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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 301 KB, 1171x785, los-angeles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7835398 No.7835398 [Reply] [Original]

Meetup was today. Sorry I was a tad late: we left the meetup point around 3:45.

>> No.7835404
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>> No.7835410
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>> No.7835426

damn that's bad

>> No.7835436


Well....how was it, actually?

>> No.7835449

>these people browse /fa/ and probably give out advice

holy shit good thing i didn't end up going no offense. this needs to happen again with more people and goofninjas.

>> No.7835453 [DELETED] 

Wandered around Little Tokyo, checked out stores, talked about ourselves and 4channel.

>> No.7835463


What stores? I was totally right there today. Unfortunately, did not see any of you (as near as I can tell). Also, I was not wearing a good fit today, as it was errands day.

>> No.7835467

Wandered around Little Tokyo, checked out stores, talked about ourselves and 4channel.

Shoutout to the qt who helped us take the first pic.

>> No.7835500

AA, one of the weeb stores in the tunnel, and some other random shops. Mikawaya and Shin Sen Gumi.

>> No.7835522


You guys went to Little Tokyo? Was there a bunch of cosplayers running around with their moms? Did you fuck them? (And their moms?)

>> No.7835529

there used to be a shit ton of cosplayers around 5 years ago or some but they all got ran out from the mall or the plaza in little tokyo. i used to go to the arcade in the mall down the street every weekend there.

>> No.7835537

There's a big book store in Weller Court and I think every saturday or sunday, they have a big meetup and take pictures and all kinds of bullshit. The arcade in the mall has been closed down, unfortunately. The new bowling alley/sushi restaurant/arcade destroyed them.

>> No.7835560

nah they been planning to close down for years and that bowling place is dead no one goes there

>> No.7835588


Man... That's a shame. Did they relocate the arcade to somewhere else? was that their only location? I can't play my initial D anywhere else.

>> No.7835629

no they're done for good they only had that spot. they've been there for like 10 years+ i think. go to round 1 for initial d, the whole racing game scene is dead though not like it used to be. i used to play midnight. might want to check out super arcade too.

>> No.7835645


aww man did the arcade really close down? i havent been to LA in close to 3 years but i really liked it there even though the place was run down as hell and the cabs looked like shit. loved playing 3S against the chinks there.

i miss the fuck out of LA though and the LT area, is daikokuya still as good as i remember it?

>> No.7835653

3 horribly dressed asians met up in la today
gr8 thread

>> No.7835652

looks kinda gay
pretty unfashionable
hope you had fun though

>> No.7835655

yeah it's still good but quality went down a bit imo. it's really packed like usual and not worth the wait time.

>> No.7835657


>> No.7835667


For real, the Daikokuya is okay imo for the bento box. The ramen has been played OUT by these fucking people and the wait time can reach an hour! Just not worth it anymore.

You guys every try wurstkuche? or Xlice?

in the area.

>> No.7835702

i've tried a lot of places there so maybe i have i don't know the names. only one i can remember is zenchu

>> No.7835778

you had a fa meetup in little tokyo and didnt go to rif? thats like the only good store there

>> No.7835780

wurstkuche is hipster ground zero during summer afternoons

its pretty ironic and hilarious hearing them drunkenly blather about gentrification after they put down a stein

>> No.7835784


>guy on the left

The guy in the middle might not be Asian, too.

>> No.7835791

We walked in for less than a minute. None of us are really sneakerheads.

>> No.7835807

This was fun, but there should have been more people. We need to drink or get high.

>> No.7835867


I didn't realize the arcade closed down until we got there. I wanted to get good at Melty Blood.

>> No.7835909
File: 41 KB, 402x324, IllKillYouInYourSleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a lot of people as I walk downtown and think "Look at this fuccboi, he must browse /fa/"
>I wonder if they think the same thing about me
>even though I'm not an ugly, awkward white kid

>> No.7835934

>all black

never change, /fa/

>> No.7835975


Which is to say, props to OP for organizing, but shame on flakes.


I've probably seen you and thought you were cool

>> No.7836009

one of the reasons im afraid if I even move out to LA. I would be too self conscious about looking like a fuccboi to wear any of my stuff. I'm safe in the midwest.

>> No.7836013
File: 57 KB, 729x476, BABYGIRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that makes me smile, anon.

>> No.7836057

oh my fucking god haha what a pathetic meetup. jesus christ that's sad. i'm in LA and if i ended up going and saw you three i'd honestly turn around and go back home. are any of you even aware that this is a fashion board? did you just start lurking today?
fuckk.....horrible...i'm embarrassed for you

>> No.7836106


post a fit

>> No.7836115
File: 122 KB, 1024x768, 1389595059721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by the pics I didn't miss much.

