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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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7680597 No.7680597 [Reply] [Original]

diet thread
what do you u eat on a daliy, how many caliores

>> No.7680623

not enough
I thought eating like a normal, food-conscious /fa/ggot would be fine but I feel weak as fuck, i'm nearly fainting from fucked up blood pressure and i'm getting a weird as fuck headache today
being 6'3 and doing crazy amounts of home exercise might be the cause
i probably have a fucked up metabolism if this shit is happening and i've genuinely not fasted once

>> No.7680632

wow i used fuck 3 times in the same sentence without noticing

>> No.7680658

probably like 2000
i dont really care about what i eat
some days ill eat 500 others like 3000

>> No.7680683

6'1 (1.8542 m) 160 (72 kg)
Don't count calories but I don't eat sweets, or grains. Don't drink sodas and shit like that, yet I semi-regularly drink. I also don't eat during meal times, just when I'm hungry which is usually about two times a day, minimal snacking.

>> No.7680687

1200-1500, but on saturdays and some fridays I go 1800-2000.
>inb4 midget

>> No.7680696
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Just eat clean and train hard

>> No.7680704

i ate a whole bag of potato chips and am still 102 pounds 5'11 yolo

>> No.7680705

Forgot to post my weight which is 60kg

>> No.7680709

maybe you have thyroid problems.

>> No.7680742

That bag is going straight to your thighs

>> No.7680788

had to google it but yeah, that's another addition to multiple things I haven't bothered to properly confirm I don't have
my fingers are so fucking cold holy shit

>> No.7680800

i had a half a subway saingwhitch for lunch and a 40 of high life for dinner. fuckin piece a shit over here
that last frame. every time

>> No.7680818

shit, you really might be onto something and i'm actually considering getting this checked out

>> No.7680826

I just eat things that are good for me whenever I'm hungry and work out whenever I can.

I've lost like 50 lbs. In the past 4 months so i'd say i's working out pretty well.

>> No.7680834

bulking at 3000-3200 kcal a day
5'9 141lbs coming out of Auschwitz, just pulled 3 plates today for the first time

>> No.7680845

>wake up at 8
>coffee on bus to work
>work till 3
>bus to other part time job
>work to 6
>go to gym
>maybe eat something at this point
>4chan/read/work on comput from home
>bed and repeat till the weekend

somehow i consume all the calories and nutrients i need to survive in 1 meal around 'dinner' time. prolly not very healthy

>> No.7680846

I'm sure you mean eat clen and tren hard

>> No.7680849
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6'2", 185lbs

I ate 500Cal for breakfast
400Cal for lunch
500Cal for dinner
500Cal for second dinner
700Cal of drinking myself to sleep
2600Cal total

and 40 minutes of cardio today because I was too hung over to lift

>> No.7680858

>I got dough but don't call me doughboy

>> No.7680888

nigga u fat as hell, has /fit/ really bamboozled u into thinking this is a body worth showing off? u have fuckn rolls m8

>> No.7680921
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My advice is to not turn 21 while you still hate yourself.

>> No.7680968

>having a diet

Fast metabolism and exercise. I don't watch what I eat but I don't eat garbage.

>> No.7680984
File: 49 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mx95y4rLfi1t2tuh8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently 5'1" and 70 lbs
usually i eat around 200 to 350 calories a day, i can't imagine eating more than that ever to be honest.

>> No.7680998
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nothing. after the first couple of days it gets really easy and you actually enjoy not eating. just have to remember to eat at least something every once in a while so you won't pass out.

>> No.7681007
File: 64 KB, 633x758, fatfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'0, about to pass 130lbs because of all the fucking junk food I eat while away at university. these pringles are TOO good.

>> No.7681021

lmao are u the guy posting about pringles in the other thread?

u gotta get off those chips, man

>> No.7681016

wat. is this a troll? I'm 6'0, 142 and I'm a hungry skeleton.

>> No.7681028

WTF is wrong with your metabolism?

>> No.7681039
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125 would be ideal for me but that would mean strictly breakfast and dinner only, nothing inbetween. hard to do since studying makes me fucking hungry all the time.

naa wasn't me.

