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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 205 KB, 1140x1504, clown%20troupe%202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7426761 No.7426761 [Reply] [Original]

Story time, i would love to be fashionable but i can't, here's why.
>Parents were party clowns while growing up
>Grew up around other families of clowns.
> married at 18 to gf who is a clown
>At 27 she is baby insane, wants "little clowns" around the house
>spends 1k plus on new clown dresses
> complains that i don't practice the craft of clowning and spends the rest of our money buying me costumes i refuse to wear.

Is getting divorced from a nutjob wife /fa/?

>> No.7426778
File: 94 KB, 540x720, baseman-mexico3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a disappointment. why can't you just wear the costumes?

>> No.7426789

idk, but clowns are mad creepy bro.

>> No.7426798

>clown families

i cant believe shit like this exists

i knew a kid that was scared of clowns. also scared of melanin enriched ppl. lol hmmm

>> No.7426793

this is insane

>> No.7426801

post picture with timestamp of clown clothes

>> No.7426806

people who are scared of clowns are so fucking annoying

like holy shit no one fucking cares if youre scared of clowns, you dont need to bring it up every 5 mins, youre probably making it up for attention or trying to fit in anyways

>> No.7426831


What is worse is when gross middle aged mothers offer you crumpled 20s to see your "ballon animal"

>> No.7426835

>people who are scared of clowns
who isn't?

>> No.7426840

everyone over the age of 5.

>> No.7426845

anyone who isnt a loud, annoying, chubby 16 year old girl who doesnt have very many friends and everyone just sort of puts up with but mostly ignores

>> No.7426849

Coulrophobia and arachnophobia are apparently fashionable among the pleb crowd, prolly cuz os some movie I never saw.

>> No.7426860

>prolly cuz os some movie I never saw.

The big bad evil d00d is both a clown and a spider


>> No.7426865

ahaha this girl i used to go to school with claimed she injected with drugs and raped by a clown at a childrens party

>> No.7426870

she was injected with drugs*

>> No.7426876

I swear that movie scarred me for life. I wonder why did my parents let me watched that movie when I was a kid.

Each time I see a clown I will have this huge urge to either punch the clown or run as far and quick as I could.

>> No.7426893
File: 38 KB, 740x585, 1387174598821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is so bad

like srsly Steven King really

>The Brave Little Toaster doe, pic related

>> No.7426935

blame the director lol

>> No.7427413

u clownin son

>> No.7427812

Fuck you man, I'm fucking terrified of clowns and it's not to be cute it's crippling fear.

When I was a kid I was taken out of the crowns and surrounded by the fuckers.

Fuck mimes too.

>> No.7428293
File: 983 KB, 1019x761, slvaelbrers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting in a 10/10 thread

>> No.7428326


>> No.7428382
File: 38 KB, 603x450, Clownbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This freaked me the fuck out when I was a kid

>> No.7429542

Why the fuck would you get married at 18, dipshit?

>> No.7429582

Aren't you scared of rain tho?

>> No.7429600

nigga she aint clownin around

>> No.7429616

do you fuck her in her makeup?

>> No.7430073

this is literally the best thread

>> No.7430101

I feel like you guys aren't paying attention
this guy is trapped in a clown civilization

>> No.7430124
File: 1.01 MB, 256x229, 1386466831673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7430216


OP if this is real then this is the most amazing thread ever. You need to run away and overcome your circus-folk background and become a normal person somehow. Circus people are very weird. Clowns especially. You must escape, OP. You are better than this, man.

>> No.7430248

are you using a clown computer?

>> No.7430260


>> No.7430259

Gonna need a timestamped pic of some clown clothes

>> No.7430344

post a pic of your car pls

>> No.7430502

I fucked up obviously.
I have, it was weird.
Pretty much decided on this
May as well be, it's a piece of shit she bought off of HSN
I drive a Silver 2011 Durango, sorry to disappoint you

>> No.7430527
File: 88 KB, 960x646, qtpep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clowns are crazy, run away OP
and yes thats a little pep

>> No.7430543

I bet sex with her in clowncore is really hot tho.

>> No.7432792

Wait what? This is actually real? There's a race of clowns? Whole clown families? What in the fuck.

>> No.7432837
File: 57 KB, 804x940, hank 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ, is this a thing?

>> No.7432879

this makes clowning sound like a religion

>> No.7434385

it's not
Not a race of clowns, just a grouping of people who clown as a business. Lawyers have lawyer friends usually, it's the same thing.
Some of the fourth generation clowns(my wife) make it seem that way.

>> No.7434387

i would hate to have this CIRCUS of a divorce case walk through my doors

>> No.7434735
File: 64 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steal tiny clown car
>stuff it with everything you need for 3 years
>listen to jakety sax as you ride into the sunset

>> No.7434774


god stop positng

>> No.7434778

Thinking about it, there aren't many professions that are less fashionable than "clowning".

Sorry OP.

>> No.7434783

this happens? how do i into clowncore /fa/

>> No.7434790

Quit clowning around and give the OP advice

OP just tell you're wife she's insane and burn her clown clothes

>> No.7434796
File: 39 KB, 283x269, IMG_20130915_092114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7434834

>>Parents were party clowns while growing up
>>Grew up around other families of clowns.
>>married at 18 to gf who is a clown
Too young.
>>At 27 she is baby insane, wants "little clowns" around the house
Normal girl behaviour.
>>spends 1k plus on new clown dresses
Normal woman behaviour. Everyone has their own interests. You will have the same shit from another girl. Be it jewellery, shoes, veganism, Benedict Cumberbatch or whatever obsessional fad.
>>complains that i don't practice the craft of clowning and spends the rest of our money buying me costumes i refuse to wear.
Normal woman behaviour from someone who thought you shared an interest.
If there's nothing wrong with the actual relationship itself, you're just overreacting.

>> No.7434842

>no fun allowed

geobaskets are clown shoes. this is now a social/fashion critique

>> No.7434884

Have a decent body and be good at entertaining kids. It's MILFnip, but unfortunately 99 percent of the solicitations are from nasty ham beasts.

>> No.7435037

pls b in somailia

>> No.7435340

did she give you a blowjob in her clown makeup?

>> No.7435811


Sex is sex, there is nothing special about it.

>> No.7436398
File: 2.86 MB, 480x360, 1384039870326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't even know how I can possibly react to this thread.