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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 7 KB, 312x321, 1355946392153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7637339 No.7637339[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw raws are so tight i have to constantly unbutton them to sit down
>feel like they're going to rip every time i bend over to get something
>putting on shoes is a nightmare

f-for the fades am i r-right guys?

>> No.7637345

is it really that bad

>> No.7637347

dawg just soak yo raws in olive oil for 2 hours then put em in the freezer for a day. trust me it works.

>> No.7637353

iktf op

>> No.7637363

denim typically stretches a lil
but if you're fat use it as motivation, and if you're a skinny dumbass just learn your lesson

>> No.7637362

i don't want my raws to smell like a salad

>> No.7637369

thats coo, tomato sauce works too.

>> No.7637366

sounds like bullshit m8
dont fall for the oil troll OP

>> No.7637373


It works. The oil loosens up the material a bit so that it'll stretch more easily.

>> No.7637410
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>tfw you second guess a grail t shirt and now its gone forever

>> No.7637421

raws are so 2012

>> No.7637425

its okay because its pretty ugly. You should be glad you weren't tricked into spending 70 bucks for it.

>> No.7637433
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>tfw getting a good deal on ebay

>> No.7637452

it's shit tee
acne isn't that good brand
their cash jeans are pretty good, that's why it's hyped everywhere

>> No.7637453
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>shipping $21.20
>good deal

>> No.7637466

I'm from vermont :^) He's okay with me driving to him to pick up.

>> No.7637468

aren't the bushacre ones the shitty version that is only $50 new anyway

>> No.7637481


I bought my originals for $60 brand new.

>> No.7637477

how long have you been wearing them for
if they' haven't stretched out in the first few days they're not going to

>> No.7637491

I know this feel. copped this j crew adirondak in S on ebay for 20 dollars shipped.

>> No.7637506

the bushacres crepe sole is actually more durable then the deserts rubber. and the last time beeswax bushacre 2 went on sale on black friday, they were 65 bucks on amazon. They are normally 80.

>> No.7637522
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>> No.7637547
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I know that feel, the only place to get it is for a more than retail and a shitload on shipping

>> No.7637567

>mfw I can see my abs in the mirror for the first time of my life
>mfw looking at my face which looks so surprisingly good that I start laughing histerically while feeling like a young demigod
Life is good.

>> No.7637574

>invited to a smallish going away party for a friend
>excited to wear some new cops I had bought but never yet worn
>wake up and it's 39C
>fuck it.. wear it anyway
>no comments on my fit except one girl likes my shoes

fuck dis country, can't wait to move somewhere colder and layer myself to hell and back

>> No.7637589
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at least you have friends and that they invite you to places

>> No.7637587

>tfw you were rused into buying Weird Guys TTS
>tfw they are fuckhueg

>> No.7637604

not for long, two of my closest have moved away and I move away also in 3months
time to go full recluse mode

>tfw will be paying rent for the first time in my life
>will be living in london too so ridiculous rent prices
>no excess money to spend on cops


>> No.7637606

fuck man I'm so jello, i'm wanting to move there but I'm not going to be able to for 5 years

>> No.7637612

>tfw still live with parents so extra income goes to expensive cops
>trying to enjoy it before i have to start paying rent
>convince myself that the money would have been wasted on rent so cops are all worth it

>> No.7637623

why's that?
I'm going in april, pretty psyched, was there a few years ago for half a year and loved it and now I'm going back for 2 years or so. Have distant family in tuscany too so might move there afterwards.
I only work 25 hours in my home city right now and I make enough to cover rent x2 if I didn't live at home. In london I'll have to work 40h weeks just to cover rent.. fuck.

>> No.7637626

>buying weird guys
why would you want to look like a weird guy

>> No.7637898
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>tfw large ugly chin

>> No.7637901

>tfw im the only asian guy whos social in this city
>decent lookin, 5'9 skinny. dresses effay and styled hair
>literally hit up like 15 girls the past 3 days, most ignore, some dont wanna hangout and the 2 girls that you do dont wanna hookup and leave

and theyre all fucking basic. fuck my life

>> No.7637903
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>> No.7638016
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>work holds meeting
>Grills all sexy nd shit
>Dudes all Swaggy
>stroll in faded with a ripped white t black skinnies and docs.

I didnt know a bar staff meeting ment dress up.

>> No.7638032
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>manlet asian
>expecting grills to fuck you

dude, hit up the qt3.14 korean chicks

>> No.7638049

tfw no computer love

>> No.7638050

I wouldn't stick my dick in Korean or Chinese

and I've stuck my dick in flip puss

>> No.7638056

LMAO whyyyy flip puss

>> No.7638070

own it mayne

>> No.7638071

I wanted to say I've fucked black but I couldn't get hard for the few niggers I've tried it with (the smell, and visually it's...not quite attractive looking, like infected. flesh eating sexual organs) and that was as dark as I could go

but flip didn't smell too great, they had nigger lips and rougher than average Mexican bitch skin though

>> No.7638083


finally a practical solution for both my raws being uncomfortable and the spaghetti in my pockets getting dry

>> No.7638097

noone gives a fuck sieg you ficking non-person.

>> No.7638104

idk where they are :(
lmao youre a fat fuck why do you still post here you ugly faggot

>> No.7638123
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And where would you find such a thing? A plastic surgery clinic?

