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/fa/ - Fashion

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7654152 No.7654152[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does /fa/ stay skinny?

>> No.7654154


>> No.7654157

eating dick

>> No.7654178

fish oil tablets

>> No.7654213

Squats and oats

>> No.7654231

Coffee and watching calories

Also a smoker, but not for weight loss reasons

>> No.7654224

Eating/drinking healthy
Masturbating a lot, I mean A LOT

>> No.7654245

eating with the butt

>> No.7654294

>/fit/ pls go

>> No.7654301

I'd say /fit/ is welcome in /fa/ any day.

>> No.7654348

wait, that helps?

>> No.7654364


eat less calories than is recommended every day

if i get close to 2k calories i get noided and eat nothing the next day to make up for it

>> No.7654369



drinking cold water helps too

both things are completely pointless tho

>> No.7654388

I have this weird obsession with only eating "raw materials" and nothing synthesized with multiple ingredients. Nothing to do with health, just a weird OCD I developed. So basically I only eat
>brown rice
>raw/steamed vegetables
>meats and fish

I won't even eat things like cake b/c I find it weird that multiple ingredients were combined to make something else.
Probably autistic

This combined with the habit of refusing to eat if I can feel/hear my intestines growling or if I have the desire to fart has contributed to how thin I am

Also I drink 6-8 cups of coffee a day and walk around a lot
>friends think you're weird for walking 15 minutes to a place to go eat

>> No.7654392

helps you stay focused maybe (so you don't eat out of boredom), but i don't see why else it would help

>> No.7654380

whenever i drink cough syrup or trip on acid or stuff like that i don't want to eat anything for the rest of the day and since i do it so much im getting even skinnier than i was before it's great

>> No.7654398

with my naturally fast metabolism, a healthy amount of cardio exercise and a vegetarian diet

>> No.7654422

drinking coffee, smoking diet sigarets, calisthenics, being cool, and eating (and smoking) greens

kayle is the best thing you can eat, also has insane dps if you build her AP
brocolli is great and i've grown a taste for eating it raw

>> No.7654455

>win the genetic lottery
that's about it. Maybe the smokes and blow do help though

>> No.7654469

actually right now ive been on a adderall binge (with brief naps during comedowns) and have eaten a lemon luna bar and a muffin in the past 3 days

and sum water to take the pills

>> No.7654500
File: 43 KB, 500x331, tumblr_mc2iwp1XEB1qc6m5eo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf u say boi

>> No.7654502

Walking a lot, listening to my stomach.

> Eat only when hungry, and only until I'm no longer hungry.
Its crazy how many people I know that don't understand this. Stick leftovers in the fridge, you don't need to stock up fat for the winter. And junk food is shit, buy a sleeve of cookies every once in a while if you're craving.

> Walk two-three hours every couple days.
Shit is relaxing, really healthy, and you get to see cool things. Bring some work and do it halfway if you can't stand a bit of time without productivity.

>> No.7654512

I'm not alone.

>> No.7654526

Learn to count calories, don't sit in front on the TV for hours every night, and don't be a retard. It's really easy.

>> No.7654521

Naturally thin, fear of getting sick/fear of choking mean I can't eat very easily in public. I also look strange when I eat and worry about eating in front of people.

>> No.7654528

its gettin a lil bad
prob slept like 4 hours all together and its gettin to me, i was staring at a wall and i felt so weird, like my head was detached from my body

>> No.7654535

that's why when i can't get drugs i just get sleep deprived for a very long time and meditate and i can just trip that way

>> No.7654570


gotta learn to meditate then ill be aight

>> No.7654596

> Eat only when hungry, and only until I'm no longer hungry.
>Its crazy how many people I know that don't understand this
Yeah, the other day something really hit me; I watched one of my fat flatmates eat some leftover pizza on the table purely because he looked at it, not because he was hungry. It was really obvious.

>> No.7654609


i used to have that problem, my new problem is frequently getting noided after not eating for long periods of time and having to force feed myself

i would NEVER go back though

>> No.7654638

you have ocd and/or a very restrictive eating disorder.

>get stared at for riding a bike and walking everywhere
america fucking shit

>> No.7654697

totally agree with both of these. long, purposeless walks on nice days are really nice.
you can do high intensity exercises too to speed up weight loss if you want though

right now I think i'm at about 9% bf from visual diagnosis and trying to bulk up top half a bit with >>7654500 as long term goal
don't want to be hungry skeleton

>> No.7654716

Rock Climbing
Eat right. This does not mean starve myself, It means I eat reasonable amounts, instead of "american " amounts. Seriously, the portions in your country are absolutely gigantic.

>> No.7654720


fast metabolism.

That and I run a lot.

>> No.7654738

I know that final feel, not murrican though
I've been only half sarcastically accused of being anorexic for politely declining offers of junk food when i've not even been hungry
gluttony is just the norm in today's western society

>> No.7654759

I do that too. Only when I'm close to and very comfortable with someone will I eat in front of them.
First dates are terrible.
>half eaten salad, drink alllllll the water

>> No.7654778

I sleep a lot during the day so I can stay up late at night and spy on the /int/ Euros
Also I use the bicycle any chance I get.

