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/fa/ - Fashion

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7484654 No.7484654 [Reply] [Original]

How /fa/ is your lifestyle?

>> No.7484660

not fa at all

>> No.7484663

is being a hella broke uni student /fa/?

>> No.7484691
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0 /fa/'s

>> No.7484698
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>dress all black in rick
>gothninja/heroin chic
>studying arts or something similar like music,design
>skinny as fuck
>friends with other /fa/ people
>talking to /fa/ friends and girls during class while rolling a cigarette to smoke afterwards
>standing in front of something looking cool
my life will never be like this

>> No.7484708
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>> No.7484709

puked in my mouth

>> No.7484735

if youre broke sell your clothes (or body) for wonka

>> No.7484736


ur such a pleb

>> No.7484734
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idk but its p fun
i do live for the summer tho

>summer comes along
>basically 3 month long party
>roadtrips w/ frandz
>hit up most big music fests
>have sex with at least 6 ppl throughout each month (i like guyz n grilz ;))
>always intoxicated or getting intoxicated
>incredibly irresponsible
>spend all the money i made during winter/autumn

its great being young :))))

>> No.7484737

I drift between my bed, my computer and work whilst waiting to join the royal navy. 99% of my life is through the Internet.

>> No.7484742

that's the opposite of /fa/
but if you like it that's great, you're a (man)whore though

>> No.7484746


Not at all

>Wash dishes at disgusting ass restaurant
>Lazy as fuck and not proactive at all
>No social life

2014 gonna be my year doe i can feel it

>> No.7484750
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>I drift between my bed, my computer and work

>> No.7484754

>live with parents
>no job
>no friends
>barely a student
>too jaded to pursue anything
>opiate addiction
really hope I can turn things around

>> No.7484757

how old are you tho? Seems like lots of fun, mate.

>> No.7484758

What kinda opiate?

>> No.7484764

>engineering student
no matter how well i dress i'm unfashionable by association

>> No.7484767

scared I'm getting a benzo addiction

>> No.7484769

what do you take and how long for

>> No.7484772

only started but I feel like shit atm

>> No.7484778

>2 1/2 year through uni
>live at home still. Its chilling they dont bother me+pay for my car
>shitty job like twice a week at a outlet mall. Currently trying to find a new job
>qt gf to wear all black with and enjoy being lazy with me
>smokes weed everynight

A couple years ago i would go to parties and drink as much as possible but i realized that i would much rather relax and smoke with the gf and go to vacations up the mountains once a while. Lost contact with most of my friends but they were plebs anyway. A boring lifestyle but i enjoy it

>> No.7484779

quit now
one of my friends used to be hardcore addicted to kpins, benzos withdrawl is some scary shit

>> No.7484780

Engineering student here

>>7484764 sums it up pretty well

>> No.7484788

what? i thought that was /fa/

>> No.7484799

I only got them b/c I'm going overseas soon and don't want to be stuck somewhere and have a panic attack
when I come back I'll probably ask for something non-addictive just to help me sleep and sell the leftover xanax

>> No.7484796

damn ya best get out of it whilst you can, you copping of the street or prescription

dunno how long you mean cause ive heard of people feeling shitty if they take em everyday for a couple of weeks and stop

just taper it down and save em to do when you're drunk like me : ^)

yah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDbPnAQ-c1o

>> No.7484809

Holy shit
what drugs are considered benzos? I need to make a fucking list of shit to never touch

>> No.7484816

google it

they arent acutely addictive and if you dont abuse them or rely on them you'll be okay

>> No.7484819

once you get home just use what you've got left to taper, it's a lot easier to quit that way than to go cold turkey
xanax, valium, klonopin, and atvian are the big 4

>> No.7484828

yea these withdrawal videos look hella spooky.
I've taken hydrocodone a couple times and its the best fucking feeling. I'm so scared of addiction tho, i'm convincing myself to never take them again

>> No.7484831
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>mfw I'm taking kpin for the rest of my life and the gov'ment gon pay for it

>> No.7484835

that's an extreme case, du was prob. on 10mg a day everyday for months
I only do 0.25mg and that isn't daily so there isn't much to taper

>> No.7484838

i wish i had some fucking opis for the holidays, its been like 3 years since i've had any

all i want for christmas is to nod again

>> No.7484842

I would mail them to u if I could anon <3
I've never taken enough to nod, im sticking to 20mg at the most. It made me really happy and really into Boards Of Canada.
I'm trying to stick to weed now but it makes me paranoid ;_;

>> No.7484858

You're not paranoid. You're aware.

