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/fa/ - Fashion

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7383511 No.7383511 [Reply] [Original]

If you wear clothes that are trending, after the fact they started trending, youre not /fa/

If you buy clothes because you saw them online and then posted pictures of yourselves in said clothes, youre not /fa/

It seems like the whole online fashion game is just a popularity contest now.

Kids buying fits not because its their style, or because they consider it fashionable but because its trending on the internet.

How is that creative? How is that NOT dressing for other people? It isnt. And you are.

If you cant make a fit and be comfortable in clothes that arent the latest thing on sufu or tumblr or hypebeast, then you are simply a FUCCBOI.

If you need to validate your fits on the internet to strangers, you are the opposite of being into fashion -- youre just another trend-riding schoolgirl.

This is why /fa/ will always be full of insecure faeries, because none of you can live with or justify your clothing without the approval of faceless posters on an imageboard, who also seek the same validation.

>your fucking faces when

>> No.7383528

if you buy clothes after the trend is "over"

you're part of the trend you continue it

trends aren't just 1 guy starting something, there is no real "trendsetter" unless you count that being the place that sells the certain clothing and markets it to the online fashion community teen segment who is especially sensative to viral marketing

>> No.7383532

can we put this in the sticky?

>> No.7383543
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x1840, 2013-10-04_11-38-29_358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like most people online only buy designer clothing to show off designer clothing online.

In real life, no one cares that your shirt is Rick or Damir -- in fact they probably think you look retarded.

If you have to go show it off online to other people circlejerking over designer clothes, then you've not purchased it because it is important but only to show it off to other likeminded people.

You will never enjoy it. You probably havent even deeply thought about whether purchasing it is really worth it to you, or just a way to feel included in a group with arbitrary standards.

This is why fashion is one of the worst hobbies. It doesnt really improve your life, it just gives the illusion of your life being better

>> No.7383552


Now riddle me this. If there were no faeries posting their fits online, would trends even arise? Would anything be unfashionable? Who would set the standards if there was no exclusive circlejerk?

If everyone stopped posting fits -- if magazines stopped printing, how would anybody ever be "fashionable" and who would be the judge?

If you cant separate yourself from these things, again, youre a fuccboi.

>> No.7383587
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x1840, 2013-10-11_11-57-42_157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fashion means nothing.

Coordinating clothing is a skill - but really you dont need to be coordinated to look good.

But who decides what looks good? Designers? Fuck them. Magazines? Fuck them.

Why do you think the chavs 'dressed like shit' and other mongoloids 'dressed like shit' still manage to survive and get laid?

Because being well dressed, in the final analysis, is a meaningless luxury -- purely masturbation to give oneself a feeling of security where there is only emptiness and insecurity.

>> No.7383607

What if you don't give a shit what people think and wear what you think looks nice?

Question aimed at op but feel free to answer if you aren't.

>> No.7383624


Thats basically what you should strive for. Just be happy. Do what makes you happy -- but dont kid yourself into thinking the internet fashion game means a single fucking thing bro.

Youre going to save yourself a lot of money and grief and time.

>> No.7383628

this might be news to you, but there's more to life than chasing tail. Just because you're desperate (along with most of these fuccbois, true) doesn't mean everyone else is.

>> No.7383638

yes, you are 100% correct. no trend ever existed before tumblr

>> No.7383645


ha ha 10/10 thread op!!! :))

>> No.7383646

w2c delish food?

>> No.7383652

I do. You know what also makes me happy? Posting my very own work of art that I have created by combining items of clothing that are pleasing to my eye and comfortable to my body and posting it on the internet for all to see , like an artist having a picture in a huge gallery. Sure some might look at it and be like
>wtf is this shit lol
But then tell their friends who are in love with it that they too think it's amazing just to be accepted but they wont know the same realm of pleasure that I am in. That almost ethereal, radiating joy of knowing that I have assembled a work of art that speaks volumes about how I feel , how I think while flattering all my proportions.
Fashion is fucking awesome.

>> No.7383660


Correct. For most young men though, including the ones who wish to improve their dress, chasing tail is generally the name of the game. Dont ignore this.

Youre failing to see my point. That things such as tumblr, blogs, sufu, hypebeast and the internet in general, have made trends something that come about rapidly, change rapidly, and turn into a game, basically, for a lot of people caught up in it.

The internet fashion game is where my qualms lie. The fact is, people in it think they are into fashion, when really they are dickriding the hype-train.

>> No.7383668

tl;dr = I am a special snowflake and want people to look at me.

>> No.7383667

>yfw fashion is entirely subjective
>yfw subjective opinion determined by current trends and fashion
>yfw what trends = what's fashionable

You can goff ninjah rikk owenz 5lyf as much as you like, but lets be honest no one outside of /fa/ think it's a decent style.

