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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 351 KB, 667x500, molly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7788112 No.7788112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This weekend I am having a small get together, a party if you will, and so I have procured some "mollys" for the occasion. Is this /fa/? Or should I just stick with cocaine? Advice will be much appreciated, thank you.

>> No.7788117

you sure are one insecure homo

>> No.7788116

put them in the bin they're not /fa/ you can't do drugs we don't approve of

>> No.7788221

If you can get your hands on medical cocaine then by all means do that instead. Molly isn't that good for a get together because the effects of the amounts usually ingested end up lasting way too long, without a break you know. So in a social setting that can be very overwhelming, unlike doing that in a concert/festival/club where you have hours to be physical and not social. With coke you can do a bump here and there to get 20-30 mins boosts while talking to people. Coke is more calculable/controlable, so it's better for having conversations and such. Also, there's something cool about dividing and railing lines, and railing molly sucks

>> No.7788230

Ah, well thank you for the advice. One question, if I crushed up the molly and put it in someones drink will it affect them? One of my friends doesn't do drugs and so I was going to crush one or two into her drink and a joke.

>> No.7788236

>One of my friends doesn't do drugs and so I was going to crush one or two into her drink as a joke
Wow what a fucking asshole. Completely disregarded his advice too.

>> No.7788240

To answer your question though, yes it will affect her. He'll be high as a fucking kite, but I think she wouldn't find it very funny.

>> No.7788241

are you stupid

thats a terrible idea you fucking idiot

>> No.7788243


this thread is fucking sad

>> No.7788247

dont drug your friends behind their backs you dumb shit

>> No.7788250

No trust me, she will trip the fuck out (she hasn't even smoked weed before), I think everyone will get a good laugh. Is it possible to overdose, how many can I put in her drink, I don't want her to end up in the hospital or anything, but I want her to trip hard.

>> No.7788251

You're a jerk and a terrible friend if you do this.

>> No.7788256

Whats the big deal, she will get over it. Besides she can be a real stuck up cunt at parties.

>> No.7788264

why do americans say "mollys"??????

>> No.7788262

you just sound like a dick dude
hope you fuck up and end up alone

>> No.7788268

Its a nick name for MDMA

>> No.7788272

go to bed pepyn

>> No.7788273

>is it possible to overdose
You're planning on doing drugs and you don't even understand the effects. You're planning on dosing a friend with a mind altering substance you don't understand, even though she is unwilling . You're going to a fashion board on a weaboo website for advice on participating in illegal, potentially harmful activities. To answer you're question, if you don't treat mdma (if that's really even what you're getting) with respect, it will harm you. Ever heard of serotonin syndrome? You're an asshole and an idiot and should not be trusted with drugs.

>> No.7788269

molly is pure mdma powder. if u buy mdma in tablet form it can't be pure

>> No.7788275

you dont spike friends with hallucinajens

say it with me

also if someone isnt comfortable with molly they are gonna have a bad trip, if she starts acting crazy and breaks something or kills herself it'll be ur fault

>> No.7788277

or pure mdma crystals

>> No.7788278

>What's the big deal

Is what your heroin addict friends will say after they laced your insulin with dope.

>> No.7788281


I remember this fucking thread.

Whats with today and all these Pasta's?

Long story short, unless you're doing it frequently this is pasta.

>> No.7788282

What is serotonin syndrome?
Wait would she really go crazy? I don't want her breaking anything in my house.

>> No.7788285

>this thread again

>> No.7788286


I had a friend who had an allergic reaction to Molly, his face was swollen for like two weeks. You sound like a gigantic irresponsible manchild, are you even old enough to post on here? Thank you for the shit thread, shake my head and please just do the world a favour and kill yourself.

>> No.7788284

wow u don't even #yolo

>> No.7788288
File: 55 KB, 625x562, 1356234570659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7788287

I have been here before, I was the one who drugged my friend with Ecstasy. But I heard "Molly" is better so I figured I would give it a try.

>> No.7788298

I like how having a dry sense of humor makes me a "man child". As if non of you have ever played a practical joke on an friend before.

>> No.7788299

im a drug dealer.

i get ectasty pills from a guy on the west cost.

i crush them up, add some baking soda, and sell them as molly on the east cost for 2x the price i would get for ectasy

>> No.7788337


>> No.7788355


what was ur last drug money cop? honestly I'm lookin to start dealing, too, as soon as I leave this town and get somewhere big. I have the most innocent face and the police never bothers me.

