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/fa/ - Fashion

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7460370 No.7460370[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Give the top 5 reasons of why you smoke

>I get a short space of time to do just nothing and be alone with my thoughts
>It gives me an excuse to go outside and observe the atmosphere without looking awkward
>It's calming and takes away stress
>It does look cool, and even a bit classy
>You form a special bond with the smokers if you're out with a group of people

and a big bonus reason
>a cigarette after sex is one of life's greatest pleasures

>> No.7460380

e-cigs holding it hookah style is officially in

old-cigs still in until you're 30 or are a heroin hero.

>> No.7460421

>It does look cool, and even a bit classy

*tips fedora

>> No.7460426

Going with the "it's cool" reason

I don't smoke, but I've considered buying cigarettes just to light them up and hold them, or have them sit in my mouth, and to actually have some when people ask to bum one off me.

How autistic am I?

>> No.7460449

just enjoy the sensation over all
ice breaker, i like giving people cigarettes usually
time off, little break from everything like you said
cures boredom, blow smoke rings
dunno i like it

if you give a guy or girl a cigarette you're mates for life (unless they an asshole, and sometimes even then)

lets people just be silent and sit with each other. rarely any social pressure when you are both smoking, unless that person is just real uptight. you are both getting that little break together, and it really brings you together

>> No.7460457

people will notice and word will get around
not very cool

just don't smoke. it's bad for your skin and smelling like cigarettes isn't effay. these are the least of your problems when you smoke though

>> No.7460462

please b b8

e cigs ARENT in

holding it like an edgy high school kid isnt in

it will never be in

please kill yourself

>> No.7460464


>> No.7460466

>slow warm death
>meet people
>it's a bit satisfying

that's about it, I don't care how it looks.

>> No.7460472

going on 30 now aren't you?

anon was right, they're growing popular, gonna be trendy as fuck in 14

>> No.7460480

>if you give a guy or girl a cigarette you're mates for life
lol yeah right. loads of dickheads try and scrounge off you on a night out then never speak to you again if you give them one.

>> No.7460484

It's the fucking future nigga, smoke like a robot or die of cancer.

>> No.7460489


stfu theyre already trendy amongst high schoolers its extremely annoying

all of my senior year of HS:
>go in bathroom
>random hick standing there looking suspicious
>takes a hit of his impractical stupid looking ecig/hookah pen
>"want a hit bro"

i fucking hate all of you out there that smoke ecigs

>> No.7460491

obv if its just some person on the street sure

but i've been to loads of parties/etc where i only knew like one person, and basically made friends by smoking and bumming people, and usually when i see them again later they remember or will just be your buddy

maybe you're just a dickhead m8 soz i'll be your friend tho

>> No.7460495

Yeah never give out cigs unless they are 30+, or homeless.

Even when it's a really hot girl I would joke around and make her do silly shit to "earn the cigarette." Of course she would never get it.

>> No.7460497

lol dis nigga so mad fo real

you're 19 talking shit about highschoolers wat

>> No.7460499

>maybe you're just a dickhead m8 soz i'll be your friend tho
why does /fa/ think it's trendy and funny to type like this

>> No.7460503

tripfag tripping about fags

>> No.7460506

Makes your clothes and stuff stink too.

>> No.7460517

yeah exactly
i smoked for about 2 - 3 months earlier this year, then quit cold turkey. now i can't smoke more than half a cigarette without feeling sick

>> No.7460529

smoking leads to more opportunities to be social

>> No.7460527

>implying im talking shit about all high schoolers
if i say
> I hate people who rape kids
would u say
>lol dis nigga so mad fo real

you're a person talking shit about people wat

didnt think so you fucking stupid hoodrat

>> No.7460532

>lol dis nigga so mad fo real
<implying you're not a mad tripfag

>> No.7460542

i was impersonating that moronic nigger actually


>> No.7460544

>fucking hate all of you out there that smoke ecigs
You definitely stated you are mad at "highschoolers" by implying that being a "highschooler" is somehow degrading. Honestly you're being a /fa/ggot, even you admitted that E-Cigs are become trendy.

