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7627088 No.7627088[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw have a drinking problem
>blackout drunk again last night
>pissed off family and good friends
>certainly did or said embarrassing shit but i dont want to ask

i want to quit but i say it all the time and the next day im bored and want to drink, then when i drink i cant stop drinking. im a weird guy too and when i drink i just lose my mind.

wtf can i do /fa/

>> No.7627142

ask a different board

>> No.7627168

but /fa/ are my boys

>> No.7627172

You're living the /fa/ lifestyle, don't quit now

>> No.7627175

stop drinking

>> No.7627174

rehab nigga

>> No.7627197

drink less

>> No.7627204

Not op, but have similar problem. When i drink, i can't drink less, i drink till i pass out or till a black out and do some stupid ass things. The best way is NOT to drink at all.

>> No.7627222

This isn't your personal blog. >>>/adv/

>> No.7627232


>> No.7627244

Obviously you haven't drunk till you've gotten alcohol poisoning mate.
When I was finally legal to drink in the first few months I used to get completely fucking trashed. My worst was when me and some people went camping and I drank 1L of jager in the form of jager bombs and after they convinced me to start on a bottle of vodka (some fucking friends, just trying to get alcohol off me). Anyway I ended up vomiting all over myself in my sleep, and continued vomiting for the whole next day. Also hallucinations.

Once you've done this a few times you really fucking slow down.

>> No.7627241

nah man im really odd when drunk, like mentally ill tier. and ill destroy any drugs/cigs i have as well
i really want to, gonna try for real this time
mmhmm, doesn't help that im 120 pounds as well so alcohol still kicks my ass even when i abuse it

>> No.7627245

Most of our problems stem from not knowing oneself. OP, do some self-reflection. Why do you drink so much? What may have caused you to adopt this habit? Chart your inner dimensions, if you wish to truly change yourself.

>> No.7627250
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I stopped drinking for a bit just because it fucked with my diet and nutrition
It's not hard dude

You can still go out and not drink, it's just maybe not as fun
Also it costs way less and you'll have more money for cops

I'm going for pic related

>> No.7627259


The most important part is to be brutally honest with yourself. Don't turn away from the truths, no matter how much they may hurt. Humble yourself.

>> No.7627270

ugh i know the feeling dude
man i dont want to get into this shit im a really shitty person
ima really try. fuck forgot to mention its my 21st in less than a month as well...

>> No.7627290

Ya so make it your goal to not drink until then
If you do it reward yourself with a new cop with the money you saved

U can do it m8

I'm just turned 20 btw

>> No.7627305


Don't distance yourself from yourself. Apathy breeds misery. You don't have to tell us but you should be willing to comfront the darkest parts of yourself. All of us have an inner shadow - the dark reflections of ourselves that is inseperable from our actual self. We can never fully detach the "inner shadow" just as we can never fully rid of our own literal shadow. One must own their shadow, in a sense. Accept those parts of you that are unfavorable. Honesty and acceptance are the true keys to sincere self-reflection. Once you can sincerely engage with yourself, you can make steps to change yourself. Until then, you will live in bad faith.

>> No.7627307

If you still drink until unconsciousness you really should give that up man. I'm so glad to be alive after the amount of times I did that shit, but every day I wonder what damage I've done to myself and I'm only 19.

Don't try to slow your drinking down because after 2 drinks you'll give up and say fuck it, you just need to put it down for a few months mang.

>> No.7627345

I was in reanimation durring alcohol m8. I just have problem with drinking, so i just don't drink at all, i choose running, cycling instead. It's a great way to change your life and if you have some kind of depression, sport is the best way to feel happier. My therapist said, that sport works as antidepressant for short amount of time, so if you do this twice a day, you will be pretty OK.

>> No.7627350
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thanks man ima do it.
thank you dude
yeah definitely, this is going to be an interesting experience. my biggest problem will be boredom.

i gotta get some sleep now guys, if anyone wants to say anything i will still read this thread tomorrow, night lads

>> No.7627359

limit yourself to a portion of the drink and smoke marijuana :3