>> No.7484882

I guess. There's just a nasty undertone to the feeling. Opiates and alcohol are just like clean and blissful.

>> No.7484890
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i feel it goes along with my garage-rock/dreampop inspired aesthetic. but i feel ya, and being a man whore's cool yo
turned 22 not too long ago
but this has been going on since 17 bc i always got confused for an adult

>> No.7484908

very /fa/ as you can tell, i'm on 4chan on the 26th of december

>> No.7484941

Study architecture for the majority of the year
Listen to queens of the stoneage, halfmoon run, arctic monkeys etc.
Drink cider most of the time.
When i'm on break, often go out with close mates, or just shoot the shit.
really happy
Probably not very /fa/

>> No.7484966

You ever done mdma?

>> No.7484988

Im very edgy and /fa/
I am constantly in fights and turning many girls down, once made a grill cry when i said i wasnt interested
Gotten fat and lost weight so many times i cant count, depressed and on pills, drink errday, just lost my job
Talk little if people dont interest which hurts dem, have a big dick, love a girl who once loved me, got my little finger cut off by one of my dad's old homie, i can keep on talking about my crazy life since i always have a story , i am quite the edge
Drunk now btw

>> No.7484989

>trying this hard to look like you're not trying hard at all

>> No.7484986

Like 0%

>> No.7485000
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Well I'm a pilot.. my breakfast consists of coffee and cigarettes, dinner is whiskey and cigarettes. So I got that going for me.

>> No.7485005

>be student
>spend my days at lectures or asleep
>spend my evenings watching movies with my friends
>spend my weekends clubbing, either drunk or on e
student life

the first year of scottish uni is a joke tbh

>> No.7485026
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>be a pastry chef
>work 16 hours a day, seven days a week
>fuel my body with coffee and cigarettes and massive amounts of painkillers and alcohol
>can't sleep proper so i prefer to spend my nights clubbing with random people
>have almost no friends outside work
>only thing stopping me from killing myself is the fact that i love my job

i think i'll just die one day at work
my body would just be like "no more"

>> No.7485048
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>working at home = chilling at home
>no parties
>almost no social life (airplane mode on the phone)
>road cycling
>started lifting year ago
>reading books (mostly work related)
>trying to create some music in spare time
>I dropped photography after 3 years in uni, but still doing some photos on film
>planning move to Thailand/Malaysia and live near sea

>> No.7485052

Probably only /fa/ in a slightly-depressing-but-speckled-with-hope type of Arthouse film. Small circle of (mostly long term) friends, struggling to write more after debut novel years ago, get wasted by myself every night etc.

>> No.7485054

>implying you wouldn't puke uncontrollably when flying if that's all you consumed

>> No.7485071

>Implying I don't have a stomach of steel.

>> No.7485088
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I sit alone in my apartment on the inet all day.

I'm wearing Acne denim whilst doing so, though.

Does that count for anything?

>> No.7485106

>tfw I have the weakest stomach ever

>> No.7485114
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>> No.7485177


>> No.7485317

Kinda sounds like my life. I enjoy it for the most part, as well. Being social when i feel like it, other than that just chilling about and pursuing my personal interests.

>> No.7485326

Im british but I live in the netherlands
Day to day is smoking weed, going to uni, hangin out with friends and discussing the military industrial complex.

Twice a week I buy a bottle of vodka and a gram of drug of choice and get fucked up.

It's a fucking hard course im on though, and everone I know is international as a thai hookers asshole

>> No.7485368

I went through a stage of throwing up eery mornig for three months just cause I ate fast food top much.

And all the drugs, alcohol and being high all the time doesnt help a stomach

It used to be so strong as well

>> No.7485388

10/10, too be honest. Never tried. Other people just tried to be like me.

>> No.7485663

this nigga lives for dem pastries, thats some service to tha mothafukin core that a nigga can respect. peace nigga keep purveyan those sweet cinnamon treats mmm AA

>> No.7487904
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>failed the last year of uni (muh depression ;()
>redoing it
>still living out with m8s
>broke as fuck
>make music, dj gigs every now and then, (techno/house/jungle/dubstep/garage etc)
>have a girl i've been fucking for the last month or two
>she's bretty qt and is a dancer, smokes dat 420errday, does md/shrooms etc into all cool shit
>want to make her my gf but not sure how to (pls help)
>got 3 exams to do this year (2 in june, 1 in august)
>slowly started revising, hope i'll get a good mark on them
>taking meds now, sorting my life out (getting fa, fit and lit)

f-feels ok, man

>> No.7487919

not effay in the least. i try to be kawaii but that shit isnt working out for me

>> No.7487922



>> No.7487938

if you had your own place that's be pretty effay mate

>> No.7487941

>food critic

Eating celebrity chef and michelin starred chefs food, running up $700 tabs like a baller and paying for them with a signature.