>> No.7383686

Did you miss the bit where I said I wear what makes me happy and all that?
Way to miss the point completely.

>> No.7383682


Indian fast food joint.

You havent created art. Youve taken something someone else has created, and managed to match it with other items created by others.

All you did was coordinate clothing. Congrats. That requires skill. But it also requires things such as luck of having correct body types, and the money to do it. Posting for others to validate you is masturbation. If you like it fine. But youre not an artist/ Youre flavour of the day fashionable/.

>> No.7383707

>subjectivity the post
>implying a skill cannot be art
Wait , do you even like fashion? I don't understand what compels you to spout such trivial nonsense. What are you getting out of this? Some sort of high moral ground because you don't buy into the whole expensive high fashion stuff? Feeling like you're special because you don't post fits or luxury attire?
Why exactly are you on /fa/? I'm all for a debate but just remember this isn't just a hobby for some of us , it's a passion that is enjoyed by many so please don't try your hardest to extinguish something to someone that gives them joy.

>> No.7383714


If you can with good conscience say that everything you wear and buy, EVERY SINGLE THING, makes you happy - independantly of trends and what others think - congrats youve made it. But when you say you post online -- I have a hard time believing youre not fishing for approval. Very difficult.

If they truly made you happy, you wont spew the 'artistic' shit and post online. Youd just wear it and be contented in yourself.

>> No.7383732


I like/d fashion. Im question the validity of what fashion is itself. Im raising the questions you should be asking yourself.

There is no moral high ground. How can what you wear be seen as immoral? The only immorality is in the belief that a passion for clothing is in someway special when discussing the way other people are dressed who are not into fashion.

Again -- what is fashion? What makes something fashionable? Who sets the standards? The designer? Or the mob that slowly builds around something the designer has made.

>> No.7383735


Yes, no, and yes.

You have lots to learn, why do you think Rick Owens is the biggest show during Paris Fashion Week?

Also stop browsing fa you're gettin deluded, fa =\= everyone in the world

>> No.7383741

my nigga
this is always the best way

>> No.7383744


What is art?
What makes somethign artistic?
Is anything that is an expression art?
Should peoples fits be put into museums?

Did the clothes you laid out last night make you a great?

Did spending money on something with flattering cuts and wearing it with other flattering traits make it art?

>> No.7383750

>What is SZ
>What is the last 32 years since Yohji and Rei's debut

8/10 if troll
0/10 an hero if serious

>> No.7383753

>luck of having correct body types

Oh no! I just ate nothing but McDonalds for the past thirty days and gained all this weight! Now my clothes don't fit!

Man, what bad luck :(

>> No.7383759
File: 431 KB, 1100x768, 1385288392794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dressing up
>"hmm, not sure if this is good. i am completely stuck and google hasnt helped me much
>maybe i should ask /fa/ on how to improve my fit, or post in a waywt to perhaps provide inspo to other people if my fit is actually good.
>wow thanks /fa/, because of you, im really improving! and all because of me just asking for a bit of advice!


did u forget about people who have common sense or are you actually autistic

>> No.7383756

Of course everything I buy makes me happy. It might not make me happy forever of cause because my taste evolves as I delve further and further into this odd dimension that is fashion but being happy , even it's just for a month or what not is always a good thing.
And if i'm happy with what I have then why not post it online for others to enjoy with me?
The greatest thing about happiness is sharing it with others and if I post a fit and it pleases someone's eye or inspires them then where's the harm in that?
Sure compliments are nice and they put a smile on my face but there's always one person that's not pleased with a fit or an item of clothing I have acquired or a designer I admire but that's not a bad thing. Just means i've met a person that has a different taste to me and with difference comes invention and evolution.
So why should I shy away from such beautiful things?

>> No.7383766


You cannot judge something against arbitrary standards within its own environment to come to a conclusion on its validity.

To anyone outside the fashion world who knows nothing about designers -- and then ask them why Rick is the biggest within that same world, is like asking a person whos never built a building to compare why a building is better than another -- the only difference being -- a building can have objective qualities that make it good or bad, whereas clothing can have certain of these qualities but none of them are related to fashion -- because fashion is an arbitrary standard perpetuated by people with an interest in fashion and its arbitrary standards.

A coat can be demonstratively ;
-well made
-of quality materials

but cannot be judge objectively whether it looks good, or whether it is fashionable -- because these things, in the final analysis are meaningless when applied to many obeservers who each have their own tastes

>> No.7383767

If you are reading this thread and the OP, searching for rules and shit to live and dress yourself by: you're not /fa/

It does not get simpler than " wear what you want"

>> No.7383770

Because weight is the only factor when it comes to body type.
>please think before you post, anon

>> No.7383778

>implying this is not a rule to live by

>> No.7383786


Mind = blown

>> No.7383794


>> No.7383808


Wear what you want -- until you post a fit and little internet cunts destroy your self image and self worth with a few anonymously posted words.

