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7739827 No.7739827[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are the physical requirements for being a model? e.g., height, facial features, weight, etc

>> No.7739855

height is rlly the important thing, skinny and buff dudes both get used depending on the show, ugly dudes as well. i mean fat and (possibly?) short ppl get used but thats only one time street castings iirc theyre not actual models

>> No.7739859

130-160 lbs

>> No.7739867

so short

>> No.7739874

people over 6'3 rarely get used i dont think

most are 6'2

>> No.7739872

is 5 foot and 7 inches " tall " in USA ?

>> No.7739883

>has square face like that asian dude
>don't have the skeleton cheek bones

>> No.7739895


if you're a girl yes

>> No.7739903

it's different for different parts of the industry

ex. the type of look that the japanese fashion industry likes in caucasian people might b different from standard european fashion models

>> No.7739905

assuming youre a girl/not trolling no 5'7 is not tall enough even for women

>> No.7739899

it wouldn't be tall enough for modelling tho

>> No.7739916

What are the requirements for hair? Does it need to be a certain texture or thickness?

>> No.7739924

don't be bald
like trunks

>> No.7739951

if u haven't been scouted u can't make it

>> No.7739952

Height 6’0”-6’2” (1m83-1m88)
Jacket 40-42
Waist 32-34
Inseam 33-34

>> No.7739945

does your skin have to be perfect?

i feel like i have all the necessary features except a few blemishes on my face

>> No.7739966


it depends on your proportions, the average 5'7 woman would get rejected but obviously all wouldn't.

kate moss is 5'7 btw

>> No.7739962

have you been scouted?

>> No.7739964

dude you are talking about things that really don't matter
if you are male
1. body shape
2. proportions
3. height
4. look of the face
not in that order but those are things that matter

>> No.7739974

idk why I'm tiny + avg looking

>> No.7739982

for general modeling 5'11 min for guys up to generally 6'3. 6'4 and over starts to be seen as too lanky. 6' minimum for runway modeling.

(for girls i'd say 5'8 minimum up to 6'1)

strong cheekbones, nice jawline, the basics, but also being conventionally attractive will only get you so far. casting agencies like people with unique looks, some of which may be even considered ugly by people.

weight depends on height but generally 150 max if youre 6'3 and drop 10 pounds for every inch,

>> No.7739979

usually you need pronounced cheekbones, and a symmetrical face
130-160 would be ideal for weight
you would need to be anywhere from 18-25 most of the time
and most of the time, you'd have to be white

>> No.7739992


She is?? So basically no one here knows what they're talking about.


>> No.7740005


cara delevingne is 5'7 too lol

>> No.7740018

being tall and looking tall is TOTALLY DIFFERENT

you can be 6 foot with shit proportions and look like 5 foot 6

a good example is nadal and federer
They are same height but federer looks taller when he's by himself because of proportions

>> No.7740025

cara is 5'9

>> No.7740022

she's 5'9.5

>> No.7740062


no one mentioned proportions until >>7739964


lol it's common for models to lie about their heights and of course some will add 1-2 inches on their official profile. are you not aware of the huge debate that's been going on regarding her height? some people even say she's 5'6


>> No.7740064
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depends type and area

for males
for ad theres not really anything designated
for editorial 5'11(5'10 and 3/4 if you want to be technical) - 6'3 -- though a lot of agencies are looking for 6'0 to 6'3

for runway usually most guys are ~6'2

facial features - need cheekbones that cut glass... a bigger forehead ratio helps most times... being distinct...

weight doesnt rly matter [there are certain places where models who are too skinny cant work tho] (most agencies just say you should look 'well-proportioned' and toned)

most models are suit size 38 or 40 // long.

cookie cutter rules can b broken so just go to the agency already

p.s. no i wont post my picture, but I may b in london every now n again

>> No.7740082
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i don't get posts like this just fucking apply to agencies and see what they say.

if none of them reply back then u have your answer

>> No.7740114
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you should have pretty good skin naturally, though the remaining blemishes can be covered w makeup and lighting and shoop. take care of your nails too.

hair doesnt have to be certain texture or thickness but they may ask you to cut / grow.

oh yea theres fitness models and big and tall models too, not really sure about the requirements for those. Sure i'm forgetting some things but yea...

also models do lie about their height but usually not by 1 or 2 inches (usually if you're ~3/4ths of an inch you just round up), and some tall models slump through auditions, they also lie about their body dimensions (sometimes by inches).

A lot of it is fine, because the photogs /casters dont really care as long as everyone looks similar. with certain people / campaigns etc. It can cost you work right quick though.