But I get all my clothes from a thrift store, baaaaaybay.

>> No.7487963

I doubt it, but if so good for you.

Really rare for a paper to bankroll a critic like that, usually you'd be stuck reviewing small obscure joints for the more budget conscious readers of the paper.

>> No.7487994

I did it for free for a long ass time, but I'm living the high life now.

My paper does prefer me to review obscure places, but mainly because they are trying to capture the food hipster crowd. It's mainly the fame of being one of the three actual professional food critics in this city that gets me the fancy shit. Go eat with Wolfgang Puck or Mario Batali, post the pictures on my blog/twitter/facebook, their PR people are happy, I'm happy, my readers are happy.

>> No.7488007

you're not as good of a critic as that reportoftheweek kid

>> No.7488016

>student (broke) and also work as a barista
>fuccboi wardrobe with the exception of a few nice pieces, no single definitive style though
>social anxiety and huge self-defeatist mentality
>no friends
>no social life
>spend free time on the internet, running, cycling, going to record and book stores, hiking, or doing something outside
>know I'm good looking because I've had many people tell me before, but my shitty personality renders that useless
>spend large parts of my day wondering why I strive to be so /fa/ if I'm a friendless social retard
>contemplate suicide or taking up life-shortening habits like drinking or smoking

tl;dr: I'm not effay

>> No.7488031

pls no bully

>> No.7488034

Haha, that fuckin guy.

I dress similarly, but I don't look 17.

>> No.7488041

Only if you let it be so. Glasgow is so full of people with terrible attitudes.

>> No.7488053

>be me
>have long term depression
>be very shy at the beginning
>have drinking problem
>have smoking problem
>have to go trough high school all over again
>lost all my friends
>Sbux the best cafe around
>live in Mexico
>hate my life

you tell me

>> No.7488059
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>high fashun post-goth artpunk heroin addict goals reached
>modelthin and have perf measurements
>wear lots of black
>personal style has blossomed & wardrobe is coming along
>work a full time barista and part time in a promising fashion industry career with lots of connections that will set me up for life

no cool friends no proper social life & not enough money ever
getting there tho

>> No.7488126

exactly, where do you live.
anon, I'm from acapulco btw

>> No.7488131

guy or girl

>> No.7488146

fellow br/opi/ in similar circumstances.
Moving away to a foreign land in a few weeks to pursue a college course.

>> No.7488158

>20 years old
>live in old art deco apartment with decently /fa/ friend
>on state university campus but not a student
>apprentice bench jeweler
>walk 4 blocks to work 30 hours a week at a high-end jewelry store downtown
>practice metalworking all night in my modest home shop
>sleep in a corner on the floor because my tools take up most of the room
>make more money than I know what to do with

>> No.7488160


>> No.7488198

wow, i in fact used to have that life until i fucked up high school, now i have to do all high school again and i have to deal with little angst fuccbois

>please kill me

>> No.7488366

>play videogames all day
>listen to deathcore/gangsta rap/electronica (pretty much everything)
>no /fa/ friends
>really good friends play videogames with me
>other friends are kinda ghetto
>dont like going out to huge parties or clubs
>prefer sitting in my friends back yard chilling around a bon fire
>hate vodka and win and shit
>prefer drinkin nigger tier malt liquor
>dont like /fa/ girls
>i like wetbacks like nasty ghetto kind
>idk why it turns me on when they are lound and obnoxious
>everything about my life isnt /fa/
>but dress nice.

>> No.7488365


try harder. People would never guess that I study engineering

>> No.7488376

Fare thee well my honey, fare thee well.

>> No.7488468
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Damn. This is the life I've always wanted. More or less.

