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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 51 KB, 276x229, Dexter-Henley-Shirt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7630587 No.7630587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

are Henley shirts ever /fa/?

>> No.7630596

i think they're cool

obviously they have to fit right and work in your style but otherwise they're solid

side note i cant stand those AA henleys like in pic related for some reason it looks so gay to me

>> No.7630592

if you are fit

>> No.7630605


is ottermode enough? my shoulders look roundish

I work at walmart so I'm tryin to step it up

>> No.7630611

you skinny little faggot
You will look like a indian monk
Go for a style to hide your gay boyish body

>> No.7630649
File: 41 KB, 400x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought a couple wings + horns henleys in medium.
>That feel when they fit comically small.
D-Does anyone wanna buy some henleys?

>> No.7630656

return them and buy the right size?

>> No.7630658


Depends on the henley, depends on how it's worn. They're nice if you like having options in terms of a wider or narrower neckline.

>> No.7630669

yeah, i don't care for aa's either. in fact, i generally dislike henleys and have only like one that I've tried on, which was a billy reid henley. wear it fully buttoned up, though

>> No.7630684

They were a sale item, wings + horns doesn't take returns on sale items.
I-I guess I'll just lose some weight.

>> No.7630837

You gotta have shoulders and dat der v taper for them to look good I find.

Not a fuccboi shirt at all.

>tfw finally able to fill in a henley

>> No.7630843

I'm thinking of buying one. Email?

>> No.7630860

Short answer: they're never really /fa/.
Longer answer: You can sometimes make them sort of work but what's the point? They almost never look good tailored and there are so many better options for casual knits.

>> No.7630880

>are Henley shirts ever /fa/?
only if you have broad manly shoulders are henleys fa/acceptable

>> No.7630948
File: 60 KB, 387x618, tumblr_ltpdtuRvch1r04ilzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think short sleeve hensleys can look good. I even know a few skinny guys who look good in them, and they always look great on ripped guys.

>> No.7631020

i really want a henly like dexter's but i actually want to look really indian
there's a vaguely religious aesthetic to the full sleeve henly

>> No.7631092
File: 29 KB, 354x423, henley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my experience, they're very flexible. They look great over a t-shirt. Or a v-neck. Or OCDBs. They look great under cardigans and practically any other jacket or coat. I think their the best basic that you can buy next to t-shirts

>> No.7631104

>so many better options for casual knits.

like what, pray tell?

>> No.7631120

You're serious?

>> No.7631131

expound for the noobs among us pls respond

>> No.7631125
File: 16 KB, 226x193, 1351218094818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7631149

not the person you're responding to, but: crew necks, v-necks, polos, cardigans, shawl pullovers, hooded knits, those moroccan notch neck things...

>> No.7631201

and why are those "better options" ?

>> No.7631199
File: 190 KB, 1313x1732, sp00013_010_f_6_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henley's are /fa/ if it's a good one. Don't get a Dexter Henley because you'll look like Dexter. I like my Henley. pic related.

>> No.7631216


it looks good if you make it look good, you can't just write off every henley ever as unfashionable just because you don't like them or don't know how to pull em off.

>> No.7631219

They're not if you know how to buy shirts in your size.

Personally I love them for layering. I think they suit an open jacket or cardigan or otherwise divided piece of outerwear way better than a generic crew or v neck tee

>> No.7631230

Short sleeved henleys are the worst, man. For some reason they always look so much more labial at the neckline than the long sleeved shirts.

>> No.7631416

it's probably just the greater emphasis from the lack of cloth
although goose's thing there is actually huge compared most
I like uniqlo's short sleeved henley though, evokes a miner

>> No.7631494

>are t-shirts /fa/
>are jackets /fa/
>are sneakers /fa/

fuck off

>> No.7632436

Nah not really. You're better off with a crewneck or V-neck long sleeve shirt.

>> No.7632810

hard 2tell when u post a image 4 ants...

>> No.7632816

>loosing weight to fit clothe
good luck m9, forewarning: this nevr works ever for anybody...

>> No.7632821

this looks like shit. the only reason anybody would ever have this image other than to laugh at is because he's a handsome celebrity. in which case mayb we should b laughing a little bit more...

>> No.7632827

Your neckbeard is showing.

>> No.7632831

I've noticed that they have some sizing inconsistencies. The L one I bought from S/S 2013 fits snugly yet the marled L one I bought drapes over me.

I don't quite understand what's happening but that's a small irritation.