>> No.7460549

>was impersonating that moronic nigger actually
holy fuck he mad yall

whitey got a red face nao, hot it feel? you sweatin yet?

>> No.7460557

why do i bother this thread is reeking of autism
>should i buy cigs to hold em in my mouth and give out to strangers

>e-cigs are so cool

>you're automatically best friends with anyone who you give a cigarette

>> No.7460567

>when im stressed as a motherfucker
>right before i do hookah or weed as a warm-up
thats it.

>> No.7460570

Maybe you should make your own thread instead of plebbing up this one. You're being a austic pretentious douchebag without giving anything to the discussion. Stop being cancer, stop.

>> No.7460572

are you the anon who holds cigs in his mouth to make friends or the one who smokes e-cigs in an attempt to look cool

>> No.7460577

forgot name lol

>> No.7460584

i forgot i was a faggot

>> No.7460593

e-cigs are for people who are trying to quit smoking. anyone retarded enough to start 'smoking' by buying an e-cig is a complete gimp.

>> No.7460598


>> No.7460600

thats were the problem lies, none of these faggots smoked and are trying to quit, they just think blowing out o's to put on vine is cool

>> No.7460605

>implying e-cigs are a tool used to quit smoking


>> No.7460612
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>killing your lungs
>mfw browsing this thread

Inb4 your dumb justifications

>> No.7460615

Have used e cigs ween off smoking in past did it 4 boss but pissed me off so after month just went back

>> No.7460613

how dumb are you

the original marketing campaign for e-cigs were a healthy alternative to cigarettes to help smokers quit

>> No.7460618
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Addiction is the sign of a weak personality.


>> No.7460619

samefagging hard

let me just smoke to quit smoking, solution like let me eat anything I want to lose weight

inb4 you go full retard

>> No.7460622

I smoke because I'm addicted. That's pretty much it. I actually vape now because of the cost (11 bucks a pack in NYC.)

Five of the things the I like about smoking are:
1. Smoke break at work
2. Good way to bond with people
3. I don't get a buzz anymore, but it still relaxes me a bit.
4. Gives me something to do when I'm doing nothing.
5. Smoking while drunk or on other drugs (especially opiates) is fucking godly.

>> No.7460624

>You form a special bond with the smokers if you're out with a group of people

That's because your kind is like some sort of fringe underground collective of outcasts now due to the majority of the populous not being retarded enough to think that you look cool or your habits aren't completely disgusting.

>> No.7460625

An Alternative? Like not quitting?

Reading your posts makes me cringe, get your shit straight namefag.

>> No.7460640

numerous studies show its as effective as the patch

>> No.7460931

Coming from someone who graduated from high school last year I can confirm that e-cigs are the trademark of the stereotypical edgy high school kid. They loved them because they could sit around in class, in the cafeteria, on the bus, or where ever and smoke them. The annoying part was how cool they thought it made them look and how they would act like they were hot shit because of it. I don't actually hate them that much outside of the high school setting, but I can't help but get the impression of 'edgy teenager' from anyone I see using one in public.

>> No.7462180

>being this dumb tho

>> No.7462214

My lungs hurt this morning, smoking is shit. Addicted though.

>> No.7462230

>stopped smoking 8 months ago
>started vaping
>be me one month ago
>ecig is broken, do not want to buy new one
>eventually start smoking based pueblo tobacco again

now everytime I go to sleep I have this heavyness on my chest, around my heart and I feel like shit

thanks smoking
I'm considering smoking weed only

>> No.7462249

>non smokers will never know the joy of a post-sex cigarette

i pity you guys

>> No.7462249,1 [INTERNAL] 

Noooooooooo, not cigarettes, stick to weed bro, cigarettes fuck you up, weed can if you can't control it though!