>> No.7681055

i can see her gut. what a pig

>> No.7681053

uhh not much? i mean obviously it's slowed down a lot since i starve myself haha but i'm still losing weight which is all i care about.

>> No.7681060

u are

a. going to die by february
b. fucking awful at counting calories

u would need to eat like triple that to even maintain 70lb with 0 exercise

ur probably just fucking retarded and have no idea how much u eat

>> No.7681061


keep doing your thing

>> No.7681066

5'8 in the 150's probably

I love to eat and will never be fashionable and I have a double chin

>> No.7681090

haha no. i know exactly how much i eat. obviously i'm not maintaining, i don't want to maintain this weight. i'm trying to get down to around 64 lbs

>> No.7681094

Bulking at 2900-3100 kcal till end of feb.
Then cutting probably something like 1500-1700 or so. Haven't really put much though into the cut yet.

>> No.7681098

keep going sister, stay strong

when you feel those hunger pains just grab the scissors and roll up your sleeves and relieve

>> No.7681103

>64 lbs

You have to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.7681110

>double chin
how, you're pretty average weight

>> No.7681123

You should be pretty slim at that weight .Do you just have no testosterone or something?

>> No.7681143

average weight in america maybe

>> No.7681175

6"1 190lbs here
tell me im fat in a constructive way plz

>> No.7681182

trunk how much do u way

>> No.7681217

Vegan moralfag. eat poor on ramen a lot. steal a lot of vegan meat substitutes. Poor meal timing, no calorie counting. skinny.

>> No.7681240

5 foot 7 283 lbs. Lost ten pounds in the last couple weeks. Pretty sure it's from going back to school after the long winter break. Working on my eating habits every day.

>> No.7681246

5'8 should b no higher than 135

>> No.7681249

175ish i think

>> No.7681265

sell me ur prada creepers 100 cash + deuce hoodie
meet up at surrey skytrain

>> No.7681267

forgot: 5"9, 135 ish

>> No.7681281

Not much lately. Average this week was like 400 kcal or something. I want to lose a few pounds (I'm 6'1 and 150 lbs, probably a little less already, but that's just temporary).

>> No.7681283

id let u sniff them for 250$

best deal i can give u

>> No.7681414

rock paper scissors on sea wall loser has to jump in the water in their best fit

>> No.7681445

black coffee, adderal, cigarettes

>> No.7681454

>still using starvation to destroy your metabolic rate and either die young or spend several years as a fatass during rebound
>not using a HIGH calorie diet with proper ratios for humans(hint: high carbohydrate (with MORE simple sugars than "complex" ones), moderate protein (high proline and glycine, dairy, bone broth, gelatin, collagen, no overfucking reliance on muscle meat) and super low fat (no added oils and butter on every fucking piece of bread) to rebuild yo bones/teeth/hair and shit, and keep fat off naturally...
>not eating gummy bears and fish head soup

I had 7000 calories today, give or take 50. To give you an idea... I used to eat around 1800 cals and was 210 lbs (not healthy for my frame), now I eat a bunch of fucking sugar, fruit, smoothies, nonfat dairy, and keep it low fat, and now I weigh 175. My bodyfat levels keep plummeting and I'm actually awake... all the time. I can't begin to describe the difference in energy levels, libido, skin/hair, nails, teeth, even my face fucking changed a bit... looks... more like the ones in OPs gif.

>> No.7681482

6'0 165 pounds, would like to get down to 150 by summer. Should be doable but this is my first diet so who knows how it's going to go.
I've been keeping a food diary and logging every calorie that goes into my mouth. currently aim for 1600-1650 a day, but that doesn't leave me feeling very hungry which makes me wonder if I'm doing this right (bmi calculator said that this is 500 cals under maintenance which seems a reasonable tortoise strategy).

