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/fa/ - Fashion

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7586230 No.7586230[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst /fa/ related feel ever? In my opinion the worst is:
>tfw no money for cops

>> No.7586263

Do community service if you can't pay the cops.
It sucks but it's better than serving time.

>> No.7586285

Haha so funny!

>> No.7586287
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>tfw love fashion but hate clothes
does nobody else get this
i hate being clothed
it hurts my skin and makes me frustrated

i would drape myself in velvet if it were socially acceptable

>> No.7586300
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>girl touches your arm
wow anon you are so skinny
>girl looks at your arm
wow, you're really skinny anon, you should do something about it
>girl playfully hits you
ouch, youre so bony anon, that hurt

>> No.7586307


I just thought of it off the top of my head!

>> No.7586312

lol nice post

had a few questions for you

you really know your shit. i have just been showing my masculinity more and just that, like even the way i sit and stuff has really changed how girls see me.

but you posted this post
>Women have an AMAZING "He doesn’t get it" radar system.
>Women have all kinds of subtle and ingenious tests that they throw at men to separate the "get its" from the "don’t get its".
>And if you don’t get it, then you’re going to fail one of these tests VERY quickly.
>But the worst part is that you won’t ever KNOW that you were being tested... OR that you failed.
>But before you can learn how to deal with the tests, you must first learn how to communicate on an emotional level, how to demonstrate that you have fundamental social skills, and how to keep your cool in the moment.

What are some of these tests, and how to handle them?

and then also how to communicate on an emotional level?
emotions are how girls operate so how do i have convos that get them pulled in emotionally? like book of pook says "dont talk about DNA" for example

>> No.7586314

>girl looks at your sick acne jawns
wow anon you're so skinny
>same girl looks at your bod at beach
wow anon how can you be so skinny but have muscle aswell?
>tfw nobody comments on my clothes though

>> No.7586318

you do realise you're over-analysing girls
this is autism to the max
they do these subtle things subconsciously

>> No.7586326

being a girl on 4chan must like being a gay person at a church camp

>> No.7586348

I don't remember writing that, but looks good.

There are so many "tests" that it's impossible to list. It isn't something you should be worried about so much, just something to think about.
Sometimes it's something going on subconsciously, but still, it's happening.

There isn't one surefire way to handle all tests, because there are too many types.
But when you start paying attention and thinking about what her words MEAN, you'll start to pick up on them and catch them before they even come up.

You "win" the test by not reacting to it, pretty much. Making it into a joke, ignoring or turning it back on her (in a fun way) is the best way to handle it.

>> No.7586360

>they do these subtle things subconsciously
That's true in many cases.

It isn't that they are thinking "I need to test him right now"
but they ARE testing, regardless.

We are talking about women's tests, but this is really just psychology. The test is happening, whether it's subconscious or not, and the way you respond will have the same effects.

>> No.7586366

okay yeah one example i was thinking was like this girl kept asking me who i hung out with

and she kept asking me

as a joke I said "are you trying to judge my social worth or something"

and she laughed and moved on and i guess that felt like a "win"

also everyone says to not do what the girls asks you, but what if it is just common curtsey like a girl you barely know asks you to fill her cup or something?

also answer my question about emotional connections?

>> No.7586368

i cant take any of your advice since you are supposedly hot and anything you do will get girls

but btw how do i become a more interesting person and become funnier?

>> No.7586370

Here is an example:
>be last night
>out with girl
>she's loving the attention she's getting rolling with a cool 10/10 young thug like myself
>she straight up says "i love it when you make out with me in public."
>"whys that?"
>"because everyone looks at me and it makes me feel special"
>"That's because girls feel more attracted to a guy when he is with a girl. It's social proof."
>"why don't you like PDA"
>"go get me another drink"

>> No.7586376

Now here is a test:
what do you think she was trying to test me with by her statements?

>> No.7586378

yo dude why come to /fa/ with the relationship stuff

lord knows theres other boards that need it more badly

just curious not h8n

>> No.7586381

i am reading these posts and i swear to god i have not seen this much autism since the last time i browed r/theredpill

thank god i'm queer

>> No.7586384

>are you trying to judge my social worth or something
nice. i may have said something pretty similar too. or sarcastically exaggerated a huge list of celebrities.

it's a win because you didn't take it serious.
the only thing is that answer really depends on the confidence you have while saying it.