>> No.7836152 [DELETED] 


>3 asians in terrible fits


>> No.7836156

talk shit post fit fuccboi

>> No.7836160

shut up virgin

>> No.7836165

Shit I was in little tokyo during that time, if I had known there was a meet up or even gave a fuck I would have probably gone with her

>> No.7836171


How are people mistaking the dude on the left as an Asian?

>> No.7836229

he is asian

>> No.7836342

>go to meet location
>see these guys
>do a 360 and walk away

>> No.7836346

lol no thanks

>> No.7836362


>white skin
>light brown hair

>> No.7836368

he is as yellow as the others you fucking moron

>> No.7836393


No, he's not. It's just the lighting.

>> No.7836401

kill yourself

>> No.7836576

>fat, ugly, scared to post fit
"s-s-shut up, virgin"

>> No.7836580

dude, no, fuck off. i know 100% i dress 10x better than everyone in that pic. i dont even care if you believe me or not because theres no doubt about it in my mind. you're all such fuccbois it isnt even funny. pathetic meetup, LA i am disappoint. jesus fuckin christ

>> No.7836592

lol @ the "white guy" samefagginf and asking how people can mistake him for an asian dude. doesnt even matter, you all dress like shiiiiiit

the only people defending the faggots from the meetup are the faggots who went to the meetup

>> No.7836597

fucking WHITE PALLADIUMS hahahahahaha

what fucking shoes is the guy in the middle wearing?

>> No.7836599


comments like these are why meetups never happen

>> No.7836606

dude, if people who actually dressed wel and actually knew anything about fashion wanted to meet up, i would go. but this is fucking pathetic and you cant pretend like im wrong

might as well just be a 4chan meetup

>> No.7836628

this meetup was pathetic. why would you willingly go if you dress like that? made los angeles /fa/ peeps look like shit. someone should set one up all over again to makeup for this shit. no fits under 500$ or something to avoid this sad shit. this is legit worse than mfa.

>> No.7836639

westwood meetup

tomorrow in front of rocket fizz at 6pm

we could go shopping for candy, buy rainbow colored lollipops, and suck on them while shopping ad urban outfitters and STILL not look as ridiculous as the ppl from OP

>> No.7836638

can we all agree to put this disaster of a meetup behind us and move on?

this is seriously atrocious

not only was it a terrible turnout, 2 of those fits are regular pleb tier and the tryhard makes it even worse

also theyre asian lol

>> No.7836667

i know right, luckily something came up and couldn't make it. i was even planning on going all goofed up with geos for lols just to see the reaction once the thread was posted after the meetup.

>> No.7836712

This is just horrible.
I've seen skaters look better than you guys in LA

>> No.7837426


Ha ha, I've been asleep dude. My fit is cool, it's just cheap as hell and I'm making goofy poses in weird lighting, obviously because I am a try hard. Impress me with your fit, fuccboi.

Also, I'm white.

>> No.7837436

>also theyre asian lol


>> No.7837479


Woa sick burn

>> No.7838760

man i was gonna come but i got sidetracked. was packin loud too

well, if my opinion means anything, yall seem like nice guys and this should happen again

>> No.7838774 [DELETED] 


>was packin packin loud too

Ha ha, I was looking forward to this. See you next time.

>> No.7838785

>was packin packin loud too

I was looking forward to this. See you next time, man

>> No.7838989

Your fit even slightly cool. Youre fucking delusional buddy

>> No.7839090

LA has the same amount of fuccbois has every city. LA is not some high fashion haven - there are just some fashionable people with more opportunities to cop.

LA is 90% Mexican, 90% ghetto housing, 90% traffic, and 100% broken dreams. True, LA has good concerts, but they are not as fun as they are in other cities and simply aren't worth the hassle.

I realize people can't understand this until they move out there, but LA is not what you want or think it will be like. It isn't even what you "realistically" assure yourself it is at night, like "I know it won't be great, but it'll probably pretty cool." It won't be.

If you want to get in the film or music industry, you won't want to after spending a year in it, or trying to get in it. If you introverted at all, simply erase LA from your mind.

You'll still be on 4chan, only in a shitty apartment complex with your Chinese neighbors cooking bad smelling food, your White neighbors fighting drunk, and the rest of your complex, the Mexicans, fighting and/or or fucking as their 300 kids run around.

