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7397105 No.7397105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ive been doing no poo for about a year and a half, maybe a little bit longer

i figured, why not, the broscience makes sense, the worst thing that'll happen is i'll get #tricked and ill have oily hair. but then i'll just revert back to using shampoo again

it was only the first week that my hair was more oily the usualy, but even then, not by a large margin -- ~+15% more oily, but only noticable by me when id touch my hair.

after then, it "stabilized" and did its own thing

after about a month, my hair felt amazing. amazing to touch, eassssssssssssyyyyy to style, and most importantly looked amazing

it's seriously the perfect balance right now. not oily, not dry. even after a long day of excersize, i dont feel the need to use shampoo

every 2-3 weeks or so, i'll use a tea tree conditioner

so many people comment on my hair. i just came back from the barber and he told me the same thing
dudes like 90 years old, has his nys barbers license since 1947 (holy shit)

anyway so that's my personal testimonial. no poo works very very well for me. id say i have normal hair. it might not work for people who have oily or dry hair, but idk, i cant comment on that because...that aint my hair!

>> No.7397111

anyone have thoughts on no-poo and long hair?

>> No.7397122

thanks for the update OP! cant wait for next week's!

>> No.7397132

hey np.
i dont know what you mean by next week, i have no plans on doing that

i was hoping this thread would be a "testimonial" thread where people can share their experiences, good or bad, and provide info why it succeeded or failed, and what hair type they have

>> No.7397166

why the fuck do you god damn faggots call it no poo

you sound like you're five years old

>> No.7397191

post pics of glorious no poo hair please

>> No.7397195

that's what it's called, nigga

>> No.7397203

I've been on
and it's worked pretty well. Anyone use styling shit in their hair as well? It's easier to style than the shampooing days but it still misbehaves.

>> No.7397208

doesn't change the fact that it's juvenile af

>> No.7397221

yeah im do all those and i use american crew fiber
comes out just fine because it's water based

>> No.7397264

I've no-poo for about 3 months now. Before I tried it a few times in a short duration of 1 - 3 weeks but chicken out when people started saying it wouldn't do shit. That's a lie, I've experienced no dandruff or anything. My hair is much more detailed and much more glossy, compare to shampooing which make it completely straightened without any hope of training it back, and gets frizzy and dry. I've been complemented multiple times since then, most of the complements are about how my hair looks much more thicker. It does get pretty oily in the first two weeks but it does stabilize. I also don't use any products or anything, just deeply wash my hair with cold water.

>> No.7397265


Alright, cool. Now I can put my head at an angle below 5 degrees without my hair falling to the side. I'm sick of looking like I came out of a 90's time machine after I tie my shoes.

>> No.7397277
File: 78 KB, 480x512, foto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmk what you think?

>> No.7397297

i was just answering your question

>> No.7397302

what kind of product do you have in there atm?

>> No.7397329

its some gel that the barber used (just got back about 45min ago). i do not know the name

i typically use imperial pomade and it looks like like that

>> No.7397327

because it doesn't use shampoo, and shampoo = crap

do you get it now

>> No.7397361

I'm somewhere in the awkward phase between HY and manbun. So i control my hair with Murray's. How to clean your hair if you do no poo in my example?

>> No.7398252

wait if you dont use shampoo dont you use baking soda and vinegar or whatever the fuck?

>> No.7398270

no why would i want my hair to smell like vinegar?
i take warm showers and end with a minute of cold water
if anything ill throw in a drop of body wash but thats it

thats it

>> No.7398286

post a picture of your hair in its natural state without any product

you wont

>> No.7398292

so you use absolutely nothing on your head?
my hair is greasy after a single day that I can't imagine doing this
I'm generally oily though so I guess its just how it is

>> No.7398345

if you look at the pic i posted, theres only product on the "top". the sides is sans product

but it look the same just with a little less "shine," i guess

idk about greasy hair, maybe someone who's tried it, can offer advice.
i'd assume it would be a bad idea unless you are willing to give yourself time to see if your scalp/hair will go from "greasy" to normal after years of shampoo. but i cannot confirm that at all, thats all broscience

>> No.7398356

i told you you wouldnt

>> No.7398361

oh well, thanks anyway
yeah my hair gets oily as fuck quick

>> No.7398730

I'd love to try it but with my dry scalp i'd probably scratch my brains out.

