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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 21 KB, 400x400, 3751530+_701022590d79430b2ae5c2f276ef6422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7355330 No.7355330 [Reply] [Original]

qt3.14 left her facebook open on my computer. I decided to check her messages with her best friend.

>Friend: has it ever crossed ur mind that anon could be gay?
>Her: yeah many times actually
>Friend: okay good
>Her: in fact im quite certain he is
>Friend: yeah haha

Why does it have to be like this /fa/?

>> No.7355339

>snooping on people's fb messages
not cool man

>> No.7355355

I haven't had this problem since I started lifting and acting arrogant. Back in hs this was a thing. I dated a girl who wanted to hook me up with her gay friend. #yoloswag420blazeit

>> No.7355356

there's only one option:fuck her skull

>> No.7355362

qt3.14 can i talk to you for a minute.

qt.....i think im gay....im serious....i'm not sure though....i find my self attracted to you qt.....i have never been with a woman before qt....d-do you think we can...no that's too much to ask of you

>> No.7355372

maybe you should stop acting beta and you wouldnt come off as a fag (this is a srs advice btw)

>> No.7355373

you can casually find a way to ask her tho

>> No.7355375

now disprove it and tell her how you really feel, carpe diem anon!

>tfw get shose cheap off ebay
>they arrive, turns out they're defective
>intl' shipping back to the seller too expensive, better just to keep them
>wear them a bit, seems to be just cosmetic defects - blistered leather and a paint smear, a few glue stains
>walk 2km yesterday, midsole fucking disintegrates and sides of it peel off.
>tfw now have comfy shoes to do yard work in

>> No.7355378
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>> No.7355377

Her response: No thanks, you're way too effeminate and I want a man.

>> No.7355387


according to my gay uncles, with whom I spent my thanksgiving with, this is actually a VERY effective strategy.

>> No.7355390

g.o.a.t gif.

dunno if people know what taking an L means on here

>> No.7355401

>you will never have:
>said to you so you can do:

>> No.7355402

I was too curious, I couldn't help it.

>> No.7355398

>Be me efffay as fuark.
>Family thinks I'm gay.

The feels :(

>> No.7355409

and fucks denimdan becuase he's wearing a peacoat and boots

>> No.7355410


Lol, stop posting here you /fa/ggot.

Eat more. Exercise more.

Stop criticizing other guy's thighs.

>> No.7355411

pls explain

>> No.7355420

>tfw family thinks I'm gay because I'm effay and have never had a gf

>> No.7355443

>meet new girl at college
>smiles and eye contact all the time
>feels good
>look in the mirror
>omg im ugly
>she probs just smiles at everyone ..
Ugh she's like a 6/10 but I love a girl that actually seems like they might be happy instead of clinically depressed like me.
Spent the rest of the lesson imaging me saving her in a zombie apocalypse as I go off the deep end and murder and steal shit just to keep us alive and try to hide my moral ambiguity from her.
At least I was wearing a fucking sick fit.

>> No.7355457

take the loss

>> No.7355470

>Spent the rest of the lesson imaging me saving her in a zombie apocalypse.

Those feels. I do that too anon, you're not alone.

>> No.7355468

so basically you're still in high school

>> No.7355476

Leave your amatuer porn and tinychat window casually open

>> No.7355477

thats what you get for dressing like a fucking girl

>> No.7355489

I wasn't dressed like a girl. It was actually my first time wearing my Vancouver Parka that day.

>> No.7355493
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>tfw 5'8"
>drop 50lbs, finally reach 130lbs, ottermode engaging
>suddenly get a second job
>all I eat is convenience food
>no time to get /fit/
>now 145lbs and skinnyfat as can be

Feels bad. Going back to what was working for me. Calisthenics before and after work, a lot of nuts and vegetables, and lots and lots of coffee and cigarettes. Oh, and walking 18 miles every weekend.

>> No.7355496

show her your dick

>> No.7355499

Kill you're self
>tfw you can't decide between just you and ur bitch or u , bitch , best m8 or eventually amassing a massive group and building a settlement that you run with an iron fist
>there will never be a zombie apocalypse

>> No.7355549

OP has balls if he can say this to his dog's face.

>> No.7355546

I'm making incredible gains bulking on cheap ass mcdonalds and pizza. Just make sure you hit macros and it's not a big deal.

Same thing with cutting.

>> No.7355548

Taking an L is nigger way of saying taking a loss. Like losing, failing blah blah nigger shit SHABBA

>> No.7355553

If you want ottermode then just fucking actually lift for like 6 months and then cut the fat away.

>> No.7355600

Someone did "study" on women's private texts and messages and released a book with them.

He is a bitter beta, but regardless the info in the book can't be argued since it's real.

I've also gone through GFs texts and messages and you'd be surprised all the shit they are doing behind your back.

>> No.7355614

Any grandsweeping generalization to share?
I'm mildly interested.

>> No.7355632

>invading anyone's privacy, especially your partner's
insecurity is not /fa/

>> No.7355640

Don't ever talk to her again

>> No.7355651

I'm interested anon, tell me about it.

>> No.7355654

why is it ok when the NSA, Facebook or Google do it but not your SO?

>> No.7355663

lmao why dont you go through more of her private shit you freak. youre a scum no wonder why you get no bitches

>> No.7355677


>some drunk pedo lookin ass fuck keeps calling her at like 2am drunk "jokingly" trying to coerce her into having sex with him
>tell her that hes a creepy fuck and i dont like how she talks to him
>she agrees to stop talking to him
>check her phone every single time im over at her place for texts or calls from him for the next year and a half

even if she did still keep talking to him i never heard about him again so w/e

>> No.7355686

man this is really low. i'd hate it if a bitch did this to me so i wouldn't do it to her

>> No.7355692
File: 104 KB, 720x480, Genshiken - 02_Nov 24, 2013, 5.28.07 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop acting like a fag OP

or give up on girls and become an /fa/ wizard

>> No.7355694
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keep dreaming

>> No.7355698

>be cute short qt prettyboy
>every person i meet thinks im gay initially
>my gf thought i was gay initially, including her sister and her bf
>gf still has anxiety over the idea that im just using her as a front to hide the idea that im gay

>tfw you cant help that youre a short qt that likes dressing well and lifts, but are actually as straight as they come


>> No.7355708
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I'd kill you first. The S4 mid finale was so shit , I don't know why I watch that retarded show.

>> No.7355706
File: 100 KB, 500x409, yOSglSM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be somewhat /fa/
>live in a small town
>ppl think I'm gay
>be fucking a mid 30s MILF, married. 5'11, dat ass, dem legs
>her husband is 100% sure I'm gay
>never questions me "hanging out" with his wife
>fuck her whenever he is away from home
>she isn't even the first (married) woman who has ask me to give her the d

Stealthily "gay"

>> No.7355711

probably because the sex is subpar. give her wild wild sex for xmas

>> No.7355723

i'm jelly, wish i could find me a hot married woman
splendid strategy btw

>> No.7355719


to add insult to injury he used to call and text her shakespearean poetry, as well as poetry he had written just for her

they would spend hours sometimes just texting eachother back romantic metaphors n shit, and she would text me about it during saying "how fun it is"

for some reason i was the ONLY one that saw issue with this, and every single person that knew about it throught i was just being jealous and overprotective. i was like nigga fucking WHAT, he even looks like the kind of person that would finger underage drunk girls at parties

>> No.7355726

>fucking old bitches
why the fuck would you ever do this. You only have a limited number of years to fuck prime pussy and youre wasting it on haggard pussy thats already been countlessly pounded. Come on dude step yo game up nigga

>> No.7355727

>invading anyone's privacy, especially your partner's is not /fa/
I agree, but at the same time i don't regret doing it. it really opened my eyes to a lot of stuff, that had been going on for quite a while.
so basically, i did something wrong but learned a lot from it. i won't do it again.

so once i did that, i actually started doing it as often as i could and seeing the same things over and over again.

it is VERY easy to "hack" a girls email and facebook if you are pretty close with her.
i put hack in quotes because it barely even qualifies as hacking.