>> No.7788405

Fuck you, and fuck this.

I don't do drugs, and all my friends are aware of this, yet one of them still thought it would be funny to feed me a pot brownie. So, a panic attack and some induced vomiting later, i was still high as fuck and i hated every minute of it.

seriously, fuck you for even considering this it just makes you a huge giant fucking asshole and i hope all your friends ditch and you end up alone and miserable you fucking sack of shit

>> No.7788417

Be better at drugs.

>> No.7788431

You should like a massive faggot.

Are you also one of these people that go out every weekend and get absolutely wankered beyond belief then try preaching about how drugs are bad? Maybe not but still, learn to have some fun. Is there a reason you don't do any drugs? Also
>High as fuck
>One brownie

>> No.7788439

Drugs are for smart people.
Because all the idiots die when they do them :^)

>> No.7788440
File: 924 KB, 862x883, 1391781944337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When will /fa/ stop pretending that they aren't all underaged autists pretending to be grownups on the internet?
>soon...hopefully...one day soon.

Pic related. Everyone on this board.

>> No.7788441

I like that kid
Dat fuckin smirk on his face
would punch 10/10

>> No.7788444

wow u r a fukin carrot

>> No.7788448

Man all you give a shit about is if she breaks something. You know doing mind altering drugs can lead to psychotic breaks if you're not going into it prepared right? You could fuck her head up for years.

You don't fucking put molly (or whatever your dealer is selling you) in a friend's drink you asswipe. Especially if they're not used to doing drugs.

>> No.7788452

i dont do drugs besides weed

>> No.7788455

I don't know what's worse.

The fact that such an obvious troll is being entertained...

or that I'm inclined to instantly believe everything on the internet is fake and that this could legit be someone trying to drug some girl.

Fuck, I'm wasting my life on 4chan. This shit has ruined me.

>> No.7788458

>has never had high grade pot brownies
>doesn't understand the potential behind babbies 1st tiem tolerance levels

You sound like a massive dickhead. Not everybody is motivated to do drugs, of any sort for that matter. There's just people who don't like them that much.

>> No.7788464

That's why I said
>Maybe not
>Is there a reason you don't do them?
Didn't mean to come across as a fandan, I just know too many people who are ignorant and brainwashed about drugs and won't touch the shit for reasons other than "they killed a man". Aye 40 deaths from something like mdma a year (with alcohol involved) and over 37,000 from alcohol alone. I just don't understand these people.

>> No.7788500

I get cha. I was being a bit reactionary because of the rest of this thread.

Also I browsed the conservative subreddit for awhile because I was bored and that set me a bit on edge too.

>> No.7788502

this isn't a practical joke. you are talking about drugging someone with a hard drug without their knowledge when they have no experience with any drug at all. you are a fucking piece of shit. she doesn't do drugs because she doesn't want to do fucking drugs, and you are going to literally poison her with something she is has no preparation for at all. you are a fucking terrible Cynthia of a person if you think this is funny and that the only bad thing that'd happen is your stuff would get hurt

you are a fucking faggot bitch. do not do this and go rethink your life

>> No.7788509

auto changed cunt into cynthia

>> No.7788514

OP I hope you're fucking trolling. hehehehe asshole

>> No.7788528

Please kill yourself.

all your friends

>> No.7788542

Who knows man. I can't ever be sure about some of this shit. I probably got trelld nasty hard tho here.

>> No.7788558


just kill you are self you worthless waste of space

>> No.7788564

you are a horrible person
don't become a date rapist
do you know nothing about drugs? if you don't know its coming you'll have an awful time jesssusss

>> No.7788566

I like it better your way
cythia bitchboi

>> No.7788570


cunt is pretty boring, I think I'll just legit start saying cynthia

lmao fucken cynthia butt boi

>> No.7789826

>tfw concoction of mcat, coke, mdma and ket last night
>tfw got to go out again tonight
>tfw have to get on it again to not feel shit the whole night
>tfw will probably feel suicidal tomorrow

>> No.7789931

mcat coke & mdma

rip dopamine

>> No.7790477


>> No.7790714

i smoked weed for ages, was becoming a huge piece of shit and then stopped. i never drunk much, and i havent done drugs since. i was sober for 2-3 years before i got drugged, thats why i got so fucked.

i dont have an issue with people that wanna do drugs, i have an issue with people that think its funny to drug people.

>implying drugs is the only way to have fun