>> No.7654796

Today I ate the following (and most days I eat pretty much the same amount as follows):-

Spaghetti Hoops on toast (cos no food in house)

Went for a 6km run

(Went grocery shopping)
Plain Baked Potato
3 Pancakes

2 Alaskan Pollok Fillets
Big Bowl of Peas

Small portion of soup one slice of whole meal bread

1 bowl of Cornflakes, and 2 bowls of shreddies before bed lel

Still only 130lbs and I'm 5'11 lel

>> No.7654805

moderate work out and starving

>> No.7654809
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I run 5ks three times a week + rock climbing + bicycling.

Rock climbing and biking are more of a summer thing, though.

Eat whatever I want. Eat when I'm hungry, stop when no longer hungry.

I could write a book on a nutrition.

>> No.7654859


>> No.7655105

fast matabolism, eat less than 2k calories daily, drink a lot of coffee to suppress appetite, become depressed to suppress appetite

>> No.7655109

6'4", high testosterone naturally burns calories like a furnace.

Eat like 3k+ a day and maintain 145lbs

>> No.7655211

Fast metabolism and weight lifting 3-4 times a week. Right now i have a little gut since i started GOMAD.
Last summer i had 8% bf with a little mass. Shit was cash

>> No.7655237

not eating any junk food n bike n skate n do 1000-1500 jumps on a jump rope. shit is really the best cardio ever

>> No.7655261

Walking/Running everywhere because of tight schedule and public transportation.
Small Body frame and average metabolism (Used to be fast before puberty happened, being too skinny looks awkward on a large frame, personally I don't like it when a girl's knees, ribs and hipbones stick out too much. Especially the knees. *shudder*)
Eating ~1000 calories per day, little to no grains/starches. I get my carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables.

>> No.7655272

i chuckled even though I haven't played that shitty game in a year

>> No.7655282
File: 150 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'9 150 obviously I have some weight to lose

What I'm wondering is does my face look fat, do I have a more defined and attractive face to look forward to when I lose weight?

>> No.7655290

Your face looks slim, but you have AMAZING bone structure which is a bit hidden right now, and if you lost weight you'd look so perfect!

>> No.7655292

absolutely nothing. i got lucky

>> No.7655303

This made me feel so good

Thanks anon

>> No.7655335

yeah man it looks good already but if u REALLY want skeleton looks then u could lose maybe a couple lbs if that

>> No.7655346

what does this do?

>> No.7655362

Well I'm trying to GET skinny.
Lost 14 lbs, 14 inches last 10 days. I should hit target weight by march, and I might continue from there or lift. I want to get good looking this summer, and effay of course

>> No.7655382

we seem to be pretty similar. i'm 5'9'' 145 lbs.
face looks good, too (from what i can see). definitely doesn't look fat.
i'm not necessarily trying to lose weight (wouldn't hurt) but more so trying to get in better shape.
i've been running a lot and other sorts of cardio as well.

>> No.7655400

Do not smoke weed under any circumstances.

>> No.7655413

i joined a gym this year. i'm a female 5'8, started around 150lbs. it's been about 2 weeks? I just try to run on the treadmill everyday for 30min, or around 3 miles. i'm down to 145. 130-125 is my ideal.

it is also kind of fun to test yourself, i like watching my heart rate go up and down. and i like seeing my face get red at the end. it also is kind of meditative at some points. i remember my first week, i was listening to the pace and tasting my breathe? it kind of made me nostalgic of when i was a little kid huffing and puffing around... neat

>> No.7655424

I've found the best way is to just limit your food intake. If you're not eating as much, or as much larger portions, over time your body will adjust. Fasting here and there isn't such a bad thing.

>> No.7655435

Nah your face doesn't look fat at all.

I lost too much weight and now I look like shit. 5'9 115 lbs

>> No.7655443

also this. lol im so thirsty for addies

>> No.7655465

a 5k is a race
you do not pluralize kilometers to ks
please don't write a book

>> No.7655473

>a 5k is a race
you're right, the race came before the measurement.

>> No.7655482

low carb diets, quick metabolism and lots of cardio

i just eat really small amounts of carbs and do actually nothing, i feel fat but people say im skinny

>> No.7655503


How are your eating schedules?

5 lbs is okay. It could be a mix of water weight and fat lose if your diet is on point

>> No.7655517

it is grammatically correct to say 'there were five 5ks last week and I won all of them'
It is not grammatically correct to say 'I am running 2ks, that is, 1k twice'

>> No.7655532

it's actually km unless it's a race. kms would be kilometers per second. ks would imply multiple races

>> No.7655538

Never been able to into /fa/ properly because of my weight.
Been losing weight for a bit lost 5kg at the moment, 23kg more to go.

>> No.7655545

actually, they are both right. a 5k has become a name for a race, so you would say "i ran a 5k the other day." (in reference to the type of race).
but you would also say "i just ran 3 kilometers." (if you were using the metric system).

>> No.7655561
File: 50 KB, 498x365, oolong-te.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calorie restriction and oolong tea
i used to run about 35 miles a week and eat 2,000-3,000 calories a day (cross country and track in high school lol) but i don't have time for that anymore so now i just watch what i eat.

oolong tea can raise your metabolism by 10%, and if you drink at least 3 cups a day you can burn up to an extra 200 calories alone.
also water with lemon is basically all i drink besides that.

>> No.7655563

i skip breakfast a lot. i usually have a big salad around 3 at latest. and then a meat and a veg later round 9-10 if im still hungry. otherwise im snacking on walnuts intermittently

>> No.7655564
File: 21 KB, 341x333, IMG_1041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw in same predicament as you.