Personally now I believe that if i feel like i need to read her personal messages to "verify" something, it's clear enough it won't work out.
It could be my insecurity/paranoia, or maybe she really is up to something, but either way, it isn't a good situation.

>Any grandsweeping generalization to share?
the book was pretty much the same shit i saw.
it's stuff that if a girl caught you saying she'd get pissed and offended, but she sees no problem doing it herself.

using this "generalization" (which is general for a reason) girls flirt a lot more than guys do, and won't be straight up with guys. they'll lead them on, even having a BF.

even if her profile says "in a relationship with anon" and a guy hits her up asking on a date she won't say "i'm not interested" but instead "maybe another time" or make up an excuse.
she will RARELY if ever say "i have a BF"

they'll be working many guys all at the same time, and there are a lot of reasons why they do it.
it isn't an issue to me anymore, because i can see that it isn't bad.

but i know in the past i saw it as bad and wrong.
there is A LOT more i can share, but this post is pretty long already.
i'm just saying you'd be very fucking surprised what girls are up to. they do not tell you everything.

>> No.7355728

i'm certain people think i'm gay too including parents
it's not actually a bad thing, it's just incorrect. girls can still be attracted to gay guys.

>> No.7355730


This, somewhat.

>live in bumfuck conservative nowheres-ville
>dress like you even somewhat care
>everyone thinks youre gay

oh well, i can dig it. i take it as a compliment

>> No.7355731

I can tell you in my personal experience, you're bullshitting.

girlfriends are just like any other friends, some are shit and you break up with them and some are great and you end up having long and fulfilling relationships with them

>> No.7355733

good post as always starfux
pls continue

>> No.7355740

>I was too curious


>> No.7355737
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people, mostly girls, often assume i am gay when they met me

>was out partying/bowling(lol) with budz and some people I dont know
>yatta yatta the night goes on and we have a fun time, actually talk to some of the girls there
>later that night before we bounce a friend and qt3.14grill talk about me, without knowing I overheard them

friend: you should fuck anon cus your both single hehe ;-)
girl: no lol, isnt anon gay? :o

>instantly die inside, that anxiety, that panic
>rushed outside to forget about it and ease the anxiety
>retreated back to being introverted and ignored it the rest of the night, was still in the back of my head though

>havnt left the house since friday cus feeling sic and depressed

feeling feels

>> No.7355741

>I can tell you in my personal experience, you're bullshitting.
i'm not bullshitting.
i mean, there is a book with all of it documented...

but i don't doubt your expereince.
not ALL girls are like this, but most are and it isn't even a bad thing.

when you say your experience i really hope you mean that you read her personal messages, because otherwise you have NO experience with this issue.

i did not expect to see what i saw.
i never wouldve thought that in a billion years, but now i see how it is.

so you have no experience if you've never done it.

>> No.7355749


>Implying I don't/didn't fuck "young" pussy in the regular

Fuck that noise. There is nothing better than fucking a middle aged woman, hungry for cock (husband is "too busy with work" so sex never happens with him) and willing to try just about anything. It beats dumb young women thinking they are hot shit because they have a vagina in between their legs, no "ew don't touch me there" bullshit and anal whenever I want. And no strings.

Not to mention women peak sexually at around that age

>> No.7355747


why do you think being thought of as gay is something bad

if anything it makes getting with girls easier because they see you as less of a fucking predator

>> No.7355757

you might not be gay but you're a huge faggot

>> No.7355762


>women peak sexually at around that age

Nigga what fucking world are you living on.

>> No.7355771

> there is a book with all of it documented
and as you said some beta fuck wrote it, there are plenty of books praising neoliberal economics or blaming the jews for the world's problems, doesn't mean that I agree with them or that they're right at all.

>not ALL girls are like this, but most are and it isn't even a bad thing.
but why limit it to just girls? humans of all genders shit-talk others behind their backs all the time

>when you say your experience i really hope you mean that you read her personal messages
yes I have, I've said more hurtful stuff about her than she had about me.

>i did not expect to see what i saw.
it would be exactly the same if you opened up a male friend's facebook and found that he was talking about you behind your back

>> No.7355773

im gonna agree with you here.
i dated a 33 year old earlier this year and it was great.

she wasn't married, which means her biological clock was making her very desperate to get serious with a guy.

the sex was out of control, and she was really chill too.

i had a lot of fun with her
[drumroll] and you know what else? [/drumroll]

i kind of miss her....

>> No.7355790

As if anyone IRL wouldn't be disgusted by what you do on the internet, especially anonymously

Chick OP talked about didn't even do anything rude.

>> No.7355796
File: 283 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] YUYUSHIKI - 01 [1080p]_Nov 27, 2013, 6.30.03 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 year ols kv
>never talk to girls
>future wizard
>free time learning math and comp sci
>well groomed, take care of myself, dress ok
>no one knows im secretly a greasy weeabo loser

>> No.7355806

who cares if they think you're gay because you wear skinnies?
make sure you have confident body language and prove them otherwise with your actions (not by saying "i'm not gay" because they'll think you're a homo in denial)
you know you're straight, fucking act like it

>> No.7355811


not my fault her husband won't take care of her needs. Actually, I might be doing him a favour. I mean, they had sex 4 fuckin times last year. Sure I cannot know if that's the entire truth, but its a dead marriage in every sense.

>the sex was out of control, and she was really chill too.

Every time we fuck (1-2 times/week) we fuck and mess around for at least 4 hours. I fuck her so much it takes my dick 2-3 days to stop aching.

I honestly feel bad for the faggots in this place who think that having cold sex with frigid tumblr bitches is anything but lame. You haven't lived until you hear a woman scream as you pound her and she still wants more when you finish

>> No.7355815

>and as you said some beta fuck wrote it
that is a downside of the book, but that doesn't make the book flawed.

my problem is that he narrated it and kept giving his opinions. that's how he came off as a beta fuck.
had he would've just given a background and posted the screencaps without the bitterness it would've been a lot better.
it isn't exactly a political conspiracy either man...
don't get crazy

>humans of all genders shit-talk others behind their backs all the time
you're right. but this particular thing is something women typically do and there are a lot of reasons for why it makes sense VS men doing it.
it is not a hateful thing. it isn't even something that can be debated....

>yes I have, I've said more hurtful stuff about her than she had about me.
ok now i see the misunderstanding.
i'm not talking about girls saying hurtful things about her BF and in my experience i've never even seen a girl say hurtful things about me.
i'm talking about something else.
i'm talking about how girls lead guys on and seek attention from other guys despite being in a relationship. i understand WHY they do this.

tbh, that is also hurtful, just in a different way.

>it would be exactly the same if you opened up a male friend's facebook and found that he was talking about you behind your back
no, but we aren't talking about the same thing, so you are sort of right.

>> No.7355821

>you know you're straight, fucking act like it

This. Holy shit, this.

>> No.7355822
File: 330 KB, 680x512, 1348452643261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I check my gfs phone and messages all the time
>mfw she isnt allowed to check mine
>mfw I told her I'd break her hands if she ever cheated on me
>mfw I'll probably be the one to cheat

>> No.7355817

You looked 4 trouble and found it don't go through others messages

>> No.7355818

everybody knows anon, everybody knows

>> No.7355830
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>> No.7355827
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, Yuri Yuri 2 - 01_Nov 18, 2013, 4.55.55 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish, people wont leave me alone

maybe its time to sit in the corner of the cafeteria with big headphones on : )

>> No.7355832

that was definitely something i had a hard time dealing with once we stopped dating.
beofre i fucked her i was in an LTR so i had one sexual partner for 2 years... boring and predictable.

then i get this cougar who begs for me to cum on her tits.

then i go back to dating 20 year olds with "uuhh idk no guy has ever done that before."

>> No.7355831

I envy you.

>> No.7355834
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Act like it how?
How do straight men act? Should I just bend the nearest girl over and start pounding her?
Srs question. I never talk about having a boyfriend or sucking cocks so why do people assume I'm a faggot?

