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/fa/ - Fashion

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7757264 No.7757264[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

who is it /fa/?

>> No.7757276

fuck all trips

>> No.7757278

cosmicbutts, even though all he does is try and transform his closet into a second tres bien stock-room

>> No.7757294


took my trip off to post this

>> No.7757306


mammadod is good too

>> No.7757299

he is the worst trip. i hate that sensitive fuck. and trunks, sieg etc are bad but they already know and they'll never change.

>> No.7757307

are there even good trips left?
turnleft, timber, twerk and user are all gone
all we have are /fa/scist and anorak, and they rarely post

>> No.7757321


>> No.7757326

me 3bh

>> No.7757327

trunks is actually nice when hes not on the board
but tinny

>> No.7757331
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>> No.7757329
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>> No.7757334

Idont feel love though, i feel the feeling of being loved cause im so likeable it would be impossible for me ever to love myself the way everyone else does, im perf

>> No.7757342
File: 53 KB, 600x902, 1391930868104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up

>> No.7757348
File: 788 KB, 1306x1965, 1391570054231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best dressed on the site for sure
knowledgable, and funny
and fellow wog
oh, anorak is gone forever, he literally has 0 web presence anymore, and it's actually all my fault.
So, sorry /fa/

>> No.7757350

nasty gingie boy

>> No.7757355

askone and turnleft

>> No.7757383

oath cuzzy
almost everything you said in that post is incorrect

>> No.7757385

how so?

>> No.7757395


>best dressed

idk if best but he's decent


never seen him actualy discuss fashion

>anorak is gone forever

he's been posting alot in the last week


>> No.7757399

>best dressed on the site
>funny (lol)
and the last time i was on /fa/ (2 days ago) im pretty sure i saw anorak post,
unless i missed something

>> No.7757411

Oh yeah look at his last couple posts
I actually found some of his old fits on superfuture, posted them here with no malicious intentions, in retrospect it was stupid, he had an extreme reaction to them, went through all his profiles and deleted everything. blocked me on fb, and i'm sure other internet people, but i could be wrong. will paraphrase from our last conversation

>If someone reverse image searches those fits they get the sufu WAYWT threads which are now locked which means I cant edit the posts out so regardless all someone has to do is reverse image search those pictures that are now permanently on the archive and they get my name on sufu. .. I can essentially delete everything but the actual account itself so that needs to be abandoned because the account name is now tainted. This means I need to nuke and abandon everything on all the sites I used that name on which is thankfully only a handful including SZ which I’ve now done. This of course also includes the Anorak name which is now associated with those pictures and by proxy everything I’ve just listed.

>I don’t want to think about the worst case scenario but the best case scenario is that Anorak / Archaics disappears forever.

>... No more posts on any sites, I’ve been saying it for ages but now is the perfect time to act.

well R.I.P man, I'm sorry, and I do understand, best of luck with your future work, i don't expect anything other than big things coming from you

>> No.7757423


why did he flip out

>> No.7757433

didn't want past 4chan/internet stuff affecting his future career, totally understandable
i fucked up, and now he's gone forever, it's a real shame

>> No.7757438

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.7757448

because he's a faggot like all the other shit trips who dress terribly but try to force their "knowledge" onto you

the fits were terrible

>> No.7757456

the fits weren't even bad that's why i saved them
and he was incredibly knowledgable, it wasn't like he was trunks ffs
yeah, i know

>> No.7757459

he's contributed to the board more than any other single poster on /fa/

you can't deny that

>> No.7757465

uuuhhh is really well dressed
sieg is funny
trunks is just trunks
Bjorn is pretty af

>> No.7757464

>you can't deny that

That's what I'm doing right now.

>> No.7757476


Fuck you, for real. Fucking drove away the best poster on /fa/ if not 4chan

Seriously, I was one of the first people to talk to him through email a year before he even started posting as Anorak and I respected his privacy so didn't do what you did like a fucking autist and dig around.

You're fucking worthless.

>> No.7757474

anorak is looking down at us from the stars now

gl nig

>> No.7757479

WBCF cause he's the only one with decent fashion sense and helpful advice

>> No.7757480

name someone who's contributed more

you can't

>> No.7757483

rip meine liebling
what a fagotron
I can understand someone moving on, losing interest
why the assdisater supernova?

>> No.7757488

its called having a job
if that's a supernova then wtf was poet, the big bang?

>> No.7757493

idt I'm well dressed at all my wardrobe is nowhere near where I want it to be

>> No.7757497


Comedy gold.

>> No.7757498
File: 334 KB, 1184x1300, uuuuhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ideally what is your wardrobe?
more thom browne? more common projects?
well it speaks volumes that you already dress amazingly

>> No.7757511


He's in his mid 20s and you could tell from the way he posts that he takes things pretty seriously (not just like "lel 4chans") and sometimes it can seem really "autistic", but that's just part of his personality I guess. I just kind of accepted it and appreciated his posts.

