being "played out"

>> No.7850014

played out on the internet, they're comfy as fuck and if you dont dress like a fuccboi they're fine.

>> No.7850050
File: 66 KB, 960x640, nike-lunarfly-306-black-volt-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my white bone's, they feel fine as fuck.

Thinking about getting the one's in my pic next.
But I'm not sure if they make up for how much the roshe's been played out.

>> No.7850074
File: 142 KB, 1250x1595, 5185_3_F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are these an acceptable alternative?

>> No.7850093

I saw like 5 people in my college wearing them today. They really are played out

>> No.7850320
File: 23 KB, 585x390, 1393367713735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would /fa/ wear this?

>> No.7850329

Nike Flyknit is where it's at niggas

>> No.7850377

no they are shit

>> No.7850374


they fine as fuck

>> No.7850387

yes, they are sick

>> No.7850391

lol they're $55 here

>> No.7850410

welp, what a nigga gon do?

>> No.7850436

god those look gross when they aren't black

>> No.7850445

they are fine as hell, great quality, but everyone seems to have them from what i see online.
so my vote is dont get them unless you live in some shit third world country like me. i still keep getting compliments on mine lol

>> No.7850450

im the one who said they were shit and im definitely right

>> No.7850446



God, yes.

>> No.7850479


I was going to get these, but I discovered them a day too late.

>> No.7850482

endclothing might have them

>> No.7850489

>tfw australian

Postage would kill me.

>> No.7850544
File: 425 KB, 863x471, adidas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get these.

>> No.7850568
File: 209 KB, 1280x853, 1393370913282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rarely see anyone with these, just wish that the black version looked better.

>> No.7850655

>tfw found a pair in my size after it has been sold out almost everywhere
So happy

>> No.7850770
File: 33 KB, 804x304, EDGEFUL OPINION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>played out
>parrot detected

Echo box. Back up this statement. But you probably can't because all you do is read opinions on the internet and parrot them back when you get the chance.

You know what's played out? This comment. Think for yourself and wear shoes that look cool to you.

Funny how you don't see people commenting, "Geobaskets are so played out," and "CPs are so played out," despite them being around longer and jerked so much harder.

>> No.7850809

Fucking this.
CP's are absolutely EVERYWHERE, geobaskets too, but people don't say "oh it's played out" because they know how /fa/ feels about it.

But with Roshes? Nope, played out.

>> No.7850839

w2c in north america

>> No.7850872


I have literally never seen a single pair of Roshes where I live. /fa/ is full of sheep who just copy and repeat what everyone else is saying.

>> No.7850883


>> No.7850884


i see probably 5 pairs a day - point being, it varies widely

but wear what you like i guess. just consider that someone *may* be right when something is commonly said to be overplayed

>> No.7850888

Adidas ZX Flux

>> No.7850910

get qasa your poor fuks

>> No.7850906

just wish i knew where to cop these.. everywhere i've looked is sold out

>> No.7850917


Literally every other person at my college wears a pair of roshes or a pair of similarly themed nike flyknit.

Why? Because they're readily available, and when you go to the mall they're on display in every athletics store because they're fucking marketed to hell and back.

>> No.7850928

where to cop tho

>> No.7850944

The amount of people that just went "played out" proves the predictable, smart ass nature of this board.

All of you try and impress each other with your fashion elitism, from someone who doesn't spend all their life online, it looks ridiculous.

Fuck this I'm off, don't wanna waste my life on "addictive and funny" 4chan.

>> No.7850941

>It's that easy to find b/w Qasas.

Where do you live? Here in Edinburgh I have not seen a single pair walking down Princess Street or at university. Like you said though, it will vary from place to place. Like how in USA/EU Zespsys will look fresh and new but if you wear them in NZD you'll be considered a fashion victim or there abouts.

>> No.7851035
File: 982 KB, 320x287, 1392226560583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw co worker complimented my tan Zespys today
>tfw he said "how much did you pay for them?"
>tfw I said "dude I got them on sale for only 75 USD"
>tfw he laughs out loud and goes "dude these shorts cost me 15 USD!"
>tfw I then said "Ok what brand are they?"
>tfw he says "Hollister. What brand are yours?"
>tfw I said "I Love Ugly, it's a New Zealand clothing brand"
>tfw he's like "....wat? lol I'd never pay that much for a pair of pants"
>tfw I said "And I'd never buy something from Hollister."
He just walked away, I think I might have embarrassed him.