>> No.7655595

but you don't pluralize distance abbreviations unless it is representative of another plural concept, like races 5k races or 5ks. Unless he organizes 3 5k races a week he runs 5km three times a week

>> No.7655611

There's your problem: it's the snacking. Your constantly shooting up your insulin, unless you really need the insulin boosts. Insulin will just block the burning off fat storages, and target your food.

Just eat large enough meals to satisfy yourself. And mix a lot of veggies into it because they will take up more space to caloric content versus meats and fruits. Be sure to eat fruits, too.

And another thing is walnuts are very calorie dense to their protein content. And they are a little high in carbs.

>> No.7655639

I was in the same situation as you guys about a year ago, was fat as hell
Still got some more fat to get rid of but I look really good now and people are noticing nad telling me
The confidence boost is just as good as you imagine, don't give up

>> No.7655648

Hard alcohol instead of beer...
or dinner.

But really, once you get your body to stabilize at your ideal weight, all you have to do is maintain. Don't start binging on carbs or sugars and you're good. Little hard work at the beginning and you're set.

>> No.7655656

and lots of water.
lots and lots of fucking water

>> No.7655688
File: 657 KB, 751x1001, LADYGUNN-LIL-DEBBIE-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long and stressful work hours

I either have no time to eat or no appetite

>> No.7655705

i don't necessarily snack i try to eat about a serving at most throughout the day, after that i get bored with it. but yeah, i try to estimate how many calories im making for myself, but it is kind of hard to eyeball when im just cooking at home you know? im way to impatient and hungry to be weighting oz of greens and shit, but yeah i understand what you're saying.

>> No.7655716

Is that a pornstar?

>> No.7655719

pretty sure its lil debbie

>> No.7655720

shes the singer of /fa/'s national anthem

>> No.7655726

>it is kind of hard to eyeball when im just cooking at home you know

One: Don't finish a sentence with "you know".
Two: You will get the hang of it in time. Estimating the calories you ate throughout the day will be within ±10% error.

Being accurate is a waste of time and resources. Eat what your body needs and what you want.

>> No.7655731


>> No.7655735

>/fa/'s national anthem
And that is?

>> No.7655744

Honestly /fa/, I have no clue.

I'm 6'1" and 125 lbs, and I eat pretty average. I don't eat a very big breakfast or a big lunch if I'm working or out doing something, so I probably don't gain weight from that, but I have no fucking clue. I've been skinny my whole life. I don't mind it, but I wouldn't mind being able to gain on a whim.

>> No.7655764

>tripping often

I don't understand how people can do that.

>> No.7655842


>> No.7655846
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For the Americans here, are the IHOP pancakes good? Are they just another fast food chain like McD?

>> No.7655852

reach out to the truth


>> No.7655854

it's not mcdonalds tier

>> No.7655862

I don't eat like a tard. I work out a little bit. Probably mostly genetics though.

>> No.7655864

you have no muscle, small bones, calcium deficiency and a good metabolism

>> No.7655882
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But are the pancakes good? I want to walk out of there thinking to myself, "Damn those were some good pancakes." I want something filling.

>> No.7655892

I've only had their waffles, which are the same stuff, but they're delicious. The butter pecan syrup is also great, though I don't think it had any real pecan in it.

>> No.7655893

yeah they're good

I mean it's kinda hard to fuck up pancakes you know

>> No.7655906

They are low-tier chain restaurants. Not fast food low because they don't have a drive through but they're basically a really cheap diner. Better than Denny's and you won't get food poisoning at least

>> No.7655909

This fat bitch at the office I work (probably pushing 300+ lbs) is always eating. Every time I walk by her desk she is eating junk food. I shit you not, I witnessed her eating an entire sack of hostess donut holes.

>> No.7655915
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>muh genetics

>> No.7655923
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Thank you, I am going to get the Pick-a-Pancake Combo. I will choose the blueberry flavored pancakes which comes with two eggs, two strips of bacon, and a side of hash browns. I will go to IHOPS after I masturbate and rewatch Chronicles of Narnia.

>> No.7655925

confirmed for pretending to do coke

no cokehead has ever in the history of drug use refered to it as """taking blow"""

>> No.7655945

I did a lot of coke in college and I have referred to it as blow.

>> No.7655942

dude, fat people just have no idea how much they eat. Or they know how much they eat but think that it's normal.

I hate hearing them complain

>> No.7655948
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Worst of all this bitch never shuts up about dating. She talks about her "black boyfriends" all the time as if it's something to be proud of.

>> No.7655949

If you've got a student ID, they tend to do discounts.

>> No.7655951

more like did a lot of drywall and livestock dewormer

>> No.7655953

I have a really fast metabolism so I eat when I feel like it and play videogames. I want to start running, though.

>> No.7655959
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nah brah, cocaine.

>> No.7655989

It's very common to just say you run a 5k. A 5k is a race, but a 5k is also what I do three times a week.

>> No.7655998
File: 977 KB, 500x280, tumblr_m8r908gvRr1r1i627o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw amazing metabolism but have absolutely no visible cheekbones
no ones ever said I have a chubby face, b-but i'm my own worst critic
>tfw could only find a gif inverse to mfw

>> No.7656027


Get your wisdom teeth removed.

>> No.7656045

Careful about what I eat and how much I eat. Walk at least two hours (around 10km) a day to get to school. Walk more in the evening for those nice evening strolls as well as any errands I have to do. I run a lot when its warm outside too, but I hate the treadmill so I don't run that often in the winter.