He's worked ridiculously hard to build up all he knows and has accomplished so far, and unlike 90% of /fa/ actually has a promising professional career. I do agree that he did kind of overreact, but seeing faggots like >>7757448 makes me understand his paranoia. He's mentioned that he's been on 4chan long enough to see tons and tons of trips rise, get their personal info exposed by haters, and fall. He hasn't even done anything to wrong anyone yet you get people like >>7757448 just hating on him because they're insecure when they see others freely expressing themselves.

I still have his contact info so I can ask him stuff but too bad we won't be able to have him post about various topics here.

This is really the nail in the coffin. User, twerk, turnleft, poet are all gone, a while ago some anon who contributed a huge amount of content left, and now anorak, who was the only light of hope for this shit board, left because of a mentally challenged anon.

RIP /fa/, Late 2012 - Mid 2013 were truly the golden ages

>> No.7757512

Is pic related uuuuhhhh? I know him irl in that case

>> No.7757514

better tailoring
better outerwear
better shoes
better denim

>> No.7757527

Hey man are your initials DA?

>> No.7757528

>better denim
Like japanese mills shit or what

>> No.7757522

>truly the golden ages
mystification of the past, homie

>> No.7757526

what do you think of the new Patty E black overdye denim?
Thinking of getting a pair
and what kind of outerwear & shoes? more formal footwear?

>> No.7757543


If you were here during that time you'd understand. We had tons of threads on designers, fashion philosophy, historical fashion, and higher level fashion discussion.

Compare that to the last 6 months when this board has been absolutely shit

>> No.7757555


i thought Anorak's trepidation to continue posting on 4chan was unjustified, but today somebody posted a pic of me in like 7th grade

>> No.7757556

you're wrong
/fa/ has never been good
i've been here since 2011
2012 wasn't much better, nor was 2013
this board will be overwhelmingly terrible, with or without anorak, because a few great posts makes a relatively neglible impact on this ocean of shit

>> No.7757560


and that freaked me out a tad. and given that anorak's on a path for a career, i understand his fears

>> No.7757564


Eh, maybe I just feel that way because I knew a lot less back then than I do now. Probably a sign I should probably stop coming here

>> No.7757571

i remember someone once posted a pic of trunks/basedprophet when he was like 9 how fucking scary would that be

>> No.7757568

was a logical choice

4chan wasn't rly giving him anything other than an audience and some attention, if it was gonna dmg his career why not cut it off

>> No.7757572


>> No.7757574

yeah it's cool but I've never handled his denim is so idk
I want some thommy longwings and some better sneakers
I need some decent black skinnies and some light blue slims

>> No.7757582

No current trip adds anything of value to the board and most of them dress like absolute garbage.
>inb4 post a fit

>> No.7757591

>light blue slims
well since you really only have like ~5 options, i don't see why you don't get the Patty E selvedge ones
cone mills denim (i assume, since it's USA), so it'd definitely be good quality, same as LVC, idk if u've handled those
also you could get tricker's longwings (formerly handled production for tb) or sanders & sanders (currently handle production for tb) for a fraction of the price. is it the tricolore?
also what sneakers? more CPs?

>> No.7757605

b/c I want to try on denim before I buy it and patty doesn't do returns
not sure on sneakers haven't found the right pair

>> No.7757606

That guy from Canberra who posts fits in his backyard.

>> No.7757614

OC and TB do returns, they always pick up the stone-washes

>> No.7757616

Oh whoops they're LA aren't they

>> No.7757619

oh wait OC don't do returns on international orders
But yeah tres bien does

>> No.7757625

tres bien doesn't get size 28

>> No.7757631

u need to hitch a ride to new york or something

>> No.7757632


have you considered Our Legacy's washed denim

i'm pretty sure their webstore does returns

>> No.7757646

OL fits me really baggy which isn't always bad but not for jeans

>> No.7757669


>> No.7757680

no, lesuiresuitlamy

>> No.7757686

He's from canberra too? Damn I love that guy's fits

>> No.7757687

Casemods, totally serious, was really funny watching him use this place as his live journal.

Trunks and seig both need to stop posting

>> No.7757694

Mango seems like a chill dude. I don't think anyone has anything bad to say about him

>> No.7757706
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>itt: every trip posting with their name off

>> No.7757713 [DELETED] 

you're the best trip ever

>> No.7757719


itt: you buttfrustrated coz you won't be mentioned

>anime reaction pics


>> No.7757716

wbcf is the best no doubt

>> No.7757727

>oh, anorak is gone forever, he literally has 0 web presence anymore, and it's actually all my fault.
I saw him scrub his Sufu posts earlier. SZ was next.
I posted a screencap then deleted it later b/c I felt bad

>> No.7757731


you're a good guy

>> No.7757729


i would be lying if i said it didnt matter to me at all but it's still funny anon :)

>not liking chinese cartoons

>> No.7757734

because he's a professional and he doesn't want his co-workers being harassed by bitter faggot anons giving him a bad name

>> No.7757735

>itt: you buttfrustrated coz you won't be mentioned
this was the exact response to me saying that approx. a yr ago

pretty neat

>> No.7757736

what's ur first name

>> No.7757741
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my fav /fa/ trip is eyebrows

>> No.7757740

>the fits were terrible
to be fair they were from like 2011
Who didn't dress like shit 3 years ago?

