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/fa/ - Fashion

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7759107 No.7759107[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Running thread.

>How do I dress to run without feeling like shit in 5 minutes?
>Shoes to run in a city? In parks?
>Running stuff.
>Techrunner I guess?

>> No.7759111

>>How do I dress to run without feeling like shit in 5 minutes?
Shorts & tee
>Shoes to run in a city? In parks?
Any with cushion
>Running stuff.
>Techrunner I guess?

>> No.7759123

It's winter here, I can't run in a simple tee and shorts.
And chill, m8.

>> No.7759132

middle left is close to what i wear to the gym.
will usually have a north face venture jacket though for the run home and to the gym.

>> No.7759143

Is North Face good?

>> No.7759153

Termo tights, termo mid layer, termo socks, windbreaker, neck gaiter, running gloves, hat.
>And chill, m8.
I hate when people trying to be /fa/ when running or doing any sport, thats looks lame as fuck. You question was just like that.

>> No.7759159

Yeah I feared that.
But I don't want to be /fa/ while running, just avoid the fugly running shoes etc.. It seems like every running shoe is fluo green, yellow and blue..

>> No.7759167

>I hate when people trying to be /fa/ when running or doing any sport, thats looks lame as fuck. You question was just like that.

I like it. Full Nike running gear is fly as hell to me. Personal preference man.

>> No.7759170

i like the Venture jacket since its very light and waterproof with pit zips if you start getting a bit hot.
also folds into the pocket for easy storage in your bag so i usually have it on me at all times.

>> No.7759177
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forgot pic

>> No.7759182
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what shoes are good for trails? not super rough terrain but like this picture

>> No.7759179

Okay nice.

Dudes, Nike or Adidas? I feel like Nikes may be too flimsy just looking at them. I think about flyknits, frees etc..

>> No.7759184
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the only answer

>> No.7759190

>How do I dress to run without feeling like shit in 5 minutes?
Summer: Gyakusou shorts/top
Winter: Gyakusou shorts/top/jacket/tights
>Shoes to run in a city? In parks?
>Running stuff.
>Techrunner I guess?

>> No.7759199

The techrunner thing is because they all look "techninjas" for lack of a better word.

>> No.7759209

veilance windbreaker, full gyakusou apart from that

>> No.7759210
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How do i run?
In my underwear, on my treadmill... home-gym_masterrace.tuff

How i would run if i was doing it outside?
I wouldnt, because its currently -40C with windchill

How you should run if you're in a more temperate climate, that is still cold?
Underarmor compression shorts and any synthetic shirt that wicks away moisture. If you need anymore insulation after getting your heart rate up, than its too cold to workout, and you'll just end up turning into a wet, freezing mess, or be limited to staying outside of your target heartrate and not getting a proper workout.

This discussion would prob. make more sense on either /fit/ or /out/.

>> No.7759222

Thanks. Yeah but all I know about /fit/ is that they like squats and oats. And lifting.

>> No.7759227

If you can workout while wearing a windbreaker, you're not 'working out'. Just because they are sold as workout suits(with the retarded pants... ala sinbad) does not mean anyone under 60 years old should wear one as they run. They trap moisture and will make you feel like complete shit 10 minutes into a *real* run.

If you cant workout while exposing your skin, its too hot/cold to workout, and you're just wasting your time, as the moment you push yourself hard enough to build your cardiovascular system, is about 5 minutes away from you getting exhausted from overheating.

>> No.7759238

i run a 10k every other day.
what do you wear for a -5 celcius degree run?

>> No.7759252

Again, i dont run outside. I bought a 5k treadmill, and dammit, i'm gonna use it :p My basement is set to 68F, which imo, is the perfect temp for running.

I do 10k every other day to start(in 43:00), than a 1.5mile(in 8:45) sprint at the end, after some light weights.