>> No.7355840
File: 120 KB, 620x421, 1379689473168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who cares if they think you're gay because you wear skinnies?
>tfw your father in law calls you gay for being /fa/
>mfw I tell him I fucked his daughter last night

>> No.7355842


You read my mind anon.

>> No.7355847

>had he would've just given a background and posted the screencaps without the bitterness it would've been a lot better.
could you give me the actual title of the book because I feel as if scientific method is severely lacking from it

>i'm talking about how girls lead guys on and seek attention from other guys despite being in a relationship
I think that's totally the guy's fault, and it happens both ways. the nature of gender in our society just means that men are more burdened to act on potential love interests and women can just let theirs fade away (although many still do act on their feelings and end up getting rejected)

>> No.7355851

i MAY search the archive for a long ass post answering this question but basically it comes down to projecting masculine body language and the way that you take up space.

i personally noticed a change in how people perceived me simply by thinking about my body language.

>> No.7355868
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>taking advice from 4chan on how to act in society
I seriously seriously seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.7355881

>Should I just bend the nearest girl over and start pounding her?
No, stupid, because that would be considered rape.

Anyways, we could argue over how a straight man acts for days. We could have several threads over this very question. Let's avoid this question, shall we?

Besides, you are really over-thinking this. Have you ever sucked cock before? Ever taken it in the ass from another dude?


Then you aren't gay. You can throw a label arbitrarily on anything, but that doesn't alter the truth. Shit, I tried putting manager's special stickers on my groceries, but that didn't help me save money. See my point?

Remember that saying they taught you in grade school: "Words come cheap, actions don't."

>> No.7355883

>guy gets called gay IRL
>tfw i know that feel
>tfw i learned how to correct it
>tfw i share my knowledge

4chan is, believe it or not, a great place to learn about self improvement.
don't be ignorant.

>> No.7355886

it's all about confidence in your sexuality. don't doubt it, don't be afraid if others are doubting it, who cares?
have you ever seen how a gay person looks at others, moves their hands, walks, sits? if you are observant, yes. now how do confident people act?
when they sit, they aren't afraid to take some space. their feet are solidly planted on the ground, a few feet apart. they don't close their legs (or god forbid, spread their lower legs with their knees touching)
don't be afraid to touch other people. don't be afraid to touch objects around you.
posture. be straight (hehe).
when you gesticulate, make quick efficient moves, not wavy shits with your hands.
the way you talk. don't be slouchy when you do, be affirmative. even nonchalant/"effortlessly cool" people aren't slouchy when they talk.
there's a ton of other stuff, figure it out for yourself. find out what you want to convey and how your body language should adapt to that.

again, be observant. notice what people who seem confident to you are doing. it's the small things. when you get a feel for it, you'll be able to fake it till you make it. or you can accept that you aren't straight and that's fine.

>> No.7355887


>"uuhh idk no guy has ever done that before."


>> No.7355901

learning basic body langue may even be enough to change.

it isn't how gay people act, or how straight people act etc.
it's how gay and straight people are PERCEIVED to act.

you get called gay because you overdress, or don't dress "normally" (nothing necessarily wrong with that), you act timid, shy and/or quiet, and you sit/stand in positions to take up the least amount of space possible.

to quote a guy i heard at the mall:
"nigga thats some gay ass shit right there"

>> No.7355902

That's fine and all, and I'm not necessarily sweating about people thinking I'm a homo, but when we lose opportunities for male friends (because the are homophobes and think you are coming onto them) and also opportunities for qt3.14gfs because they assume you are a faggot, it becomes pretty annoying.

>> No.7355905

>4chan is, believe it or not, a great place to learn about self improvement.
not really, self-improvement isn't learned through internet guides, it's learned through real world experience

btw, all people are different and no one strategy is going to apply to every person

the whole idea of 'manliness' is just some marketing buzzword to capture the ever-cashed-up insecure young male demographic anyway, who cares if someone thinks you're manly enough or not for them, putting up facades and constructing personalities that aren't actually your true-self is a great way to end up lonely.

>> No.7355935


w2c hot milfs

I'm not in hs anymore

>> No.7355939

>not really, self-improvement isn't learned through internet guides, it's learned through real world experience
you're right, young pimp.
but at the same time, you can find a lot of inspiration and advice to APPLY to shit offline.

anybody who thinks simply READING a guide will improve them is retarded.
you need to practice and apply IRL.

so again, i am right beyond all doubt.

also i learned how to eat pussy after watching a tutorial i got off a torrent.
>tfw finally got to practice IRL and nailed it like a pro

>> No.7355955

i met her at a metal concert.

>tfw i don't even like metal

she was kind of stupid though...

>> No.7355962
File: 20 KB, 293x440, tumblr_l824hoouMg1qc30fq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw take up lots of space
>tfw slight ils
>tfw arrogant and loving it

>> No.7355973

what is the book title please i wanna read it

>> No.7355976
File: 53 KB, 299x450, obama dubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finally got to practice IRL and nailed it like a pro
I got bad news bro

>she was faking it

>> No.7355980

>also i learned how to eat pussy after watching a tutorial i got off a torrent.
I might have seen the very same. Before watching that tutorial, I was just tracing the alphabet with my tongue. Now I know better. You gotta suck da clit.

>> No.7355983

oh man I go to those things all the time

doubt I'd find one at a bm gig tho

>> No.7355989
File: 133 KB, 1728x1080, 1365484054587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basically women are shady bitches
>you'd be very fucking surprised

>> No.7356005


>> No.7356003

acting straight means what? showing an interest in girls or being a gym crazed, misogynistic cock? your sexuality doesn't need to dictate your non sexual personality at all.

>> No.7356004

to clarify, my point was that you should be and act confident (whether you're confidently gay or straight), not really that you should act manly. you're trying to change other people's perception, so you have to modify what is at the source of this perception: your actions
you can be timid, shy, and quiet but confident and how other people perceive you will change accordingly.

if i got a bit confused it's because i had the image of a gay person who you can tell is gay just by looking at how he's acting. it's almost as if it was a gut feeling, it's subconscious for most, but you feel it.

i also agree with this. i can't say this enough, looking at others is how you develop taste in fashion or any art, and in the same way looking at how others interact will allow you to find how you want to be acting. that is, to show to others what you want to be.
sartre said that others are the ones who confirm who you are. it's then up to you to accept or reject that perception and modify it with your actions.

>> No.7356011

it was a black metal gig.
it was Enslaved, and Obituary

i think they were called Obituary

it was Seymour Dicks haha and the alphabet things cool but true about sucking.
the biggest tips i got was the part about leading into it.

>> No.7356014

i didn't say act straight.
i said act like you know you're straight. there's a difference.

>> No.7356022

Yeah word I lift one plate without any clips and all I eat is shit and I'm still bigger than most fags on /fit/. Every board has its elitist tools.

>> No.7356037

But I do know I'm straight. How do people who don't know they are straight act?

>> No.7356045

im the same guy who posted both of those, so we are on the same page.

and i agree.
"masculine" is, of course, gonna get hated on, but like i said, it isn't about what IS masculine, just about how other people perceive that.

confident body language seems masculine, and unconfident body language seems gay.

clearly that is not the case since i know plenty (too many?) confident gay guys and vice versa.

saying "masculine body language" is just terminology. i guess it does mean the exact same thing as confident body language.

either way
>have to modify what is at the source of this perception: your actions

>> No.7356046
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>feel you look fairly good in mirrors at home
>catch yourself in reflections on the glass on the tube and other windows outside

>> No.7356053

did you read the thread after that post or are you just fooling around?

>> No.7356060

good to hear my nig.
because my issue is constantly worried about what i'm eating.

do you count calories and all that?

im curious what your "diet" and routine is

>> No.7356078
File: 26 KB, 338x338, 1343398327154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look into mirror, eye-fuck self, easy 8/10
>1 hour later
>holy fuck what is that disgusting thing why do i even bother with fashion lmfao like 2/10 i'll have to settle for some fat boring woman

how do I stop this bullshit

>> No.7356092

yo momma

>> No.7356089

Well might as well start lifting weights and join /fit. you faggot

>> No.7356117

i wasnt being sarcastic...