>> No.7740167

Moar Grimes

>> No.7740188

thank you :~)

>> No.7740759

i'd say anywhere between 5'11 and 6'3 can be used. but yeah, generally 6'1 or 6'2

>> No.7741296

18 y/o, 6'1, defined jaw and high cheekbones, thick head of hair, 150lbs lean muscle, 8% bf.

Can I be model pl0x

>> No.7741306

No. Because all that still doesn't make you "not ugly"

>> No.7741310

Post a picture you retard. One of your face and one of your body. Shirtless.

>> No.7741313

Are there any 5'10 models?

>> No.7741323

For males

5'11 - 6'2 (I think 5'10 and 6'3 dudes get used occasionally but I don't have a source, just guessing. I know of 6'4 models but I don't think that's optimal. Best height is 6'1 or 6'2)

I think you can even do certain kinds of modeling down to like 5'8 if you do shirtless stuff and you're the muscley type.

>> No.7741325

Can I blank my eyes or do I have to reveal my true identity to you all?

>> No.7741327

Isn't Marc Jacobs like 5'8 though

>> No.7741335

IIRC fitness models can be shorter/buffer and runway models mostly are taller/thinner

>> No.7741338

No. Eyes matter.

>> No.7741345

marc jacobs isnt a model though

>> No.7741346

But he called her a midget though

>> No.7741351

I don't really get why models have to be tall, most of the people buying the clothes will be of average height. So why aren't models all like 5'8 - 6'0? That's false marketing

>> No.7741353


To inspire?

>> No.7741365

>Jacket 40-42
>Waist 32-34

Those are really wrong.

>> No.7741372

Because a models job is to make clothes look as good as humanly possible. Clothes look their best on 6'-6'3" men.
Of course designers want their clothes to look as perfect as possible on the runway. It's not false advertisement.

>> No.7741396

Ehh, I'd say 5'11 - 6'2. 6'3 is lank.

>> No.7741508
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>> No.7742082

>tfw too ugly to ever be a model
3/10 seriously

>> No.7742105


I kinda like the fit of the guy on the left, if only he wasn't an ugly fatty.

>> No.7742142
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>> No.7744059
File: 179 KB, 421x413, frank2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the appeal of being a model. You're a walking mannequin and practically nothing else. I don't understand how even the slighest amount of prestige is attached to this occupation when the only requirement to be one is determined by luck instead of merit.


inb4 anything.

>> No.7744067

lol if u think good looks are all luck

anyways ugly kid detected

>> No.7744087

whats up trunks youre bein pretty mean lately

>> No.7744102

sometimes u just wanna b a meanie >B^)

>> No.7744117
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> lol if u think looks are all luck

99% luck
1% taking care of yourself.

You happy now bb?

>> No.7744126

ugly fat kit w/ acne detected

>> No.7744133

>lol if u think good looks are all luck
They're mostly luck, and I have no problem admitting that. Doesn't take a genius to realize your facial structure and bodily proportions are mostly up to genetics. I prefer it this way to be honest.

>> No.7744154
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I though you were actually making a serious statement but I'm obviously wrong.

you need bigger bait

>> No.7744162

6'1" - 6'3"
130 - 160 lbs
Unique or straight aesthetic as fuark

>> No.7744246

Don't they slap a ton of makeup on models before shoots/walks?

>> No.7744267

Be white

Not even complaining, that's the way it should be

>> No.7744269

you can't polish a turd

>> No.7744273

>Muh makeup is the only reason good looking people are attractive rationalization

>> No.7744298


but ur ugly 2

>> No.7744313

>tfw good proportions, good facial aesthetics, but 5'8

im 18, there's still any hope for growing like an inch? Most males of my family are 5'10 or above.

>> No.7744334

Growth after 18 is minimal to nonexistant for most people.

>> No.7744429
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What are good proportions?

>> No.7744464

damn, 4ever the manlet of the family then

>> No.7744483

dude im like 5'9

you have good proportions which is what matters really

just embrace it. 5'8 is pretty average, and there aint nothing wront with that height. girls dont really care at all, especially if you are attractive

>> No.7744513

yeah, in the country i live 80% of girls are under 5'8, what is good for me

but i would feel a lot more confident about myself and my looks if i was higher, i cant deny

>> No.7744531

where you live?

i know, everyone has "flaws" but you just have to accept them and then go with them

like with girls it actually kind of fucks witht hem when my 5'5 friend is super confident and they are like "wow, you are confident for being so short" and then he takes em home ;)

>> No.7744536

CE is so good

>> No.7744548

yeah man its dope

when does the new shit come out?

>> No.7744541

and im more into short girls, my ex-gf was a cute petite 5'0, damn that ass.

>> No.7744889

>live in korea
>all of the white models are the most awkward looking white people imaginable

>> No.7744926

>living in korea
digesting as fuck
i lived in Seoul for a year and everyone is pretty try hard and only care about maker shit