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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7686084 No.7686084[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be @ home
>leave home for a bit
>come back home to find out my little brother broke my laptop
>my 400+ albums in iTunes, my bottomless inspo folder I've been building for two years, and all my personal pictures gone

>> No.7686096

you can still probably rescue your hd, unless your brother took a hammer to your laptop or something

cheer up nigga

>> No.7686093

thats what u get for not using a backup external hard drive

that sucks though

>> No.7686105

Yeah ;_;

Gonna take it to best buy tomorrow and see what they can do to get my shit back

>> No.7686102

>only 400

>> No.7686111

sorry for your loss but you need to back up your precious data on an external HD

also how did it break? your data still might be saved

>> No.7686110

hahahahhaha youre sucha faggot. your folder where u saved other people's pictures cause you have no taste is gone.

>> No.7686118

I hope so

Thanks anon

>> No.7686119

wait is your brother the hulk? how did he break your hard disc?

>> No.7686121

your life is lame as fuck and your fits are ass so you shouldnt be worried about your "personal" pics anyway

>> No.7686128

breaking laptop does not mean break HDD

i think its time to break ur brother tho

>> No.7686125

>400 albums

Really though this gives you the chance to start over your inspo folder and really choose what you like now rather than two years ago. Also I doubt he broke the hard drive and you can most likely have your data recovered.

>> No.7686126

>be in australia
>walk around for an hour
>fucking sweating so much, rawz soaked in sweat
>get home and take off all my clothes and just sit in my undies under the fan

>> No.7686136
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post a fit, get recht

>> No.7686146

Lol I actually didn't think of this for whatever reason must've been the panic mode I went into, sweet

Still gotta buy a new laptop now smh
>was saving for guidis

>> No.7686145

like i need to prove myself to some short faggot who spends way too much time tripping and posting to anons

>> No.7686143


>> No.7686151

cause u dont have any friends to talk to irl

>> No.7686160
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post a fit meanie

>> No.7686176

Make your brother pay for it?

>> No.7686184

How old is your brother?

>> No.7686185

wow, that's pretty heavy

OP one time my friend had something similar happened and back then Apple/iTunes service care restored all the downloads he had bought you may have a chance that is if you can get a new computer first, because all your purchases are stored in their data.

>> No.7686187
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I'm not that short I'm 5'9

I don't see what could have happened in your day that made you so upset. my laptop broke and I spilled coffee on my favorite panerai scarf today and I'm still in an ok mood

Fuck off

>> No.7686195

He's 10 lol

>> No.7686200
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new trip thinks hes hot shit topkek

>> No.7686201

I torrented the majority of them

Whatever I'm kinda over it since people just now let me know I can get it recovered from my hdd

>> No.7686215

most women are taller than u

>> No.7686209

why dont you use foobar to play music, why itunes?

anyway just break a toy your bother really likes

>> No.7686242

Make your parents pay for it?

>> No.7686249

>tfw your shoe collection is finally completed

sorry for your loss OP. kids are annoying as fuck

>> No.7686247

I'm not familiar with foobar but I use iTunes so I could put some music on my phone without having to download some weird adapter transferer thing

I was thinking about changing the password to his minecraft account for like a few weeks but I realized I don't know it or the email it's under so I can't do that

>> No.7686256

Congrats man

It's cool, I've been putting with his shut forever

>> No.7686269

how old is ur brother?

make ur mum pay for it it was her spawn that smashed ur electronics

>> No.7686287

10 lol

Yeah I'll talk to her about what her hellish Imp did tomorrow morning

>> No.7686294

>take laptop to best buy
>ask if they can recover my data
>p-p-please n-no
>entire store comes and proceeds to laugh at me
>y-y-you dont u-understand f-f-f-fashion!
>go home crying
>forgot to take laptop and now i have to go again

>> No.7686299
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>> No.7686307

fuckin lol

>> No.7686320

there should be a cartoon like this

>> No.7686321

take out the hdd and hook it up to a desktop or laptop

>> No.7686317

oh god

7 years of memories all came rushing back

>tfw you'll never be 13 and creating your first RS account ever again

>> No.7686332

idc how much I get judged for this but nothing gives me more nostalgia than thinking about runescape

Too bad it went to shit with Runescape 3

>tfw you'll never be in 4th grade talking to your friend on the home phone, mirin' his adamant armor and following him from lunbridge to the grand exchange because you don't know how to get there yourself

>> No.7686344
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>laptop starts malfunction (probably cuz porn)
>take it best buy
>tell em it's probably porn
>guy starts asking what kind

>> No.7686393

>tfw your raf holos bring a smile to a qts face

>> No.7686427

Stay pleb OP

>> No.7686428
File: 67 KB, 600x600, handsome feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be walking on the street
>headed to a dentist appointment
>see an obese man with white checkered shorts and a printed t-shirt come out of the dentist building
>he's wobbling towards me
>I'm trying to avoid eye contact
>we're about to cross paths when he speaks up
>nice hair man, I like it
>all I can say is thanks

First time for everything.

>> No.7686446

where are you pulling these stats from autist

>> No.7686450

Dude same here- it was honestly great times with the m80s and it sucks it went to shit. Was maxed out 40defence turmoil pure
>mfw gf 1000 hours work

>> No.7686459

Average height for women is 5'4 in America

>> No.7686462

>actually telling them it's probably cuz of porn

>> No.7686489

always wanted a 40/45 def pure

I was 80 Att 99 str and 70 defense right around when I stopped playing

Was working my way up to getting turmoil too ;_;

Came back a few years later to check out the game again and I see this RS3 garbage

>> No.7686495


It helps them find the problem faster.

>> No.7686533

Lel will give you my turmoil account for dick oven and rough symons

>> No.7686551

>buy new laptop
>put old hdd in new laptop

>> No.7686569

:/ politely decline

>implying I want to play the shit that that game has turned into ;_;

>> No.7686581

>Come back from holidays and somebody has listed & sold one of your most desired, rare pieces on sufu

>> No.7686633
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theres this fat guy that rides my bus and is generally a very jolly and positive person. hes not a total idiot when he talks either and he always compliments my shoes or fits and shit. i don't really talk to him (or anybody on the bus for that matter) but hes always striking up conversations outta thin air w/ppl

first time i saw him i thought he was gonna be a fat creep, and i'm now kinda embarrassed of myself for being so judgmental about a guy i like sharing the bus with these days.

>> No.7687028
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>tfw I'll never be beautiful or a model
>tfw I'll never hang out with g-dragon

>> No.7687565

>hang out w gd
>spend 1 mill+ won every day on south korean schwag

>> No.7687579
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>tfw hard drive failed
>rather than replace it to the same HD i upgraded to SSD
>had backups on an external
>mfw everything turned out better than expected

comp runs pretty sweet now

>> No.7687628

I do the exact same thing.