>> No.7356125

I know that feel
>checking yourself in mirror before going out
>feel confident in my looks, like the way I dress
>go out, have a good time
>come home, check again
>self loathing, why do I even try, no one will ever be attracted to me

>> No.7356126

>slight ils
What does that mean

>> No.7356127

if you find out tell me anon

>> No.7356129

Really, I always admire my body when I do that. But I lift so my body doesn't suck as bad as yours.

>> No.7356134

Haha I do that as well, talking about face though

>> No.7356138

>attempt to check how you look in the reflection any windows/glass door you approach

>> No.7356139

Really? It's only really close up in the mirror that I ever feel bad about how I look

>> No.7356144

>don't be slouchy when you do, be affirmative. even nonchalant/"effortlessly cool" people aren't slouchy when they talk.
lol wtf is being "slouchy" when you talk?

>> No.7356177

I often get the "I thought you were gay when I first met you" comment off people that I meet. I don't really know what to make of it. I guess I am a camp dude at times.

On a very vaguely related note
>tfw broke up with gf a month ago
This is my longest dry spell in over two years. Need to get laid before I go full primate-mode on some chick.

>> No.7356197

i bought a blazer that was labelled as black and it arrived today

it's greyish blue-black :(

it disrupts my monochrome outfits

fucking assholes

im so annoyed

is it possible to get it professionally redyed darker?

>> No.7356200

Do people think you are gay?

>> No.7356203

your fault
everything about that is your fault
show her you're not gay by destroying that pussy

>> No.7356210

post-fit nigga

send it back if you're gonna be autistic about it

>> No.7356215


idk probably

im a nasty arrogant piece of shit with a pretty face anyway why would i care lmao fuken nerd

tell me if i can fix my blazer

>> No.7356217

Lithium you bi-polar fuck

I swear 40% of /fa/ must be bi-polar and the other 60% BPD

>> No.7356222

I'm fairly certain that I'm completely normal

then again, this site is becoming 3childish5me by the day

>> No.7356226

>im a nasty arrogant piece of shit with a pretty face

It's funny cos I can already tell you never get laid

>> No.7356232


>This site is 3childish5me

Woah baby.

>> No.7356238

Why don't you just have sex with her

>> No.7356253

because he's a homosexual

>> No.7356264
File: 1.00 MB, 2000x1857, 1381393679890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone ever suspects me of being gay I'll just show them my internet history. After seeing that they'll probably wish I was gay.

>> No.7356273

>I'm not gay! Look at all these porn sites I recently visited so you won't think I'm gay!

>> No.7356286

>not clearing your history every hour on the hour
top pleb

>> No.7356294

19 and virgin not even upset about it coz everyone thins i fcked this chick and she doesnt seem to deny it, anyway im pretty good looking so i got that going for me.

>> No.7356320


ya its triggering my fashion autism for real

its not tooo bad with a pure black rick longsleeve but one of my damir shirts is off black and paired w/ the blazer it fucks the whole palette up

i found a redying servive anyway
i hope it doesnt shrink my jacket or anything sus in the process tho

>> No.7356323

everyone thinks i have secret bitches that i sneak off and fuck all the time or bring over when my housemate is away as he's away often

haha jokes on them im just autistic

>> No.7356328

OP this will work

>> No.7356352

> Be not gay
>Ppl ask & think I'm gay
>Don't give a shit

>> No.7356428

>dude finds out im a virgin through his gf who i was getting really close to
>he's getting mad at one point because she keeps inviting me to his place
>says something like "why are you even waiting for marriage anyway"
>literally shocked he said that
>I've never thought about it that way and couldn't care less
>he obviously does
>laugh at him because he's a shit and so was she

I bet people think I'm gay. I just haven't found a sick female bang yet. Not a big deal. I have high standards.

>> No.7356459

What is sad is that most of you are super closeted and have no idea about your homosexualty. While it may not be obvious to you, your friends and family have been quite aware of it for some time now.

>> No.7356598

no I was the one telling people not to listen to these threads

I don't even know why I'm here, I feel as if I'm a heroin addict who leads an otherwise completely fulfilling life yet instead of heroin I do 4chan.

>> No.7356649

you're here because you can't be elsewhere
you need to be here

>> No.7356655

>implying cold, heartless, joyless sex just for the sake of it isn't the most /fa/

Enjoying life isn't /fa/ at all.

>> No.7356672

so where are the feels?

"high standards"
post face so we can judge you

>> No.7356676

Its because you're a beta effeminate male

At the very first chance you get when you meet someone you have to let them know you are attracted to them - if you dont do this you WILL be friendzoned

>> No.7356683

my parents used to think i was gay because i was effay and never really talked about girlfriends or whatnot

then i had a crazy ex gf who hunted down my mom and started saying that i impregnanted her and what not

letting your parents in on the details of your sex life is the worst

>> No.7356684

or people will just think he's thirsty as fuck
it goes both ways

>> No.7356690

if u werent attracted to her why do u care if she thinks ur gay

if u were attracted to her why didnt u make it obvious in the first place

u brought this on urself

>> No.7356698

>"okay good"


>> No.7356713

>have a gf for like three months
>school starts
>blond qt in my trig class and I are eyeing each other
>shrug it off because gf
>she always smiles at me in the hall but we've never really talked
>she catches up with me in the hall one day
>"I really hope I did good on that math test" I just smile and she instantly gets this look on her face like "fuck why did I say that"
>wouldfuck/10 but gf so no can do
>fast forward a month
>gf breaks up with me over text
>"Hahah, alright, bye" I don't stick around to find out why. I figure if she was even worth two squirts of piss she would have done that in person. Better to just move on.
>Might have missed the boat with other chick. I think I'm just her class friend now

Fuck what do I do

>> No.7356714
File: 32 KB, 309x432, awww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"okay good" = okay, good, I'm not the only one

hey trunks I know you like cats so

>> No.7356745

Your first mistake was to have a long distance relationship.

Just go for the blonde qt, you'll get extra points for telling her " i wanted to be with you but i also didnt want to be unfaithful to my gf " .

>> No.7356753

Flirt with her. Hint that you just broke up. "Friendzone" only exits when they never would have fucked you in the first place.

>> No.7356782

>long distance relationship


dunno if I wanna make her my gf
I could also be in on her whole circle of friends. It started with Maren who was in my German class, then when I saw Maren in my trig class I just became better acquainted with her. Thus opening a door to Mikaela (qt blond), Paxton, Taylor, etc.

My problem is girls talk (At least I think they do) and if I made Mikeala my gf I'm pretty sure that would totally close the door on Maren, Paxton, and Taylor

>> No.7356801

well who would you want to be with more? you actually have a choice

>> No.7356804

>>have gf
>>can't talk to any other girls
Are you insane? Because this is you.

>> No.7356813

holy shit are you in highschool? i assumed you were in university, sorry <3

>Maren who was in my German class, then when I saw Maren in my trig class I just became better acquainted with her. Thus opening a door to Mikaela (qt blond), Paxton, Taylor, etc.
>Maren, Paxton, Taylor

who names their daughters like this, seriously.

>> No.7356821

k as soon as i give gril advice i get h8d on but whatever idgaf

bro if there's nothing else to the story the other girl is still available
girls that don't see you often (ie. girls in 1 or 2 of your classes) don't lose their attraction to you after that long of time because you haven't done anything to turn them off (that dum comment u said did nothing)

bottom line is dude hit her up and get with it, it's still there

>> No.7356828

White, upper-middle class Americans.

Their names get freakier every year. I think they actually published a study in how Americans have to come up with new batches of these names every year to "stay ahead of the curve".

>> No.7356831

dont even have a QT3.14 doe

>> No.7356837

I guess that part was left up for interpretation

That wasn't the message I intended to convey.