>> No.7398784
File: 117 KB, 480x640, dippi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude your hair is so short why do u even no poo?,
and why are u using product?
hair that looks like it has product in it looks gross,
2 year no poo,

>> No.7398815



>> No.7398844
File: 748 KB, 1280x853, SHAQ attaq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been no pooing for 5 or 6 months now, and my hair looks good, but it's flaky as shit, there's lots of dandruff, actually, i don't know if it's dandruff or if it's because I have a dry scalp, i don't use any conditioner either, should I try that? what type of conditioner?

>> No.7398867

hair battle,
post your style fuck boy

>> No.7398884

femanon here. short pixie hair. Been wanting to try it for a while. what do you /fa/ggots at large think?

>> No.7398887

post pixie hair

>> No.7398895
File: 108 KB, 1284x949, 1337746975465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying no poo isn't a massive injoke meme like clown shoes

>> No.7398906

I've been doing no poo for months, and about once a week I use baking soda and vinegar. Some of you only use cold water?

>> No.7398920

my hair's quality greatly improves but i get slight dandruff and it smells like goddamn shit after a while, can i do anything for this?

>> No.7398926

no poo for 4 months, no product, no dandruff, no greasiness, just hair.

>> No.7398939

Does it smell?

My hair starts smelling like shit a week in but I don't have the balls to keep it going without shampoo.

>Should I use like, soap?

>> No.7398998
File: 636 KB, 700x1329, fuckshampoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this for a while, and move towards only using cold water if you think you should

>> No.7399026

Are you hot-water washing?

>> No.7399038

You are what you eat you piece of shit.

Eat good food and you won't stink, like the entirety of the indian subcontinent - fucking gross.

Also, if you're some underagedb& then puberty and hormones will play around with your stank, that or you may have a hormonal imbalance.

>> No.7399045


what does hot-water washing do to your hair head? (I only ever hot water wash, lol)

>> No.7399064

I have high testosterone, not sure if that has to do with anything. Also, my diet is decent, but I've been trying improve that too.

Still, couldn't go without shampoo. I also wear beanies a lot.

>> No.7399070

That is perhaps then your mistake.
Dries out your scalp, makes it itch and shit - washes away the oils that are supposed to be there for no-poo to work.
Use cold water from now on.
Go do it now faggot.

>> No.7399077

>I have high testosterone, not sure if that has to do with anything.
It may very well have something to do with it.

>Also, my diet is decent
More fruit, more veg, less dairy. No junky, oily shit.

>> No.7399105

Also, no poo won't work if you just let your hair sit, "stagnant". You need to brush or comb it, letting the oils clean the hair.

The magic of no poo is that the hair becomes self cleaning. It may stink for the first 2 months, but after that it's a nice, human smell unless you eat shit all the time and have a hormonal/chemical imbalance).

>> No.7399166
File: 153 KB, 960x721, _20131210_214415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nopoo 15 months, it was long (7 inches) up until may of this year. I have glorious smells.

>> No.7400326

Dear /fa/ diary,
I've been doing no poo for 2 months now and my hair has definitely improved a bit. Nothing dramatic like some of you, but my hair isn't super dry anymore.

Not one, but 2 girls actually smelled my hair and said it smelled good. I didn't even know they were sniffing, bitches just crept up on me.

> "Anon, your hair smells great!"
> "Thanks!"
> "What scent shampoo do you use?"
> "That's a secret!" insert shit eating grin