>> No.7488482
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i stay up all night watching vocaloid videos and doodling and playing with eyeshadow
top un/fa/ tbh

>> No.7488512
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There are little things in my life that make it seem nice when stated plainly. I'm studying philosophy with top professors, I'll be fluent in lingua latina in two years time, I used to play guitar classically and my sister is an opera singer, and I've traveled quite a bit for my age. I'm able-bodied and wear clothes I'm happy with. My parents have money and raised me well. But when I actually examine these things as they are I'm a lot less content with myself. My college isn't all that great and the people I meet aren't all that ambitious. By good luck my instate school has a great philosophy department and it's difficult to meet students who are passionate about philosophy and at the same time don't make verbose facebook statuses about boring already-developed logical positivist thought. I quit playing guitar because I could never get past the fear of public performance. I traveled and saw beautiful things and ate beautiful things but it feels incomplete as I never connected with anyone from those places while there. Being in college has LESSENED my passion for philosophy. I've been in love, I've had a few great experiences, but I don't have much now. I don't do much now. My social anxiety (and an admittedly awkward personality) has made it difficult to make friends in college and the three I've made are kind of juvenile. I don't know many people and at times desperately want to share my human experience with another being. I spend at least an hour every day on 4chan or redit-- and WHY? Why do I come here? Is it bad that I come here? I don't even know. Most of my break will be spent on my laptop, the rest either reading, playing with my dog, making coffee and working out, but I'd rather be going to shows or seeing things but I don't know anyone who wants to do that with me. Fuck, I couldn't even find someone to see Walter Mitty or Her with me. I need meaning...

>> No.7488519

post a fit

>> No.7488553
File: 115 KB, 469x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some OC for you all

Comforting to see that I'm not the only one going through difficult times

Let's make 2014 an /fa/ as hell year guys

>> No.7488558

damn most /fa/ shit I've read on this board in a long time.

>> No.7488568

where do u live m8? lets be /fa/ friends together

>> No.7488572

that picture make me sad for some reason
why i dont have a qt bf like this, taking photos of him in b&w while drinking water after you know alll the sex :(

>> No.7488576

i feel you dog, i feel you hard

>> No.7488592

Is that lauren mayberry?

>> No.7488607

>no gf
>no friends
>failing major
>drug addict

>> No.7488609

I just went out and got wrecked. Three lads from a neighbouring town started on some random guy from my town and we proceeded to beat the shit out of each other ending in a full on brawl outside a nightclub with multiple police vans involved.

>Flecktarn and skinny jeans.
>Bloody nose and fists

>> No.7488611
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> emo/depressed but no one knows that
> many friends, but never really hang out with them because I don't make plans to do so (for no real reason)
> first year of college, hate where I go, looking to transfer to a school in NYC or right outside of it
> live half hour from NYC and most of the people I do hang out with are there
> dress above average I guess, would post a fit but I dont have any on my pc
> been told I'm good looking i guess
> live off of loaded family, which is kinda /fa/ I guess

>> No.7488618

I've always wanted to get in a fight but afraid of jail (metro detroit)

>> No.7488624

hell yeah, that sounds /fa/ as fuck

any pics? you should always take pics to commemorate such a /fa/ moment

>> No.7488628
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>> No.7488629

u look kind of like tinny

>> No.7488631

>drink lots of booze
>play video games
>work at a grocery store
>not depressed
>actually in a good mood always
>make music, but not granite monolithic martial noise and none of it's very good anyway

Can I get any more fucking un /fa/

>> No.7488661


Honest to god im a middle class white boy, but then everyone in my town is. The next town over however is full of absolute scum. Came over looking for a fight, as soon as the bar closed they were smacking any random person and they hit one of my younger brothers mates whos only 16. If I had my phone charged I'd take a pic but its 5 am where I am and right now I just want to sleep.

hyped to fuck though, they nocked one lad unconscious for well over half an hour but as more people realised what was going on they started to panic and ran, I think the police got one but apparently theyre from a rather dangerous family who you basically dont fuck with so nowt will happen to them.

Have to go shopping tomorrow with the girlfriend and she is not gonna be happy that ive been fighting.

>> No.7488683

3rd person to tell me that in 24 hours wtf

>> No.7488708

It's chocolate milk actually ;)

>> No.7488779

Can I have your life please, thank you

>> No.7488795

fuck you
ur cute ;_;

>> No.7488811

aw, this made me happy

>> No.7488812

>manage a dry cleaner
>live at parents/friends couches
>play dota when not working
>get shitfaced if i don't have to wake earlier than 7
>3 close friends, none otherwise
>obsessed with a girl i talk to online
>bipolar probably
>dress well, hygiene of a hobo though

>> No.7488828
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milfag. pretty not fa. pic related what i wear everyday. atrocious

>> No.7488834
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>people tell you you're cute constantly
>people tell you you're so creative
>people tell you you dress so nicely
>people tell you you should be an artist
>people tell you you're so talented
>tfw you lack initiative
>tfw due to massive add can't focus on one project or interest for too long, hence no passion for a singular thing
>tfw self-defeatist attitude makes you assume most people dislike you and no one wants to be around you
>tfw you're slowly drifting away from everyone you know
>tfw people don't call you up and ask you to hang out anymore
>you spend most nights browsing 4chins and random websites
>tfw you don't have any dreams or aspirations

what's the point.