It is not a place you'll be able to go alone and make friends - if you don't already know a group of people, forget about LA.

LA is not lucky breaks, it isn't that one amazing story you saw in an interview like "I was just walking to the homeless shelter and got discovered." More like it's people who know how to take advantage of you in ways that you really don't see in other parts of America.

If you are a blatant follower, who will do anything at any given time, you'll do fine in LA - at least until you have to face something by yourself and realize you are all alone.

The people who have fun in LA are the people who already have money. The people with rich parents so they never have to worry about a thing. They just "worry" about whatever increases their social credentials.

No disrespect, but if you are gay or female you'll like LA. Otherwise just avoid it.
Deep down you all know i'm right about this.

>> No.7839184

so how is sf, then?

>> No.7839306

Westwood > downtown LA

Fuck LA

>> No.7839325

i can't stop lol'ng how the middle guy has to crouch down for these manlets.

>> No.7839355

>these are the people who you argue about fashion with on /fa/

>> No.7839358

They are good initials.
SF is expensive, more expensive than LA but the public transport is much better so you can stay for a lot cheaper in Berkley and Oakland and just take underground transport to SF

>> No.7839380

When is NJ/NY meetup? Surely it would be better than this turnout.

>> No.7839394

beat up docs

>> No.7839644

jeans is 4plebs

>> No.7840420


At least I'm even slightly cool. Still waiting for your awesome fit. Teach me how it's done, senpai.

>> No.7840497
File: 2.47 MB, 1546x1029, 1389035892176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born and raised LA.
This man speaks the truth.

>> No.7840516

ayyy id meet up with you guys (as long as no group photo because fuck that)

>> No.7841240

he's right you look like shit and should probably just stop posting. what are those, adidas slvr? lmaoo and that fucking belt jesus christ

your jacket also fits worse than your fist in your moms ass

>> No.7841914

man this is depressing as fuck :(
moving to LA was one of my dreams

>> No.7842074

LA is where dreams go to die. You have three people agreeing with me so far, because everyone knows it's true.

There will be people who disagree - the people who have never had to struggle and the people who haven't lived there long enough. Also, as I said, it's a lot better for gay people, and I mean no offense by that. It's simply how it is.

If anything, go to LA for school and live as comfortably as you can while there, knowing it's not permanent.
If you go thinking "this is where i'll be living, I hope it works out" you are in for a shitty time.

I've been to lots of places. Some places seem really bad, but LA is not one of those places. Yet, you'll discover LA is actually worse than you could ever imagine.

A good example is NY. People in New York all act like assholes. They will tell you bad NY is, and how terrible everyone is. You'll learn that it's just how it is, and you'll figure out how to adapt.
Nobody says that about LA. LA is "it's so perfect here, look at this celeb who did this, and this celeb who did that" Everyone is all nice and smiles and just so evil underneath.

>> No.7842316

this sounds like a personal problem...

all shitty places have nice things.

>> No.7842320

You have it so wrong. Stop watching Beverly Hills housewives or whatever the fuck they show on TV.

>> No.7842325

lets have a london meet

>> No.7842345

It's best to live in places that suck, there's no pretense. Dallas, Cincinnati, Baltimore, etc. I live in East Dallas. 60% mexican, equally black and white. Not as many shits given = people tend to be nice. Art scene is decent, very accessible. friend of mine is working at an art collective in Corsicana. Because north dallas & the suburbs = what dallas is known for, everyone steers clear, making it that much nicer. Austin is the worst fucking place on earth. So many "creative" people. (I go to UT, but fuck it blegh). thriving/young city = tons of fuccbois and shitheads who think they're cool. Pretense out the ass. Shitty/working class areas and cities = no pretense, much more creativity

>> No.7842390

>Stop watching Beverly Hills housewives
Do you think I would say this without having experienced it myself?
And of course "that's just me" but it isn't. I can clearly recognize now that my personality and whatever doesn't work with LA, but I know many people who seem more than capable. They all love it at first and all end up feeling the same way. I'm watching it happen with a friend of mine right now.

If you disagree, tell me that you are 100% responsible for your own expenses outside of tuition, if applicable, and that you moved down there without knowing anyone, or only a few people.

>all shitty places have nice things.
No offense, but that is a dumb thing to say. I'm sure someone made some good posts on /mlp/ and /r9k/ today too.
LA has some great things, but, as I said, it's not worth it - the pros simply don't outweigh the cons.

