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7777622 No.7777622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.7777726

fuck off lanklet

>> No.7777742

When will you learn...

>> No.7777746

Lanklet faggot

>> No.7777761

Don't worry bud, you can use lifts along with your fuccboi shoes.

>> No.7777769


>> No.7777863

>As the girl, I like to feel delicate and secure at the same time [...] I also want to be able to hug him with my arms reaching up and around his neck

>> No.7777890

>Decide to out /fa/ for the first time
>Have to doublecheck I'm on the right board


>> No.7777891

Face matters, but only to women

Men will fuck everything. Even the most disgusting deformed woman can score a Sean O'Pry lookalike in 5 seconds flat. If you aren't runway model tier you aren't good enough for above average women.

>> No.7778254

>girl falls for me
>gets off on my looks
>gets off on my mind
>des[erate to meet
>constantly sends vids of herself getting off
>meet and realize she's 3 in taller
never heard from her again

>> No.7778300

>Face matters, but only to women

Totally disagree, bro. Maybe I'm a minority on this but I'd take a chubby girl with a cute face than a butterface any day.

>> No.7778306
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>> No.7778797

you forgot the S in threadS in all of those

>> No.7778813

I already knew this years ago and accepted I'll be alone forever, idc

Also heard on the news (not just the internet) that half of women won't date anyone shorter than them

I mean think about it what kind of girl would be proud to say "yeah my bf... Hes 5 7"

>> No.7778817

I would date a guy that is my height or short but they would have to be godtier
Guys also have to have a sexy deep voice for me to like them

>> No.7778829

To continue, I dot think it's discrimination. It's embedded into instincts. I recommended fellow manlets to either become wizards or date short Hispanic or Philippine girls

>> No.7778865



>> No.7778879

i want to date a girl at my height

also heard the sex is killer when that's the case

>> No.7778898


My gf is Filipina, I don't have the height problem as I'm 6ft but there are tons of girls in countries like the Philippines, Japan, Brazil, Colombia that have 5'2 women who will happily marry you if you have a job. Just got to get out of the western bubble.

>> No.7778899

My boss dates a beautiful tall blonde girl and he's short as fuck, but he's also insanely confident.

Self confidence above all.

>> No.7778915

thanks god I made it to 5'11'', I'd like to be 2 - 3 inches taller, but at least I know Im taller than most woman.

>> No.7778916

Sounds more like money > all

>> No.7778925

He's not rich at all.

>> No.7778929

going to foreign countries to fuck is lame af

>> No.7778965


You don't have to be a sex tourist, you can be with someone because you like them. Plenty of good looking women out there. Why stay in the walls of your own country? Especially if you think you're getting rejected over something as trivial as height

>> No.7778974


I dunno, I travelled across Asia and had a few foreign gf's. Was nice to have a guide and someone to fuck for a while. Will be doing same thing in Argentina in a year

>> No.7778982

I love being 6'8"

>> No.7778993
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>tfw 5'4"
Will I ever make it bros?

>> No.7779053

No. But my friend tells me guys in her engineering class (college sophomore) are 5 2

>> No.7779043
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Only 50% give a shit
Therefore, 50% don't really give a shit
It can be concluded that around 30-50% of women don't give a shit about height.
That's still a large dating pool, therefore there is no reason to cry about being short (unless you're under 5'5")

>> No.7779063

if you lift you can get tinder and pof bitches easy

>> No.7779144
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Hi. I am 5'5", have an MD/PhD, and am engaged to a victoria's secrect model (been dating for 4 years). This height argument is invalid.

After the bully downfall movement of the 90's nerds prevail. Physical strength is useless and intelligence is superior in today's society. To those who oppose.... enjoy your struggle.

>> No.7779160
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you do realize those models are tall right?
They wouldn't dare touch you

>> No.7779176

We are the same height laying down... besides, I am semi famous in the medical world. Even at my height of 5'5" a lot of people still look up to me... figuratively. That turns her on... its called sapiosexual for those who aren't in tune with the lingo.

>> No.7779190

>the height argument is invalid
just because your gf dates a midget doesnt mean all would

>> No.7779198

what is the cutoff point ?

>> No.7779194

as long as you're taller than the girl it doesn't really matter

>> No.7779204

6'4" man reporting in

>> No.7779206

Either you're lying, she's a gold digger, or you're living the life
probably the first one

>> No.7779233

Obviously, you are misinformed or just low in the intelligence dept. A height of 5'5" doesnt constitute a midget.

Not lying. She doesn't need money as she got her RN, after some convincing, and is working with me as an OR nurse. Women, when they reach the age of reason (around 26) want security, as stated in the article. However, security in today's world is the ability to navigate the world intelligently and secure a good job. We arent fighting off sabre tooth tigers anymore.

>> No.7779230


Holy shit you are so fucking insecure it hurts

Enjoy your lies on the internet faggot, I sincerely hope they make you feel better about your height

>> No.7779243

being short, I just don't care. I don't care what women think or feel about the subject. OP's article is flawed in the fact that women don't know what they want at all times.

>> No.7779246
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From one internet faggot to another... adios!

>> No.7779257

>be 5'7" asian

Oh well at least I pull other asians and weeaboo girls. The latter is not quite a good thing, though.

>> No.7779282

I don't care, I just buy clothes and enjoy other things I like instead of being dramatic bitch ass nigga

>> No.7779287

5'9" and under is manlet status.

>> No.7779295

5'7" isn't even that short

>> No.7779302

I know exactly who you are anon. UCF college of med?

>> No.7779408

Psy major here. I noticed that vertically challenged men learn to internalize competition instead of partaking in bigger dick contests as you all are having on this thread. People with handicaps are more interesting as life moves into the thirties and forties.

>> No.7779427


nice samefag, you're not convincing anyone.

>> No.7779780

>brb 5'5
>brb girls still attracted to me
it won't help if you're 6'2 and ugly

>> No.7779821

I'm only 5'8" and I had a Chilean gf (exchange student) a few years ago who was around 5'4". She kept saying how tall I was and the tallest guy she had ever been with. I was like... wtf I'm borderline midget. Chilean dudes must be like 5'2" average...

>> No.7779829
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>be me
>be in to 6'1'' friend of friend with god tier model aesthetics
>go to club
>she's there
>make a move
>we kiss
>mfw I never hear from her again, probably coz only 5'11''