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/fa/ - Fashion

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7432105 No.7432105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw /fa/ enough for plebs irl but would probably get laughed off of 4chan if I posted fits
>tfw female friend said I should start an instagram/tumblr dedicated to the different outfits I wear each day but I'd probably end up finding a thread dedicated to laughing at my fuccboi ass one day

Why is there such a huge gap between the standards of /fa/ and commoners?

>> No.7432114

cus plebs think 60 dollars for jeans is expensive

>> No.7432111

Post a fit lets c

>> No.7432122

wtc tyler's hoodie & azn qt

>> No.7432132

shut up trip fag

also OP I think you should just do it, either post a fit here right now or make a Tumblr/Instagram dedicated to your outfits, I'm /fa/ enough for commoners too but I'm mostly thriftstore-core so I know where you're coming from. I think you should pick 1, What else is there to do?

>> No.7432139

I wasn't being an ass I'm genuinely interested to see a fit from him

>> No.7432140


>> No.7432137

post fit mane

>> No.7432148

Everyone on /fa/ has shit taste, that's why. There's almost no one on this board that dresses well, they're all stuck on this shit ass goofninja bullshit that makes them look like angsty teenagers. Don't worry about what these dipshits think, you probably look fly as fuck.

>> No.7432143

/fa/ is just a bunch of dumbasses convincing each other that spending more money+looking better.

>> No.7432158

lmao ur one of the plebs
>u cannot hav avant garde fashun its too fashun!!
fukin basic bitch

>> No.7432159

/fa/ is extremely aware of fashion (in a sense) but is also massively insecure

just look at how 95% of the stuff that gets discussed on here is just expensive iterations of extremely basic apparel, or how half of the outfits in every WAYWT thread are all-black sneaker + jeans + t shirt/hoodie combos you could easily get at tj maxx for under $40 and be seen as completely indistinguishable by 99.999+ percent of humanity

basically this community is simultaneously desperate to be accepted as cool/fashionable and terrified of being laughed in public for doing anything that's actually noticeably unconventional, which basically explains why every discussion feels so schizophrenic and it's literally impossible to put together an outfit that will actually impress /fa/ that isn't "something super unremarkable worn by an attractive person"

so don't worry too much about /fa/'s opinions being even slightly relevant to the world at large

>> No.7432165

>he thinks everyone dresses like goof on /fa/
>he thinks goof is 'edgy'
>he thinks 'edgy' is bad

>> No.7432166

Forget the goofninja comment but I agree that every guy on /fa/ dresses like shit, but it's not a bad thing. It''s because a lot of people on this site like to experiment and I love it. We refer to people as plebs because they don't experiment with clothing and are already comfortable with their dressing style however people from /fa/ only seek to grow and stand out from the crowd. This is cool, this is /fa/.

>> No.7432171

you've missed the entire point of this board

lurk more

>> No.7432181


Add this and this and take away the vague generalizing and you have /fa/

Yes I'm same fagging fucking bitch

>> No.7432182

because most people on /fa/ are fuccbois in zara & topman who spend 4 hours a day looking at designer clothing and they get mad that they can't afford any of it so they set the bar really high for everyone except themselves

>> No.7432184

and he's completely described mfa and all of reddit

>> No.7432185

I disagree, I think he's managed to articulate what happens on this board quite well.

>> No.7432210

> tfw a bunch of girls at my school I don't even know are voting me for best dressed in the yearbook
> tfw /fit/ makes fun of my WAYWT pics

>> No.7432216


this. Everyone I know thinks I'm really well dressed for my basic OCBDs and skinny jeans, but I'm already becoming attracted to more experimental monochromatic styles

>> No.7432218

lmao post a fit

>> No.7432230
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>you will never be tiffany's bf
what really is the point of living

>> No.7432235
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this is an old fit I don't wear anymore because it actually does look pretty bad, but the day I wore it these two guys I never talk to came up to me and told me "you always have the coolest clothes anon"

I think I'm gonna lose best dressed to this rich guy that a bunch of girls think is hot anyways.

>> No.7432253

you do look kinda lame

but hey it's highschool I'm sure you don't have much competition

>> No.7432255

yea to be fair lovely is one of the better trips on here

just saved this, quality post

>> No.7432285


all i want are friends...

>> No.7432288

and still life goes on

>> No.7432291
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It's funny how easy it is to become one of the "best dressed" guys in school. All I did was go on the gq website and /fa/ for a few weeks.

Here's a fit that I'm more proud of

>> No.7432322

Basic but nice
I sorta dressed like this in high school

>> No.7432334

So gay.

>> No.7432351

I always dress lunarcore combined with swagfag. I got an assload of compliments from plebs. If you can make an outfit look good, wear it.