>> No.7656049

Does anyone have tips on losing weight if I'm a female? I've been at this 95 pound plateau for so long :( I'm 5'3 pls help

>> No.7656072

Count calories, eat less, do strength workouts as well as cardio.

>> No.7656079

I count my calories religiously, but I hate working out. I've recently thought about doing yoga, though.

>> No.7656081

you don't have the right facial structure.. even tho i have quite chubby cheeks, i can still see my cheekbones quite visibly. they're just a bit more hidden.i would have killer cheekbones i could get off my arse & do some cardio

>> No.7656090

vegan + frequent physical activity [live in the city]. easy peasy.

>> No.7656111


diff anon i'm kinda same situation and wisdom teeth out did nothing for me

>> No.7656112
File: 70 KB, 457x519, twiglegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are my legs skinny enough yet /fa/

>> No.7656118

bad knees are bad

>> No.7656113

nah man dont wimp out. diet + workout is guaranteed to make you lose weight power through that shit

>> No.7656122

>probably autistic
> probably

>> No.7656223

Eat less calories?

>> No.7656350

You should tone down the coffee drinking
4+ cups a day over term use can cause liver damage.

>> No.7656357

don't stand like that though, it looks stupid nobody wants a man to flaunt their siq thigh gap

>> No.7656363

wtf is the point of counting calories if you do no exercise
starvation<beating laziness

>> No.7656365

One meal per day.

>> No.7656375

Dude I'm like the same weight at maybe 3/4" taller but I'm there without really trying
problem is all the fat in my body is on my face and I look two or three years younger than I am

>> No.7656376

shut up bitch i smoke weed all day and i'm about as skinny as i can get at 6'3 with no real excerise.

but i smoke mad weed (m8) and am still very skinny

>> No.7656380

not everyone starts eating uncontrollably when they blaze man

>> No.7656385

Drink lots of water. Cannot stress that enough. It makes your brain more likely to feel full.

Discipline to not eat cake and shit all the time.


>> No.7656401
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I've never heard of a knee insult before in my life, damn.
Yeah, I don't stand like that ever so don't worry. Also I'm not really too concerned with grils wanting me I already have one. :^)
Pic related: a skeleton in its natural posture.

>> No.7656440
File: 246 KB, 853x1280, 1390459982191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u dun kno the 1st thing bout skeletons

>> No.7656442

counting calories

>> No.7656450

6'6 and 150lbs here.
I use drugs and don't eat many carbs+ drink lots of water

Just gotta stay away from most sweets and stuff man

>> No.7656454

when the hallucinations hinder productivity or you begin to hear things it's definitely time to go a few days without an addie. also, if you do multiple adderall a day for a long time the psychotic side effects sorta happen while off the medicine too. took me like a month for that to go away.

>> No.7656458

He obviously meant blowjobs

>> No.7656460

120 lbs


>tfw actually trying to gain weight

>> No.7656465

eat clen tren hard

>> No.7656516
File: 92 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-12-04 at 01.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gettin there
110 lbs.

>> No.7656521

6'3 155-160 and I look like that with just a bit of arm/chest/ab muscle addition and bigger/more protruding ribs
how the fuck does density work
i'm not trying to lose anymore

>> No.7656526

I should probably start working out a little
I always say this though. How do you fuckers motivate yourself to do it?

>> No.7656547

I'm just worried about business meetings where food is available. Not sure how I'll deal with those in the future.

>> No.7656559

leather pants that tight must be ridiculously uncomfortable

>> No.7656570

I don't gym
just do lots of home shit if that's all you can be bothered to. imo it's way more enjoyable than cardio and low cal dieting.
I ought to get some weights and such if I want to actually gain anything

>> No.7656576

>How do you fuckers motivate yourself to do it?
look at pictures of guys you want to look like.
read the sticky on /fit/ and get psyched about it.

and then just go to the gym.
yes there is a lot of bullshit, but you will feel good every single time you get done working out. you will notice positve changes after a week.

being that thin means you will start to gain quickly, as long as you are eating, which was the hardest part for me.

just go.
find the time when the gym is the least busy if you are nervous.
at my gym it's between 2-4 PM

>> No.7656580

invest in a jump rope srsly you get a good amount of cardio done if performed correctly + you can do it any time

>> No.7656933

Might just be the angle/picture, you look alright in this one.

>> No.7656976

how often do u trip? you shouldn't do it more than twice a month really. otherwise you're just wasting acid. why not take some amphetamine or something if u don't want to eat

>> No.7657028

I love data, so I got myself a heart rate monitor and a pedometre and I obsessively track. Then I feel obligated to work out so that my data looks nice.

>> No.7657045

>you will feel good every single time you get done working out
Anyone actually feels good after working out? I always feel like shit.

>> No.7657073

>tfw people comment on my fat face
>omg you're way skinnier than I thought from your face

W-would this work?

>> No.7657074

yeah. it's a physical reaction to the endorphin release, if you feel shit it's just because your muscles are so tired or you're struggling for breath.
throwing punches and doing push ups makes me feel way better, or at least more energetic

>> No.7657210

If you saw the /fit/ version of this thread last night not a single person mentioned using non-fitness-related drugs or fasting to stay thin. I'm willing to bet that /fit/ has much leaner people on average than /fa/ and they do it much smarter too.

>> No.7657217

def wont make you skinny
just makes up for the vitamins you lose if you don't eat fish

>> No.7657303

smokes + diet coke

>> No.7657342

revitalizes your bodily goodness and relieves your inner toxins for that fresh, invigorating sensation

>> No.7657808

do you guys ever look at some food you're thinking about eating, but you already can imagine what it tastes like? sometimes that would straight up put me off eating something with a lot of calories.