It's more of a "Well, gee I'd like to fuck you but I can't do anything about it" so even though I'll be playful and polite I won't actually take action.

The reason my other girlfriend broke up with me was because she didn't want to share me with other girls. She asked me not to talk to other girls and I told her to forget about it because that wasn't happening.


But I want to fuck all of them.. :/
I have to choose just one?

Taylor isn't a weird name, dear

>> No.7356859

dude if u r in highschool u have access to all of these grils wtf
u don't only have to fuck one i didn't read all of those posts
u can be talkin to all of them at the same time even if they are friends. only once u fuck one of them it's tougher to get with the others

whoever you're gonna take to anontown just make sure that's the one you wanna fuck most. bc after that the rest will be hard.

do you wanna gf up any of these girls?

>> No.7356885

Shit man.

Its not weird but it sounds too douchy to be a girl's. All the Taylors I know are men.
Then again Im older than you so yeah

>> No.7356907

I haven't read much of what's going on in this thread, but it is a bad call to pursue finding a GF.

it's much better to date casually, and keep your options open for a while.
let a relationship BUILD before you get too serious.

don't even mention "being exclusive" or "serious" or anything.
fuck first, ask questions later.
set up a date, have fun, go back to your life.

you have no idea if a girl is worth getting serious and exclusive with after just a few dates.
i mean that.
you may THINK she's perfect, but that's bullshit.

>> No.7356902

not that dude but i am in high school and how do i get these girls to fuck me?

all the girls in my grade just want a boyfriend or a guy to kiss at a party. none of them want to fuck
especially annoying since all the girls a grade ahead or two are fucking dudes all the time

>> No.7356930

>none of them want to fuck
none of them SAY they want to fuck.

and there are a lot of reasons for that since HS is a huge social game and a girl being labeled a slut is about the worst possible thing to her.

but i promise you, give some time and learn some game and it won't be a problem.

what a girl says is not what she means.

>> No.7356927

>kiss at a party
all u need man... give em that and gain on it. so easy lol. get the kill on them through that. then after u fuck em tell em you don't wanna date. they may dislike u a little for a bit but if all you want is a fuck that's how you do it

>> No.7356934

this builds on what i said. he's right

>> No.7356943

more advice for high school and girls?

>> No.7356947

>then after u fuck em tell em you don't wanna date. they may dislike u a little for a bit but if all you want is a fuck that's how you do it

that would only work if they think his dik2good.

>> No.7356956

I would gf one of them but I'm not really that set on it. Said chick has a boyfriend right now as of a week ago and it's already falling apart. Right now I'm just being nice/playful to her, that way I can always bring her back around and fuck her later once her bf isn't in the picture.

Other one has a bf and I have no idea how long it's gonna last. I'd fuck her but I don't think I'd date her. The only reason I'd date her would be if it was the only way to fuck her.

The third I'd fuck and is single, but I dunno whether I'd date her. I feel like she'd get attached.

The fourth is single and I'm rather sure I could fuck her, but I know I could do better. I'd nail her if we met at a party and were piss drunk but I wouldn't brag about it.

I'm still a virgin though. I was 100% sure I was gonna lose it to my ex, we both wanted to etc. etc. but then she just out of the blue broke up with me.

How do I get there though? I mean if she's a preppy girl and doesn't drink or party or anything like that.

Do I take her on a date?

>> No.7356957

>then after u fuck em tell em you don't wanna date.
don't say anything.
just stay the same.
always wait and let her come to you with her insecurity and then say something like "im not looking for anything serious right now"

the keywords being "right now" because it will give her enough to hold onto.
most times if a girl is interested in you, she'll deal with a ton of shit to try to "keep" you.

that's what you want.
you saying "im not interested in anything serious" will only make her want you more.
she'll want to prove she's worth getting serious about.

or she'll accept that, and still be down to casually fuck anyway.

no difference to you.

>> No.7356961

>that would only work if they think his dik2good.
not necessarily.
you don't even have to have good sex with a girl to make her crazy about you.

>> No.7356967


>> No.7356969


>look at mirrors at home
>look ok

>look at mirrors and reflections anywhere else
>all this added perspective
>holy fuck how effay do i look

ery day

>> No.7356970

wait wait wait

You're a virgin?

Start with any girl then, man. Just get it in. It doesn't matter how or why or when, that's high school.

>> No.7356972

crap, forgot we are talking about highschoolers, youre right.

Regardless you dont want the bish to go all Audition on you, do you

>> No.7356977

>Regardless you dont want the bish to go all Audition on you, do you

What does that mean?

>> No.7356979

and also your dick only needs to be a minor role in sexually satisfying a girl.

it isn't as important as people make it out to be.

if you give her good sex, she'll remember it and want more.

good sex does not necessarily mean a good dicking.

>> No.7356989

w2c /fa/ wizard gear?

>> No.7356991

how can i tell if a girl actually likes me, or is just nice and being friendly?

>> No.7357005

and then judge it from there or something?

also how do i touch girls with it seeming natural?

>> No.7357006

>mom would always ask if I'm interested in girls yet when I was like 12-15
>oversees me talking to a girl on FB
>asks if I have a gf now
>get to college
>tells me she now knows better than to ask about girls

I seriously wonder if she thinks I'm gay

>> No.7356999

Touch her

>> No.7357001

yeah i was gonna post this after thanks bb

dude ur in a killer sitch you supposedly have access to all these girls.
making out with a girl is literally the easiest thing in the world at a party/drunk situation. if you wanna date, take her out. if you don't, hook up at a party. note u can still gf her if you hook up at a party. be her #beerpongpartner and flirt early in the night, ditch her for a bit. then like 20-30 min later come back when she's hanging with the girls and take her outside if she's into u, get talking, and make the move. you don't have to fuck her that same night, build on the hookup as time goes on

he's in highschool, there gonna want some sort of "explanation" and contact. u can't just dipset like in uni. but ya say something ;ike "not lookin for anything srs" because that will get them more thirsty for you

>> No.7357011

Get her drunk

>> No.7357008

How will she play that off if she's not interested? How will she play it off if she is?

>> No.7357009

she's right if he sucks at sex she won't think twice about it if she's fucked b4

>> No.7357016

i don't really have that many tips for high school dating since i graduated in 2008 and i wasn't smart and pro like i am now.

but things aren't so different IRL.
the main difference is that you don't say "we're going out" and put labels on stuff like people do in high school.

but if you start learning game now, and most importantly, if you start fucking up now, you'll end up really pro by the time you get to college.

and college is easy easy pussy, continuously, if you get game down in high school.

or be like me and do serious LTRs for a while.
either way, you need to start somewhere, and now is the perfect time.

give me an idea on where/when you see her and i'll try to give some tips.

>> No.7357017

Get drunk and go in

>> No.7357013

how do i make the move for kissing at parties?

>> No.7357019

pls dont even try to talk to me, you dont exist. goodnight goodbye

she can go batshit crazy. especially if shes a virgin. Ive heard stories. Oh, Ive heard stories.

you sound like you have a small weiner.
Of COURSE a good dicking is important, whoever told you isnt is 1) either lying to you, or 2) havent had a good dick to compare yours to.

>> No.7357028

If she is she'll just allow it, it she isn't: you'll definitely know. Better to get it put of the way early so you don't waste your time

>> No.7357030

there is no girl in particular, its just girls in general

i am sociable with dudes and bros i know but not that sociable with people i dont know, especially girls
i have gotten better though

>> No.7357027

if he just wants to get laid who cares whether hes good at it or not

unless u want to rail her again later i guess

>> No.7357038

What's a good dicking?!? I have small wiener please advise

>> No.7357039

take her outside when you smoke, get talking. if she's smiling, into you and rly drunk it's honestly amazingly easy you won't turn her off even if she wasn't looking for a kiss. wait for a slight pause in the convo or something and just go in. easy peasy dude, when you're drunk it's easy af.

you're not the real 1

>> No.7357035

ur 40 yrs old anyways yuck not interested

>> No.7357048

yeah i was under the impression from the niggas posts that he wants to gf a bitch. the girl isn't gon be interested if he's shit at sex
if he sucks, she's gonna tell all her friends how small and shitty you are in bed. that's how it works

>> No.7357056

how do you get good at sex?

also is d size important?