>> No.7488838


This is me except I have dreams and aspirations but don't take initiative and act towards them and I don't have any faith in myself

>> No.7488844

Do you actually wake up and step on those pallets barefoot? That's dangerous.

>> No.7488845
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>live with parents
>be poor/fa/g
>work at BK
>all friends are away at college and majority of them are "bros", so im mostly alone
>stay inside reading manga or watch anime and movies
>almost had korean gf, but she ignores me for some reason now
>listen to emo and skramz
>just diagnosed with celiac disease on friday

i would say my life is pretty far from /fa/

>> No.7488883

Why aren't you in college?

>> No.7488899
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Oh gee, thanks so much
And I do usually, so far so good.

>> No.7488902

am i really the only one?

>> No.7488913

oh i am, had to take a few quarters off because how fucked up my stomach was.

I applied to a university and hoping to get in and moving out. but the problem i guess would be that i would live with said "bro" friends.

i dont like beer
i dont like slutty girls or girls with big boobs and fatasses
i dont like edm
i dont like sports

so i'm worried about that, but at this point, it's better than staying at home.

>> No.7488920

youre so not /fa/

go to college kid

>> No.7488958

looks a lot less cool in color :\

>> No.7488964

so much monies for such an awful fit

>> No.7488967
File: 148 KB, 640x400, Death Grips Feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be bored
>put on a fit I like
>go downtown on weekend evenings (not night yet)
>walk around taking in the sights and sounds
>get some street food if hungry, coffee if it's cold out
>listen to a wide variety of chill/hype music to accompany my walks
>take my earbuds out and enjoy the sounds of the city
>go home and try not to cry while listening to sad music


I'm just waiting until I die

>> No.7488989

Sorry it's basic?

>> No.7489004
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Fear not, I have you covered!

>> No.7489011

>I'm just waiting until I die

i think an anon put my life well.
i try to go outside less, i hate it here

>> No.7489009

fits not really bad. The pants just look like they don't belong there.

>> No.7489028


what on earth are you doing with that hat

>> No.7489031

there we go :)

>> No.7489035

are you australian?

>> No.7489056

>art student
>live abroad
>wear black
>/fa/ friends
>part-time job translating at a salon
>chronic depression

but i have no goals or motivation to do anything and i didn't make any friends until this past month
i don't really want to live but i don't want to die either idk i failed three of my classes and this was my first semester

>> No.7489061

wearing it
I rarely wear it out, but when I do it's funny when people compliment it because they don't know where it's from

>> No.7489094

don't worry buddy, i failed out of 2 different colleges 3 semesters in a row. they were my first 3 semesters too. also due to chronic depression

but I'm somehow almost finished with my degree now. you'll make it

>> No.7489101
File: 117 KB, 660x488, muh_fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

du get a hobby or something

>> No.7489110

My hobby is shitposting, but I love going for solitary walks

>> No.7489129

>i dont like beer
>i dont like sluts, big boobs and fat asses
>i dont like edm
>i dont like sports

>> No.7489138

thanks anon
it's just like
whenever things seem to be going well, something happens and then i can't do anything at all

>> No.7489144

Not /fa/ at all.

In order for any ones lifestyle to be /fa/ they must work in the /fa/ industry. Plain and simple as that.

>> No.7489145

You should take up running, 's especially great at night in the city.

>> No.7489152
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nigga u gay?

>> No.7490541

>NEET, don't want to be one though
>all my clothes are a year old or more
>good diet, only drink water or tea (no alcohol, coffee or sodas), don't smoke tobacco or do drugs, don't eat red meat or refined grains either, they taste like shit
>depressed, have social anxiety because transgender but too scared to come out and get kicked out of parents house, don't see friends anymore, had to leave uni around May due to suicidal tendencies
>all I do is read, listen to music, watch lectures on YouTube and browse 4chan
>love museums and supermarkets
>my favorite clothes are my pyjamas
>I want to kill myself but I've decided to do so with general anesthesia overdose or a shotgun, nothing else, and that's hard to do in this country

I'd say no.