If you just wore what you wanted, you wouldnt be here, you wouldnt have a trip and you wouldnt post fits.

You wear what you THINK looks good, and what you think is very easily shifted by the opinions of others, and other very nuanced stimuli such as they way others treat you, the way people interact with you and obviously -- the feedback you get online.

Plus the things you see others doing.

No one can truly wear what they want when they are constantly immeresed in the online fashion game/

We all wear what others want.

>> No.7383813
File: 1.56 MB, 2448x3264, Photo 12-8-2013, 4 16 52 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this thread man.


i dont understand how people can take themselves seriously when they dress like this

>> No.7383816


I was pointing out that "gothninja" exists and has a following outside of /fa/ stop sperging out lol

>> No.7383817


This is why fashion and being 'well-dressed' (by what standard?) is an occupation for the insecure and weak -minded. Mental betas.

Everybody wants to look good - but that can be achieved by wearing ANY clothing that fits properly. The only opinions you should listen to are those of your tailor after hes taken your measurements.

When you start opening yourself to the influence of 'fashion' youve told yourself that what others want is more important than what you personally think looks good.

>> No.7383819

bro this isnt gothninja its gayninja
extremely avant garde stuff
do you even fashion?

>> No.7383825

you are the only person on this whole board who has said anything intelligent all god damn day
whats your name

>> No.7383824

??? what does this have anything to do with what he posted, sounds to me like you're just blurting out common knowledge at any chance you can get to reaffirm to yourself that you know about "fashion"

>> No.7383829
File: 635 KB, 2276x1400, Fine, I'll do it..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn this silk smoothing over my delicate supple nipples sure feels a lot like pure masturbation
is this was security feels like???
w2c hire security like ths

>> No.7383832


Because, again. Fashion is an inclusive, circle-jerking group, that now changes very quickly and is ruled by mob mentality.

The fact is - trends can easily be influenced by a person of celebrity status, by a well taken photo with good resolution and proper filtering.

When you see this for what it is, youl will realize that apart from wearing clothing that is clean and that fits correctly -- being obsessed with clothing is nearly a sickness for the average person.

>> No.7383837

Damn son , looks like you have one mad personal vendetta against "fashion". Why are you trying to vilify it? There are a few posters ITT who have said over and over again why they enjoy it and that it genuinely makes them happy and here you are basically calling us sheep and basically making yourself come across as more of a villain than the way you perceive fashion. I'm sure there are things that you enjoy and that others also feel the same way about that you talk about with others and invest money in and so on. If you were really so above the whole consumerist and conformist culture and had a true mind of your own which is what you've been preaching then you would be able to accept that some people have acquired a medium which they can use to achieve HAPPINESS! They have found their way to feel an emotion we all strive for so please don't fight to close that channel , just be above it like you seem you are and well be happy for those that are.

>> No.7383838


My name is Robert Paulson

>> No.7383841


what year are you fucking living in

>> No.7383852
File: 175 KB, 900x599, Rick-87313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>endlessly restating obvious information that is clear to anyone should they pause for a minute to think about the concept of 'fashion' and 'trends'

i dont even disagree w/ u but what are you trying 2 prove dude

>> No.7383855

Shut the fuck up dude.

I buy clothes that i like for aesthetic reasons and i wear them.

I want to look at my outfit and think that it is aesthetically pleasing to me.

Your bullshit is better suited for /mu/.

>> No.7384038

Right on, youve got a lot of valid points.
But to clarify- and I should preface it by saying Im not one to post in WAYWT threads- but the purpose really should be to derive inspiration from said sources.
Its like asking a painter not to derive inspiration from other paintings. It might create a lot more originality, but ultimately the work will be of a much poorer quality.
The amount of people asking for shitty w2c's always boggles my mind since this board pretends to be such a becon in a sea of fuccbois

>> No.7384068
File: 496 KB, 960x1280, 2013-12-08 16.01.27-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level bitch a$$

>> No.7384078


>> No.7384090


i wear what i want shut the fuck u little bitch

>> No.7384144
File: 92 KB, 376x500, how_to_be_a_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on there cowgirl, where did I say that should be your only source of inspiration? Even then, by drawing from a multitude of artistic works, one can create a wholly distinctive and fascinating work of art that pays homage as opposed to plagiarizes the work of his idols.

Y'all niggas should read pic related. The advice is at least memorable, but the philosophies on why and how we dress are fucking invigorating.

>> No.7384191
File: 54 KB, 326x254, 4000 gold get at me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only bitch bois speak ill of faeries