Here is an example:
>two weeks before moving to LA
>Death Grips has show in Sacramento (their hometown)
>this is either just before or just after Ex Military dropped AKA they weren't even close to as popular as they are now
>drive to venue 40 miles away, park, go inside
>tons of fans excited to check out Zach Hills "rap project" and see what it's all about
>show goes great, hang out with band after

>two weeks after moving to LA
>Death Grips show in LA
>drive to venue 20 miles away
>it takes 90 minutes
>20 or 30 minutes to park
>be EARLY and already line of people around the corner
>people walking around taking pictures for their fashion blogs
>don't even know about the band they are lined up to see
>get inside half way into the show (no more seats)
>everyone is standing taking pictures and video - OF THEMSELVES watching the concert
>people on twitter and tumblr
>after the show nobody was interested in talking, nobody gave a fuck about anything

>> No.7842429
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Eh, it's 3 AM and i'm not a nightowl. fuck studying.

What i meant is that shitty areas/underrated places breed the most creativity. New York circa 60's-80's was a shithole, crime and abject poverty everywhere. Was the breeding ground for great music & art. NY now = overpriced everything and super pompous dickweeds who buy into culture. I'm too tired to write super coherently, but you get my drift

>> No.7842441

You're implying that everyone there wasn't just like you, aka a transplant. People who are born and raised in LA, or have passed the 7 year rule, don't give a shit about anyone besides themselves. If you're successful, you don't have time to go to "concerts" or take photos for your "blog"... Anywho, I think you're probably a bit high/drunk and have nothing better to do but post on 4chan, but regardless you don't live here so you wouldn't know.

>> No.7842494


LA Native here.

The problem with LA is that it is attracts people who are generally more vapid and superficial just by the nature of the industries that thrive in the city.

Music, Film, Television, Modeling, etc. All of these industries revolve around putting on a show, or pretending to be someone you are not. People care about appearances more than anything else. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just the nature of an industry that puts emphasis on these things.

Having worked at a TV station as a PA, I can tell you that SF is absolutely correct in most of his statements. I took the PA job because I needed money, not because I had any desire to work in the TV industry. My gf is a teacher, and I needed any job to help pay bills.

The other PAs were all from NY, Miami, Chicago, or other big cities, and came to Act, Model, do Music, or be a comedian. Some of them were really cool people. Some of them were superficial assholes. However, the saddest thing was that it was immediately clear to me that NONE of them were going anywhere in Entertainment.

I'm friends with most of them on Facebook still, and even now, 3 to 4 years after quitting and getting a real job, most of my old coworkers are stuck in PA jobs making $12 an hour to work on bad TV.

The best way I can explain LA (and I love the city to death) is that if you are a type A personality, and you enjoy nonstop sensory everything, it is a good city to live in FOR A LITTLE WHILE. It is not a city you want to settle down in for the long haul unless, as SF said, you already have money. LA is fantastic when you have freetime to avoid traffic, and money to do what you want. When you work a 9-5 and have at least an hour commute one way for a job 10 miles from where you live, and you struggle to pay bills because of the price, it wears on you very quickly.

>> No.7842502

>>7842494 here

For the record, it wasn't that none of my coworkers were not talented, or good looking, or funny.

It's just that in an area of 12 million people, you can't just be above average or good. If you aren't the best looking person, or the best damn singer there is, you don't really stand a chance.

And if you ARE the best, you still aren't guaranteed shit. Most people don't make.

For every highly paid attractive actor/singer/model/etc, there are thousands who came to the city to do the same thing and either by chance or fate didn't make.

>> No.7842504
File: 50 KB, 480x360, 1337040875164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you sound like:
"there aren't enough white people and I just don't feel comfortable around any other race"
"I can't meet any new people or make friends due to the fact that I'm socially inept"

>moved to la
>made all new friends, copped decent apartment, and am thoroughly enjoying it

>> No.7842513


It is what you make of it. If you moved to LA expecting to make it as a screenwriter, I think your perception would be different.

If you don't want to be in the Entertainment industry, and can either deal with traffic, or live close enough so your commute to work or school is decent, it's a cool place to live.

The weather is amazing, girls are attractive, and there is a ton of shit to do.

>> No.7842516

>working a real job sucks
Who would have thought?!?! Oh wait 99% of the world lol.

>> No.7842519

AND have the best personality AND be willing to do things that you never thought you would have to do.

AND then you are lucky to make it from no income to low income in your field AND then you are lucky to find a second job after the first.

>> No.7842523


Meh, I was speaking specifically to people aged 30+ working for $12 an hour in an expensive city because it happens to be "In the TV industry", despite none of them going anywhere serious in the industry.

