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/fa/ - Fashion

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7444520 No.7444520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7444525

I really like Paco's 1 million.
I can afford classier stuff, but I'm feeling tempted at the moment.

>> No.7444532

I masturbated to cuckold porn

>> No.7444538

I don't think wearing cologne or perfume is ever necessary.

>> No.7444546

I think most fashion is frivolous and most designers are devoid of artistic merit.

>> No.7444567

i might be gay

ok i'm gay

>> No.7444568
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im only gothninja bcuz im not cute enuff 4 gothiclolita

>> No.7444572

I'ma tax that ass all day, K.

>> No.7444575

i dropped a thousand dollars on a rare type of sandwich

>> No.7444585

I think suit jacket with unbuttoned lower button looks silly.

>> No.7444590

i wish my gf sucked dick

>> No.7444593

oh dang son feel bad got 1 problem and it jay z

>> No.7444596

So much food around this time of year. I am already gaining weight.

>> No.7444600


>> No.7444601

I would rather be efff eye tee than effay

>> No.7444602

i stepped on a scale today
i'm 160
i used to be 130
but i think i look the same

i haven't gained any muscle or anything

which means that i'm fat and i just don't know it


>> No.7444603 [DELETED] 

I meet anymore interesting girls


>> No.7444607

i wear a fedora , but im not fat or a neckbeard,
that makes it okay, r-right?

>> No.7444609

I haven't met an interesting girl since October

it sucks

>> No.7444616

I haven't talk to a girl other than my mom since October of 2008

it sucks

>> No.7444624

want quit "studying" fashion at in btween point life and nothing do downtime otherwise

>> No.7444643

I'm angry at my genetics

>jew curly hair
>jew nose
full aryan ancestry

>huge ass
>childbearing hips
father, brother and grandfathers on both sides are skelemode 6'-6'4"

>acne on face, back, chest
not enough for accutane, nothing else works

>no top lip
>lips stick out
>bum chin
all other family members have gorgeous lips and perfect chins

i will never be /fa/ :(

>> No.7444645

My bf just surprised me... We're going to a lingerie hotel party for New Years and bringing a new cute, thin blond friend
>don't know what lingerie to wear

>> No.7444652

I'm scared that if I don't learn how to make relationships intimate with others all of my best friends are going to slowly get married and leave me to die alone

>> No.7444661

don't worry getting married that brainwash garbage live life how feels right you tryin do fashionable thing embrace something untradition

>> No.7444718

I stuck my finger up my butt because I was constipated. needless to say I didn't enjoy it and while I was up there I felt around for my prostate and I couldn't find it

>> No.7444730
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I really hate having freckles. They're so damn ugly(Imo)

Also I'm really skinny and it's hard to find clothes that fit well. Shit sucks.

>> No.7444733

i wish i was from a lower class background so i could pull off dressing like a lad

>> No.7444743

i have horrible acne and i want to kill myself

>> No.7444757

I only wear the same two shirts, Gorillaz T's, i get a lot of compliments for them out in the streets. But fuck I hate being a poorfag with a shit wardrobe.

>> No.7444763

depending on my schedule i sometimes wear the same outfit for the entire week

i dont like people taking pictures because then they'd know .-.

>> No.7444768

>tfw only one pair of jeans

>> No.7444775

>tfw know your feel

>> No.7444777

Men have horrible legs and shouldn't wear skinny jeans.

>> No.7444779

>bum chin
>not master race

>> No.7445328

I dunno whether she wants to fuck or not

>> No.7445340

no ur just too hetero to understand

>> No.7445345

I kicked a homeless man today and I don't feel bad about it

I want to go back and hit him but I don't think it's a wise decision

>> No.7445349

just because he was homeless or what

>> No.7445354

>walking on street
>homeless man's leg out on sidewalk
>demanded money
>kick leg out of the way with heel of boot, screams something in hippie and yells at me as he holds his leg and doesn't move

>> No.7445362

tfw girlfriends being a bitch.

>> No.7445378


What's she doing

>> No.7445428

Ignoring me while I'm overseas. I send her stuff, and not even a thank you.
Her reason.
>Iv been busy.

