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/fa/ - Fashion

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7718135 No.7718135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how did the fedora go from being the signature hat of mobsters, detectives and the general strong silent type male to what it is today?

what is the real appeal of the the fedora to the neckbeard demographic? imitating the men they wish they could be?

how do they lack the self awareness to know they're now a widely known internet meme every time they put on their hat?

>> No.7718166

I have no idea how guys today still decide to wear them with their connotations, or why bronies and /b/tards all think the same way, but the fedora + "classy" fashion like suits and trenchcoats because they want to look like a gentleman with #class

>> No.7718175
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>> No.7718184

They want an accessory that doesn't remind them of swag and rappers (savage/unclassy niggers and wiggers) but will allow them to look classy like the men from yesteryears. Thus they wear bowler hats, trolleys and fedoras from Target/Walmart.

Why they choose to wear them with trench coats, cargo shorts, running sneakers and video game graphic tees is beyond me. There's a guy at my college who wears a fedora daily with aviator goggles attached to them as well as a brown waist coat and very cheap looking jeans. His shoes are worn, black and unidentifiable.

Like most 4chan users the goal is to be as contrarian in their style as possible, I guess.

>> No.7718195

it represents a bygone era they never lived which they believe was the golden age before cultural degeneracy.

its the fashion equivalent of 'born in le wrong generation'

>> No.7718202

It briefly takes your attention away from their double chins.

>> No.7718217

It's always the combinations of "classy" clothes with graphic tees that kills me.
At my college there were two neckbeards who always wore trenchcoats, one would always wear family guy t-shirts and the other one just wore weird-ass techno artist t-shirts.
Do they just have no self awareness?

>> No.7718233

why are americans so fucking disgusting srs

>> No.7718290

they cant see the bigger picture. they only see the individual parts of their outfit and only from their own myopic perspective (as in, they do not consider other people's perspective). and yes, they lack self-awareness. this all extends to much beyond clothes.

i say this considering both my former cringeworthy teenage self and knowing others who unfortunately still dress how you describe. they are such a predictable demographic its a joke.

- comp sci or some kind of engineering
- video games as hobby (pc master race though)
- reactionary or libertarian politics (muh reverse racism, muh political correctness gone too far)
- favorite culture is sci fi and fantasy -- books and movies especially, but this also partly predicts their taste for fantasy metal
- le joss whedon
- overweight or obese
- more commonly having or trying to have beards or long hair

other people feel free to chime in here

>> No.7718356
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>> No.7718360


>> No.7718365

That picture is from a british website.

>> No.7718408


I personally know 3 people that own trilby, two of them got them from their ex gf, and wore them to make bitches happy(only one of them did actually). The last one is everything you described here. Long hair, trying to grow a beard (even when his genetics scream not to), some IT studies, black-death-pagan-folk-fantasy-power metalhead, minecraft/WoW tees + cheap leather jacket + jeans + trv metal workboots + trillby, maletits and spends every cash he owns on new PC parts. He is also the only one who wear trillby because he chose to.

Gee I've known this guy for over 14 years, and I just realised how much /v/core he is.

>> No.7718430

this is honestly a perfect description.

>> No.7718579

thought that chick in the back right had a goatee

>> No.7718614
File: 493 KB, 2000x1057, autistprideworldwide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I've been very curious about:
Is this particular kind of Fedora Phenomenon limited to America? The Anglosphere in general?

Any Yurpfags or Slavfags or Asianics want to chime in here?

Have you noticed the kind of autist described over and over again by posters ITT where you live?

>> No.7718611
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They think that they are superior in that they are wearing a once "classy" hat. I still think they are cool on some occasions but now that they have been mass-produced and the neckbeards have started wearing them casually they have become less of a desired trend to follow.

>> No.7718629

Do they always buy the cheapest, crappiest looking things from walmart?
Or are there le classy gentlemen that actually buy expensive felt shit?

I suppose that's an older demographic
with more disposable income.

>> No.7718637


This is a pretty good breakdown. I think the key is the lack of awareness of other peoples perspectives.

I've got about 5 to 10 of these guys that go to my college, and they really do think they look "classy" because of the Walmart fedora. Nevermind the old, falling apart sneakers, cargo shorts, graphic T, stripped hemp jacket, frizzy unwashed hair and facial patches of hair...

One of them even dresses, I'm not kidding, like Indiana Jones. Every day. The hat, the leather jacket, the whole 9 yards.

>> No.7718662

>how did the fedora go from being the signature hat of mobsters, detectives and the general strong silent type male
But it was never that. It was just a common hat style many decades ago.

>> No.7718777

It was more than that, and less specific as per the op's assertion.
It was just a form of headwear, and pretty much all men wore headwear in those days.

Britain had bowlers, and also fedora's and such.

People tended to wear a uniform everyday, all the time.

"Casual wear" as it were is a pretty new idea. "Casual suits" existed, even beach suits.

I'm surprised the there aren't more hats lying around everywhere. Talking to grandparents they all mention that everyone wore a hat, and I mean everyone. From the streetsweeper to the King of England.

