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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 254 KB, 1920x1200, feelsbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7389425 No.7389425[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw ugly

i just want to hide from the world

>> No.7389443

fucking this feel erday m8

>> No.7389456
File: 69 KB, 520x662, bush_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6.5-7-ish face but incurable fucking acne scarring knocks me down to a five at best

>> No.7389489
File: 1.37 MB, 264x264, 1385889606118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moms family
>every male is model tier
>mfw my mom marries my ugly dad and gives birth to an abomination

>> No.7389562


>tfw everyone I know has this perfect skin without any cosmetical treatment whatsoever and I have to constantly wash and apply shit in order to not get all oily and break out
>tfw acne scars
>tfw dandruff

I hope being almost 6'3", skinny and dressing well will make up for it

>> No.7389625

i fucking hate goodlooking people

most of them are also insecure as shit

"oh no i hate myself because i have very mild rash on my back and its the worst thing in life even tho i got a 9/10 face and im over 6ft tall"

fucking faggots

>> No.7389645
File: 198 KB, 776x602, 1386617005228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you m8

>> No.7389653


dont know why but i laugh a lot

>> No.7389663

damn son IKTF

I'd be a good 7 or 8 without acne but with my acne and scarring I'm like a 4

>> No.7389670
File: 112 KB, 388x446, 1384027812117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 7 out of 10 girls look at you with disgust

>> No.7389683

>tfw 5'4 manlet
I wear boots and inner heels to give me an extra few inches but

>> No.7389679

theres no such thing as ugly people, everyones beautiful

>> No.7389699

dawg, you're probably much more attractive than you give yourself credit for. I dislike a lot of things about my face, but most of them are super minimal things that nobody notices. Only reason I notice them is because I've been looking at my face for 18 years. Work on yourself, improve yourself, love yourself.

For acne -
drink tons of water and only water. Cut all dairy (or at least milk) from your diet. No soda.

Sleep with a clean towel over your pillow every night. You can use both sides of the towel, too, just flip it after the first night. After the second night get a new towel and repeat.

Crush a few uncoated aspirin, mix in some water and honey and make a mask (or just apply to single zits, whatever works best). This works best for me.

>> No.7389698

>not particularly attractive
>not particularly ugly
>tfw ignored by everyone

>> No.7389718


but check your privilege. If you're a tall-ish skinny/slim white dude then you've still got that IT factor that most people don't.

>Only reason I notice them is because I've been looking at my face for 18 years.

that's such a good fucking point... thanks anon

>> No.7389714
File: 148 KB, 660x440, 1386623892577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>okay maybe like a 6
>lose weight
>dress well
>get a haircut that looks good on me
>learn to talk to people and be more social
>become a cool dude
>tons of attractive girls think i am am attractive now

guys you just have to work for it

>> No.7389754


"mfw my mom marries my ugly dad and gives birth to an abomination"

u are too rude with yourself fuccboi

>> No.7389765

>tfw we both have to be over 40 for these marks to be respectable or distinguishable

fuck this gay life

>> No.7389760

>tfw I look unhealthy and had blue circle under eyes all my life
>tfw I look like male version of Tomoko

>> No.7389772

5'3 here

>> No.7389774

you should at least post pics so we can confirm/reject your suspicions

we'd probably greatly improve your quality of life if you actually turned out to not be ugly

>> No.7389782

>tfw 6'8 basketball player
this, you have nothing to lose

>> No.7389806

God damn it guys you need some fucking confidence.

In my college some of the dudes who get the most girls arent that attractive. some of them or not that attractive at all.

they have confidence and know how to talk to girls. just talk to everyone and fake your confidence until you make it and soon enough you will have it

work out and eat well also that will help. you are on /fa/ also so it is good to dress well

like jesus guys

also develop your intrests and mind

fa places too much importance on looks

>> No.7389828

bad idea OP. Do not post pics. /fa/ will only bring your confidence down, trust me. Everyone here gets off on being cruel shitheels.