>> No.7432373

lol people don't really dress like ninjas in public OP. its all a troll. rick owens is the guy who invented "top lel" he basically made the ugliest shoe in the world and charges $1000 for it and $400 t-shirts that look like they've been salvaged from a pirate ship from the 1500's and then autism spectrum kids buy them. its all a big ruse

trust me I work with rick owens, he laughs himself to sleep on a custom pillowcase made out of your money.

enjoy your geomemebaskets lol I'm sure you guys look so fashun and awesome IRL. great job being original you are envied

>> No.7432453


do you mean my clothes or the fact that my friend is carrying me like a girl? It's for a video we were filming.

>> No.7432491

>here's a fit that I'm more proud of
>exact same fucking fit with a red shirt instead of a blue one
the pleb levels are astronomical

>> No.7432502

>Why is there such a huge gap between the standards of /fa/ and commoners
same is true of people's taste in film, food, music etc. When you actually care and take interest in something you start to notice things other people might not.

>> No.7432554
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>you will never get to make your waifu uncomfortable

>> No.7432577

I think that's the point he's trying to make

It's so easy to catch the eye of anyone else just by looking at some shitty mag and mfa for a week. Everything on here that's considered "lel pleb" or "basic bitch" is considered god tier to the outside world.

>> No.7432654

Because clothes look different in real life when you're moving around and shit, than they do in internet pics where you are standing still.

>> No.7432664


>> No.7432668

i just think it's ridiculous to take pride in something so mediocre. It's offensive to people who actually dress well to be so narrowminded as to say "omg my fit is great xD ;D" when you're wearing a fucking red shirt and brown chinos from forever 21 and H&M shoes.

everyone should know their place and have the humility to own up to their plebness

>> No.7432675

was it for a gay porno you were filming?

>> No.7432683


I said I was "more proud" of it, not that it was the best fit of all time. Sorry I don't want to pay for overpriced shit that looks exactly the same as the stuff you get at H&M or JCP.

>> No.7432698


It's a bullying PSA we were assigned to do for this scholarship project. I trip and break my spine and some mean kids start laughing at me, but then the big blonde guy comes and carries me to safety while inspiring music plays in the background.

>> No.7432700

somebody gets it

>> No.7432701

Shit son, same here. People always say I dress really nicely as is, but I look at some of the fits on /fa/, i.e. the goofninja ones, and really dig the minimalistic monochrome looks.

>> No.7432710


lol it's like

> "you look really classy anon!"

>> No.7432726

This place has ruined me, this is literally my train of thought any time anyone compliments me. I just smile and take the compliment but on the inside I'm just a fuccboi.
One of these days I'll be /fa/ and no one will complement me but I'll feed good about myself so it won't matter.

>> No.7432739

compliments don't mean shit. Keep in mind the person that thinks you have nice ____ or whatever is just a commoner

if anything they probably just like you and notice you put an effort into dressing well so they wanna start talking to you. And what better way than to tell you they like your clothes?

>> No.7432763


I don't mind honestly, the opinion of the commoners is objectively way more valuable than the opinion of some guy on 4chan. If people think you dress well they treat you with respect. Also, girls think you're hot.

>> No.7432764

lik dis if u cry evry tiem

>> No.7432781

>black people touching asian girls
It's like pouring shit all over a nice plate of food or a great painting

>> No.7432805

then why do you visit /fa/? I don't watch movies beyond michael bay shit, but I don't see myself visiting /tv/ to tell them they're hipsters
talk about being insecure lol

lol are you some naive 12 year olds? people irl throw away compliments as if they're garbage, doesn't mean they actually mean it

>> No.7432812


i think Odd Future has an obsession with asian girls

If you watch Loiter Squad they have a loooot in their skits.

>> No.7432811

I loved getting this type of reaction when I was dating my bff, all the bitter white fuccbois tossing shade on campus.

Good times.

>> No.7432814


You can still have fun with fashion inside the realm of what other people consider to be aesthetic.

>> No.7432820

They're from SoCal (I think) so it fits

>tfw I know this feel and now I miss my Chinese gf

>> No.7432997

Lol, are you sure it is not the asian girls looking at the shame of an asian woman with a black man, they tend to be the most shocked unless it is americanized asians.

>> No.7433004

Every fucking time

Date an asian girl

Fuckin Fobby bitches with shitty teeth start staring and whispering at us

>> No.7433015

no fits, no care

>> No.7433090

Nah, it was mostly guys. All of the Asian girls (Americanized or not) in our friend circle like me, and I never really noticed any chicks I didn't know paying us any attention.

The guys though man, they'd pretty much do what
described constantly. She got really angry one day because she overheard one apparently called me the Korean word for nigger lol.

>> No.7433138

i know that feel so much

>get told i'm the best dressed guy at work and that i must know about fashion
>too scared to post in WAYWT
(also i have such a shitty phone camera it'd be pointless to post)

>> No.7433143

Post it baby.