>> No.7357061

No, it better if she's fit and has a tight pussy

>> No.7357060

I just don't want to look back on my high school years when I'm older and feel like I missed out, you know? I have the opportunity to smash all of this top shelf poon, I just need to make it happen.

I have third period with her (9:30 - 10:25) and sit right behind her.

It's weird. Like we're really playful with each other in class, but then we completely go our separate ways as soon as class is over. Maybe that's my fault..should I just walk with her tomorrow after class? Go in for a hug at the end? What's the deal with that?

So what's the optimal way to lose my v-card then? Drunk at a party? Long term relationship?

>> No.7357067

d size is indeed important but not #1
a big thing is just being authoritative and not makin the girl do all the work. average dicks are fine don't worry. you don't need a 8-9 inch dick

practice makes perfect

>> No.7357068

Drunk nigga so you can forget about it

>> No.7357062

Well if you have a small dick then you already lost half the battle im sorry bb. All you have left is to know how to move right and maybe be a wizard with your hands

Of course not. The only thing you seem to like is tonguing that tripfag's ass. So sad, I'll light a candle and pray for you tonight

>> No.7357064

good question, and tbh,

is a good place to start.
you don't find out a girls feelings by asking her.
you let her show you.

you need to escalate.
there is a lot about how touching breaks down a barrier and lets feelings come out more.

and you need to start somewhere.
i'll sort of break down how i escalate physically very quickly even though now i get to deal with a ton of bullshit from my avid fans.

>touch her hand or shoulder
>see how she reacts
>touch her for longer, and look at her
>i can see it in her eyes
>touch her HAIR (this is really good)
>pull her in
>grab neck
>begin to make out
>grab ass
>grab tits
>push her against a wall

>> No.7357073

i am, young pimp.

search the archives.
it's not original trip, but i used it after SF

i'm either lying or im not.
but you'll see i'm legit either way.

>> No.7357076
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>tfw dated four girls and none of them have cheated on me
>tfw talking to a girl I had sex with 2.5 yrs ago, who has a bf of a year, and the conversation is incredibly flirty
how am I supposed to feel

>> No.7357084

you dont deserve a gf

>> No.7357087


>> No.7357102

Well just playfully tell her the truth.

"Hey ya dumb bitch, I was being a faggot and snooping on your facebook and saw your chat about me being gay. Yeah, maybe I did have sexual relations with men multiple times, but that doesn't make me gay!"

T-that would be surreal for me...just saying.

>> No.7357098

cool you give me advice in the past homie.

losing your v is not a big deal at all. losing at a party is better imo because you don't dwell over it as much as if you were in a long term relationship.
personally i lost mine in a long term but it was at the beginning of the relationship so it didn't make a big diff if you know what im sayin.
do ur thing dude, be /fa/ and you'll hit it

>> No.7357100

d length isnt rlly that important is rlly more of an aesthetic thing

d thickness is important tho i think

just jack off with an iron grip and ull last hours in bed, dont do it too much or u wont b able to cum at all tho

other than that its just gay foreplay shit and stuff, if its just a 1 night stand thing dont bother

>> No.7357106

btw just so everyone knows taking advice from people on 4chan = please dont do that
these posters could be in australia, england, west coast, east coast, far the fuck way from you and in a different social circle
All that matters is courage, comfort and attraction. Be comfortable with yourself and confidence flows, workout and dress well and attraction follows, and when you feel like you should make a move make it. Do that often and you'll learn what to do, but PLEASE don't think anything you read on here or TRP will be good girl advice. Do what YOU think is right, repeatedly. Usually the worst that happens is the girl tells a friend some guy tried kissing her and then she never thinks about you again ever so just do it if that's what u wanna do

>> No.7357107

which tripfag? theres a lot of them u know

the only ass i would tongue is probably eyebrows tbh

>> No.7357116

>I just don't want to look back on my high school years when I'm older and feel like I missed out, you know?
i know.

HS is weird, but that's good you feel that way.
live it up and embrace it for what it is.
i promise you WILL have regrets, and you'll wish you did things different but it's better to fuck up by doing something crazy, than fuck up by doing nothing.

>we completely go our separate ways as soon as class is over.
first off, assume there is no interest. assume she is just talking to you for fun.
the absolute WORST that can happen, is... you tried and learned something.
so, get her number or FB, whatever.
figure out a reason why you need to keep in contact with her, or just blatantly ask.

i think it's best to go AROUND the typical high school way of handling this and approach it more like an adult.
but also keep in mind that you won't be in adult situations.

so you get the benefit of having a movie be a good date, as an example.

ask her "are you excieted for Anchorman 2" or whatever.
"me too, let's go see it at _____"
there you go.

now you hold her hand, leg, kiss.

worst case you get rejected.
if that happens you still win because you attempted it.

>> No.7357118
File: 1.01 MB, 320x238, 1385576553036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dis feeling all the time

>> No.7357114

or you could just flirt with her you fucking goddamn retarded idiot

>> No.7357123

>cool you give me advice in the past homie.
haha do you know how many times youve talked to me since then?

i don't like tripping so i stopped.

you also jacked my Spyro swag and im eternally pissed off.

>> No.7357120

>tells people not to take 4chan advice
>proceeds to give advice

>> No.7357128

but no one said it was okay you autist

>> No.7357125

b-but im not straight

>> No.7357133

so often in HS is see dudes act casually around girls like you say and the girl just assumes they are going as friends

is it the touchign and shit that elevates it?

>> No.7357134

this is good advice.
except for the part about not taking advice?

that doesn't even make sense.

don't read any posts by any trips because they're all faggots by default. except me.

>> No.7357137
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>> No.7357149

>is it the touchign and shit that elevates it?

and like i said, i haven't had to deal with high school shit in a long time.

but i can say that you'll never know until you make a move, and even then you won't be sure.
always let her be the one to bring up the insecurity stuff like "what are we?" "are we official" etc.

but YOU take the initiative to get things started.

>> No.7357150

how do i make girls and dudes for that matter laugh?

like people say im interesting, but i dont think of myself as very funny

>> No.7357161

i make people laugh because im cool and funny.

but nothing is more awkward than a guy who is TRYING to be funny, and failing.

>> No.7357168
File: 992 KB, 500x283, NShZtOo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want people to realize where they are asking for advice. The advice here is without context. You have no idea who is giving it.

>> No.7357178

very true.
which is why i tripped in the first place, but then i stopped tripping and really don't regret it.

doesn't matter how experience i am or what i say, i'm gonna get hated on and called a virgin regardless.

>> No.7357179
File: 11 KB, 250x239, 1385263399330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you like learn humor?

also can you make like tons of posts in this thread about various girl advice?
im bookmarking this stuff and going to bed and checking it in the morning and want a shit ton waiting for me

heres me in the morning if there are no shit long posts

p.s. that one about what girl actually mean when they talk is good

>> No.7357180

i find self deprecating humor and 'acting' humor are pretty well received. don't go for 'jokes' just think about witty things when people say stuff.

also make faces.

>> No.7357188

>also can you make like tons of posts in this thread about various girl advice?
well, i guess if you ask..

naw jk jk
i'm not feeling it tbh.

there is a whole archive full of my great wisdom.

>> No.7357189

okay this would actually be interesting to consciously implement, but who the fuck flirts with 5 girls a day? I could see flirting with one a day, but 5 seems ridiculous

>> No.7357203

>archive of my great wisdom


Also links to general high school poonslaying advice?

>> No.7357206

just interact with as many people as you can on a day to day basis.

you don't need to "flirt" but you can, and should if you feel a connection.

>> No.7357215

>Also links to general high school poonslaying advice?
check out SoSuave
they have a forum just for high school advice and im sure links to guides and shit.

i don't post on SS, but the wisdom and discussion on that site is amazing.
it's a forum, so don't go taking some random post and judge the whole community on it.

as for the archive of my 10/10 ramblings, idk about that.