>> No.7851066

Navy restocked on the official Nike store last Sunday. Most of the sizes are gone, but you should check anyway.

>> No.7851064

pls tell me you dont wear zespsy+roshes

I keep meaning to grab a pair of Tan Harems from ILU to try and attempt a pseudo desertcore but don't get paid for a while yet. Zespsys get a lot of hate here but I quite like them.

>> No.7851078


>> No.7851082

>cool guy alert

>> No.7851090

>cant even tfw right
>goes right to the brandshaming


>> No.7851092

>bragging about 75$ i love ugly pants

getting cocky because you spent a shifts worth of your macdonalds minimum wage paycheque on some shitty ass ilu pants is actually more pathetic than wearing hollister

>> No.7851101

I see probably a pair a day in boston if you count all the countless colorways.

I might cop these but I need some actual running shoes so I'll probably just cop some racers or some other new flyknit thin

>> No.7851104
File: 115 KB, 1024x1024, 1391159671058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I jumped on the Trainerendor train, no pun intended, but today I wore my black Clae Mills since the cork looked better with the pants and shirt than the white sole of the trainerendors. Looked at a pair of Roshe in store today, did not cop or even want to really, almost copped the grey flyknit, but
Also checked ILU today and saw that the Zespys were back to OG price of ~$109 USD, 3 weeks ago I put my order in for 2 pair and paid $75 each. Feels gewd.

>> No.7851117

trunks your're bald.

>> No.7851126

something similar happened to me
>be hanging with some friends
>they invite some of their friends i don't know
>typical white fuccbois with athletic socks pulled all the way up
>wearing shorts that are like 2 inch above my knees
>"why are your shorts so short man?"
>"i don't know i like them"
>"that's kinda gay bro"
>"yeah well these shorts are worth more than your entire outfit"
i was having a bad day

>> No.7851127
File: 186 KB, 1280x1024, IMG000085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah tho

>> No.7851145

I never tell my friends how much my clothes are worth. I'd feel like a dick.

>> No.7851149

A shaved head deffo suits you better. You're not bald dont worry bb.

>> No.7851161

I like this better, makes you look less you know what

>> No.7851156

>"yeah well these shorts are worth more than your entire outfit"

u sure seem like a fun person to be around, im sure u have a rich social life

>> No.7851158

I think being a trip on 4chan is p pathetic if u ask me, not popular enough irl so gotta make sure people on the internet kno who u are.

>> No.7851172

If someone has a lot of knowledge in a subject it is quite helpful if they have a trip. It means you can trust their facts, opinions and overall word. Not saying that Trunk's opinion matters more than anyone else's but I'm sure he knows more about fashion than the average /fa/ user and that will help a lot of people out.

>> No.7851169


>> No.7851178

says the trip on 4chan that looks like a neanderthal

>> No.7851175

im popular irl so u kno i gotta be popular online, ur a nobody irl so u choose 2 b 1 on 4chan cause its all u kno how 2 do
idk what

>> No.7851182

come to chat

>> No.7851201


>> No.7851209
File: 50 KB, 450x600, baseshitta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoes collection

>> No.7851214

I never knew trunks was so handsome (not being sarcastic I mean it) I like your hair better like this dude

>> No.7851219

Haha good one top Laff great pic innit? so humorous got anymore lad?

>> No.7851222

This was sarcasm btw

>> No.7851231
File: 2.23 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_2784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2much work i could never get it 2 stay like that, fuk hair

>> No.7851227

>that color
o i am laffin

>> No.7851232
File: 530 KB, 1290x400, baseprophet_sick3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7851235

They are running shoes, you don't want warm running shoes, you want light insulated running shoes so you don't sweat into your socks and smell everything up.

And for running and exercising they're great, , its not like I've ever noticed a difference between running/lifting in these or a pair of beater joggers, but they do feel nice and breathable with cushioning in all the right places.

>> No.7851247

he was probably embarrassed for you.

>> No.7851251

nvm lol

>> No.7851252

fake trunks text

>> No.7851256

if ur tlkn about tinychat i frget what its called. effayradio?

>> No.7851258

fake u

>> No.7851259


text?, fucking retarded auto swipe on my phone.

fake trunks check*

>> No.7851262

yo what

>> No.7851263

i meant sofo chat

>> No.7851278

idk what that is
im not in any chats rn

was the fake trunks cool at least>?

>> No.7851272

go circlejerk there

>> No.7851285
File: 48 KB, 570x604, 1393380018322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dropped I think

>> No.7851338
File: 27 KB, 183x132, 1393380973341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you guys feel about custom NB is it worth $150?