>> No.7757751

the board really has changed, the old trips are all gone and by old i just mean in the last 12 months

only person i can think of is mif but he doesn't even post fits just comments on what watch to buy

>> No.7757764

It's too uncommon to reveal but I know your brother and you and I used to play xbl together a while back in the same online community. Soz I just saw that picture and it looked very familiar.

>> No.7757761


you too cosmy

>we're the same person posting as two people

>> No.7757773


yeah man

are you strayan? i must know more

>> No.7757777


lonely nyu

youre in california right ?

>> No.7757778


well damn i feel bad. I'm surprised you're lonely at NYU. i would think it'd be easy to go out and meet cool people

i am.

>> No.7757787
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im just not good with social stuff i mean i have a couple friends and stuff but just awkward y'know, dont have a lot in common with a lot of people

whasschool? was something like ucsd?

>> No.7757791


that pic eerily reminds me of that Brian Calvin print lol

idk. i hung out with people i'd normally never hang out with today and they were really chill. even if i didn't have that much in common with

i can say i have two good friends here, but back home i had a lovely crew

and yeah it's ucsd

>> No.7757801


that's the point of the pic, was strongly considering buying the tee on grailed

yah i'm not good at meeting new people but i get on pretty solidly with people i know well already. friendship has an activation energy barrier i guess

>> No.7757814
File: 177 KB, 1200x1550, raf-tee-white01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i really like the materials those tees are made with. they're like sweatshirts

that makes sense. it's especially hard at UCSD where everyone's all sequestered into colleges, partying is discouraged, and the orgs kinda lack

plus you're in the middle of a rich neighborhood with nothing interesting to do

>> No.7757816

i have a crush on cosmic even though i dont think he's ever posted face

>> No.7757818
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i've posted it way too much lol

>> No.7757824


stop posting this shit, so cringe

this board isn't a platform for you to seek affirmation

>> No.7757821

u look like a nice person tbh

>> No.7757829


i didn't want to post it since it'd be like the third time. i'll delete it if it bothers you that much

>> No.7757842

why are you so enamoured with tres-bien-core?

>> No.7757845

weakness spotted

>> No.7757846

>in for the kill

>> No.7757849


arsefucker detected

>> No.7757850


i like their curations a lot, i guess, plus it's an easy store to keep up with, as they're smaller-scale. four-pins is also on that tres-bien worship game

plus i get good deals with their coupons

>> No.7757862
File: 133 KB, 500x686, 1391938610313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel u on that tres-bien. The model, the site layout, the collection, the discounts, etc. It's just a nice site with good shit. I wish I could go to the actual store.

>> No.7757869

idont beleive in weakness, cause i have no ego, i dont beleive in ego, which means i set the rules of weakness, so even if i cry i still win because crying for me means im happy

>> No.7757870
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agreed. i think they're phasing Sune out though, lel. i still do like these models

>> No.7757872

>cognitive dissonance

>> No.7757884

what you say hoe, im colour blind cant read those green arrows

>> No.7757885
File: 133 KB, 1200x1800, lolnochestwidehippedfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man. fuck that. Sune is muh nigga. The other models are whack. This motherfucker has the worse body shape of any model I've seen.

>> No.7757892

thats some wisdom

>> No.7757895

how do u read post links

>> No.7757899

this guy looks fine

>> No.7757908

I disagree. He makes most everything he wears look like shit whereas Sune could probably make shit look good.

>> No.7757910

/fa/scist and yawn
/fa/scist is probably the most helpful person here
yawn because i've talked to him outside of /fa/ and he's good to talk to
i do have a large amount of respect for tinfoil too
oh and lovely's cool af too

>> No.7757911


haha yeah that guy is horrible, i agree

i kinda like the blonde-haired dude tho

>> No.7757919

you are cute~

>> No.7757915


>> No.7757917

its a level in life you reach, where you just dont care about what other people have to say

>> No.7757923

teach me your ways master

>> No.7757927


i would drag my nutsack across a field of broken glass just to smell her armpits

>> No.7757931

>didn't post a pic

>> No.7757935

Hi newfag.

>> No.7757972
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my canadian pocahontas

>> No.7758124

Either NataliePortman for the hilarious thread de rails or Tinfoil because he's adorable.

Also Anorak for real talk.

>> No.7758125

Sydney reppin

>> No.7758135


>> No.7758251

Anorak and fascist are best. Teddy and mamma död has great fits. Does mamma död even post anymore though?

>> No.7758255
File: 37 KB, 434x768, 1343636675890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem juicy thighs

>> No.7758332

Would smooch that gooch.
Would snack on that snatch.
Would stick my cock in that box.

>> No.7758337

people will make up anything bad just for that reason

>> No.7758367

Mango is what you would get if you mixed Adolf Hitler with an autistic manchild.
He is a fuccboi through and through and a compete and utter faggot who will burn in hell for all eternity for being a Zionist piece of shit.
Who's Mango btw?

>> No.7758369
File: 475 KB, 2251x2128, 1390365630601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

point well made

>> No.7758382


>> No.7758391

lmao i was about to do that

>> No.7758397

fuck off samefag