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/fa/ - Fashion

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7688833 No.7688833 [Reply] [Original]

>dating lovely, trim, twee, qt gf for 3 years
>both graduate uni
>parents refuse to pay for her master's courses if relationship continues because i'm not Mormon
>breaks up with me
>try to be friends for 6 months, doesn't work
>1 year later married to engineer 11 years older than her who wears carpenter jeans and velcro shoes
>start dating 8/10 cool chick, but feels like she's 5/10 after ex

/fa/ women are vapid whores, and dressing well, looking handsome, and being fit pales in comparison to having money.

I fucking give up.

>> No.7689258

lesson learned:
you should be dressing better for yourself, not for dusty bitches.

>> No.7689449

>she dated a non mormon
that's actually a huge achievement.

>> No.7689474

fuck off


>> No.7689484

>I fucking give up.
>is already dating a new 8/10 qt

this is some shit b8
dont forget to [redacted], hide and sage

>> No.7689502

>you should be dressing better for yourself, not for dusty bitches.
This is very important information that a surprising amount of males tend to not understand.

Clothes make very little difference when it comes to attracted women. Being "well dressed" won't make up for a lack of confidence, unless it makes you feel more confident.
You should dress to please yourself, because dressing to impress women is a worthless pursuit.

Once you break up with a GF or BF it is a good idea to remove her from your life for many reasons. You may think remaining friends is in your best interested, but it rarely will ever end well.

>> No.7689822

>/fa/ girls are vapid
>pales in comparison to having money

>> No.7689853

if you gave up why are you posting

>> No.7691440

wrekt #

>> No.7691476

>This is very important information that a surprising amount of males tend to not understand.
That's because most young males fail to understand that the world doesn't actually revolve around sex, academia and work
This is true of women too but they're trying to get away from sex

>> No.7691502

>the world doesn't actually revolve around sex
it kind of does

>> No.7691514

why didn't you just convert to Mormonism

>> No.7691517

If you're poor and uneducated, sure

>> No.7691523

dude, what is there besides sex, academics, and work?

>> No.7691530

no really
look at how many red boards there are here
look at how much of the internet is dedicated to porn and relationships in general
the world's about pussy

>> No.7691534



>> No.7691532

She broke up with you, not because you aren't Mormon, but because you aren't engineer masterrace. Good luck trying to succeed because you graduated with a shit tier non STEM degree.

Liberal Sciences > Liberal Arts

>> No.7691542

Oh, and as a side note. STEM majors are 10x more likely to succeed in life than faggots with art degrees.

Source: ME

>> No.7691544

fashion, for one.

>> No.7691559
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>this conversation again

You STEM faggots may be successful but fucking get over yourselves. Intolerable cunts

>> No.7691561

>go to a summer themed party
>wear rolled up chinos, white oxford shirt, and desert boots
>basically dressed like how people who don't follow fashion thinks dressing well looks like
>most people at party are pleb
>decent amount of female attention
>have a decent convo about politics with a nerdy guy
>a 5/10 girl who I drunkenly kissed before kept trying it on with me and ruining the chat
>leave to another room
>another girl tries to get with me

I've hung out with these people before and didn't get that much attention from dressing in actual nice clothes. I tried to get away from them but they ended up sitting next to me one on each side and both trying to be physical. It was kinda awkward actually and very uncomfortable.

Clothes don't matter if you're hanging around with blobians. In fact it would probably be to your advantage to dress like everyone else.

>> No.7691562


Cool. Maybe you could go buy a personality.

>> No.7691567
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>> No.7691572

Cool, have fun working at McDonalds.

>> No.7691568

why are all STEM majors such insufferable autistic morons?

>> No.7691584

this is why everyone fkn hates mormons

>> No.7691597

>Source: ME
nice try, F

>> No.7691601

buyers remorse

>> No.7691615


Cool. See you there when your job is outsourced.

>> No.7691645

my problem is that somehow i always fall into relationships with clingy pleb grills who range from 5/10-7/10

its always the same pattern. drunken makeout session w/grill somehow leads to grill thinking we are in love, i don't want to break her heart to i play along.

>> No.7691641
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im a stem major
i even hav a stem on my hed

>> No.7691651


>i don't want to break her heart to i play along.

I did this once and I'm lucky i got out of it. at least you can say that you're not an ass

>> No.7691668


>> No.7691682


>> No.7691686

Just act cold and if she doesn't take the hint then tell her you have nothing in common.

>> No.7691700

10/10, STEMbro approves

>Send in paper for publication
1. ME
2. ME
3. ME
4. ME

>> No.7691711

the problem is that these girls are often from my same social network or from work, so i interact with the frequently.

also, i have a problem with really leading girls on when im drunk, saying all sorts of things that make them think i'm really into them. shit sucks. swimmin in pussy i don't event want all that much

>> No.7691972

Some could argue you are being an ass by pretending to have feelings for a girl.
I'm sure you would appreciate honesty in a relationship.

Telling a girl off can indeed by a paradox. At time it seems the less you want them, the more they want you and vice versa.

This is why it is important to do what is best for you. If you do not have feelings, do not act like you do. If you are unhappy with your relationship, do not continue the relationship.

You can worry about your GF or BFs feelings, but you can't let them affect your overall quality of life.

>> No.7692069

I forgot to mention how to act when it involves your social circle.
I've found the best solution is to simply keep being myself, and pursuing what I would usually. If she wants to come up and talk to me, flirt with me, etc. that is on her. I won't lead her on, but I know she will allow herself to believe what she wants regardless.

If and when she tries making a move I simply tell her: "I can't"
If and when she says why, I simply tell her: "I can't."

This may not be a meaningful answer, but asking "why" is a trick question. Your answer can get a response to make it invalid.
Unless you have a BF or GF, then you can say "I'm seeing someone."

Naturally, you'd be worried about what her girl friend's will feel towards you rejecting her, but that is not your problem. They will feel however they want, regardless. You can't micromanage everybody, and anyone trying to make you feel bad, or guilt you into a relationship is proving they are not worth being friends with.

>> No.7692147
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>Naturally, you'd be worried about what her girl friend's will feel towards you rejecting her, but that is not your problem. They will feel however they want, regardless. You can't micromanage everybody, and anyone trying to make you feel bad, or guilt you into a relationship is proving they are not worth being friends with.

That shit hit home. Keep it up.

>> No.7692561

>>7688833 (OP)
You are calling girls vapid, you say that everything you have pales in comparison to having money.

Perhaps it is not the woman's fault. Perhaps you simply have nothing else to offer.

>> No.7692571

dressing well is usually a way to communicate to the world that you have money

i thought everyone got the memo on this one

>> No.7692596


Get a job, OP.

>> No.7692600

so she dumped u for a rich engineer rocking stonewash ervell jeans and raf velcros

u seem mad

>> No.7692605

>i have a problem with really leading girls on when im drunk, saying all sorts of things that make them think i'm really into them.

I do this too but not so explicitly. Like sometimes when i'm drunk/high I might make out with a girl that i'm not in to (usually it's a friend of a friend) just because I feel like it. And then it causes me all sorts of problems and later on. Trying to stop this now though.

>> No.7692840

>start dating 8/10 cool chick, but feels like she's 5/10 after ex

i hate this feel

>> No.7693074
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