>> No.7490562


Guys I've lived a shit ass year and I've decided I really need to change. I am going to start by getting a better job, but I need your advice.

I am planning to walk around and apply to many places and hand out resumes, but what would I say? I'm thinking I could walk in and say, "Hi, I am looking for a job - is there anyone here I could talk to about that?"

Now suppose they say no, I would just leave my resume with them - but,

What if they say yes and the manager comes out? I have no idea what I would say - "Hi, my name is Anon and (?????)"

Can I get some help here? Would be appreciated

>> No.7490582

fucking thai boys is not fa

>> No.7490613

>Geography student
>19 y/o 6'4"
>Brokeboy poorfag
>Starting a job in the restaurant of a microbrewery in a week
>Weed and alchohol in moderation couple times a week
>Occasional cigarette
>Once every two months psylocibin and/or MDMA
>group of un-effay friends but thats what you get for studying geography
>Gf is more effay than me
>Slipping into depression

>> No.7490628

implying this is true, how does one get into the food critic business?

>> No.7490631

Fuck em', i just want chill life in warm climate near sea. Anyway, i didn't decided destination country yet, best option is japan, but tokyo is fucking expensive and nobody understand english.

>> No.7490640


never fear jim, I shall get you out and about ;D

>> No.7490641

>have gf
>have job
>have friends

grow the fuck up

>> No.7490648
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>lift a lot
>read a lot
>bike a lot
>work a lot (un/fa/ job)
>go see bands on the weekend
>don't drink
>no friends
>perpetual existential crisis

overall 3/10

>> No.7490650

>2 year of hairdressing
>dress /fa/ as much as i can
>interact with different people everyday
>very police and easy going
>once home, i'm the sloppiest you can imagine
>room a complete mess, really discusting
>haven't washed my pjs in a long ass time
>more then 25 empty bottles of cider and wine all over the room
>all of this because >tfw no gf
>tfw everyone assumes im homo because i do hairdressing even tho i'm straight
>tfw they are intimidated by my /fa/ style
>tfw i consider everyday dressing like a chav because on this country chavs get the girls

>> No.7490654

>tfw social life gets in the way of my lifting, reading and music listening

>> No.7490677

> been told I'm good looking i guess
You look like mclovin with a different haircut

>> No.7490683
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>mostly sit on 4chan all day
>make lots of money
>live pretty simple so I just bank it all
>quit drinking and doing drugs
>have pretty good looking gf
>dress stoner/aa core on the weekends

Things are going alright.

>> No.7490685

>emo/depressed but no one knows that

>> No.7490727

Reading this as an outsider, I have to tell you that you could change so much of this yourself. So not suicide-worthy shit

>> No.7490730

>Slipping into depression
Why? The rest of your post makes your life sound pretty good besides the geography shit. Man, why do /fa/ posters always have to play the fucking sob story

>> No.7490735

Depression isn't always attached to your life
My life is awesome at the moment but I don't care
All I want to do is smoke cigarettes in bed until I die

>> No.7490739

Sorry that I don't fit the typical NEET loser neckbeard drug addict stereotype to be depressed. Depression isn't a rational thing. Eat a dick.

>> No.7490742

My lifestyle is pretty /r9k/ with a good bit of /tv/ and /adv/ mixed in there.

>> No.7490780

>23 years old
>moved to sf with little savings, no friends, no job and 7 outfits
>living in hostel, go to cafes everyday and apply to jobs all day, don't care what job
>shop exclusively from thrift stores
>dream is to 'dent the universe' with music or a startup

>> No.7490786

I know, I'll be seeing a therapist soon and hope my life improves after sorting everything out. Been trying to see one since February so I'm very excited. Thanks for the reply <3

>> No.7491405

I-I am doing all of those beside
>talking to /fa/ friends and girls during class while rolling a cigarette to smoke afterwards

I'm dedicated to improving my drawing capabilities and I'm trying to do my best.

>> No.7491655

How'd you get into your trade?