This is a safe space

>> No.7433147

Not sure if you're serious or not, but here it is.


>> No.7433159

why is tyler the crator so ugly

>> No.7433164

my asian (from asia) gf is scared of black people. Not exactly just because they are black, but the stereotypical black people, thugs, or anyone who is not nerdy or wearing a nice suit or something. At least from her experience, black people are loud, seem uneducated and wild.

I know this comes off really racist and thats not what I am trying to do. She has had black friends in college, but the black people we see on the streets or in public often stick out. Really sucks for blacks because they few "bad" ones give the whole group a bad image. Also some of it might just be ignorance of different cultures/people but I just wanted to share my thoughts.

Something funny: the chinese for "that" spounds like "nigga" and they say it a lot.

>> No.7433165

because hes not a$ap rocky

>> No.7433171

Lord Flacko is pretty fucking ugly too.

>> No.7433195

I'll be honest here. I used to dress really fuckin shit and nerdy as a black guy so that people would not think I'm "scary" or a thug. Now I dress in Rick Owens sportswear but people cross the street to avoid me. The problem isn't me. Its people like you. Judging someone completely based on how they looklike. I'd at least expect some guy on a fashion board to understand how easy it is to manipulate your appearance.

Like the few well dressed people here probably start grasping spaghetti as soon as someone tries to talk to them and inevitably sees through their "fake" appearance

>> No.7433207

it sucks but its to be expected with how the media portrays us
all I can really do is do me and hope my actions speak louder than some stereotypes they picked up from where ever.

It didn't really come off as racist, its just you describing how your girlfriend is lol.

I used to pull the nerdy shit in high school but then I got white people calling my "blackness" into question since apparently I'm not authentic if I don't fit the hoodrat description lol. Also lay off the guy, he's not saying thats his opinion or anything. No need to get on his case.

>> No.7433221

lmao best dressed in highschool?? are you two faggots serious? that doesnt mean shit almost every single high schooler is a pleb who doesnt care about clothes nor can afford it themselves since theyre in school.
you fucking nerds are dadcore faggot fat pussies seriously i would laugh at you clown bitches if i ever saw yous in person walking around thinking thats a fresh fit

>> No.7433231

well youre black so thats why every one avoids your useless nigger faggot ass. lmao get the fuck off the computer and go back to the cotton field nigger

>> No.7433234

>the chinese for "that" spounds like "nigga"

yeah i was wondering what word that was

>> No.7433236


>> No.7433246
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haha my nigga you fucking flamed those clowns! niggas be crying now!

>> No.7433244

I try not to judge people just by their appearance, and she doesn't either. Just trying to describe what she told me.

However, I will say that making decision based off appearance is something that is essential to being human. Whether you recognize friend from foe.

A specific example is in China, an ethnic muslim group that lives in the northwest but has some who live in coastal cities. I don't discriminate them, I eat at their restaurants all the time. But, I will keep my eye out when I see them on the streets because they are know pickpockets, gypsies basically. I have seen them steal from others and try to steal from me multiple times. Friends in the police have confirmed this also, and they are a minority group.

That is a somewhat isolated situation but you should get the idea. People aren't trying to be closed minded, they are trying to protect themselves. I live somewhat in "the hood" and I have to say that I often see black people do shady things, but then again their is a lot of black people here so maybe that is sampling bias. Still doesn't impact how I interact with black people, but I am able to observe.

Not trying to perpetuate any racial conflict, just speaking about it freely.

>> No.7433258


>> No.7433261
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here's an idea of how bad of pics, and fits, i'm talking (what i wore today. for fun try to find the bear on the sweater)

>Something funny: the chinese for "that" spounds like "nigga" and they say it a lot.

so that's what that means. hung out with some chinese and had a chinese gf for awhile but i could never ask them why they kept saying nigga

>> No.7433267

sometimes they will say several in a row: "nigga nigga nigga..." as they are thinking about how to finish their sentence.

>> No.7433281

Nah its cool, I get where you're coming from

>> No.7433292

mate, it ain't bad nor is it something exceptional. don't put yourself down too much :)

>> No.7433297

Even mfa would laugh at him :^)

>> No.7433307

nah man. I've seen worse on MFA in the 1-2 times i've actually creeped through their WAYW threads and they would do the exact opposite of /fa/

>> No.7433320

>nor is it something exceptional
hence why i don't post in WAYWT
i know it's not exactly bad but it's not worth posting

but thnx bb

>> No.7433321

you most likely live in the midwest, most of /fa/ is situated in new york or LA

your average day is "holy shit there is a 1997 bmw in town!!!"

where the average new yorker is not moved by a $70k bentley or 7 series

while that may be a small fact, it's a great representation of clothing

new york and LA boutiques on the street. you'll walk into star bucks and see dior

while someone in a small town might be impressed by clarks desert boots and jeans that aren't from walmart

simply becuase the income disparity and the local stockists carry vastly different items

>> No.7433328

I feel like to post in WAYWT you need to be at your A game dress-wise all of the time. As I don't dress up every single day because of work reasons and because the context doesn't require it, I can't do that. Just because a board doesn't say your fit is good, it doesn't mean you don't have some fashion sense. There's just so much hivemind here

>> No.7433337

>most of /fa/ is situated in new york or LA

Most of effay lives in ohio.