I would think -5c would be too cold to workout comfortably, though i dont know... I'm the kinda guy who doesnt break out the winter clothing until it gets to -20c

>> No.7759271

>Again, i dont run outside
i seriously cant wrap my head around this. the thing that keeps me going the most during a long run is the beautiful nature and subtle sounds of water and my feet on the trail.
to each his own i suppose, but i still think youre missing out on something amazing.
exploring new routes every time, going places youve never been before. nighttime runs through the city, list goes on and on

>> No.7759273

The best running shoes looks ugly, because they're for running, not for walking, like nikes freeruns, flyknits etc. I like fluorescent colours on running shoes, i wear full black and bright orange NB sneakers.
Yeah, nike does great running gear, i was talking about stuff like gyakusou. Don't get me wrong, i like the designs very much and maybe i will buy a set next season, but most fuccbois that i saw, buys it and tries to run after that, just because this gear looks cool, they even record pathetic videos and takes photos to post on tumblr later. They even can't run 10 miles or they just run so bad, that i cringe myself out.

>> No.7759279
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>My basement is set to 68F
its really cool your mom let you buy a treadmill.

>> No.7759299

Sorry, i should have been more clear, i dont run in shitty conditions. I'll run on a nice spring/summer/fall day... But i live in a shitty city in the middle of north america with little nature, and *HORRIBLE* winters... So i'm not gonna risk slipping on ice and breaking my leg to 'experience a prairie winter run'...

A smarter person would clue into the fact that most elderly people wouldnt allow their house to be kept that cold... You acknowledged that its kept cold, and *STILL* used the lame trope that a 4channer lives in his parents basement. Thats pretty bold...

The best running shoes are the 'barefoot' ones that companies are pumping out now. The big thing you need to factor in, before buying/using them, is the will absolutely wreck yours feet after the first few runs, so you need to expect to be really sore, and taking extra time off until your get used to them. You're ankles and calves will be really fucked...

Once you're used to them though, you'll be a better runner and will have fewer joint issues to deal with down the line.
You may also want to start working out your VMO before you transition to them, as that is the muscle that stabilizes your knee. If you dont have a strong enough VMO and you switch, the recovery time will be much longer until it all evens out.

>> No.7759311

this post gave me euphoria

>> No.7759314

I guess this 'tutorial' not for me, lel. >>7759273

>> No.7759316
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>> No.7759318
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I definitely reccomend anyone looking into running shoes to get a pair of New Balance M890V3s. They're not as pretty as flyknits or free runs or w/e but the cushioning and stability in them are great.

>> No.7759323

>because they're for running
I really fucking doubt neon collars puked everywhere, poorly designed side straps, and extremely unnecessary add-ons are for improving your running performance.
But keep being dense, I love it when fags honestly think
Yeah you don't need to dress up in avant-bullshit but you also don't need to stuck with cargo shorts and a band tee and fat, clunky Nike shoes because you don't want to be "that try-hard trying to look cool when running" even though it doesn't enhance your running one bit.

>> No.7759349

>excuse me you dropped something
>holds fedora over bed

>> No.7759374

I didn't said that. But yeah, take any expensive GOOD running shoe and they will be ugly. I buy gear for running by the function, quality and price i don't buy cheap shit, but i don't buy gear for running by how they look. I guess you're mad, because you wear full gyakusou, using free runs as running shoes and run till starbuck and back. I run for 5 years, i run all year straight, so shut the fuck up, bitchboi.

>> No.7759392

>all these bitch tears
Yeah a lot of functional shoes look bad, and at the same time a lot of functional shoes look good.
It's the same shit just taking in an extra thing to consider.
Do hate the idea of techwear because it irks you that people try to look good while still being fully functional? You are implying it has to be ugly no matter what, sure they're more likely to be and should be the bigger thing to concern yourself with, but it's not limited to.

>> No.7759404

sorry, but... EEEWWWWWW!!!

>> No.7759417

They're function over look tbh dude

>> No.7759472

gyak shell, tshirt, shorts and tights in winter
gyak tshirt and shorts in summer

i got the blue gyak nikes from the current season

>> No.7759479
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>Do hate the idea of techwear because it irks you that people try to look good while still being fully functional?
I love tech wear, i dress mostly in it. I like to look good and have functional clothes when i'm in the city or whatever, but when i run or ride, i just want to have most comfortable & quality gear, thats it. Of course i look at items, of course i choose stuff that has no prints, looks simple, i match colours and so on, but this is a just second thing, because when i run i don't think about anything and to think how you look when you're running is lame as fuck. If you're experienced runner and rock gyaskou, great, but i was talking about fuccbois that starts running just because they can wear designer clothes and to post pictures/videos on tumblr, just read what i said before.