>also answer my question about emotional connections?
which was?

> hot and anything you do will get girls
>believing that looks overrides "game"

>> No.7586390

"do you not like me because you dont like doing stuff with mein public"


"do yo think i am too ugly to let people know you are doing stuff with me"?

nice job though, i am not good enough to figure this stuff out in the moment yet

>> No.7586397

but when do you take questions seriously? you dont always want to be deferring it or making jokes right?

>emotional question
and then also how to communicate on an emotional level?
emotions are how girls operate so how do i have convos that get them pulled in emotionally? like book of pook says "dont talk about DNA" for example

>> No.7586400

looking cute on the hanger
not looking cute on you

>> No.7586398

>tfw no gf
>tfw closest to gf you have is the girl from your same agency you've been on/off again with for two years finally have sex on christmas
>tfw she's in ny now
>tfw i try to hide the pain with expensive clothes

>> No.7586401

>yo dude why come to /fa/ with the relations
that's just what ended up happening.

i posted on /adv/ for a while, but it's too much of the same shit and far too many white knights etc.

basically i could sit there 24/7 for 10 years and answer every single question and it would barely make a dent in the number of needy pathetic losers.

i like /fa/ and plus im cool.
it does seem like /fa/ has more relationship problems VS problems GETTING a relationship.

>> No.7586405

what do I do when i like hookup with a girl but she wants a relationship and i might not be looking for tht

last girl i said "thats not what i am looking for right now" took that as i wasnt interested and stopped hooking up with me


>> No.7586410

how do i escalate physically?

it always seems so unnatural and out of the moment

>> No.7586414

>you dont always want to be deferring it or making jokes right?
if you don't want to answer, you do.
that's pretty much what it comes down to.

if she says "who do you hang with" and you hang with the coolest guys in the world, casually mention it if you want.

of course, it'd be better to SHOW her that in a non obvious way.

>> No.7586419

Best answer "let's see where things go"

that is the best answer for a ton of reasons.

>> No.7586421
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> break up with ex
> see ex cover a song with new guy, used to be our song
> American eagle, abercrombie, usually what he's dressed in

>> No.7586429


and wat do when she want to talk about "what we are"?

and ill bump this question since i would like an answer also about the emotions and stuff

>> No.7586432

yea it can be weird, but it actually isn't as weird as you make it out to be.

it sounds weirder to explain it, tbh.
you just do it. the "basic" spots is head, shoulder, etc.
the best spots are neck, hips and of course ass.

>> No.7586442

>and wat do when she want to talk about "what we are"?
that's definitely not fun, but it will happen.
just tell her the same thing "i like spending time with you. let's see where things go."

if she says "but are we together" or something, and keeps pressing say "what does being 'together' mean to you" and stuff like that.

she is asking out of insecurity, and all she really needs is a bit of HOPE. she can take that little bit of hope and turn it into a marriage, huge house, four kids, etc if she wants.

>> No.7586454

i'm not really sure about the emotional stuff. showing emotion really isn't my strength.
but something that will work is allowing HER to show emotion to you, and acting confidently towards those emotions.

let her go all crazy with something. let her cry, or get mad, or whatever, and then just act unfazed and "be there"
that's really the answer. when she's getting really emotional, just "be there"
you don't have to help her solve her problems.
she will love that you are comfortable enough to let her have those emotions, if that makes sense.
i read a really good article on that. let me find it.

>> No.7586461


this 18yo kid I work with tried to show off by saying "how much do you spend on a shirt, I spent $80 on my last one", and I said my last was a sale shirt down from $400 to $150.. he said I was an idiot despite the fact he spends $200+ on his phone bill every month.
I consider /fa/ a hobby, so in the context of hobbies it's really not AS expensive as some.

>> No.7586469


>> No.7586468

ok thanks man

feel like i should ask you more questions since i dont catch you here often, but i dont have any

any more advice in general?

conversation advice or something idk

>> No.7586492

you caught me at a bad time because i'm really tired.
i'll probably be awake for a while because im sick and slept all day but im sitting here feeling all tired and brain dead.

>> No.7586494

> tfw ugly
> tfw if i try to look good i just look goofy

>> No.7586498

nah mang that's just a preconception u have for urself

u need confidence to pull off your outfit mang

>> No.7586508

sorry to hear that

but yeah do you just have any more advice or stories/examples you want to brainlessly type out?