>> No.7433341

Yes but it is easy to recognise a bmw, not necessarily easy to recognise dior. You would have to be interested and know about dior first before you could recognise it specifically. Cars are different. I understand what you're trying to say but I don't agree

>> No.7433356

>you most likely live in the midwest, most of /fa/ is situated in new york or LA

I'm in OP's situation and I live in the lower east side of Manhattan though

>> No.7433377

Hey sieg, want to hang out man? A;though I'm afraid you would judge me for my inferior garments.

>> No.7433385

it's actually very easy to recognize dior
i see it all the time

i see labels all of the time
some peoplejust see cars as cars etc

with that said, me personally i have started to shy away from wearing designers

i am quickly turning my wardrobe down to a few basic essentials and return to a "happier" time when i was new to /fa/ wearing cheap clothes but doesn't mean i don't see people walking around in margiela or balmain

>i never see geos on the street

honestly that's becuase rick started off as a joke, the leather jackets on women were quite popular years ago not so much anymore

funny thing is if you saw a woman back then you would focus on her skinnys or her uggs, but she could have been wearing a blistered lamb asymetrical rick owens jacket with a starbucks cup in her hand walking over to her land rover down pico

>> No.7433386

>lower east side of manhattan
awwww shit
If you go to SoHo, that's where I usually see people with designer (as in actual designer). Not much though. Never been to the richer parts of NYC

>> No.7433392

>want to hang out man?
nah dude, im not really a people person

> I'm afraid you would judge me
wrong idea of me, im not twerk it or poet
i was the dude pushing seamless transition between high/low or well dressed mid-market curlgurl back in the day.

and im sure your brands are better than mine, for example H&M jacket, dior tee, edwin jeans, and land's end sneakers right now....

>> No.7433403

yeah wtf sieg

/fa/ would get laughed on the street in NY. and LA is pleb-tier

>> No.7433413

>saw at least three rick pieces today, probably more i didn't recognize
>a pair of geos and ramones yesterday

bitch with the geos was walking with them through snow and slush

>> No.7433416

>i was the dude pushing seamless transition between high/low
I like the idea

I always thought poet was a nice guy and genuine but I have heard some people saying otherwise?

Your clothes are also nicer than mine, which are mostly uniqlo.

>> No.7433438

the faceless anons and the not so well dressed, but dressed for the weather tier people you see in WAYWT are actually just canadians

most of the american visitors are from LA/NY thats where the perceived tastes that don't match up to reality is pulled from.

that guy in canada dressing in topshop is not the same guy in LA or NY talking about going to MOMA or MOCA

idea taken from interior design trends pushed in DWELL in 2008. fell in love with the idea, tip was to get vintage permanent collection MCM pieces, and pair them with livable pieces from places like ikea to give off a warm someone actually lives here tone

rather than the cold, stark featureless and less than useful locations that feature one eames lounge in a cold abadoned warhouse

>> No.7433467

trip getting trips nice

>> No.7433527

That's largely because /fa/ (and a good portion of fashion boards) are plagued by community groupthink and an unfortunate pecking order that ensures that everyone finds the same things "aesthetic". Combine that with the fact that /fa/ and 4chan in general skew rather young, there's going to be a dissonance in what's considered "aesthetic".

Think of someone like Ryan Gosling. Posting one of his fits here will get you piles of replies about "dadcore" or "pleb shit", but he's not a poorly dressed guy by any means. Call me overly conservative at 25, but I would rather take inspo from someone like Dan Trepanier or Nick Wooster instead of going full urban ninja or wearing exaggerated tailoring like Thom. That's just my opinion, anyway.

>> No.7433585
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>> No.7433612


>> No.7434717
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Poet wasn't judgemental, you fat fuck

>> No.7434733

As if he could be given how he looked.

>> No.7434779

>commoners dress to look good
>/fa/ dresses to impress other conosseurs

>> No.7434782


this should be stickied

>> No.7434785

there are plenty of people on 4chan that are ugly as fuck and extremely judgemental

poet was pretty average looking just some bald white dude

>> No.7434944

post face, fuccnigga
dude was rick model tier

>> No.7435053

not everyone finds the same things aesthetic here, fucking nerd.

>> No.7437040


I'm pretty sure if you break your spine that carrying someone like that is the worst thing to do.

>> No.7437655