>> No.7759483

>$50 trainers that fit well
>$15 watch
>shorts with lining

It's pretty fucking easy. Anyone who wears more than that (well, except for layers when it's cold) is a fucking tryhard hobbyjogger looking for attention.

>> No.7759485
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>They're function over look tbh dude
just get the all black versions what the hell is wrong with you picking that colourway

>> No.7759489

anyone know? will any shoe work?

>> No.7759495

huh? I was just picking from whatever I had saved. im definitely getting a pair of those tho.

>> No.7759497

no, it's just not possible to cross that path without some type of specially designed footwear.
jesus fucking christ.

>> No.7759515
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Yes, any shoe will work.

>> No.7759517

i've tried them on in the store and i'm leaning towards the 1600 but i may also get the 1400 because they're both so damn comfy and functional.

>> No.7759520
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i love these, i can see the fit, all black nike and these.

>> No.7759527
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hiking boots. something with ankel support

>> No.7759579

>I love tech wear, i dress mostly in it. I like to look good and have functional clothes when i'm in the city or whatever, but when i run or ride, i just want to have most comfortable & quality gear, thats it. Of course i look at items, of course i choose stuff that has no prints, looks simple, i match colours and so on, but this is a just second thing, because when i run i don't think about anything and to think how you look when you're running is lame as fuck. If you're experienced runner and rock gyaskou, great,
>but i was talking about fuccbois that starts running just because they can wear designer clothes and to post pictures/videos on tumblr, just read what i said before.
Welp, I guess we're on the same page then. Carry on.

>> No.7759606

>How do I dress to run without feeling like shit in 5 minutes?
Find a pair of shoes that work for you, wear something that wicks sweat, a good fucking pair of socks.
>Shoes to run in a city? In parks?
Chances are the trail in parks will be as friendly as a city. If you're talking actual trail running, experiment and know your terrain. I use Zamebrlan Crossers but they're definitely not the best for running in my humble opinion --on the other hand, the majority of trails here are washed out from flooding or filled with rocks, so you'll need that stability.
>Running stuff.
Go get some sweet, sweet albuterol from your doc.
>Techrunner I guess?
No. The tech that goes into active wear is there for a reason but don't try to make it a fashion thing while you're actually working out. If you're running, you need to focus on actually running, not how bad your HY is flapping in the wind or how your sweaty balls are itching.

>> No.7759609

Can anyone recommend me running SANDALS?

>> No.7759616

>running SANDALS
I don't think that'll really work out well unless you want your ankles to visit snapcity.
Or if you're a super dope samurai in those sandals that has, like, 2 stilts or some shit.

>> No.7760950
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>Wants to run
>doesnt want to feel like shit

You are RUNNING. You are GOING to feel like shit. Its the sacrifice you make for having a good body, suck it up. Also if you go hard enough you will get runner's high so it doesnt matter anyway

>> No.7761245

>working out in flyknit trainers instead of racers

Top kike

>> No.7761676
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currently have some rare 8.5/10 condition gyakusou running pants from ss11 for sale in S also a rare size. can fit 28-31

>> No.7761687

running fucks up your joints tho

I prefer biking

>> No.7761683

sorry, also its the white one, currently got an offer of 130$

>> No.7761699

If it fucks up your joints, you're probably doing it wrong and heel striking.
Fucking pedestrians trying to run.

>> No.7761739

there are literally things called "trail running shoes"

>> No.7761753

dat 'heel crash'

c'mon kanye, do u evn jog m8?

>gressive runsida

>> No.7761830

run shirtless when hot, wear dri-fit or something when cold and a tee

everyone has their opinion on running shoes, some people will kill you for saying NBs aren't godly for running. i use to run in nike frees until i tried the NB minimus and it's all i run in now.

honestly, you don't need any tech shit to run, when i first started out i was wearing a cotton t-shirt and some b-ball shorts. you could get a gps watch or use some iphone app for timing and distance purposes i suppose but you'll get to a point where you won't need that shit unless yr a pro or something.

but compression tights are fucking ace, you should def invest in some.

don't make it about the gear, make it about yrself.

>> No.7761863

wheres the standing in the corner feel guy with gyakusou

>> No.7761878

I want to start running but every time I see this thread I see all this shit about constantly thinking about how you're running, not landing on your heels etc so you don't get shin splints.
when's the best time to run? Evening or morning?