>> No.7586514

mayb ur right
mayb the key to beauty
is inside myself ...!

>> No.7586520

get some Xrays just to make sure.
You don't want to start cutting yourself open if it isn't even in there.

>> No.7586524


>> No.7586542

she sounds like a cunt
u kinda do 2

>> No.7586545 [DELETED] 

i typed this out somewhere else. not exactly a tip, but still:

I have (had) been seeing this one college girl a few times a month since August. Three weeks ago she went home for Xmas break.
Tonight she got back to town, hit me up, and I went over after work.
She's looking real good, with a new hair color and clothes.

We fvck right away, then I decide to go out and get some drinks with her since I want to see what's going on in town.
We're at a bar/restaurant talking about something that I can't remember specifically. She takes her iPhone out and I look something up on Wikipedia to answer some question we were trying to figure out.

To take a screenshot of something on an iPhone you hold the power button and the menu button, which I accidentally did while handing her phone back.
Out of habit I went to delete it, and she quickly snatched the phone out of my hand.

Before she pulls it from my hands, the screen displays her most recent pictures. I wasn't interested in the pictures but I couldn't help but notice a very suspicious picture out of the corner of my eye.
"Who is that in your picture? She looks like someone I know."
The reason I asked this was because it looked very similar to an old Facebook profile pic of my oneitis ex GF. I'd know, since I used to see that picture every day.

I stayed calm as she quickly scrolled through her pictures, nervously saying "it's a picture of me"
"ooh let me see it"
She makes it full screen, and it is a picture of her, imitating the exact pose of that old profile pic of a girl she's never even met.
Without making a big deal of it, I quickly scroll to the previous pic and, creepy as it seems, it actually was the picture of my ex.

Her new hair color matches perfectly.

>> No.7586572

lol, getting edited?

>> No.7586574

>tfw reading old texts
>tfw no gf

>> No.7586585

wow people are fucking stupid sometimes
>gaining muscle burns fat
>how does food work

>> No.7586831

>cop something you like
>find something later much better
>regret making that cop
>tfw buyer's remorse
worst feel ever

>> No.7586852

>tfw no usd

>> No.7586860

fucking laughed

>> No.7586865

what's PDA?
why don't you like you son of a bitch?

>> No.7586867

>TFW effay, handsome, tall, European
>Shy as fuck

>> No.7586871

>all she really needs is a bit of HOPE
The DENNIS system

>> No.7586875

i was thinking of that in the car earlier today. sometimes it seems like that system would work.

public display of affection. like making out and stuff. it has its place.

>> No.7586897

>public display of affection. like making out and stuff. it has its place.
ah fucking right
haven't heard that abbreviation since high school

>> No.7586912

that would make sense seeing as dr mario is in high school

>> No.7586917

you're ridiculous dude

>> No.7586955

>tfw decided to stop being a fatass and lost a bunch of weight.

>tfw only 20 lbs away from target weight.

>tfw when you can finally dress in decent clothes but can't justify copping nice pieces because you're still losing weight.

Bonus TFW - also, poor student

Wut do, /fa/?

>> No.7586972

Jesus christ, all then fucking time.
>Girl looks at my boney fingers
Wow, just bones, how is this possible, hihihi

>> No.7586994

pls just buy basics and stuff that can be easily replaced
what size are you now? you'll probably go down a size losing 20lb
congrats btw

>> No.7586995
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>says "anon is so skinny" under her breath to friend
>actually thinks i cant hear
sorry for not eating like a hippo slut

relevant captcha

>> No.7587001
File: 27 KB, 432x579, 1389018161242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I dont look like this
whats the point

>> No.7587122


Last I checked, I'm at 190, down from about 250.

My fat distribution is kind of weird though. I have big thighs with (relatively) skinny legs. Still a bit of a gut, with a smaller upper torso.

I'm in this awkward stage where larges look baggy and mediums are (usually) a little too close to my body. Hopefully the remnants of my gut disappear within the next several pounds.

>> No.7587388

This. I have the same shitty fat distribution. I'm about 125 and still feel disgusting. J-J-Just 10 more pounds.

>> No.7587413
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>2010 i was fuccboi who just started to be fa
>got interested in tech wear only year ago
>best releases by WME BLK and Visvim at that time, now they don't do this anymore
>all i can do is to watch at the pictures