It has been theorised by some, either on this board or another, that the reason fedora-types exist is because the wearers wish to hearken back to an era where certain societal norms and protocols were followed (eg. everyone had a place, everyone wore a uniform) - and that, today, that social order no longer exists in that people have different priorities: grills no longer want to be just passive individuals, accepting (le) gentleman callers and then marrying them at the behest of their parents etc.,

basically, long story short,
they, in their minds
>tfw no gf forever
because society has no place for such cretins, and they wish it to be how it was before (like their lives would've been any different).

Wistful nostalgia for something which never existed to the extent to which they believe it existed.

At least, that was gist of it and all I can remember.

>> No.7718793

>what is the real appeal of the the fedora to the neckbeard demographic?
Because they want to look like "strong silent type males" and think a fedora will do that. I don't see the mystery here.

>> No.7718871

There's five fedora wearers at my school, but i guess Sweden is pretty much in the anglosphere.

>> No.7718910

they are wearing a hat identified as a fedora, yes, but are they "Fedora's"? In manner and mentality.

i refuse to believe that a mere hat can turn someone into these socially unaware creatures all of a sudden as soon as it touches their heads.

>> No.7718944

They are fedoras. And dress accordingly.

>> No.7718984
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>but now that they have been mass-produced and the neckbeards have started wearing them casually they have become less of a desired trend to follow.

I feel the same way about what Hispanics and Brazilians are doing to the Hitler Youth.

>> No.7719011

so, shorts, graphic tees, (flames?)

>> No.7719015

oh, and are they all fat?

>> No.7719027

Cheap H&M "classy" coats.
Retarded over satured shoes in "cool" colors.
Bright blue, baggy jeans.

>> No.7719026


You don't have to be fat to be a fedora aka nerd.

>> No.7719074

or jewish people

>> No.7719084
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after watching boardwalk empire and mad men, I'm convinced the only way you can pull off a fedora is to commit to an entirely workplace-dress style.

>> No.7719117
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Cheap H&M coats can work if you aren't a completely clueless freak.

>> No.7719130

fit on the right looks like shit mate

>> No.7719134

You also have to be handsome and have a job that suits the style.

>> No.7719151

and be within the context of other 1920 fashion.

>> No.7719164
File: 1.75 MB, 2100x1400, anco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how are they ruining the hitler youth

you must be autistic


>inb4 all hispanics are mexicans

>> No.7719195

the first paragraph describes quite many people on internet fashion communities

>> No.7719267

ur grandpa's a badass

>> No.7719299

>ur grandpa's looks like a goofy spic-jew


>> No.7719337
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x2560, neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spooted this glorious exemplar in the wild in germany

>> No.7719355

I don't see you commenting on his techwear, m8

Is it because /fa/ doesn't want to admit that techwear is actually just autismwear?

>> No.7719426


Is that a brasserie beer?

>> No.7719418

That polyfill parka and the shitty Adidas track jacket do not count as techwear. Sorry.

>> No.7719451


I think you missed out that they would probably get the whole setup to match the fedora but the price and also their general disinterest in fashion prevents them, the other clothes they wear they've probably had for years and recieve graphic t-shirts for christmas and birthdays from relatives.

>> No.7719465
File: 41 KB, 720x960, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

germanfag here. there are fedorawearing neck beards here. there was one metalfag in my school who actually wore a cowboy hat everyday. pic rel

>> No.7719477

he's a manlet too

>> No.7719493
File: 441 KB, 2048x1536, AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is another one

>> No.7719546

I'm majoring in computer engineering and I hate it because I'm around these kinds of people. I'm thinking about switching majors just because of all this because I can't work with these people. There's at least one person in some of my computer science related classes always on reddit and it'd disgusting.

>> No.7719608

says the dude on 4chan, get over yourself.

>> No.7719636


people in the anglosphere are more arrogant in general including neckbeards so they will wear the badges of their social ineptitude aggressively and proudly

>> No.7719653

It's not the fact that they browse reddit, it's the fact that I'm actually paying attention in class answering questions, participating, etc. while these neckbeards are wasting their parents' money not doing diddly dick in class except browsing reddit. If this is what they do in class trying to get a degree then I don't want to be around them in the workplace. They could be on 4chan in class and I would feel the same way.

>> No.7719672


You are autistic.

>> No.7719673

Does anybody have the review brah feel at a party pic?

>> No.7719710

Dat thigh gap

>> No.7719712

I'm pretty normal actually except for clinical depression. You're the one calling me autistic because I said something you don't agree with.

>> No.7719717

Looks fine. Any opinions that aren't from an american are worthless imo btw.

>> No.7719733


No, you're autistic. It's clear by your strange rage and inability to deal with human beings.

>> No.7719769

I'm not the guy you were shitting with, but I get irritated when I see others during lectures not paying attention and failing.

>> No.7719789

Lol, I'm in software engineering and look at those guys with a quiet pity. They usually aren't even good at being nerds, half of them play console games. Everyone is a complete music pleb and that's my main hobby. I have no friends at school in my major because no one is worth associating myself with. So until I can see my friends or gf on the weekends or a day off I work, work out, eat, and study alone all week.