>> No.7657812

dont eat bad food
make most of your food vegetables and other good shit like oats, lentils whatever
stop eating bacon and burgers and custard creams

>> No.7657813

thanks. i feel like i've also head it's good for your hair and nails. could be wrong, though.

>> No.7657822

thank you, i have started hanging out here but everytime i see a height / weight thread i have to leave because i feel fat

>> No.7657826

I fast and drink a lot of water, don't smoke or drink alcohol. Lots of fruits and veggies, also trying to get back into running and bodyweight workouts. What's most essential for me is to remain active, I get a grumbly tummy while I'm sitting in class but when I'm hard at work or going from shop I don't feel any urges for food.

>> No.7657825

I don't understand how you think.
See good food, imagine how it tastes (good), now you don't want it? What

>> No.7657833

a lot of water helps
your body has to deal with the lower temperature of icy water compared to room temperature, but the amount of calories this process uses is truly just miniscule

>> No.7657834

my torso is really thin but my legs aren't
what do

>> No.7657874


>> No.7657892

like an instance i was trying to find something for dinner one night. i really wanted a to go this burger joint. but then i remembered exactly what my order tasted like in my mouth, it reminded me of how redundant that sugar and fat was, even though it could have been delicious. i think there needs to be an aspect of surprise when you eat something delicious. i ended up going home and baking some yams.

>> No.7657912

>want to lose about five pounds and just get in a little better shape
>start running crazy early morning because no one will see me and I can do it before work
>cold front of single digits (sub zero windchill) plus snow and icy roads
>too risky to run

So, my main fitness goal was being able to run at a reasonable pace for thirty minutes at a time. I don't want to get lazy and then not start running again. Are there any semi-easy indoor exercises I can do until it's nice enough out to run safely again?

Probably more of a question for /fit/ but this thread is vaguely related.

>> No.7657922

use a treadmill. unless you don't have one/access to a gym. then i'm not sure.

>> No.7657931

Yeah, I'm way too nervous for a gym and I don't have the space or cash for a treadmill. My only option is to run outside in the morning and do whatever indoor exercises I can.

>> No.7657935

just do all bodyweight exercises you can do.
partial, assisted or regular push-ups, assisted dips on the edge of your bed or a chair etc.

>> No.7657944

If you smoke and don't eat, I doubt it would make a diffference. Like if I smoke a joint and go to bed or whatever it's not that bad

>> No.7657942

i eat sugary stuff/snacks only on weekends

and my bluecollar work makes me walk for about 8 hours a day, so that's something i guess.

also some miniscule weightlifting, irregular days which means poor results.

>> No.7657949

not sure if this will make any difference, but most people don't really care about the other people working out in the gym. especially if you're in the treadmill/elliptical area. everyone's zoned out watching TV or have their earbuds in. but i totally get being self conscious. i used to never want to go to the gym for the same reason, but i got over it and it's very helpful.

>> No.7657960

I'm actually completely comfortable with myself in public when I am doing pretty much anything but jogging/working out. It's really weird to be embarrassed by attempts at self improvement but I can't help it. I just checked and the nearest gym isn't even very near to me. Plus I don't really have the money to spend on a membership. Besides, I have pretty nice scenery by my house where I run. I just need something for days when it's too cold to run or it's cold and rainy.

Someone mentioned jump rope before so I think I might try that.

Thanks for the tips. I'll look up what that stuff is.

>> No.7657973
File: 34 KB, 385x500, 1372696521166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

careful about carbs: no pasta, no potatoes
lots of water
lots of coffee
little portions where most of it is always salad
broke so can only buy the basics and some vegetables and fruits anyway

I don't know how anyone that doesn't enjoy to punish himself could do this though. Like I literally have to imagine myself getting beaten up and raped every night so I can fall asleep.

>> No.7657979

i'm a student I need food
What can I do
Fuck you skinny bitches

>> No.7657978


Don't worry, this also applies to roughly 75% of /fa/.

>> No.7657980

Anyone tried mixing their own Soylent?

>> No.7657983


Person who has never done drugs or had cool friends detected

>> No.7657988

>my high school friends are all doing coke
i;m 23 bythe way

>> No.7658031

what's the most /fa/ way to refer to benzoylmethylecgonine?

i usually just use "coke" and sometimes "charlie". i'd quite like for "chang" to come back into fashion and sometimes i say "bolivian marching powder" if i'm around literary people

>> No.7658044

work out, black coffee, cigarettes
eat small amounts maybe 5 times a day
do drugs
often go to bar for drinks rather than eating dinner

6'1 160 ~31 waist

>> No.7658052

Fatasfatass detected

>> No.7658069

eat less? it doesn't matter what you eat, just eat under ur tdee of it

>> No.7658075

Workout and watch what you eat. Its really fucking simple.

kcal in = kcal out
You will stay the same weight.

All of these idiots saying you need drugs and cigs and coffee are dumb

>> No.7658076
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~Eat unhealthily but don't have much of an appetite
~Coffee in the morning I guess
~Do about 3 hrs of cardio every week

5'7 126 lbs

>> No.7658080

*tips fedora*

Its coke, just saying fucking coke. Jesus you autists.