>> No.7493321

>born in Italy, arguably world's most /fa/ country
>at age of 6 move to a third world country
>country all war torn, since its ex-socialist people don't even know what fashion means, everybody wears same clothes
>be 18 return to Italy for uni
>fast forward two years, expelled from uni because I failed maths
>failed maths cause all my math teachers in my life were irresponsible piece of shit
>promised myself from that day on I will be a responsible person, I won't let them win
>be 20, start a company, home decorations and stuff back in third world country, business doing good
>apply for a job as economy columnist at second largest newspaper in country, got accepted, doing some writing and earning some extra cash, not bad
>apart from that, have two good friends, and hundreds of acquaintances that I can't normally interact with
>cultural deviant, I'm having a western personality and way of life in a third-world country, that makes me socially awkward because I prefer to talk about ideas, events and not gossip
>can't buy good clothes, nobody ships to this shithole, no good quality shops around
>ain't that rich either with tax rate being 71%
>considering joining politics to avoid taxes, huge moral dilemma
>my neighbor shoot my dog with sniper rifle and my cat has been missing for few days now
>I'm bi, nobody knows cause reasons
>people tell me I'm beautiful, some girls have been hitting on me, can't imagine having a gf that's villager in my eyes
>have regular nightmares where I am back in Italy and living a life that's like a paradise, only to wake up and realize that I'll spend rest of my life here in this piece of shit country
>thinking about leaving, can't now, got a loan, got a car, got a job, parents need me, have a little sis
>keep wondering why is everyone around me so irresponsible, lazy and uninterested in any change

>> No.7493366

You sound like you have a massively over-inflated opinion if yourself

>> No.7493377

What country?

>> No.7493390

>born in Texas
>not Austin
>have a forklift job
>community college

Guess I'm as /fa/ as it gets

>> No.7493392

>Huge vidya nerd, watch some animu, go to parties, read books, audiophile, collect and paint W40k.
>Hide powerlevel well.
>Recent graduate.
>Aiming to work as a political communicator / speechwriter.
>Have a small library of books on political rhetoric.

>> No.7493396


>> No.7493400
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studying architecture in an art university
tall, good looking, been asked if I model

I'm actually far above all the superficial shit posted and discussed here; visiting out of an old habit when the internet has ran out for me.

>> No.7493407

w2c library of books on political rhetoric?
>pls recommend

>> No.7493408

you either moved to croatia or romania amirite

>> No.7493480

I study architecture too bruh

What uni?

>> No.7493491

>say "i'm not going on 4chan today"
>go on 4cahn

>> No.7493529


This is the entry-level, bread & butter book of speeches (and it contains a well-rounded collection). It's far from polished - but Inglis does a good job of summarizing each speech. From there, just buy what takes your fancy.

The Holy Grail, of course, is Aristotle's "On Rhetoric"

>> No.7493534


>> No.7493548

Could be, cause nobody does anything around me, and when I do something, anything people take notice and that somehow gives you self-esteem. In the process, of course, you over-inflate opinion of yourself. But that's just normal, since all emotions go away once tax bill arrives.

>> No.7493557


I'll also add that my example is simply an anthology. "On Rhetoric" is the go-to theory book.

>> No.7496444

implying you dont wish to be mclovin masterrace

>> No.7496551
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>arts, music, design

>> No.7496561
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>> No.7496581

pretty /fa/ right now with all muh freedom
get to play music, do street art and make some efforts to look rad af

>> No.7496669

Pose more

>> No.7496757

can you post some of your street art?

>> No.7496755

sounds good bruh
just pass that uni shit and you'll be good

>> No.7496795

>tfw remember how i used to be social around friends
>tfw depressed and disaffected and will not be the same around them anymore

just hoping for me to either hit rock bottom and become complete recluse or for something to change in me to make me more motivated

happy new year

>> No.7497134

>Squatting in Finnish ambassador's house in Croatia
>Friend house-sitting it for the next three weeks
>Three week party ma niggas
>Buy cheap vodka and cigarettes for sustenance
Sretan Božić i Novi Godine Brothers

>> No.7497315

How much money do you make as a dj? or do you even get paid

>> No.7497384

>I'm just waiting until I die

>> No.7497450

>go around drinking on weekends with friends
>feel like people just laugh at me when i get drunk and do stupid shit
>hate it inside
>saving money to leave on a road trip this summer
>even though i hate it, im hoping the experience teaches me something

okay i guess, think im done drinking after last night, just felt like a clown.