>> No.7681555

water weight holy fuck
gained like an inch on my thigh just today
at a guess i must have drunk like 5-6 liters and only pissed out 1-1.5 but shitttt
either that or i've fucked up my metabolism in the course of like 3 weeks without fasting at all

>> No.7681565

lmao sometimes at the end of the day i have such a pot belly from drinking water

>> No.7681583

it's just scary cause today i happened to be paying attention and it's also a kind of recovery day, given that I found out my BMR is like 2k and i've been eating 1k-1.2k most days with exercise
i'm by no means ana though so i'd be incredibly surprised if my metabolism was fucked up this bad

>> No.7681591

i also drank like 5 cups of coffee, had some carbs and other than muh exercises had a p sedentary day so i'm going to believe this lol

>> No.7681593


Wow such troll

>> No.7681597

a little under eye massage will remove visible face water in a second

>> No.7681609
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I'm bulking so I usually try to eat something around 175 grams of protein per day.
Don't know about the calories tho.

>> No.7681611

it feels like my entire face is moving about lol
ok water weight confirmed ty guys

>> No.7681619

drank and ate like a piggy saturday night

so sunday i ate prob 300 cals

>> No.7681626

I was doing fine losing weight until I hit 72 kgs before christmas. fine, I figure I'd have some major setbacks during the holidays but even though I recorded a 71.8 kg a week or so back, Im back up at 73 kg today

usually have my target at 1500 kcal over 190 cm

>> No.7681630

same boat, I eat like 1300 calories in one meal at like 1pm then drink 1 beer at night and that's it - pretty good

>> No.7681641
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shit, OP, i love this show

>> No.7681653

Yeah. I'm 5'8 and 132

>> No.7681674

You faggots need to hear some real talk from time to time. But yeah, just keep on restricting calories and stay on the ice, splenda, and blow diet... surely nothing could go wrong. lol

>> No.7681683


Can't hear you over all this bacon.


>> No.7681691


Lmfao. Keto.

>> No.7681706

lol Nah nothing wrong with a lil bacon every now and then. I just keep the average calories from fat less than 15% for the week. Shit is so money. lol

keto is that type of shit that will harm you long term... but if it will give you short term confidence than go for it, but you can't rely on that shit all your life. I'm serious... there is life after IF and CR and keto and all that shit. Look at people who aren't just good looking, but fit.. no real man should be caught dead with sub 2000 calories on most days.

>> No.7681792


I tried keto for a week once before I decided to quit being a lazy fuck and exercise.

I started off with me and my girlfriend buying a shit load of bacon, eggs, chicken thighs, ground beef, almomds, pepperoni, and some low carb vegetables. In a single day we cooked a weeks worth of meals and split them into baggies.

Shit was unbearable after the third day. Cold bacon is fucking disgusting. Hard boiled eggs lose their charm rather quickly. Everything just tasted mushy and dipped in grease. I was constantly tired and craving carbs.

At the end of the week we broke keto by throwing away all of the leftover food and eating a bunch of KFC. Shit was delicious. Anyways, I eventually got my shit together and lost 80 lbs. from eating reasonably and running every day.

tl;dr - a word of warning for anyone compelled by the keto troll - unless you're the kind of person who wouldn't mind eating hot wings and blue cheese dressing all day alongside packets of mayonaise and bacon slathered in butter, don't try keto.

>> No.7681829


is this /fa/ or too skinny?

>> No.7681838

>get a viral infection over the weekend
>probably ate a total of 500 calories during that time

at least i'll be /fa/

>> No.7682084

he's not even fat.
it's a bit excess but holy fuck shut up
nice trips though

>> No.7682086

lol rip

>> No.7682111
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Eatin' 3000+ cals per day, 5'10, 172lbs and keeping to grow.

>> No.7682116

You've got to be bulking up. Right?

>> No.7682168

Yeah, will cut to 158 lbs till summer.

>> No.7682193

>tfw female, 5'6", 130lbs
>tfw accidentally lost 5lbs I had been so happy to gain

>> No.7682203

You're fucking fat

>> No.7682210

6'1 135 male reporting
>>7682203 is right

>> No.7682213

Spent 20 years as a skeleton, I'm happy I don't look like that anymore. It's not a good look, honestly.