>> No.7658129

Hello /lgbt/ :3
That guy is such a qt

>> No.7658134


>> No.7658147

>Small breakfast as in 1/2-1 slice of toast with coffee
>Skip lunch or have small snack e.g crackers or veggies
>Normal Tea
>Don't Snack
>Cardio 3 days a week
>One pig out meal on Saturday

>> No.7658155

:3 hello.

>tfw more gay than effay.

>> No.7658157

Oh and my egg and dairy allergies alongside a fast metabolism probably help as well.

>> No.7658168

90 mins of daily cycling.
(not for fun, I cycle to work because I can't afford a car).

>> No.7658205

intervals of: mountain climbers, jumping jacks, jump rope, leg ups, calf raises, bodyweight or weighted squats (ass to grass no pussy shit here). That will be good for endurance and strengthen your legs until you can get back to running. Also,
>inb4 I don't wanna get huge

It takes months - years to get bearmode. Doing bodyweight exercises will be solid for a beginner and you probably won't be super sore.

>> No.7658214

Coke? Charlie? Damn, I usually say yak, yoke, white, or yiggity.

>> No.7658649

This is such a qt body
>no homo
>just mirin'

>> No.7658653

I've always been slim. Mayber my metabolism is just faster or something.

I used to eat like a pig and never gain weight. Ever.

Lately though I haven't been eating much at all.

>tfw you work a 12 hour manual labour shift without eating anything and only smoking cigarettes and start to get pains in chest until you eat

>> No.7658692

I'm pretty average sized. Fat by /fa/ standards. So I guess I don't.

>> No.7658734

>tfw the bulk never ends

>> No.7658757

>read through every post
>they all say "drink water, eat less, do drugs..."
>i've been doing most of that for 2 weeks now. this is easy
>"...and of course exercise"


>i'm going to stay this way forever

>> No.7658806
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I did no excise, ate whatever I wanted and I stayed 135 lbs (61kg) for over 3 years. I'm 6'2" (188cm).

But I have come to my senses when I started to visit fit

>> No.7658812
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>not being homo
It's the future friend. Rly tho thanks.
Just the drinking water and eating less will get you a way, but if you are overweight, exercise is a good idea, and can start to become legitimately enjoyable after a while.

>more recent pic

>> No.7658824


holy shit, i just realized that this guy posts his pics in every one of htese threads, does he or am i just imagining seeing these pictures before

>> No.7658837

>tfw same body but nipples are too low and i have a birthmark just above one that looks like a third nipple

>> No.7658861

i be tht isnt evne u

>> No.7658876

>you'll never be this qt
I should just end my life already

>> No.7658878

nah he posts super frequently

>> No.7658881



he also camwhores on /soc/ and /lgbt/

>particularly qt

get some standards m9

>> No.7658894

>implying it isn't superqtmode

>> No.7658936

When I see one yeah. Guess I'm a whore. Haven't posted in one for a while before this tho.
Birthmarks are cute. Don't lose hope.
>nipples too low
What kind of bullshit criticism is that? Unless you have hanging gyno granny titties, you're fine.
No you shouldn't friend.
Not on /soc/ anymore, although I do sometimes entertain going back in times of peak loneliness.

>> No.7659368
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My weight fluctuates pretty badly from month to month, usually I don't eat more than a few light meals a week then suddenly three solid days spent outside and at friends' houses results in isolation from lean meats and vegetables. It's still a good time, and being variably vegetarian definitely helps.

>> No.7659427

It takes 17 liters of ice water to burn off 500 kcalories. (for you Americans, Calories).

>> No.7659560

Here's an interesting question, maybe someone has any insight:

I'm 6'0, weight has always been 150-160lbs. I've been athletic since I was young so never had any weight issues, pretty average body.

What I want to know about is MY LEGS. I have naturally muscular legs from years and years of sport, BUT, and here's my question:

Is there any way that I can specifically make my legs skinnier?? Like "gap" skinny?

Can it be done, and if so how. This is pure curiosity by the way, I would look worse if it was a reality.

>> No.7659576
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what the best way of getting a six pack? sit ups and crunchs?

>> No.7659578

i quit kickboxing at age 18, had really massive thighs from years in that sport.
i picked up running as a substitute and now, about 2 years later i run marathons and have skinny but muscular legs that fit saint laurent 15.5cm denim. i have lost a lot of weight though, that has to be said. down from 80+kg to current 71, im 186cm

>> No.7659583


>> No.7659609

Yep, also >>7659583.

I also do leglifts, squats, and used to lift light weights at high reps, but I started looking too manly, so I stopped.

>> No.7659630

how many situps and crunchs a day?

>> No.7659654

When you're starting off, do them until it starts to really burn. Then do that many every other day, and eventually move it up to every day.

What I did anyway, may be a really bad way of going about it but I got dose abs so w/ever.

>> No.7659664


>> No.7659916

Do a push-up regimen. Every night, do at least 10 push-ups. If you can do more, then do it. Once you can to 20 easily, start doing diamond push-ups. Start low, but work your way up until you can do 20. I've been doing this for 2 months and I maintain a healthy 6-pack despite an ordinary diet.

Also, if you only want to work on cardio and not other muscles (which is what a push-up does) do leg raises instead of crunches/sit-ups. Way more effective.

>> No.7659951

you look crazy similar to me
i don't have a six pack though cause my ribs stick out where other people have the top two

>> No.7659963

if i'm doing ~120-150 pushups per day as well as other exercises is that enough to bother eating a bit more to gain muscle from it?