>> No.7638132

>tfw no qt rich sugarmomma with a fat ass that wears curve hugging rick dresses and knee high backzips to buy me a ccp maltieri wardrobe and take me to around the world

fuck this gay earth

and fuck fashion nigga

i cant do this shit alone anymore

>> No.7638139


>> No.7638141

>not quite attractive looking, like infected. flesh eating sexual organs
irl Lol

ill remember that if the opportunity for me to fuck a black chick ever arises

>> No.7638156


OGDB's have a crepe sole.
Bushacre's have a rubber soul.
The facts, get them straight.

>> No.7638167
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oh boy, such filename

>> No.7638444

no, that's a good chin

>> No.7638470

right I got this messed up, but I still know for a fact that the bushacre 2's are better constructed then the desert boot.

>> No.7638492

>tfw in bathroom at work
>tfw looking in mirror, flexing
>tfw starting to get hard
>tfw boss walks in

>> No.7639023

I'm the guy who sold them to you, why haven't I heard about this lmao

>> No.7639031
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>sizing down more than one

>> No.7639035

>tfw passing up so many deals on footwear because can't bring myself to wear peoples old shoes

>> No.7639043

It's pretty whatever. Why does everyone jizz over acne's marble print?

>> No.7639041

it depends. you should have the owner take a picture of the insole and outsole to judge the amount of wear on them, and guess if he went sockless lel.

>> No.7639081
File: 376 KB, 1280x960, 1388197198941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care if you believe me or not but:

>go 2 photoshoot adorned in rick damir and ann.
>the photographer and makeup artist spend the entire shoot complimenting the stylist who brought H&M aldo and allshits
>"You should just wear those looks everyday anon!"
granted they're both gay and probably didn't notice my subtle grayscale layering before I got changed, but still.

inb4 >dressing 4 others.

>> No.7639083

>5'8 decent looking effay asian with effortless /fa/ hair
>everyone wants to hang w/ me

sucks to be u.

>> No.7639126

they are right, you probably should start wearing dat HM. Send me those shitty rick pieces ya have, especially those baskets, you dont need em

>> No.7639139

This is how I know you dress like shit. You post that feel picture and say stuff like
>my subtle grayscale layering
I don't even need to see a fit to know you're one of the people who jumped on the gothninja train and fell off looking 10x worse. If you were doing it right, you'd get compliments.

>> No.7639177

>implying I havent gotten compliments.
>implying I havent been complimented by this board
>implying you arent a fuccboi
talk shit post a fit talk shit post a fit.

>> No.7639319

you're disgusting

>> No.7639345

>walk into urban outfitters
>people start asking you questions cause they think you work there

>> No.7639425

>tfw 18 and still growing so don't want to drop cash on siqq fits because I'll outgrow them in a bit
I've only got to be a basic bitch for a while longer ;-;

>> No.7639458
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better speculate how ur going to grow some pieces ain't gonna come back for your bitch ass nigga

>> No.7639483

Wanna buy it from me?

>> No.7639488

oh god this so much for me because I wear a lanyard with my keys around my neck and it makes me look like an employee

>> No.7639493

that depends
>how much
>have you washed it

>> No.7639518


pls be in london

>> No.7639545
File: 91 KB, 694x960, that feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw almost burned through the $30,000 dead grandma gave me on cops
>when is grandpa gunna die

>> No.7639555

you piece of shit
>can't say I'm not jealous though

>> No.7639552


>> No.7639564

i wouldve spent the 30k on tuition

>> No.7639587
File: 28 KB, 561x519, 1372481400184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people are ashamed of grey hair
>implying that shit isn't full on educated gentlemen core
>mfw I'm probably going to be dead from liver failure before i get old enough to grow grey hairs

>> No.7639593

>tfw tinnitus isnt /fa/
>tfw not going to be able to mix/master properly in this lifetime.

>> No.7639602
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>in this lifetime

buddhist fag pls go

>> No.7639637

that talk is earning you some mad negative karma, bruh

>> No.7639632

*tips fedora*

>> No.7639648


>> No.7639652

every post has been shitting on it actually

>> No.7639669

I thought making fun of religion literally made you a neckbeard

>> No.7639839
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>tfw gf

>> No.7640036

>acting fat, eating cream puffs
>bite into one and cream squirts out
>right on my new apc sweater
Fucking karma for eating fat people food

>> No.7640753
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>> No.7641008
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>> No.7641039
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>tfw spilled ketchup on my raws

>> No.7641068

there's an easy way to fix this
dont eat

>> No.7641551

tfw fell asleep on keyboard with porn on loop and mild volume whilst wearing a soon to be returned nike sample

>> No.7641574
File: 490 KB, 449x401, LAUGHINGGIRLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dis nigga want faydz y'all

>> No.7641766

At least i am taller and better lookin than u

>> No.7641771
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heh, just got ketchup on a pair of pants today also

>> No.7641807

say it's blood from fight and you won
"you shoulda seen the other guys raws"

>> No.7641832

You made the corners of my lips curl.

Fuck you.

I'm trying to get /fa/ deep creased frown lines

>> No.7642563

tfw no social group that like the same music

>> No.7642560

They have the measurements listed on the website you idiot. Size down 2, dumbshit.

>> No.7642777

>tfw all my effay friends moved out of our city and now live in london or nyc
>tfw im still stuck here with all the plebs