>> No.7445426

What boots were you wearing sieg

>> No.7445857

she's cheating

>> No.7445863

Get out of that relationship while you can, otherwise you are just itching for a huge heartbreak bro.

>> No.7445866

I like when girls wear those awful tight yoga pants because dat ass. Most of the time, anyway.

>> No.7445871

>huge ass
>childbearing hips

Fuck, this is me as well. It feels awful because, otherwise, the rest of my body is at least average (I'm 5'10'' and weight roughly 130 - 140 lbs.)

>> No.7445879

>horrible bumpy nose
>childbearing hips
>big ass
>acne on chest and back
>semi-large lips

ARE YOU ME? ARE YOU MY TWIN? Throw some sunken eyes / puffy eyebags in there while you're at it.

>> No.7445877

>I hate mfa
>like the way they dress way better than /fa/ does

>> No.7445893

I'm really worried about the fact that I want to get laid yet do nothing to achieve it

>> No.7445905
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>> No.7445906

>Recovering from acne
>Becoming /fit/
>In the process of acquiring a good wardrobe
>Optimistic as fuck, even though there's a long road ahead

>> No.7445916

Ahh fuck, it's been like a year and 3 months. :(

>> No.7445929

This is my feel as well. I want it to happen, sure, but I just lack motivation to do anything these days.

>> No.7445936

I know it'll be rough, but I think you'd rather get out of something bad instead of living on a day to day basis being miserable with the person you are with. You clearly deserve better.

>> No.7445941

I'm scared I'm going to develop some fucked up fetish out of nowhere
I have anxiety and obsessive thoughts and every time I see something fucked up I'll think "what if I found that arousing" and then I'll fear that I'm going to turn into some sick fuck

>> No.7445946 [DELETED] 

>no amount of the clothes I buy will cover up for hot shitty I feel about myself and about my current life situation

>> No.7445957

>no amount of the clothes I buy will cover up for how shitty and insecure I feel about myself and about my current life situation

>> No.7445960

Good advise, it's been good basically all the time, it's only now that I'm away, that's it's gone bad.

>> No.7445976

/fa/ relationship advise.

>> No.7446017

right in the fuckin' feels

>> No.7446179


>Are you Frank Sinatra?

If you answered no, then you should not wear a fedora

>> No.7446191


maybe if you didn't spend 200 dollars on a pair of jeans you would have more than one?

food for thought

>> No.7446201

you only need 1 pair tbh unless you want one in blue and black (or some other color I guess)

>> No.7446203

I'm too poor to buy food for bulking, I'm barely paying rent, and I cant get shit to invest in my job. Fucking fuck fuck.

>> No.7446209

I've only met one interesting girl this year. She's on my varsity team (men and women teams are close), but rarely shows to any practices or events.
feel with me, bro.

>> No.7446212

im hungry

>> No.7446225

maybe if you spent less time on 4chan....

>> No.7446231

>spending less than 200 on jeans
fuck outta here son

>> No.7446247

my gf said that geobaskets look like vans

>> No.7446294



>> No.7446339

Id wear gothic lolita if I was a grill or could b a trap

>> No.7446352

I'm poor compared to /fa/ levels. I'll never be a trust fund kid. I'm not able to drop $100+ every week on a pair of jeans.

>> No.7446364

What do you guys define as 'interesting' in a girl?

Tfw all these nice clothes and nowhere to go.

>> No.7446367

i'm on swinging between enjoying NEET life and hating it every other day,on days i enjoy being a recluse NEET people offer to take me out and on the other days people are out of reach

also i made peace with my dad afterr a difference of opinion on me copping expensive items at a young age,whilst he at my age used to do the same
life is looking good lads ^_^7

>> No.7446379

i want to impregnate a blond girl i see every day at uni

>> No.7446394


if you can have extended, quality conversation, she's bound to be interesting

usually good taste in music, a passion, and being somewhat academically-minded is what i look for

>> No.7446397

My buttocks came into contact with another man's buttocks. I . . . don't know what to believe in anymore.