>> No.7357223

>tfw the only people you interact with are you classmates and they are all pretty shitty
damn its true

>> No.7357239

>getting dressed and groomed in the morning
>wow I look so fucking qt today sharp af
>go out, glance at random reflection
>fuck I'm so ugly why do I even try fuckfuck I should go back
Yes, I know that feel

>> No.7357248

Me too anon, can't help it

>> No.7357267
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yeah i think i do. it was a couple months ago, pic related may remind you. i usually know waht im doin with girls but needed your advice about 2 grils

>> No.7357316

ive seen this work

>> No.7357327
File: 86 KB, 725x500, B02-F13-TE_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Currently in a long term relationship, about a year and a half at this point
>Meet qt 9/10 brunette on campus waiting for class last month
>She asks me for my phone number, says she wants to hang out
>Already developing a crush on her at this point
>See eachother at least once a week, constant texting
>Want to take the relationship further, but also don't want to lose my current relationship

I really don't know what to do with myself anymore /fa/, I'm slowly becoming more depressed over the situation.

The longer this draws out the more likely it is to blow up in my face, the gf could find out and end up losing both of them.

I don't want to cheat, if things come to that point I'll have no choice but to break things off. But I honestly can't stop thinking about this other girl. I've tried distancing myself from her but I'm just so drawn to her.

I need your wisdom /fa/

>> No.7357330

if you're feelin the other girl while dating the next, go with the other

>> No.7357333

Break up with your current one and go for the brunette, people change.

>> No.7357336

>but also don't want to lose my current relationship

you're gonna have to get over it then

>> No.7357365

been in that situation before, except my relationship was about 7 months in. I thought, when Im old and look back at myself, would I rather keep the relationship or go for the hotter one? dumped her in an instant. its up to you op

>> No.7357374

Expanding on this.

It's not that my current relationship is bad at all, it's happy and I still have feelings for her. I definitely feel guilty for feeling for another girl while I still have love for this girl who I've been completely loyal to for so long.

But then there's this other half of me, telling me that newgirl is special, how much better things might be, the what ifs. I'm still young enough where I could take the risk, I'm in no way tied down to my current relationship other than loyalty.

Wishing girls were more into polygamy around now

>> No.7357440

>Wishing girls were more into polygamy around now
you have no fucking idea...

really though, you have no fucking idea about relationship dynamics at all...

>telling me that newgirl is special
nope. she isn't.
but it makes sense you'd think she is.

>I'm still young enough where I could take the risk
you're right, you are young.
young enough to get educated and smart about where "relationships" will take you.

you don't have any clue what you are dealing with, and tbh you aren't in a healthy relationship right now.
monogamy is pure faggotry at your age.
and you are being such a typical beta right now, you just don't realize it, and you'll absolutely refuse to acknowledge it until it's too late.

i'm gonna post two links, that you NEED to read.
you won't read them.
you'll read maybe a paragraph or two, dismiss it as "generalizations" and "bitter misogyny" and be done with it.
but you're cheating yourself.
don't take every word literally, but consider the overall messages.
instead, you will look for one little detail, latch onto it and dismiss everything as trash.



there are a number of entries here i could link to, but i just chose one.
you should read it, and then start reading random articles on that site.

i think every guy should read his stuff.

>> No.7357505

>Wishing girls were more into polygamy around now

thats what ALL guys say but then when they meet a girl they really like they would rather die than be ok with her jumping on everyone else's dicks

>> No.7357533

>says the girl

i'm yet to get to that point tho

>> No.7357544

youre still young <3

>> No.7357562

How does your boyfriend cope with you sleeping around? Srs q

>> No.7357569

No guy I friend I know thinks that way.. they all would never be open to sharing someone that they actually cared about. He's just a child who think loyalty to someone he actually doesn't care about means something meaningful.

>> No.7357574

When did I say I was polygamous? I say thats what guys say when they want to hook up with multiple girls

>> No.7357582

i meant "all guys in HIS situation". Should have used a better word for it

>> No.7357670

People change anon, and that's okay.

I get where you come from. Honor is loyalty, the nazis had the right idea. If you question whether or not you want to be loyal to your partner right now, then you don't have the capacity/desire to honor the commitment you made to her and have continued to make for a year and a half.

Don't beat yourself up over how you feel. You want to know a secret, anon? There will always be more women. Always. This I promise.

You need to secure things with girl two. Make sure she'll take you. Now? The hard part.

Break up with girl one. Do it in person. She might cry. If she asks for an explanation, ask if she really wants to know, and say that if she really wants to know then you'll tell her. "There's someone else, and I won't drop names. The feelings I have for her are stronger than the feelings I have for you." Deliver this deliberately and unapologetically, DO NOT apologize for how you feel.

Maybe things will work out with this new girl, maybe they won't.

Better to screw up by doing something crazy than by doing nothing at all.

>> No.7357704

She's probably fucking 20 niggers at this moment. Reality check. All girls are nigger fuckers.

>> No.7357838

>black guy

>> No.7357849

Aren't you? Or do you just date multiple guys without being exclusive?

>> No.7357873

>tfw bank account is slowly running dry
>tfw need to fucking stop buying clothes for a long time.

>> No.7357879


>> No.7357885

Iktf bro

>> No.7357893

>tfw just a grad student with 30K in debt
>tfw copped almost 1K in clothes this month alone

Hold me. Anyone else in my boat? Seriously only have 5K in savings, 1K in checking. Fuck.

>> No.7357968

That's not that bad. 1k isn't a lot as long as you're not spending that every month. You have sizable debt, but that doesn't really mean anything in your day to day living. Most people are multiple hundreds of thousands in debt, but it doesn't mean they are poor. I could spend $1k right now and not really think twice about it and I'm sure I'm a lot poorer than you. I just can't do it every month.

As long as your day to day living is taken care of it doesn't matter what you like to spend your excess money on. So I wouldn't feel bad about it. Everyone has a 'hobby'. That's how I rationalize it anyway. Of course my vice is cars, not clothes, but same concept. Do I need $2000 45mm weber sidedrafts? No, I need a honda that gets me from point A to point B, but I just can't live with that.

>> No.7357975

Damn anon. That actually made me feel okay, doesn't take away the debt from school, but yeah, it's nice to hear other people have fun, but expensive hobbies. Do you have any good tactics for making sure you don't spend unnecessary money?

>> No.7357972
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>have no friends to hang out with
>somehow get a gf
>she asks me if I ever hang out with my friends
>'hahah... sometimes...'
>you didn't really answer my question anon
>tfw closest friend lives 200+ miles away in another college
>tfw gf is getting bored of me

>> No.7357998


>> No.7358031

Lol I get asked that all of the time.

>> No.7358049

Not really, lol. I mean I'd like to have the best of everything, but that's just the sacrifice we have to make as people that weren't born with a trust fund or don't live in a movie fantasy land. I can keep up with the jones' with a lot of shit I don't really care about or I can spend it all on something that actually makes me happy. If that makes sense. That's why I don't feel bad about buying high ticket items as long as my day to day life is acceptable to me. The biggest investment you'll ever make is a house that you will most likely never own. So what does it matter if I die owning 10% of it or die owning 90% of it. yolo

>> No.7358088
File: 44 KB, 250x220, 1300665543725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get job
>Meet assistant manager at work
>Bro it up with her over the next month or so
>Ask her if she wants to see Gravity one day
>Was actually kidding
>She asks me when we're going to see Gravity like a week later
>Oh shit
>Actually go see it
>Have a good time
>Continue broing it up at work/Facebook
>Ask her if she wants to hang out again
>Comes over
>We watch World War Z
>End up making out the entire time
>be kissless virgin up to this point so whyboner through the roof
>Start dating
>She starts to get cold after like a month
>1 word responses on FB, barely talking to me at work
>Was going to go see the new Thor movie with her 2 Fridays ago
>Gets off work and says maybe we should go another time
>mega disappoint because I was waiting for that shit all week
>Ask her like a week later what's up and if we're still cool
>Yeah we're still friends
>But are we still dating?
>Ask why
>Some shit about how she didn't want to date anybody right now
>Had to close with her at work the next day = me and her alone for like 3 hours
>dat intense silence
>Start getting over it sort of
>Tell a friend at work that is also her friend
>She asks her why
>Same thing except that she adds on the fact that I've never had a gf before
>what why did I even tell her that

>still acts cold to me at work
Now I'm bored as shit because all I do on a working day is sit around and wait for my day to start and on a day off I sit around and wish I wasn't fucking bored. At least having a gf brought some sort of wholesomeness to my life. FUCK

>> No.7358101

did u fuck her?