>> No.7389866
File: 57 KB, 600x400, das-racist[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I could go back in time and tell my extreme fuccboi past self one thing about fashion:

it's that the clothes you wear are nothing without context. sure, the mfa uniform may be versatile, but if you want to develop style you gotta be conscious of what you look like. you gotta consider your race, height, attractiveness, how you walk and talk, what others assume when they see you, and say something about yourself.

for me for a long time I tried to ignore not being white, which is kinda weird on the internet because pretty much everyone is a pasty white dude and nobody can tell otherwise if you don't post your face in fits. but I think that for me, I had to learn to own the fact that people look at me and think med student / terrorist and I think that when I admitted that to myself I became a more realized person or whatever the fuck, and my clothes became more personal.

so basically my point is you can't just dress the same as everyone else and pretend that you're what you're not, whether it's pretty or 6'2" or whatever.

>> No.7389880

tfw decent face and acne cleaning up great but gap in front teeth and can't afford braces

>> No.7389884

what would you suggest for a 5'8 white dude
middle class
attractive but not incredibly attractive
cold weather climate

>> No.7389920


uhh, you have to decide that on your own, that's what fashion is. that's my whole point. the clothes you wear are just a way to say something. it might take you a few years to decide what you want to say and it'll probably change over time.

you gotta learn about the connotations different clothes have, which changes depending on who's looking, and of course there's the non-social aesthetic thing like different silhouettes and colors and stuff. and probably you'll fuck up and buy dumb shit along the way, it's just the journey.

>> No.7389932

Im legit ugly, not even in a good way like manly-ugly, but like unattractive piece of shit. Fuck, Im the one usually posting in these threads saying "it doesnt matter just do your thing being depressed is effay as fuck", but there are times like just now when I just want to die because everyone I know is so fucking goodlooking.

>> No.7389938

eyactly the same question here
>athletic but not too much
(I do actual sports, not fucking lifting)

>> No.7389950
File: 649 KB, 1054x1029, 1364875338998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's not just a checklist of stuff to take into account either, it's about YOU, about how you see yourself and how others see you, and what you want them to see and why. there's no excel spreadsheet where you answer 20 questions and get the "right style" or whatever. it's personal, it's a reflection of your life.

like when you see a fit, what's the first thing you think? why do you think that? just slow down and think, /fa/ isn't all about where to cop cdbs and ocbds.

>> No.7389963

i dont need /fa/´s "confirmation"

i dont even care about girls

its more of a shame thing

like people i knew as a kid seeing how ugly i grew up to be

>> No.7389978
File: 23 KB, 299x259, 1381841457091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us your face, brother!!

>> No.7389971

what does someone who wear really smple stuff say?

like i usually just wear black pants with like grey or white shirts and stuff?

>> No.7389994


it's all about the fit, can't tell you without seeing it

>> No.7390004

like skinny jeans but stilla little loose.
good fit on the top, maybe a little loose

>> No.7390043
File: 29 KB, 398x394, 1386285886117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 eyes and eyebrows
3 nose
1 profile

>tfw 8-9 at good angle
>tfw 2 from the side

i look like some retarded nerd from anywhere out of my peripheral field
>constantly turning head at right angle to people

>> No.7390052

My face is asymmetrical. My jaw specifically. It's just asymmetrical enough to where I notice it, but nobody else does, so I don't let it get me down.

>> No.7390055
File: 67 KB, 640x427, 6cmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>curved nose
>weak chin

sucks man

>> No.7390086
File: 120 KB, 375x500, 5553398126_0c34fa0b59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw ugly faggot

>> No.7390100

it's so bad to have people tell me how good looking i am and then seeing myself in the mirror from the side or back
i would rather be average ;_____;

>> No.7390114

you look alright fuccboi
be glad you're not black or mexican or indian

>> No.7390133
File: 97 KB, 480x640, Photo 2013-12-07 11 02 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except for my acne( which is awful in this pic) Rate my face. It was like 5 mins after i woke up.

>> No.7390148

very feminine, 6/10

>> No.7390316


ur sort of cute, 7/10 would be better without acne
see a derma man

>> No.7390326
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1380240465723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good god make the feels stop

>> No.7390329

would kiss u :3

>> No.7390337

u look stoned af bruh

>> No.7390347

i know that feel

>> No.7390383

Acne is pretty bad in this pic. Its getting a lot better lately.
Are you a grill or a guy?
Early mornings. Somebody woke me up with a photo and I had to send one back. So yeah its just because im tired af.