>> No.7632830

i think they are dunno why i never got round to copping any before

>> No.7633087

yo you live in manchester right?

what high school did you go to?

>> No.7633127

>They almost never look good tailored
this is /fa/ summed up in a nut-shell. so focused on wearing obscure as shit that they don't stop to use logic when it comes to fashion
the point of a henley is that you're supposed to fill them out. they don't need tailoring, they're not for skin and bone faggots from /fa/. they're for guys to show off their work in the gym.
people in here are calling them "shit" and saying the gosling fit looks like shit, when in reality girls love a dude in a tight ass henley. even if it was just gosling from the neck down, bitches would still be all over it.
/fa/ has lost it's fucking mind, the point of fashion is to look good. and you faggots try everything in your power to do the opposite. this board needs to be renamed to something more accurate, like /people trying to out weird each other/ because that's all you weirdos do

>> No.7633145

I beg to differ

I use to try to look my best since that is what I use to think of as fashion, but i moved past that
There is a difference between FASHION and CLOTHES
There is nothing wrong with dressing just to look nice, but dont call people out when thats not what they do

here is a post i stole:

>"twerk how come u know so much about fashion yet your fits still suck shit?"

"Because fashion isn’t just about looking your "best".

In fact dressing just to look good is a very basic understanding of fashion / style / dress, it’s this belief that is the well from which all crappy fashion thoughts spew forth.

"Why spend so much money when you can look better for less?"

"Why wear clothes that distort your body? It’s not flattering."

"Why wear such feminine / masculine clothing?, It’s turning away guys / girls"

Almost every small minded thought regarding fashion comes about because people have this idea permanently etched into their brains that fashion is ONLY about looking good.

>> No.7633153


But the reality is that it doesn’t have to be, and I would argue that it’s actually essential to put this thought aside in order to truly grow and develop whether as a designer or simply someone that wants to have their own personal style.

There’s absolutely a time and place for looking your best or “blending in” , but for other times elsewhere why not have fun and experiment? If dressing for others is “science”, then dressing for yourself is “art”. You think twerk, with all his knowledge of fabric and fit, couldn’t dress “well” (as defined by Western preferably North American society)if he wanted to? Of course he could, being able to do that comes from the most rudimentary of fashion knowledge. But why would he want to? Especially because he doesn’t fit within the gender roles and norms as defined by this society. For him to dress “well” as defined by others would be for him to betray his own identity and personality - for him to be completely uncomfortable in his own clothing.

How come no one ever considers this? You see it all the time with celebrities - they’re dressed up for events and everyone says they look stunning, but outside the machine they wear sweat pants and flip flops because that’s who they really are.

It takes an immense amount of bravery and integrity to dress for yourself, especially when most people will think that you look like shit.

>> No.7633157


It’s not an issue of being unable to dress for others - it’s a conscious decision not to. Speaking personally there’s little to learn if you dress for others. That means taking into consideration everyone else’s aesthetic preferences and putting aside your own. It often means toning it down and avoiding experimentation. Almost every day I try to combine my wardrobe in ways that I have never done before. A lot of times it does look like shit but I learn from it. Not to mention, when it doesn’t look like shit it means I’ve discovered something new about fit or silhouette or proportions or fabrics or color. If I didn’t dress for myself I would never experiment, I would never dare to look bad, and I would never learn.

As a designer my body is a living sketch pad, artists and other creatives should be able to get this. Imagine if you walked around with your rough sketches and plastered on the front of your shirt. That’s what people like twerk are doing. That’s their craft, it’s their medium, and like with any medium you learn from failure. The difference is that clothing has to be worn so the failure is public.

He is young, he’s learning, and failing, and growing. You can laugh now because he’s like that one kid who took gymnastics and looked silly and kept falling on his ass but 10 years later when he’s graceful as fuck and can do standing back flips and gets roles in kung fu movies you’ll all be wishing you joined up with him instead of sitting on the side lines and laughing because you didn’t have the balls to experiment and be shit at something.”

>> No.7633179

yes it does you fucking idiot

>> No.7633353

Please keep posting on this board. You raise the quality of discussion. And, for the love of god, don't start tripping. You could be the anon this board needs even if it doesn't deserve you

>> No.7633390

lol thanks

wasnt me though obviously, like i said
stolen from another dudes post

but thanks anyways

wish Anorak and poet were still here
what happened to anorak?

>> No.7633488
File: 49 KB, 483x368, 1363923180493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The shitposting will never end