>> No.7358112

You went a month after making out with her without trying to fuck her? That's probably why. (depending on your age of course). You probably weren't aggressive enough if you're in your 20's.

Regardless, she seems cold hearted for two reasons. One, she didn't give you the real reason because she's a coward. Two, while knowing that you are inexperienced she didn't give you the benefit of the doubt and attempt to work on it with you. I say fuck it move on, I don't think there's anything wrong with letting someone know that you don't really know what you're doing. Someone worth it, in my opinion, would see that as a good thing or at least inconsequential.

But, we don't even know if that's the reason since you had the balls to ask her why and she didn't have the balls to give you a real answer.

>> No.7358124
File: 50 KB, 400x400, paul-mccartney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last time she came over to hang out, watched Mud
>Said earlier that she wanted to stay the night because I live like a mile away from where we work and she had to open the next day
>Got a new futon that morning
>Thing was fucking hard as a rock and hadn't thought to buy memory foam with it
>Came over and watched movie
>Sat on my bed after movie was finished
>Said she wanted to go home because bed was not comfy at all

>tfw blew $15 on Condoms that afternoon for no reason
Let me also mention that she is a single mother (bracing for shitstorm) so we didn't really get much time to hang out. It was like once a week if we were lucky. Most of the interaction took place at work. I'm pretty much 100% over it and treat the entire thing like it never even happened. I'm just bored as fucking hell right now.

>> No.7358136

What the fuck, I'm the exact opposite.

>> No.7358144

>single mother
fuck, you saved yourself. trust on this.

>> No.7358147

>Meet assistant manager at work

dont shit where u eat m8

>> No.7358150
File: 6 KB, 184x184, 1272219783640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know. I'd never had a gf of any kind before and just wanted to see what it was like, bro. I thought she was pretty cool and maybe we could sort of make something work. When I take a step back and look at all of it(her personality quirks, single motherhood, etc) I see that this shit would have fallen apart regardless.
Live and learn.

>> No.7358158
File: 40 KB, 500x596, ngbbs5004a0fb3ffa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>into girls
>when I see qt guys sometimes I imagine what it would be like to date/sex them and I'm not hugely repulsed like I would have been years ago
>not sure if I can classify it as a crush but there is something that makes my heart beat a little faster for certain dudes

I don't think I'm gay, but I'm definitely sliding down the spectrum from straight.

>> No.7358166

I got fired for boning half the female staff and a few dudes over a period of a year back in the early 80's.. warned several times but I didnt listen. They all knew and they all talked amongst each other. Your bosses will know too,..
If you value your job dont do it.

>> No.7358164


This is fucking genius. I'm using this tomorrow and will post results.

>> No.7358172

>and a few dudes
Probably wanted to fire you because of the gayness.

>> No.7358173

She didn't want to spend the night because work is close she wanted to get fucked. She didn't care about the bed being hard you just weren't aggressive. Her women privilege allows her to be a passive coward while you do all the hard work like initiating. Just the way it is m8. It's a damn shame to be your age and still be a virgin cause it's like 10 times harder once the girls also know what they are doing. I feel for you bro.

I mean obviously she thinks you're attractive and wants 2 fuck. You should just ask her if she wants to come over and drink beers after work and then bang her out yolo.

I don't understand her rationale, tbh. You'd think she would be psyched to find someone willing to fuck her that has no experience standards. Only thing I can think is she is not confident enough. Oh well.

>> No.7358192

if the asst man. is a single mother, fucking her employees, chances are it's a low end retail position anyways

>> No.7358194

Eh well. I'm only 19 so I don't think it's that big of a deal. She probably did want to get fucked and I sort of tried to initiate by kissing her when she was sitting on my bed and when she said it would be too hard to sleep on. I can't remember it exactly but she said she wouldn't be able to get any sleep (all of this taking place between kissing) and I said we could just do this all night instead. She laughed and said she definitely wouldn't get any sleep and then sort of got up and I walked her out.

As far as her rationale, I dunno. I felt the coldness creeping up and I tried to weasel my way into getting a reason out of her way before she started to get cold as fuck with me. All she said was that she had issues. I asked her if she wanted to talk about it and she didn't feel that talking about her feelings would do any good.

I just miss the feeling of having someone touch you and look at you in 'that' way. It's hard to explain but it's nice.
>fucking me
I wish, bro.

>> No.7358196

she's fucking her employees, wheather it happens to be you, or another one

the way she's acting means she probably found a fuckbuddy somewhere else


>> No.7358200
File: 31 KB, 438x296, 1293832951740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine, dude. I did hear that some dude tried to ask her out recently and she turned his ass down too.

>> No.7358212

Oh, you're only 19. Who cares. That's not bad. I was thinking you were like 25 because she's a single mom. She's probably a fucking idiot to be honest and most definitely insecure.

"I have issues" what a cop out lmao. Like uh, no shit, that's why I'm asking you what they are. How old is this broad? Is she a teen too? That would really explain everything.

>> No.7358219

I think she's 21. She's definitely insecure and depressive.

>> No.7358245

If you don't act gay and they think you are then they or people they know have been hitting on you and you have knowingly-or-not been resisting their advances. They are confused by this as most women think that 'her' asking the man out is a massive indication of interest. The fact that you don't reciprocate means you MUST be gay to them.

>> No.7358300

yes, it's how they rationalize their inadequacies. don't sweat it. unless of course you actually act like a faggot, then you just have to find a girl who likes guys who act like faggots :^)

>> No.7358324

I hate women who smile at everyone

>> No.7358357


>> No.7358371

I do similar shit because I have no personality, I feel the only way I can prove my worth is in a world where I can put my life down as my value.

>> No.7358422

Ok, So I actually am gay, but people think i'm straight, and when I tell girls I'm gay, they completely flip out and wont leave me alone.

Like when they think i'm straight, they might be expecting me to make a move on them so they appear disinterested, but after I tell them I'm gay they start slapping me on the ass, poking me, flirting like hell and when they're drunk they even try to kiss me sometimes.

Like WTF? I want the stupid bitches to stop touching me, but they wont leave me alone. Like another anon said before, its probably because they feel safer, you aren't a predator anymore, you become a toy for them to play with.

>> No.7358433

women are scum. I wish I was gay sometimes. but then i remember i'd get called a faggot. but now I think i might pretend to be gay to get some of these fag hags to get me to 'experience my first gril'

thx for the tip

>> No.7358443


that's wrong as fuck

you pay off debt first to avoid accruing more interest

then you spend money on whatever you want

>> No.7358481

a lot of my old friends are gay, since they were kind of social outcasts back in the day when we were all in HS. I wasn't gay, just a loser but they accepted me into their little click.

they seem to be having a lot of fun right now. in the political climate etc

honestly, i hate the way most women act and think

it's like a little bubble, no woman can do wrong even if she's a racist shit. there are alot of women who are pieces of shit out there

most men are generally better people, start non-profits, quicker to help a homeless man down on his luck

>> No.7358542

>qt guys

you're gay.

>> No.7358625


it's spelled clique

>> No.7359650
File: 35 KB, 651x464, 1383925919328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These feelings, yes.

>> No.7359820

that article on singularity, the misandry bubble, is pure bullshit.

that writer has no idea what he's talking about, and represents himself and his argument terrible.