>> No.7497607

raise the seat on your fucking bike you fucking idiot

>> No.7499781

>not doing heroin

your fags its great

I only tried percocet recently and its gay pussy shit, getting so high you puke your fucking brains out is great

>> No.7500116
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>dress in varying dope fits each day. Sometimes color, sometimes goosecore, sometimes black (not very often goof)
>6'1" and 135 when I'm soaking wet
>Architect but pay is irrelevant, I inherited enough money to live off of. I love my job and would gladly do it for free.
>Party twice a week at least
>Occasionally hit up /fa/ parties (Seattlefag) but dunno if they're really my thing. Lots of white twinks and asians dressed in full goof walking around, snorting various things and smoking cigs while death grips blares over it all. Held in an industrial loft usually. The last one was like 200 people.
>friends with other /fa/ people, sometimes if I'm not doing anything I'll get a friend, dress up in dope fits, then do photoshoots
>have a p. /fa/ crew, I'm the one who's nice to look at and fucks the most bitches (not a lot, but the most)
>have a tattoo on my left forearm that looks like a + sign with no center. When I was little they put it there to find my vein more easily, I was in and out of the hospital a lot because I needed antiseizural medication.
>have sex fairly often (Almost exclusively bitches, but I've gotten my dick sucked by a very convincing trap like once)
>Travel the world a fair amount but want to do more traveling
>Don't really know how to use a computer
>Foot fetish (dunno how /fa/ that is)
>Speak a few languages. First was Swedish, second was English, third was Chinese, I'm fluent in all of these. The rest are languages that I'm fairly fluent in that I studied before traveling to their respective country. Chinese is really just to communicate with my azn friends who are involved with the Seattle triads (they get me lots of drugs on the cheap with no questions asked)
>Have a Swedish accent (dunno how /fa/ that is)
>Did some modeling when I was like 18-20, went to London, NYC, places like that and partied but model is a competitive industry and I didn't make it.
>Don't own a car. Lots of public transit, cabs, trains, etc.

Pretty /fa/ I guess.

>> No.7500654

Nigga I'm in seattle. Where are those parties at??

>> No.7500734


>> No.7500744

people don't compliment things because they like them they compliment things because they stand out

>> No.7500751

Damn man you sound really cool. wish i was you

>> No.7500764


rainbow mohawk is going to get more complements than perfect hy no matter which one ppl actually like better

>> No.7501073

>really happy
that's all that matters :3

>> No.7501128

you sound so genuine and no replies ;_;
don't really have any advice except just be polite and confident of course

>> No.7501144

Where in Seattle?

The next one is in downtown, some night in February.

>> No.7501158

What no lol

>> No.7501153

Unrelated but my rainbow velcros are my most complimented piece irl and most hated on /fa/

>> No.7501213

i'd say the /fa/ opinion is pretty polarized when it comes to raf velcros.
personally i think they look great. a lot of the time most people here have no idea what they're talking about, too

>> No.7501278

Sounds like Serbia.


>> No.7501336


this so much. be /fa/ on your own terms or fuccboi for life

>> No.7501387

kinda /fa/... 70/100 it'll be more /fa/ later on in life.

>> No.7501782

It'll be /fa/ once I move out.

>> No.7502059

The ones that look like an oil spill?

Those are badass.

>> No.7502073

I'm financially independent.
Going to school full-time, computer science.
Working a full-time job, I work with "young adults."
20k in the bank.

Pretty chill.

>> No.7502119
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>Started to become /fa/
>Getting advice from a my theater roommate and black friend who works at UO.
>Fat (I guess that immediately makes me in-/fa/)
>Drink, smoke, do Ritalin
>mfw liberal arts
>mfw I go to a liberal arts college with an underrated CompSci program
>people laugh at me for doing programming at a liberal arts college.

>> No.7502190

Because that's embarrassing af! Lmao

>> No.7502227

Says the interior decorating major.
What school do you go to?

>> No.7502282

r u me?

>> No.7502329

That's not the point he's trying to make.
Fucking write about what you're seeing. Write music, read a fucking book.

>> No.7504566


>> No.7505504

is valium /fa/?
what should I expect?

>> No.7506315

an awful withdrawal when you run out of cash. Pick something else, with a better kick and a less soul-crushing withdrawal

>> No.7506323

Valium is pretty /fa/ ya. But it is a bitch to kick.

>> No.7506331

i feel like the effay lifestyle doesn't actually exist, the pursuit of it is just going to be plagued by vanity and disillusionment. but maybe that is the effay lifestyle.

>> No.7506338

you'd be a good artist, poet, writer, etc. Develop a mild case of alcoholism and you could be great

>> No.7506350

None at all ;_;

>> No.7506370
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this guy gets it

>> No.7506374

>studying Laws
>wearing expensive Brands mostly in black
>fucking around alot
>never hd a gf for longer than one week
>partying alot
>feeling ugly as fuck but most people call me handsome
>living in big fucking house
>depressive as fuck

>> No.7506410

I really want to meet you. But damn, I´m from germany

>> No.7506516

sretan božić i nova godina fellow /fa/ggot