>> No.7851345


not worth it for those lol

>> No.7851372

i don't like those colors

>> No.7851378

w2c zx fluxes in canada


>> No.7851403

trunks i love you

>> No.7851457


>> No.7851458

Should I cop for $170 on ebay? I'm tempted... just for fun.

>> No.7851462

what are some good black runner-ish shoes other than roshes? i want some cheap minimalist shoes that /fa/ hasn't completely killed.

>> No.7851475

i own these, never thought of them as effay but i guess now i'll clean them up and wear them

>> No.7851626

>tfw Nike.com doesn't ship to Canada

>> No.7851647

11.5 is also available ahhh

>> No.7851662


>> No.7853749

I've seen them three times total in Aberdeen. When I was in London for just a day there were hundreds.

>> No.7853756

They're worth $50 but not beyond that. where even is selling em for 70 quid?

>> No.7853787

Fucking God damn ruined.

>> No.7853813

Why would you cop a Roshe clone?

Because you like the silhouette but don't want to wear something some people think are played out?

There's a word for that, and it's called being an anal faggot.

>> No.7854078

>im popular irl so u kno i gotta be popular online, ur a nobody irl so u choose 2 b 1 on 4chan cause its all u kno how 2 do
speak english

>> No.7854883

No. Roshes are shit. Southern Californian hypebeast manlets wear them all the time.

>> No.7854892

I'm in Southern California and I rarely see anyone wear them. When I do ithey're usually some super bright color.

>> No.7854957

I remember that when I was in middle school we used to think that short that go below the knee were for gays lmao

>> No.7854991

>Are they even warm?
They're perforated, idiot

>> No.7855024

No. They'll develop holes after several weeks of wear.

>> No.7855035
File: 92 KB, 900x700, flyknit-lunar2-wmns-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about these, y/n?

>> No.7855077


>> No.7855100


>> No.7855267

I've never had a pair of shoes fucking stink until I got a pair of roshes. Holy fuck, I washed them several times and they ended up reeking again only a couple of wears later. They also developed a hole and aren't even comfortable to wear for long periods of time. Most overrated piece of crap on this board, matched only by raw jeans.

>> No.7855282
File: 40 KB, 570x380, motion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd wait for the motions.

Those mesh roshes tend to rip,motion has dat hyperfuse toe protection.

>> No.7855814
File: 215 KB, 1010x673, 1393454009687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just got these theyre really sexy
but no toe protection

>> No.7855982

What will be the starting price for them? Any guess ?

>> No.7856245



>> No.7856428


>> No.7856443


Me too.

Anyone could post a link?

>> No.7856567

i own them as well, and yeah they're the titties, really comfy too

>> No.7856607

I didn't know they made a black colorway... maybe I'll get though.

kinda want those racers though

>> No.7856651

>plaid out

>> No.7857325


Do you guys think this is legit?

>> No.7857330


>> No.7857343

what shoes are these?

>> No.7857456

r u srs

>> No.7857645



>> No.7857817

fucckk I've been looking everywhere for these!
anyone know where to get some?

>> No.7857831

I saw someone else post and say they're only available in the UK right now. Not sure about it though.

>> No.7857850
File: 984 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will my shoes be effay if I change the laces to black?

>> No.7861503

these look really nice irl

>> No.7861558

do you like them? then yes they're acceptable. fuck me have an original thought

>> No.7861819
File: 64 KB, 1050x572, y-3-qasa-high-02-630x419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck can I cop a pair of Qasa highs anymore?

>> No.7861841

Everyone and their mother owns a pair in NJ from what I seen. So yes they are played out if you have hungry skeletons, /fit/izens and ham planets wearing them on a daily basis.

>> No.7861843

Ebay if you're lucky, else wait for the all black AW14 ones, they're almost as good as the original ones

>> No.7861864

i have never seen people wearing CPs or geobaskets in real life? yet i see every other hypebeast wearing roshes on a daily basis. roshes are ubiquitous, and not just on the internet, hence played out

>> No.7861887

roshes are comfy as fuck and who cares if a lot of ppl wear them. a lot of ppl wear converse, sambas, w/e, doesnt make them shitty
hell i got complimented on mine yesterday. y'all so buttmad sometimes

>> No.7861924
File: 334 KB, 1920x1440, 2184780-p-4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$50 for these cop?

>> No.7861936

If the swoosh was white those shoes would be awesome

>> No.7861951