>> No.7390410


>> No.7390432

>being ugly
Just kill yourselves

>> No.7390440

okay thanks then :3

>> No.7390455

Oh shit i am more attractive than you. How tall are you

>> No.7390460

>turn 25 next month
>still can't grow facial hair to hide my babyface
>forever carded

>> No.7390467

178 or somethjing like htat

>> No.7390480

>tfw so ugly girls either laugh or go completely silent when you walk past

>> No.7390501

girls do that to everyone nigga. for all you know they could be doing that because they think you're cute and they waiting for you to say something to them

>> No.7390508

>tfw baby face AND this >>7390043 shit
it sucks even more knowing that even a slight stubble would improve my facial aesthetics.

>> No.7390534

Why would girls wait for a stranger walking past them to talk to them

>> No.7390902
File: 140 KB, 640x480, 1339461378064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7390912 [DELETED] 


>> No.7390917

Micheal Ian Black?

>> No.7390927


>> No.7391107

>thought myself to be 6 or 7/ 10
>suddenly I'm surrounded by 10/10 people
>I'm 2/10 at best
Why do I even try?

>> No.7391133

what do you weigh now

>> No.7391169

I used to have a 7/10 maybe even 8/10 face. Then i copped facial psoriasis and now i want to wear a mask when i leave the house

>> No.7391191

>really nice face
>really fucked up teeth
>scared to death of dentist

>> No.7391293


>> No.7391348
File: 125 KB, 640x480, 1382307273923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 5'8 and 140 with some muscle and consider myself fat

i hope you have been buffing up mate or all that food you eat when sconed is getting to you

also check this rare pic

>> No.7391374

ya dude im fat af :P

idc :P

>> No.7391375
File: 50 KB, 544x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mexican
I would kill to be Caucasian.

>> No.7391388

that pic where i look all sucked the fuck up was taken when i was like 140 (no muscle)

lightest ive ever been i =think

>> No.7391391
File: 118 KB, 640x480, 1374623103791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait how tall are you then?

im like 138 5'8 right now and still got some chub and my cheeks are chubby :(

>> No.7391399

I just wanted to tell you all your beautiful no matter what anyone says and i appreciate each and every one of yall, take my hand and lets move forward together beautiful souls

>> No.7391400

i would talk to you since you seem chill and are always on skype but i worry i will be bothering the great matt

i talked to you like one and you seemed annoyed

>> No.7391406
File: 4 KB, 187x249, 1375897082700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matt used to be really cool and funny
>trying to lose weight and get muscular
>interesting and made smart posts sometimes along with funny ones
>now just comes on to talk about drugs
>is fat

why matt why

>> No.7391420

hes v depressed since eyebrows left :(((((( #prayformatt

>> No.7391422

you can pull off this feel if you're not mild mannered and indifferent
as long as you're not ugly you can make yourself look interesting at least

>> No.7391433

im about 175cm
i dunno sude maybe its water retention try scrapuing all the facw water out with your hand, it works! google it

im the same chill guy ive always been
post the same as i have for aslong as i can remember

youre tryna get my goat aint ya ;p

no i wont have been annoyed i think itsa just that i dont put in effort to seem friendly hity me up on skype!

>> No.7391439

I look stupid from the side and back I think but I look nice from directly the front
I don't look at myself from these angles so i'm just deliberately ignorant

>> No.7391447
File: 141 KB, 458x493, 1385866989918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk matt i just love you

best trip on fa

>> No.7391463

thanks man im gonna keep on fightin

>> No.7391477
File: 99 KB, 640x480, 1376763212408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so how is life man?
are you enjoying your gap year and shit?

if i were to take a gap year i would just go out with friends and fuck around and explore my city as much as possible i guess idk

>> No.7391529
File: 29 KB, 424x362, 1365892165798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not too bad duder

dont leave the house much! actually sometimes its like 2 weeks or 3 weeks and i dont leave the house lol

butyt im gettin by (gettin hi ;)

talk to me on skype if you wanna chat (im bored)

watchin some old goodneighbour vids

>> No.7391564
File: 15 KB, 500x375, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]