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/fa/ - Fashion

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7517783 No.7517783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey fagets
Any pros and cons of smoking?
should i start smoking?

>> No.7517798

just smoke occasionally, in social situations, dont buy cigarettes. yellow teeth, its a waste of money, smokers smell like shit ect..
you can have most of the pros without actually smoking a lot

>> No.7517806

-can look good
-social interaction
-you smell like shit
-yellow teeth and hands

>> No.7517813

Lung cancer

>> No.7517816
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> tfw live in an " there will be no use of drugs while you live under my roof household"
> tfw swapping schools -hopefully- next semester to a school in NYC so I can finally have a life instead of constantly denying social invitations because I actually get forcibly drug tested if their is any suspicion of drugs.

>> No.7517818

>looks good
>tastes good
>feels good
>easy to talk to other smokers
>great icebreaker, do you have a light/filter/rizla

>could kill you one day
>makes you look ugly/shitty with age

>> No.7517825

As long as you quit at around 30 you'll be fine dude.
Wash your clothes well and put on a shitty overcoat when you go out to smoke
Don't buy cheap cigarettes, this is what will give you yellow hands.
Brush your teeth a lot more often and your teeth will be fine.

>> No.7517829
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Ya everyone know that
So guys if smoke a little bit on a public will i become nicotine addict later?

>> No.7517842

+ You look fa af.
+ No more chubb.
- Expensive af.
- Cancer.

>> No.7517846

You're an idiot OP.

>> No.7517848

no you dumb fuck

>> No.7517858


the social functions make it worth it
gives u something to do when ur out loitering in the city
having a ciggie break is a nice real life pause
it looks cool and being nihilistic abt ur body is pretty fash

got my "first" official pack for a quick ciggie to/from work but i havnt got any cravings or anyting before hand when i smoke aleast 5 pr fri/sat when im out getting otp go figure

>> No.7517869


>> No.7517872


I've had several friends who started smoking "casually" i.e at parties/when we go out. After about a year they were all smoking regularly, and they all still do.

>> No.7517885

You can look sort of cool but kind of trashy as well
It's an ok icebreaker

Yellow teeth
Lung issues like emphysema, bronchitis etc.
Coughing a lot

>> No.7517891

looks cool in b/w photos

you'll probably look like a tryhard
costs money
smell bad

>> No.7517902

don't, just get a vape

>> No.7517911

>tfw my life has changed dramatically since i started smoking
>tfw finally have good friends and get invited to parties

>> No.7517914

roll them yourself and occasionally smoke in a social setting or in the morning

>> No.7518005

pros: you'll get social validation from some fashion-clueless teenagers on the internet who think smoking is 'effay'

>> No.7518020


>> No.7518037

how did you meet those friends though? i'm pretty sure it wasn't simply because you smoked

>> No.7518054

smell like shit,waste lost of money,get cancer
this is what /fa/ is all about basically

>> No.7518070
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"a pote lol. ay but how u gon say noxious fumes wit da shit pointin to da gotdam black? i aint know it was pine cones in dat bit dey out dere puttin pines in our shit. o shit i didnt read the rest. nigga said mountain dew. they got me man lol"

>> No.7518074

people on campus. they always smoke outside together

>> No.7518077

The only place that sells baja blast around here is taco bell, don't bullshit me with that fake infographic.

>> No.7518079

Yep, and almost everyone lies about how much they actually smoke.

>> No.7518083

+ You look fa af.
+ No more chubb.
+ Cheap if you roll yourself.
+ Cancer.

>> No.7518102

I smoke because I'm hoping for an early death. What she said.

>> No.7518119
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op is here
I have a lot of smoking friends but they look as always.
No yellow teeth or bad smell etc.
How long you need smoke to get that skin issues?

>> No.7518122
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Middle School: The Thread

>> No.7521093


>> No.7521111

i start smoking in july, by october id smoke ~8-10 cigarettes a day. i came home and its been a week w/o smoking. on the first day the thought that itd be really nice to smoke came across my mind but by the third day i forgot i even smoked. it wont be addicting if youre a casual smoker

>> No.7521129

actually, disagreeing is autism

>> No.7521131


BTW, OP, once you do grow up, enjoy being treated like shit for being a smoker.

>> No.7521163

I used to smoke regularly in high school because I thought it looked cool. I got my first pack in 10th grade, from an older girl--we dated for a bit and she would give me free smokes all the time. She did this thing where she would smoke a cig, and then my dick. Like she would hold the smoke in her mouth, and then wrap her mouth around my dick. When she let go, there would be a cool smoke effect. People thought I was the shit because I was dating a senior girl.

Anyways, I quit after I graduated. There was no particular reason. I guess I got sick of the smell? I dunno. In college, I would accept a cig from anybody who offered, but nothing more than that. I never bought a pack of cigarettes since then.

The Story of the Galaxy turns a new page.

>> No.7522776

I've been a social/light smoker for the past three years. The most I've smoked in a week is probably 10 cigs. Averaged about 4 or 5 a week. I've gone 2-3 weeks without smoking.

I "quit" about two weeks ago. Every time I see someone smoke I get such bad cravings. Going to a gas station just makes me want to be done with it and buy a pack. I'll be walking along and just think "it sure would be nice to have a cigarette right now."

Don't start smoking OP. It'll catch up with you eventually because it's not really something like opiates or stims. It's a nice simple high that makes you feel chill for half an hour. It's relatively cheap and available everywhere. Those things combined is what'll get you.

Dear god all I want is one sweet cig right now.

>> No.7522858
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>get looked down upon by faggots like me
>look like you're trying to be edgy

>> No.7522859
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>> No.7522869

>smoking to look "cool"
lol grow up faggots