>> No.7446400

the long road ahead excites me

>> No.7446403


pretty much this, my current gf I made sure she had at least 3 of those qualities, her taste in music could use some improvement, but it's a lot better than most girls her age, and I just have high standards when it comes to that

>> No.7446407

a girl at the gym farted when she thought nobody was around

it smelled like cheeseburgers


>> No.7446412
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try close to 2 years m8

>> No.7446426

try 19 years

>> No.7446535
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>> No.7446563

i feel u, truly.

>> No.7446627

my posture is so fucking bad and my lower back is so goddamn weak. it holds my deadlifts and squats back so much... but I just... dont entirely give a fuck. it feels so good to sit slouched, and sitting upright, I have to constantly force myself and it gets tiresome.

fuck why does being a sloth feel so good

>> No.7446633

eventually it becomes second nature and pretty uncomfortable to sit with your back curved forward

>> No.7446645

to you and all the fuccbois who can relate

why are you trying to cover up your shitty lives in shitty clothes?
>tfw don't do anything interesting
>tfw stay inside my basement all day
>tfw so depressed
you wonder why?

>> No.7446653

I just purchased Dreamboxes.

>> No.7446662

back those feels up brother
time to hit the door in a siq fit and meet niggas

>> No.7446754

coz it's difficult, maybe?

>> No.7446767

I'm in my freshman year of college and haven't made any friends b/c it's a big school and i'm always convinced there's people out there that I'd rather hang out w/
Instead, I just listen to music and watch movies all day

>> No.7446773


it's a bitch - i'm glad my roommate is p.cool but for the most part i haven't met that many friend-tier people

and since coming back for winter break, i've had a great time with old friends. shame i don't have anyone that close back in the dorms

>> No.7446782

it's easy to sit home all day wallowing in self-pity seeking a pat on the back from strangers on an anime forum

it may be hard to leave your house and try talking to one new person every day even if it's just saying hello or s.t

maybe if you're a nerd you can go study in the library and you might see other nerds in one of your classes and make friends

or you can keep crying on 4chan idc what you do with your life fuccboi, lel

>> No.7446779

How do you dress like a lad?

>> No.7446792

i'm in second year of highschool
but i've always had a somewhat shyness especially with women, i don't really express my true feelings with people and have difficulties in making contact with people

>> No.7446793

u r me

>> No.7446805

I don't care about you m8

you are so shy in person because you're a little bitch, yet you are a pimp super-alpha on 4chan amirite?

fuck off and go outside

>> No.7446809

i agree
get the "intense" variant

>> No.7446810


well, you're not

>> No.7446812

You fuccniggas need to get out and nut up.

If you watch movies all day, just invite some of the people in your dorm - neighbors, qt's, etc - if they want to want a movie with you.

Just say you're watching so and so movie later. Would you like you chill and watch it with me?

Freshman year is where you make your social circle.

>> No.7446814
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Obvs not Aussie/britfag.

>Nike tns
>dry fits
>footy shorts/Adidas tracks

>> No.7446819

Christ, what an asshole.

>> No.7446823

I want to marry my modelfu

>> No.7446829

>tfw junior in college
>tfw have not made a single lasting friendship since I started
Apparently not.

>> No.7446836


i would imagine for them it's more of just finding close friends

i've hung out/partied/smoked with a lot of people but i didn't rly enjoy it and didn't build actual friendships with them

>> No.7448372


This, I don't feel like I eat anymore than I usually do around this time of year but for some reason I always gain around 10-20 pounds in the winter and I lose it in the spring/summer. I hate it because fall/winter is the best time for fashion and trying to look good

>> No.7448438

> I just spent 200 dollars on a pair of jeans

>> No.7448464

>tfw one other friend who's /fa/ related opinion I would give any weight to
>tfw they mention that they always think I'm the best dressed person around

I'm feeling fly as fuck right now

>> No.7448469

i only browse /fa/ because i like the shitposts and board culture

other than that my wardrobe is extremely shitty

im just looking for a hobby thats cooler than cars