>> No.7659980

humanity pls go

>> No.7659998

Forget what I said guy asking, do this this this.
Wanna fuk? :^)

>> No.7660109

What would that do?

>> No.7660130

lmao yeah /fit/ also advocates steroid usage like it's a boon from the gods

>> No.7660144

>6'1 160

That's pretty stocky, actually

>> No.7660147

just had a massive donna kebab
>tfw i will never be /fa/

>> No.7660152

Are you talking about spot reduction?

>> No.7660234

Hypermetabolism. Don't have to do shit.
Then again, I don't do shit, and I can sometimes my bones and muscles hurt from not doing anything at all.

>> No.7660253

not necessarily
i've been a pretty lanky fucker at 6'3 170
>often go to bar for drinks rather than eating dinner
most alcoholic drinks are calorie dense and sugary as fuck

>> No.7660266

Two inches is more than it sounds like.

>> No.7660273

I know this feel really hard, man. I'm really skinny but I don't do shit. I always feel achy and tired.

>> No.7660278

I guess
you could be pretty thin at his height/weight though if you just had fairly big bones and some muscle
i think

>> No.7660305


On second thought it's probably unfair of me to make a jurisdiction not having seen a photo.

>> No.7660303

Nobody wants a man like that period bb.

>> No.7660316

it's hard to be particularly stocky above like 5'11 without being noticeably fat and/or very muscular
skinnyfat syndrome is highly prominent however

>> No.7661005

If your at the point where you can do that many push-ups, I would suggest diversifying your routine. I would go to /fit/ for more info on gaining muscle, as well as other workouts you can do.

>> No.7661069


Consider an exercise bike instead of a treadmill. You can get a decent exercise bike for fairly cheap and they fold away pretty well, so theyre a good bet.

>> No.7661135


8/10 would bang

>> No.7662212
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>already on healthy weight (but look fat) and no losing anything without starving
w2c self control to starve, I always end up overeating ;_;

>> No.7662263

you look way taller than 5'7 here
i'm 6'3 ~155-60 and pretty fkn skinny, tempted to post a pic to prove weird bodily density

>> No.7662292

What boots are those?

>> No.7662383

Thyroid condition, I think. Not really sure. Maybe a malabsorption issue.

>> No.7662402
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Low appetite mainly.

6'1" 121 lbs here.

>> No.7662433

Nope, Im maybe 5'8 at the most.

>> No.7662457

I'm on the same boat. I look tallish with fitted clothes but get towered by ppl 6 ft+

>> No.7662472

this so much. like sometimes just the thought of putting food in my mouth and having to chew and swallow makes me feel gross.

>> No.7663132


this is the best response in the whole thread. Seriously. I swim 2000 metres (~2600 yards) per week and its great. You get muscle definition whilst remaining really skinny and the technique of the workout is piss easy to develop.

>> No.7663474

for how long have you starved yourself to dare to post this?
i think you should gain maybe 2 kg muscle and 4 kg fat. think about greek goods and then look at your lanky bod.

>> No.7663910

I think it might be having a long torso

>> No.7663934

since when did you escape femgen

>> No.7663941

I've been prompting people to reply "DYEL?" here with my pics since before /lgbt/, friend.

>> No.7663952


My roommates pull the same shit. They'll say stuff like "get that away from me so I don't keep eating it," and then munch everything within a ten foot radius. When they're high it's even worse - they'll come in after smoking, make a beeline to the kitchen, and then demolish anything fatty or sugary /rant

>> No.7663979

Eat healthy, stay active. Shit is the easiest thing ever.

>> No.7664085
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I don't have a desire to eat hardly ever. I don't feel hunger anywhere near as frequent as the average person. For instance, I usually eat one meal a day which is small, yesterday all I ate was half a sandwhich. I drink lots of coffee, 3/4 cups a day, and somehow am very healthy despite my ridiculous eating habits. Have been eating this way for years.

>> No.7664091


>very healthy

you sure you're not just very thin? Do you exercise?

>> No.7664130

I do not excersize but am not overly thin, ottermode around 160 lbs at 6ft. Went to the doctor roughly a month ago to find I have perfect blood pressure, cholesterol, and am not lacking in any essential nutrients. I honestly have no idea why I do not require eating as much as the average person.

>> No.7664162


huh, that's weird. Good for you though

>> No.7664169

>3/4 cups of coffee
>a lot

>> No.7664205

imo the best ways to stay skinning are also in a weird way the best ways to get fat.

Playing a MMO can make you hell skinny
Eating large snacky meals and random times
can also help you get skinny

freaks out your system makes it work harder than it needs too but only works if the regular meals your having are some what modest.

My friend used to sware by Energy Drink and i used to Sware by drinking Milk to stop hunger pains rather than eat but i think Energy Drink fucked up his heart and the Milk fucked up my skin.


don't do dumb shit if it doesn't work don't like force it just like try some thing els and keep living a diferent way like once a month or some thing until you find some thing that leads to more cumfy results.

don't be mean 2 yo self too Hugz

>> No.7664208

I like you

>> No.7664286
File: 1.41 MB, 1480x1160, Photo at 2014-01-24 13.15.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im anemic as fuck
satanic swag and white girl problems

lines like katy moss etc

I just bought 1600mg of codeine as my dealer had some short comings, lel. Meh codeine.

>> No.7664294


wow ur lyk, so /fa/, hahaha herion chic much?? wow girl, so cool, codeine? wow, is that like...that drink of tumblr that everone reblogs, wow, that is lyk....some serious shit yahhhh, i tried to buy some weed but my daddy wouldnt give me money yahhhh

>> No.7664295

I'm getting really sick of all of the attention whores on /fa/ at the moment.