>> No.7719781


Who gives a shit. It's their money or their parents money.

What the fuck does that have to do with you. And if you're noticing this so much, maybe you need to look into how much attention *you're* paying.

>> No.7719782

According to this thread, we all have some inability to deal with the so called neckbeard demographic, and you're no different.

>> No.7719812


Please shut the fuck up. Nobody asked for your life story you fucking geek.

>> No.7719836

That's cool.

>> No.7719852

>if you're noticing this so much, maybe you need to look into how much attention *you're* paying.
reasonably #rekt

>> No.7719859
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I am also studying computer science, and I identify with the things you say about most of the people that study the same thing as us.

It's really true that most of our classmates have very, very few refined tastes. They are really unbalanced people who have been told they are nerds and they are all like "OKAY SOUNDS GOOD" and they never even think to do anything outside of the tiny sphere of the world their mind encompasses, (deep breath), but STILL they are people too and hardly any of them are truly complete sacks of shit.

Try to get along with them. Even if it's not always a lot, they have SOMETHING to offer.

Life lesson: take the good in people and learn from it. Take the bad and forgive it.

>> No.7719861

That thought takes like 10 seconds. He has no point at all.

>> No.7719889

they're either morbidly obese or sonic metabolism havin ass goatee wearing greasy hair styling motherfuckers, never a normal build.

>> No.7719907

They don't have sonic metabolisms, they forget to eat and end up eatting a small meal and live on 2 monster energys the rest of the day. They're the ones that don't eat while they're raiding while the fat ones are the ones with a pizza delivered sipping on a 2 liter.

>> No.7719992
File: 216 KB, 780x1040, DiouMqu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I was thinking of

>> No.7720061

let me introduce you to the concept of "group work"

>> No.7720181

what the fuck

>> No.7721679

>reactionary or libertarian politics (muh reverse racism, muh political correctness gone too far)
I disagree
A disproportionate amount of fedoras I have encountered have been mainstream hacks who support the status quo

>> No.7721904

dope af

>> No.7721918

fedora wearers either latch hardcore onto womens rights/similar in a desperate attempt for grill attention or have given up all hope and go hardcore into mens rights/similar as a passive aggressive payback thing at grills for ignoring them

really theyre going to be at one end of the spectrum or the other

>> No.7723177

Yes fat fedora guys look silly but I don't spend time being bothered by them. They've been losers all their lives, probably got the shit kicked out of them in high school, and now they finally found an article of clothing that makes them feel valuable and 'classy'. Let them feel good about themselves.

I'd much rather ridicule former bros now wearing skinny jeans, white bitches in yoga pants, and swagfags.

tl;dr pick on sumone your own size not a 300lb autist

>> No.7723189

I say we start wearing fedoras with wedges cut out the brim, like Jughead. Who's with me?

>> No.7725175

>Take the bad and forgive it.
Take the bad and change it.

>> No.7725194

damn i might know him

>> No.7725233


picking on people so obviously un-/fa/ just gives you an aura of insecurity, and insisting on it makes you look autistic

>> No.7725670

what's bad about skinny jeans?

>> No.7725707

Nothing. Although it carries a stigma in some areas

>> No.7725775

he looks fucking gr8 here

>> No.7725818
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My god, I had the most stereotypical fedora experience.
I went to a orchestra concert where they were collaborating with a local band. The chubby midwestern singer wore a purple shirt with a loose tie, black vest, white belt, jeans, and a black fedora.
It wouldn't have been as bad if he wasn't such a cringey singer.
Pic related is 100 percent accurate.

>> No.7725822

where u from

>> No.7725839


Because it the signature hat of the general strong silent type male.

Neckbeards/Autists or whatever love Fedoras because being "The Strong Silent Type" sounds better than "Socially Awkward"

>> No.7725843

>some areas
as long as you don't live in a shit hole you needn't worry about that

>> No.7725875


I always thought it was a "trying to be 'classy' on the cheap" look, idk.

I mean, most Fedoramen aspire to be 'classy' but from experience (source: a couple of fedoramen from University) they generally don't have much money. As a result they can't whack on a Three-Piece-Suit to look 'classy' and they're too autistic to try and pull off a less classic way of dressing well. IDK.

>> No.7727782

First three apply to me. Am I an autist?

>> No.7727935

my sides

>> No.7728405

s korean here. some wear trillbies but only like the twee/folksy acoustic indie band type.

>> No.7728455
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First four are me, but I'm a normal/fa/g.

>> No.7729669
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aphex twin core

>> No.7729689

lmao so true

>> No.7729700

I make a mental note in my head when I see someone dressed poorly, but only so I don't make similar mistakes. Only have a laugh or bring it up again in the most extreme cases, that being said everyone here dresses pretty badly (black metal core band tees, high contrast $20 Hot Topic jeans, ironic video game snapbacks, worn converse or Osiris) so I've stopped noticing.

>> No.7729708

>mental note in my head
sorry I'm tired