>> No.7682223

I abuse the shit out of my metabolism by eating all I can to the point where I'm full, I don't over indulge though. I'm guessing my mind burns all my calories so it keeps me at a healthy skinny weight (123 lbs). I'm a manlet though, only 5'7 :(

>> No.7682246

you handled that wigger pretty well actually

>> No.7682267

I am trying to cop hungry skeleton bod by the end of summer. I am 150 lbs right now as a vegetarian. I stick to the same food everyday (oatmeal for breakfast with , fuck lunch, veggie tofu stir fry for dinner) don't know how many calories that is but I know it's p. low. I actually lost 150 lbs so I get a free surgery to remove a bunch of excess skin and small fat deposits which is supposed to shave off like 7 lbs. My goal weight is 130 lbs, can't wait for this fucking winter is over so I can get back on my bike.

>> No.7682306

You're probably not fat, u just got a stomach cuz ur lazy and eat junk. Stop dat and achieve body of your dreams

>> No.7682308

About 4.5K daily

6'2" 190lbs

>> No.7682361



Ritalin is most /fa/

>> No.7682368

/fa/ as hell

>> No.7682371

it's a better look than being fat

>> No.7682446

6"1', 143. Eat about 800/900 a day without counting cardio. Still feel fat though.
I miss when entire /fa/ had an eating disorder

>> No.7682449

Mostly ensure shakes with lots of water and vega tables and fruits.
6'6" 150lbs

>> No.7682453

I wish I had an eating disorder.
At least a little...

>> No.7682457

6ft 160lbs, mostly eat one meal and some snacking a day around 800/1100 calories total. I don't like to eat a lot.
I do a shit load of cardio and lift every other day. Don't have monumental gains, but I am pretty toned.

>> No.7682496

grats. i remember my ex was a skelly lots of her life. it was nice seeing her gaining weight and getting that delicious 'smooth' look, like before it's considered chubby. i wish she got fat though. would have made it funnier when we split. no one likes a fatty.

>> No.7682516

6ft 135lbs here
used to be 2 meals a day, never reaching over 1000 calories

now I'm going for skinny otttermode, so going 3 meals full of protein n healthy things
my job is physical anyway so results shouldn't take too long

I've only ever drank water, with the occasional coffee or tea

>> No.7682522


I'm 5'10 165 and I feel a little tiny bit overweight. But I also lift casually (one upper body day, one leg day a week) so I know some of it is muscle. My quads are pretty noticeably big especially when I flex them. I'd say I eat about 2500 calories a day. I do HIIT three times a week too.

>> No.7682536


Jesus fucking Christ, aren't you people ever hungry? Fucking eat! Good to see you making that change though.

>> No.7682572

eating 1500 of healthy food per day and walk every where i want to go, so i burn a lot + heavy smoker
132 ibs 5,11 feet i think i disapear if i go on like that

>> No.7682757

you do realise you won't gain any weight if you don't eat over your maintenance when you're bulking

>> No.7682982

166cm (5'5ft), 45kg (99lbs)

i eat a shit ton of yoghurt coz it fills you up a lot and doesnt have that many calories and some junk food but not too much + like one normal meal per day. and i drink a lot of water/tea.

+ i have good metabolism and i smoke a lot

>> No.7683083

/fa/ still does have eating disorders, it's just the vocal /fit/ minority that makes it seem otherwise

>> No.7683091

>weekdays: 1000-1200 kcal/day
>weekends ~3000 kcal/day

fucking alcohol yo

>> No.7683097

5'9 and currently 114.5 pounds
but i have existing thyroid problems and lack of appetite bc meds

>> No.7683093

the headache/fainting thing could be from standing up to fast. theres a name for it. im 6'2 and ive noticed a lot of taller people have this happen to them. especially when you are dehydrated. ive had it so bad before that i actually couldnt remain standing and fell over.

>> No.7683248

5'10 119 lbs here

you don't disappear

you just fade awayyyyy

>> No.7683250

I think this is vertigo. I"m shorter and I have this just about all the time.

5'6" and 135lbs fucking hate myself over it. I want to get down to at least 125 and see how I feel then. Try to keep my days under 1000cal but I have a drinking problem.

>> No.7683350

>I think this is vertigo
nah, it's orthostatic hypotension
happens to me a lot when I'm restricting calories
just make sure you're getting enough nutrients and drinking enough water
also, alcohol makes it worse

>> No.7683629

Are you 10 or just suicidal?

>> No.7683654

do you guys eat pistachios

>> No.7683675

I eat lots of nuts, pistachios are probably my favorite though