They keep their jobs because they cling to some dream of making it big, but it won't happen. Makes me sad is all.

>> No.7842524

>live in suburbs
>OP incorrectly organizes a meetup for LA instead of SoCal general

>> No.7842525

That's the entertainment industry in general, not a fucking city!

>> No.7842530

>wanting SD faggots there

>> No.7842539


The thing is, in LA, the culture revolves around those industries, whether you are personally involved in them or not.

It permeates everything there. It is why it is so attractive to people, and why it is fucking impossible to deal with at the same time.

>> No.7842561

It only revolves around it if you're somewhat in it though, the same could be said for any aspect of life. I personally live in Silver Lake and go to USC. You would think I would know a lot of people who were into "arts" being that I live in a cringe worthy liberal area, but being that I go to Marshall almost all of my friends are fratstars who I intern with.

>> No.7842568

LA native here. Its just a city, mate. It has its ups and downs.

>theres everything here
>if you want it, you can find it here

>most spread out city in America. You MUST own a car, unless you wanna deal with really simplistic buses that only run in the city.
>not much beauty in surroundings at all

I can't speak on the traffic, since I was raised in it, my view of it is way more blunted than the average person. I kinda think of it as "whatever" now, but again, maybe some people from other places would have a fucking heart attack if they tried to drive here.

Bad areas are easily avoidable. I've been venturing farther and farther into rougher hoods recently, simply because I'm bored and I want to see how far I can go. I rarely have to enter them in my real life. Only when I'm going tot he airport or something like that am I forced to go to sketchy areas.

Everyone hangs out in the surrounding cities like Santa Monica, Venice beach, Westwood, Burbank, Pasadena, etc, but these areas are all expensive.

The actual city of LA itself is somewhat rough. People rarely enter it, except to pockets where its ok, like museum and stuff. The real culture is in surrounding areas and specific pockets of the city, but again, there's not much to be found.

I hate LA mainly because I feel like its character is somewhat muted. It gets old having to plan each and every outing / hangout since you need to drive 25 minutes. I want to live somewhere with more character that's a little more compact, like NYC, where you can just walk outside, and go wherever. That's why the Bay area has been interesting me lately.

You can't just go walk about in LA. You must carefully plan each outing.

In my opinion, the really nice areas of LA are more fit to settling down with a family, since you have a stable income and a car anyway. Then the city is tolerable, but young, poor people just looking to live their youth / bachelorhood to the fullest should look elsewhere.

>> No.7842597

Let me tell you about traffic from the perspective of someone who wasn't raised in it. I come from Norcal, and have faced bad commute traffic. It's so bad you sit there for a minute without going anywhere.
The difference between bay area traffic and LA traffic is that LA traffic is never ending.

In the bay, you know that from 8AM to 10AM - just don't drive through SF. From 5PM to 7PM - don't drive through SF.

In LA: don't. drive. ever.
Constant traffic, bumper to bumper, always.

I work in San Mateo, which is an 80 mile commute from where I live. That is 2 hour drive in TRAFFIC through SF.

In LA I worked 12 miles from my apartment and it took the same amount of time...

There was a Gamestop .7 miles from my apartment and it would take at least an hour to get there.

>> No.7842619


Shit, I know the feeling. From LA native. Lived near the grove and worked by lax. 1 hour traffic one way, minimum, and it was a 12 mile drive.

I moved up to the bay and work in san Mateo also, but I live in san Jose. 40 mile drive takes me 50 minutes.

>> No.7842901

>There was a Gamestop .7 miles from my apartment and it would take at least an hour to get there.

not if u walked u fat fuck

>> No.7842964

this is real bad

>> No.7842977

you look like attention whores especially the guy wearing this oversized destroyer jacket
all look like pleb would sage/10

>> No.7843063


It's CK, and I like how big it is :3

>> No.7843128

mid guy in red could be model material

>> No.7843704


stop exaggerating faggot

>> No.7843877


it would still take an hour or more to walk.
i used to walk there all the time.

>> No.7843918

dam that belt tho

>> No.7844407


Yeah my belt is shitty, if you saw it up close it's all frayed and whatnot as well. My shirt usually covers it except I tuck it in above the buckle a little so I have something shiny, but it's totally all out there with my arms up. It's all I got doh ):

People nail a lot of things about LA, except that LA isn't really one place, it's a vast collection of tinier places. It's not like Chicago or other places where there are these universal attributes, you can go somewhere in LA and after a decent walk be somewhere totally different.

>> No.7844618

u wot, how does walking .7 miles take an hour?