>> No.7664296
File: 28 KB, 343x355, friendly banana image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am banana

>> No.7664301


Don't worry, I'm going back to my homeboard soon of /r9k/

you can come visit me there.

>tfw not sure if im surprised or not there is no robots here

still autism

>> No.7664299
File: 412 KB, 454x605, tumblr_muzjmvsgHi1s6xcu8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/soc/+rob migrant, just ignore it my nig

>> No.7664305

i apologize for being beautiful s well

xoxoxox ;D

>> No.7664312



>> No.7664315

>Eating large snacky meals and random times
can also help you get skinny

freaks out your system makes it work harder than it needs too but only works if the regular meals your having are some what modest

this is blatantly wrong

>> No.7664324

/fat/ plz go

>> No.7664325

i dont even poop or fart man

>> No.7664326

bulletproof coffee

>> No.7664368
File: 10 KB, 393x400, 130446102199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not skinny, but to keep your weight you have to live like a human being. You know, move around and not stuff your face whenever you think you might get hungry in an hour or two and stuff like that. I'm going to walk to the store now for cigarettes and a triple cheeseburger.


pic related

>> No.7664384

idk how people even manage to be fat
I live a sedentary lifestyle and at my lowest I've been <100 pounds

>> No.7664429

>idk how people even manage to be fat
Genetics. I'm serious. I'm the same way. Keep telling myself I'll start lifting seriously to keep myself from getting flabby but since I can just stay lean from whatever I normally do I never have the motivation to lift consistently.

>> No.7664530

nope. i eat kinda healthy but i eat candy or meat sometimes. also, i work out in spring and fall. i stop muh cardio at summer and winter for some unknown reason (i'm lazy). i vary between ~9 and 12% bf.

>> No.7664555

how much coffee do you drink? i shug down 8-12 espressos daily. *that caffeine loss headache*

>> No.7664576

Some people are just inherently going to be fat unless they work their asses off. When I was young I didn't work out & ate really normally and I was pushing 200 lbs. Started working out and now I have to literally work my ass off to stay slim.

>> No.7664609

>this is what fatties actually believe
calories in vs calories out, das it mane

>> No.7664616

Arms the size of twigs are not attractive. Go back to tumblr.

>> No.7664623

Genetics matters in how the calories are stored and how your body deals with them. When you're working with muscle it's mostly consistent across people, when you're working with fat there are very large differences in the way people's bodies deal with it.

>> No.7664624

just to let you know that's some fat chick (or dude?) from /jp/ or /soc/ or someshit that shitposts on here

no that pic isn't of the poster in question

>> No.7664625

this guy here
I literally eat less than any of my friends and work out twice as hard just to stay as good looking as they are. I'm no expert, but I fully believe that there's something different between people who tend towards the fat side and people who stay skeletons their whole life.

>> No.7664803

weightlifting, cardio, bikram, and hiking

I do it to stay sane but it keeps me thin too.

Altogether I probably exercise 25-30 hours a week.

>> No.7664854


unless all your friends have graves you just don't eat less than them, period

genetics determine your hunger (due to levels of ghrelin and leptin) and where you store fat, but assuming a similar age and activity level peoples metabolisms vary surprisingly little

>> No.7664859

1 meal a day and only drink water

>> No.7665263
File: 7 KB, 372x446, SMILEY FACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigger

>> No.7665284

because you have zero muscle
do some fkn push ups or something
nobody is inherently fat except children with shitty parents arguably
metabolic shit can also arguably play a part, but all obese people I know eat like absolute shit and do no exercise. it's hard to find any motivation to change anything at that point, but it doesn't mean you should blame any outside source or predisposition for your own shitty habits.

>> No.7665292

I can do 3 chin ups b don't start what u can't finish

>> No.7665290
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>> No.7665291

pls b in south hemisphere

>> No.7665296

i've been drinking 6-8 long blacks as of late and still sleeping fine. i exercise tho.
apparently it can give you stomach ulcers but that seems like a huge rarity. speeds up my metabolism, takes like god and makes me not feel like shit so it's kool

>> No.7665306

who cares you're ugly as sin

>> No.7665314

b-b-b-boner kill
seriously, go outside

>> No.7665342

good. i have no ulcer pain jet. How do you make yours?

>> No.7665367

neither, my kidneys feel a bit weird though sometimes
grind and plunge or instant if i'm in a rush/super lazy

>> No.7665466

You're mega-autistic for the combined-ingredients things, but as a fellow murkan, I share your pain in that I don't mind walking a bit to the place if I'm just grabbing lunch. It at least makes me feel better about the food i'm about to consume

>> No.7665491

>nothing but simple carbs

Get a load of this joker

>> No.7665498

Oh wait nvm dont look at me

>> No.7665532
File: 1.62 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating pizza

>> No.7665589

walk around a lot. just walk everywhere and listen to music. cycle a good bit and i row too.
coffee helps and a cigarette now and again.
eat balanced vegetarian diet

>> No.7665621

Doing drugs that make me not want to eat
Replacing meals with coffee
60 crunches and 30 push ups a day
No soda, no ranch or other fatty dipping sauces

>> No.7665771

I'm a faggot and even I know she isn't. Don't be a bitter fuckface.

>> No.7666742

don't listen to them, you are pretty. id like to be your friend